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    ICESCO congratulates Morocco for unprecedented achievement in history of Arab and African football during World Cup in Qatar

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) congratulates His Majesty King Mohammed VI, King of Morocco, the Moroccan people, the Arab world and the African continent, for Morocco’s unprecedented achievement as the first Arab and African team to reach the World Cup semi-finals.

    ICESCO hails the spectacular performance and high spirits of the Atlas Lions who shone in all matches and represented the Arab and African football in this global tournament which was successfully organized by the State of Qatar.

    On this historic occasion, ICESCO renews its call to invest in sports, particularly football, as a soft-power tool that promotes coexistence and peace among all peoples of the world and emphasizes the need to harness such international sports events to foster civilizational dialogue and tolerance.

    ICESCO takes part in Marrakesh Parliamentary Economic Forum for Euro-Mediterranean and Gulf Region

    The Sector of Science and Technology at the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) took part in the Founding Session of the Marrakesh Parliamentary Economic Forum for the Euro-Mediterranean and Gulf Region, held by the House of Councilors of the Kingdom of Morocco and the Parliamentary Assembly for the Mediterranean to discuss the economy and environment issues. The Forum saw the participation of parliamentarians from 31 countries, senior officials, experts and entrepreneurs.

    ICESCO’s Science and Technology Sector was represented at the Forum by Dr. Abdul Rehman, Expert at the sector, who stressed in his address the need to bridge the digital gap to deal with the challenges of climate change and contribute to the achievement of sustainable development in the countries of the Islamic world. He also noted the importance of promoting equal opportunities for young people to benefit from their creative abilities and innovations.

    FUIW and Libyan universities discuss means for enhancing cooperation

    Dr. Abdelilah Benarafa, Deputy Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), received Dr. Said M’hamad Ed-Dbib, Libya’s Permanent Delegate to ICESCO, and Mr. Mohamed al-Taeb, Advisor at the Libyan delegation to the Organization.

    The meeting, which was held on Thursday, December 8, 2022, brought together Dr. Ahmed Said Bah, Advisor to the ICESCO Director-General for Partnerships and International Cooperation, Supervisor of the Secretariat of National Commissions and Conference, Dr. Omar Halli, Advisor to ICESCO Director-General for the Federation of the Universities of the Islamic World (FUIW), and Dr. Adel Smeda, Expert at ICESCO’s Science and Technology Sector. The meeting emphasized the need to support higher education and scientific research and promote FUIW’s role to facilitate communication with Libyan universities and encourage networking with the Federation’s Member Universities.

    The meeting witnessed the submission of the general report of ICESCO’s First International Conference on the Use of Emerging Technologies in Arabic Language Teaching and Practice, which was held by the Open University of Libya under ICESCO’s supervision on October 29-30, 2022, in Tripoli, under the theme “Creative Ideas – Constructive Vision – Proposals.” The said report includes the recommendations that were approved during the conference.

    Discussion of Promoting ICESCO Chair for Cultural Diversity, Peace and International Cooperation at Yaoundé University

    Dr. Abdelilah Benarafa, Deputy Director General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), received Dr. Amadou Nchouwat, supervisor of ICESCO Chair for Cultural Diversity, Peace and International Cooperation at the University of Yaoundé in the Republic of Cameroon.

    The meeting, which was attended by Dr. Omar Halli, Advisor to ICESCO Director-General for the Federation of the Universities of the Islamic World (FUIW), explored ways and mechanisms to promote ICESCO’s chair by supporting researchers in the fields of cultural diversity, peace and international cooperation, especially in terms of developing academic training in master’s and doctoral courses and encouraging student exchange for the benefit of researchers and publishing their scientific papers.

    At the close of the meeting, the participants reaffirmed the need to develop research related to tangible and intangible heritage.

    ICESCO and the Saudi Ministry of Culture signed an MoU for joint cooperation

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and the Ministry of Culture in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) for cooperation in the field of culture, aimed at intensifying consultation in the field of tangible and intangible cultural heritage, and enhancing joint international cooperation in inscribing natural and historical sites and cultural elements on the Islamic World Heritage List.

    The MoU was signed today, Wednesday (7 September 2022) in Riyadh by Dr. Salim Al-Malik, ICESCO Director-General, and His Highness Prince Badr bin Abdullah bin Farhan Al Saud, Minister of Culture in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Chairman of the National Commission for Education, Culture and Science, during their attendance at the 23rd session of the Conference of Ministers in charge of Cultural Affairs in the Arab World.

    The MoU covers cooperation between ICESCO and the Saudi Ministry of Culture in the fields of teaching the Arabic language and promoting its presence internationally, giving greater attention to literature, translation, publishing and libraries, and to the exchange of expertise and experiences in the field of visual arts, architecture, design and Islamic decorations, digitization of culture, creative industries, sustainable development and culture-related creative economy.

    The MoU also specifies the means of implementing cooperation through exchanging official delegations and experts in various cultural fields, the establishment of training programs and work sessions to develop skills, organizing seminars for specialists, and setting up a joint working group that undertakes the tasks of setting action plans and following up their implementation, and overcoming the difficulties and obstacles facing them.

    This agreement is part of ICESCO’s vision and strategic orientation for cooperation with the competent authorities in the Member States to support the fields of culture, especially those related to enhancing the presence of the Arabic language at the international level, benefiting from the specialists’ know-how, strengthening cooperation between experts and researchers, capitalizing on and developing successful experiences.

    ICESCO: Culture is an integral part of our societies’ future

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), underlined that ministers in charge of cultural affairs assume significant responsibilities to position culture at the heart of sustainable development, raise future generations of culture enthusiasts, and open up to the global environment, while preserving and celebrating its distinct identity. He added that the culture ministers are also responsible for keeping up with the latest trends of the digital revolution, noting that culture is not a luxury but rather an essential prerequisite for paving the way for our societies to build the future.

    Dr. AlMalik made this statement in his address on Wednesday, December 7, 2022, during the opening session of the 23rd Session of the Conference of Ministers in Charge of Cultural Affairs in the Arab World, held under the theme, “Culture and the Green Future.” The two-day conference is held by the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO) and is hosted by the Saudi Ministry of Culture in Riyadh.

    At the beginning of his address, Dr. AlMalik hailed the conference, expressing his thanks to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz, may Allah preserve him, the Crown Prince, HRH Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the Saudi Government for the special attention they accord to culture and culture enthusiasts.

    Moreover, the Director-General highlighted the importance of culture in humanitarian work, given its ability to raise hopes, promote fraternity and spread the values of charity through policies carefully drafted to foster unity. He also called for preparing an empirical study on the reality and future of the cultural world in the Islamic world countries, setting up a committee to explore the prospects of cooperation in organizations concerned with cultural work, and creating cultural centers. He also urged Member States’ governments to raise the share of cultural work in their general budgets, encourage young cultural initiatives and cooperate to devise the proper policies to capitalize on the information and AI applications technology in cultural work.

    The ICESCO Director-General concluded his address by reiterating ICESCO’s commitment as a global house of expertise to support culture in its Member States, seizing the opportunity to cast light on the Organization’s programs and initiatives, partnerships and agreements to preserve heritage sites and specialized training sessions to build capacities to ensure cultural sustainability.

    ICESCO capacity-building workshop for professionals in the field of inventorying intangible heritage in Libya concludes its proceedings

    The workshop aimed at building the capacity of professionals in the field of inventorying intangible heritage and raising public awareness on the importance of cultural heritage held in Gharyan, Libya by the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), in cooperation with the Libyan Ministry of Education and National Commission for Education and Culture and Science, concluded its proceedings.

    The event, which took place on December 5-6, 2022, under the theme: “Our Intangible Heritage: Risks and Challenges,” was geared towards introducing Libyan society to its abundant heritage, and promoting the country’s cultural richness. It also sought to highlight the legal and institutional frameworks regulating intangible heritage, methods of its documentation and inventorying, the risks and challenges it is facing, and the means for ensuring the viability of Libya’s intangible cultural heritage.

    The workshop’s opening session, which was held at the headquarters of the University of Gharyan, saw the attendance of Dr. Musa Al-Maqrif, Libyan Minister of Education, Mr. Abdallah Al-Sousi, Secretary-General of the Libyan National Commission, Dr. Mohammed Ebrahim Ghoma, President of the University of Gharyan, and Dr. Mohamed Zinelabidine, Head of ICESCO’s Culture and Communication Sector, who attended the session via videoconference.

    During the opening session, Mr. Bilel Chebbi, Expert at ICESCO’s Culture and Communication Sector, delivered an online presentation on the role of the Islamic World Heritage Center in valorizing intangible cultural heritage and building the capacities of heritage professionals in the Member States, and the importance of inscribing cultural sites and goods on the Islamic World Heritage List.

    ICESCO Organizes Workshop on Emergency Childcare in Burkina Faso

    The Education Sector of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) is holding a workshop in the city of Koudougou, Republic of Burkina Faso, to strengthen the capacities of workers in the field of childcare in emergencies, in cooperation with the National Commission for UNESCO and ICESCO, under the auspices of the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation in Burkina Faso, for the benefit of officials and employees of the ministries decentralized departments.

    The three-day Workshop, which started on December 7, 2022, aims to strengthen the capabilities of participants in the field of emergency childcare, especially in the less secure areas of Burkina Faso, by enabling them to understand basic theoretical concepts and practical mechanisms related to education in emergencies, supporting their knowledge in the field of gender, and developing strategies for appropriate care in favor of displaced children within reception centers.

    The Workshop’s opening was attended by Dr. Fatie Ouattara, Secretary-General of the National Commission for UNESCO and ISESCO in Burkina Faso, Dr. Slimane Coulibaly, Director of the Cabinet of the Minister of National Education, Mr. Daouda Sanon, Representative of the Technical Secretariat for Education in Emergencies at the Ministry of National Education, and Ms. Bambara Ouedraogo Juliet, Representative of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights. The Burkinabe participating officials stressed the importance of the topic of the Workshop and expressed their gratitude to ICESCO for its efforts in the field of childcare.

    Delegation of Arab women journalists visits ICESCO headquarters in Rabat

    A delegation of women journalists taking part in the 4th Edition of the Arab Women Journalists Forum held on 5-6 December 2022, visited ICESCO Headquarters in Rabat, where they were received by Dr. Abdelilah Benarafa, Deputy Director-General.

    During the meeting, Dr. Benarafa underlined that ICESCO’s new vision accords great attention to building women’s capacities and supporting women entrepreneurs through a set of practical programs and projects.

    The ICESCO official also noted that ICESCO exerts tireless efforts to promote gender equality and provide equal education and leadership positions opportunities for women, in cooperation with the Member States’ competence parties. He added that the Organization gears its work towards developing education systems, upgrading curricula and contributing to training and qualification efforts.

    The women journalists expressed their delight to visit ICESCO Headquarters and get a closer look at ICESCO’s work and roles in the fields of education, science and culture.
    The meeting saw the participation of several representatives of the Maghreb Arab Press Agency (MAP) and a number of ICESCO’s heads of sectors, departments and centers.

    Following the meeting, the Arab women journalists visited the various sections and pavilions of the International Museum and Exhibition of the Prophet’s Seerah and Islamic Civilization, which ICESCO’s headquarters currently hosts, in partnership with the Muslim World League and the Mohammedia League of Scholars in the Kingdom of Morocco.

    ICESCO congratulates Morocco on reaching the World Cup quarter-finals

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) congratulates the Kingdom of Morocco, on the great achievement of the Moroccan national football team, which reached the quarter-finals of the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022.

    ICESCO commends the high spirit and heroic performance of the Atlas Lions in all their matches in the tournament, with sincere prayers that the Moroccan national team continues its brilliance in the upcoming matches to win the cup, Allah willing.

    ICESCO also appreciates the good organization of the current World Cup by the State of Qatar, which has received world recognition, while preserving the Arab and Islamic identity and culture.

    ICESCO reaffirms that sport is one of the soft powers that contribute to the consolidation of the values of peace and coexistence, and calls for investment in people’s connection with sports, especially football, to enrich the dialogue between various civilizations and cultures.