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    On the occasion of extending the deadline for submissions to KSAAEM: ISESCO launches media campaign targeting Member States’ competent parties to publicize the Award and its categories and eligibility criteria

    Rabat: 08/01/2019

    On the occasion of extending the deadline for submissions to KSAAEM:  ISESCO launches media campaign targeting Member States’ competent parties to publicize  the Award and its  categories and eligibility criteria Continue reading “On the occasion of extending the deadline for submissions to KSAAEM: ISESCO launches media campaign targeting Member States’ competent parties to publicize the Award and its categories and eligibility criteria”

    In a bid to give more opportunities for candidates to submit their research works and projects: Extension of deadline for submission to KSAAEM to end of February 2019


    In a bid to give more opportunities for candidates to submit their research works and projects: Extension of deadline for submission to KSAAEM to end of February 2019 Continue reading “In a bid to give more opportunities for candidates to submit their research works and projects: Extension of deadline for submission to KSAAEM to end of February 2019”