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    ICESCO and Al-Qarawiyyin University in Fez Explore Cooperation Prospects

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), and Dr. Amal Jalal, President of Al-Qarawiyyin University in Fez, Morocco, explored ways to promote cooperation between the Organization and the University.

    The meeting was part of the visit of ICESCO DG, along with a delegation of the heads of the sector at the Organization, to the University. Dr. Amal Jalal, president of the University, and Dr. Idriss Al Fassi, the University’s Vice-President, received the delegation.

    At the outset of the meeting, Dr. AlMalik expressed his happiness at visiting Al-Qarawiyyin University, which he considers as the mother of all universities, and meeting its leading scientific and intellectual figures.

    The meeting also reviewed the University’s restoration project, conducted under the high patronage of H.M. King Mohammed VI, as well as the monarch’s constant support to give new impetus to the University’s prominent role.

    Dr. Jalal stressed that the University selects the most talented students, who have memorized the Holy Quran by heart and have a good command of Arabic, English, and French. “Prospective students should also sit for a test organized by a specialized admission committee,” added Dr. Jalal.

    The two parties agreed upon further cooperation between the Organization and the University in the areas of common interest.

    At the close of the meeting, the President of Al-Qarawiyyin University offered ICESCO DG a shield bearing the University’s logo, as well as a set of its most recent publications.

    ICESCO DG and his delegation made a tour of the University’s library “Khizanat al-Qarawiyyin,” during which they explored the library’s treasures of over 4000 manuscripts, as well as the University’s manuscripts restoration laboratory, which uses state-of-the-art restoration technologies. The delegation then made a visit to Al-Qarawiyyin Mosque in the Old Medina of Fez.

    ICESCO and UEMF Sign Agreement to Create ICESCO Chair for Arts, Science and Civilizations

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and the Euro-Mediterranean University of Fez (UEMF) in Morocco, signed an agreement on the creation of ICESCO Chair for Arts, Science, and Civilizations. The Chair will be based at the University and aims to develop scientific research works to benefit and promote the fields of arts and thoughts, and build fruitful cooperation relations among artists, researchers and students, especially the youth.

    The Chair also aims to promote knowledge-based economy and human development through scientific research and cultural networking between the different educational institutions and universities in the ICESCO Member States.

    The parties signed the Agreement on Thursday, June 17, 2021, during a ceremony held at the University headquarters in Fez. Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General (DG), and Dr. Mostapha Bousmina, UEMF President, signed the Agreement, in the presence of several heads of ICESCO sectors and several University officials, including Dr. Abdelrahman Tankoul, Official in charge of the Chair.

    In his address at the signing ceremony, ICESCO DG expressed his delight in signing the key document with the University, noting that the visit ICESCO delegation made to the University’s various facilities and labs provided insights into this institution’s capacities, a source of pride to both its educators and students.

    Dr. Bousmina also expressed his delight in signing such an agreement and thanked ICESCO for its support for scientific research, reaffirming his keenness to develop relations between the University and the Organization.

    Dr. Abdelhaq Azzouzi, a member of UEMF Board of Directors, commended the signing of the Agreement, expressing his confidence that the Chair will carry out outstanding work.

    According to the Agreement clauses, the Chair aims to set up a body for training and research in the Chair’s main areas of specialty and seeks to involve researchers, authors and intellectuals in its missions to publicize arts, science, and civilizations, promote societies and preserve their cultures, heritage, and identities.

    Inauguration of Headquarters of ICESCO Academic Chair at Euro-Mediterranean University of Fez

    The headquarters of the Euro-Mediterranean University of Fez (UEMF), in Morocco, saw the inauguration of the headquarters of ICESCO Chair on “Women in Science: Artificial Intelligence and the Future,” whose establishment agreement was signed on May 17, 2021, with the aim of promoting scientific research on artificial intelligence, encouraging the participation of girls and women in this field, and consolidating the foresight culture.

    In his address at the inauguration, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), expressed his happiness at the start of the Chair’s activities at Euro-Mediterranean University, which is one of the outstanding universities in the Islamic world despite its young age.

    Dr. AlMalik added that the establishment of the Chair, which falls within the framework of ICESCO Year of Women 2021, will contribute to encouraging and supporting women and girls in the field of science, stressing that enhancing women’s opportunities to study and use artificial intelligence applications will contribute to achieving gender equality.

    Dr. Bousmina Mostapha, UEMF President, indicated that women represent 51 percent of the University’s staff. “UEMF has also distinguished female students. ICESCO Academic Chair will contribute to achieving gender equality by building the capacities of young women and enhancing their presence and contribution in the field of artificial intelligence and other new areas,” he underscored.

    Abdelhak Azzouzi, a member of UEMF’s Board of Directors, said that the Chair will be a great success as it aims at developing international partnerships, providing training on research and innovation, and attracting young researchers from the ICESCO Member States to develop algorithms and artificial intelligence technologies for the benefit of society.

    Dr. Maha Kamira, who is the charge of the Chair, reviewed the key measures and steps that have been taken since the signing of the establishment agreement, stressing that the University, in coordination with ICESCO Center for Strategic Foresight, laid down the objectives of the Chair. Among its goals is to provide opportunities and support girls and women in the field of artificial intelligence. The measure includes organizing workshops, summer school, expanding the scientific knowledge base, and developing scholarship programs and student exchange programs over the next five years.

    Following the inauguration, UEMF President took ICESCO DG and his delegation on a tour of the various laboratories and facilities of the University, during which many professors and students of different nationalities reviewed their scientific research and experiments.

    ICESCO Director-General Receives Director-General of SABIC Morocco and West Africa

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), received Mr. Ibrahim Al Hammad, DG of Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC) in Morocco and West Africa, who visited ICESCO headquarters, in Rabat, on Wednesday (June 16, 2021).

    The meeting also brought together Dr. Mohamed Al-Samrani, Director of Saudia Airlines in Morocco; Dr. Abdelilah Benarafa, ICESCO Deputy DG; and some of the heads of sector, department and center at the Organization; as well as Ms. Kawthar Hammouchi, Director of Cooperation and Social Responsibility in SABIC Morocco and West Africa.

    Dr. AlMalik reviewed the main themes of ICESCO’s vision and action strategy as well as the key initiatives, programs and activities that the Organization implemented in many Member States, particularly in Africa to support the efforts geared towards addressing the COVID-19 pandemic in the areas of health, education, and water.

    The meeting also touched upon the major current programs and projects of ICESCO, being implemented in cooperation with the competent parties in the Member States, and the new ideas and initiatives that ICESCO adopts to meet its Member States’ needs in its areas of action.

    Mr. Al Hammad commended the efforts of ICESCO to support its Member States, stressing his willingness to build cooperation between SABIC Morocco and West Africa, which collaborates with 35 African countries, and ICESCO. He explained that the office supports projects in the fields of environment, water, education, and health in these countries, as part of the company’s social responsibility.

    ICESCO Holds Working Session on Developing Field of Teaching Arabic to non-Arabic Speakers

    The Regional Workshop on “Role of Strategies and Digital Resources in Developing Distance Teaching and Learning of Arabic for non-Arabic Speakers kicked off June 16, 2021, via videoconference. The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and the Association européene pour les Arabophiles in Belgium (European Association for Teaching Arabic to non-Arabic Speakers) organized the workshop, which brought together 80 Arabic teachers from seven European countries, namely Belgium, Italy, France, the UK, Spain, the Netherlands, and Germany.

    In his address at the opening of the two-day workshop, Dr. Abdelilah Benarafa, ICESCO Deputy Director-General (DG), stated that disseminating Arabic and promoting knowledge about the Islamic culture and its noble values across the globe are two of the major trends in ICESCO’s new vision. He added that the Organization is aware of the magnitude of educational, academic, and scientific challenges facing Arabic institutions and dedicates a significant number of programs and projects to lay the solid foundations for advanced education and training programs that would benefit education officials.

    Dr. Benarafa also stated that the Organization considers human diversity to be a key factor in promoting dialogue, rapprochement, and understanding between nations and peoples and endeavors to disseminate Arabic among different cultures and religions. Through its efforts to promote Arabic, Dr. Benarafa stressed that ICESCO aims to publicize Islamic values and culture which are founded on reform, fraternity, tolerance in addition to a myriad of positive values.

    The ICESCO Center of Arabic for Non-Arabic Speakers oversaw the workshop, which aims to build the teaching, professional and digital capacities of Arabic teachers working in European countries. It also aims to train them on the adoption of modern strategies of teaching Arabic as a foreign language and the use of some digital resources to develop language and communication skills.

    The workshop also seeks to introduce participants to modern examples of strategies for distance teaching of Arabic to non-Arabic Speakers, provide participants with the opportunity to consolidate their lesson planning and distance class management skills, capitalize on digital resources in distance teaching, and activate autonomous learning activities among learners.

    Al Malik: ICESCO Works Toward Promoting Knowledge Trends in Islamic World

    The Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, stated that the Islamic civilization encompasses all forms of knowledge, including jurisprudence, literature, and natural sciences, and calls for using reason to contemplate and reflect upon the universe that Allah created.

    “We need to follow such lofty teachings which urge us to be bold in addressing every contemporary issue based on the solid foundations of our faith,” Dr. AlMalik affirmed.

    The statement came at the DG’s address during the opening ceremony of Imam Maturidi International Scientific Research Center in Uzbekistan Symposium on “The Maturidiyya Teachings and the Present.”

    The event, which took place on Wednesday, June 16, 2021, via videoconferencing, witnessed the participation of Mr. Shah Azim Minovarov Shahaslamovich, Advisor to the President of the Uzbekistan and Director of the Center for Islamic Civilization in Uzbekistan; Ambassador Dr. Mahmud Erol Kılıç, DG of the Research Center for Islamic History, Art and Culture (IRCICA); the Grand mufti Osmankhun Alimov, Chairman of the Muslim Board of Uzbekistan and President of the International Scientific Board of Imam Maturidi Center; Dr. Davron Makhsudov Rustamovich, Director of  Imam Maturidi International Scientific Research Center and Dr. Muzaffar Komilov Muradovich, President of the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan.

    In his address, ICESCO DG pointed out that Imam Abu Mansour al-Maturidi’s thought is innovative, helps in combating heresies and superstition, and combines both reasoning and the religious texts, highlighting that humans had been endowed the gift of knowledge. Dr. AlMalik also underscored that ICESCO and Imam Maturidi International Scientific Research Center’s joint efforts aim at promoting knowledge and scientific trends that the Islamic World is in urgent need.

    ICESCO DG stated that the two parties share the same areas of competence and praised the memorandum of understanding they signed. He also reviewed ICESCO’s major activities and initiatives carried out to promote coexistence and peace, including the Symposium on Space Sciences which aimed at exploring the role of technology in promoting coexistence, the International Conference on Civilizational Values in the Prophet’s Seerah, and the Conference on “Role of Religious Leaderships in Face of Crises.”

    At the close of his address, Dr. AlMalik called for capitalizing on the unlimited potentials that modern technologies offer, thus contributing to the development of the Islamic world.

    ICESCO Takes part in Workshop on Education in Emergencies in Arab Region

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) participated, via videoconferencing, in the regional workshop of UNESCO Regional Center of Quality and Excellence in Education in Saudi Arabia (RCQE), held on Tuesday, June 15, 2021, under the theme “Education in Emergencies in the Arab Region in accordance with the Education 2030 Agenda.” The event saw the participation of intellectuals, experts, and specialists from several local, regional and international bodies.

    Program directors at ICESCO’s Sector of Education, Dr. Youssef Abou Daka, Dr. Aziz Elhajir, and Dr. Ahmed Zanfali represented the Organization in the workshop.

    The event reviewed the outcomes of the study which was conducted under the supervision of the RCQE on “Education in the Arab States in Crisis in accordance with the Education 2030 Agenda.” The study focused on analyzing the sector of education in light of the Sustainable Development Goal 4 in several Arab countries, including Syria, Yemen, Libya, and the Sudan, which witnessed many crises and conflicts in the past years.

    The analysis aims at encouraging the Arab countries facing crises to capitalize on successful experiences and lessons learned from other countries that faced certain crises and managed to overcome their negative effects on education, such as Vietnam, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Tunisia. The three reference countries represent different geographical regions that offer rich experiences, diverse lessons, and various success stories.

    The workshop discussed the recommendations and proposals likely to help Arab countries improve the quality of education by analyzing the sector of education to overcome relevant crises in light of the experiences of reference countries as well as the outlined guidelines to achieve SDG 4.

    Cooperation Programs between ICESCO and ICO

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and the International Camel Organization (ICO) held, on Monday, June 14, 2021, a virtual working session to explore areas of cooperation between the two parties.

    The two parties examined ways to set up a strategic plan of cooperation on several programs and activities pertaining to promoting camels’ civilizational and cultural heritage, conducting scientific studies on this subject, supporting the traditional and handicraft industry, and promoting the desert cultural heritage.

    H.H. Prince Sultan bin Saud bin Mohammed, ICO Vice President, and Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General (DG) chaired the meeting. The session also witnessed the participation of H.R.H. Prince Abdulrahman bin Khalid bin Musaad, Representative of Saudi Arabia to the ICO, Dr. Mubarak Al-Suwailem, ICO Secretary-General, and Dr. Abdelilah Benarafa, Deputy ICESCO DG, in addition to advisors and heads of sectors and departments at the Organization.

    At the beginning of the meeting, H.H. Prince Sultan bin Saud conveyed to the participants the greetings and gratitude of H.E. Sheikh Fahd bin Hathleen, Founder and Chairman of the ICO Board of Directors.

    During the meeting, which was held as part of the implementation of the Partnership Agreement signed between the two organizations in April 2021, the two parties reviewed the broad lines of the proposed programs and cooperation activities as well as implementation plans to achieve the expected outcomes of the programs. The list includes programs on civilizational and cultural heritage relating to camels and desert culture, the inscription of this heritage on the List of Intangible Heritage of the Islamic World, and participation in King Abdulaziz Festival of Camels and camel races, in addition to the organization of conferences, symposia, festivals and fairs dedicated to camels.

    The working session also focused on the studies and scientific research that parties will jointly conduct to protect camel breeds, improve their DNA through genetic research and increase the production of camel milk and meat, to promote camel economy and investment in the field.

    The two parties also agreed to issue several publications, such as the encyclopedia of camels, and publicize camel heritage by employing various mediums such as documentaries, digital content and children’s stories. The goal is to bring the new generations of the Islamic world closer to this heritage, which is a source of pride.

    At the end of this meeting, which was marked by rich discussions and practical ideas and proposals, both parties reaffirmed that this cooperation will be fruitful, given the two Organizations’ complementary visions and shared objectives, especially in the field of heritage protection and identity promotion. The participants also agreed to hold bilateral technical meetings, to launch the implementation of the agreed-upon programs and activities. 

    ICESCO and UNFPA Sign Memorandum of Understanding

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) signed on Monday, June 14, 2021, a memorandum of understanding (MoU) for joint cooperation to promote the role of girls, women, and young people in the Islamic world to achieve sustainable development.

    Dr. Abdelilah Benarafa, ICESCO Deputy Director-General, and Mr. Louis Mora, UNFPA Resident Representative in Morocco, signed the MoU during an official ceremony, held at ICESCO headquarters, with the participation of several UNFPA Officials as well as the heads of sector and department, and consultants at ICESCO. Mr. Karim Hamidouche, head of the Legal Affairs and Partnership Pole at the General Secretariat of the Moroccan National Commission for Education, Science and Culture, also attended the ceremony.

    In his address, Dr. Benarafa stressed the importance of cooperation between ICESCO and UNFPA for building the capacities of women and young people and strengthening their creativity in ICESCO Member States to overcome the challenges facing them and to ensure the right to education, science and technology.

    On his part, Mr. Mora expressed his happiness for the signing of the agreement, which will strengthen the bilateral relationship between ICESCO and UNFPA and support their joint cooperation to ensure women’s rights and strengthen their role, especially in entrepreneurial activity. 

    The memorandum covers the following:

    • Promoting cooperation between ICESCO and UNFPA in advocating for comprehensive public policies for women, young people and girls;
    • Empowering women, young people, and girls and enhancing their role as leading actors in sustainable development;
    • Strengthening the leadership of women, young people, and girls through community support programs;
    • Promoting access to information, services and opportunities for marginalized women, young people and girls through innovative digital solutions;
    • Developing digital content suiting the needs of marginalized groups through building the capacities of content creators, teachers, civil society, the private sector as well as academics;
    • Capitalizing on expertise and promoting cooperation between countries of the global south to exchange experiences and best practices on women, young  people and girls’ empowerment;
    • Preparing reports and analytical studies on women, young people and girls’ empowerment and protecting their rights.

    ICESCO Participates in 84th Educational Affairs Council of Palestinian Children

     The Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) participated in the 84th Educational Affairs Council of the Palestinian Children that the Sector of Palestine and Occupied Arab Territories, General Secretariat of the League of Arab States, in Cairo, held on Monday, June 14, 2021. The council focused on the sector of education and its needs in the occupied Palestinian territories in light of continuous Israeli aggression and attacks on Palestinian curricula.

    Dr. Youssef Abou Daka, Programs Director at ICESCO’s Sector of Education, represented the Organization in this edition through a report on its efforts to support the education sector in Palestine for 2019-2021.

    The report shed light on ICESCO’s key educational programs and activities as well as its major orientations and efforts to increase support for the competent authorities in the State of Palestine in the fields of education, science, culture and communication. The aim is to strengthen the Arab identity through cooperation with the Palestinian National Commission for Education, Culture, and Science by developing and promoting the Palestinian educational institutions through financial support and the necessary educational materials and multimedia to ensure the continuity of the educational process, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Dr. Abou Daka also underscored that the Organization developed the Palestinian educational programs in line with the development requirements and the needs of society. The aim is to strengthen the capacities of the relevant educational institutions and help them improve their educational role to counter Israeli obstacles and challenges in support of the Palestinian people. 

    The Council discussed the serious impact of the separation wall on the educational processes in both the occupied Palestinian territories and the eastern occupied part of Al-Quds, as well as the Israeli Judaizing policies. It also stressed the need to enhance the mechanisms of educational collaboration between the State of Palestine and the Arab educational and scientific organizations to support the implementation and development of their programs and follow-up to the implementation of the decisions of the Education Affairs Council.