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    Youth of the Islamic World

    Promising, Innovative, Pioneering

    Investing in youth is a national duty for a better future. In order to discover the youthful potential of Member States, the organization has declared 2023 the ICESCO Youth Year under the high patronage of His Excellency President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi, President of the Arab Republic of Egypt.
    ICESCO promotes a number of programs, initiatives and projects aimed at raising the capabilities of young people to fulfill their ambitions and refine their talents in various fields



    ICESCO Simulation Model

    The ICESCO Simulation Model is a simulation of the organization's real-life activities. It allows young people to represent a country delegate with the aim of finding solutions to important issues and problems in the organization's areas of work. It also erases international boundaries and provides young people with a platform to showcase their skills and take the initiative for positive change, just like at ICESCO. The model offers young people the opportunity to be part of these decisions and experiences.

    Innovation Labs

    Innovation Labs are dedicated spaces for social innovation, where individuals from diverse backgrounds can collaborate and participate in creating innovative solutions. Innovation Labs encourage young people to draw inspiration from fresh ideas, use innovation tools, and brainstorm to stimulate innovative thinking. Given the current developments and changes in the world, integrating the ideas and initiatives of young people has become essential for shaping the future, seizing opportunities, and achieving progress and growth.

    Scientific Exhibition of Important Innovations

    The scientific exhibition is an important opportunity and platform to showcase a variety of the latest inventions and innovations by young people from ICESCO member states. It serves as a forum for discussing current developments in science and technology. The scientific exhibition will also provide a mechanism for young innovators from the Islamic world to be mentored and guided by experts so they can further develop their ideas.

    Join ICESCO Youth Year

    Be the CHANGE

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