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    ICESCO Takes Part in the Conference of General Union of Arab Archaeologists in Cairo

    The Sector of Culture and Communication at the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) took part in the 24th conference of the General Union of Arab Archaeologists in Cairo that kicked off today, Saturday, November 6, 2021, at the Union’s headquarters in Sheikh Zayed, Cairo, and concludes its proceedings tomorrow. 

    In his address, Dr. Osama Elnahas, Heritage Expert at the Sector, reviewed the Organization’s efforts in conserving the Islamic world’s cultural heritage in all its diverse forms and specificities, as well as its vision that is in line with considerable technological advances in the world. He noted that this vision generated an action strategy that is constantly adapted to rapid global changes in all fields, particularly in the field of artificial intelligence, and that ICESCO uses these technologies in its newly established Heritage Center.

    The ICESCO representative added that during the Covid-19 pandemic, the Organization held multiple specialized sessions in distinct fields of tangible, intangible and underwater cultural heritage, and a training session on combating illicit trafficking of cultural property in Libya, explaining that ICESCO Culture and Communication Sector is planning to hold a series of training sessions on the use of underwater archaeological excavation techniques, and the protection and management of underwater cultural heritage.

    Dr. Elnahas added that the ICESCO established an action plan to prepare and publish scientific encyclopedias, atlases and specialized studies in the field of cultural heritage, the launch of which was marked by the initiation of work on the Encyclopedia of the Tangible Heritage of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the Atlas of Marine and Underwater Cultural Heritage in the Islamic World, as well as a study on the role of cultural heritage in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

    The Expert commended the role of the General Union of Arab Archaeologists in protecting cultural heritage in the Arab world and called for enhanced cooperation between the Union and ICESCO through the cooperation agreement signed between the two sides to bring impetus to cultural heritage protection efforts in the Islamic world.

    Proclamation of Rabat as Islamic World Capital of Culture for 2022

    Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), and Mr. Mohamed Al-Mehdi Bensaid, Minister of Youth, Culture and Communication of the Kingdom of Morocco, explored the arrangements for the proclamation of Rabat as the 2022 Islamic World Capital of Culture for the Arab Region, as part of ICESCO’s Islamic World Capitals of Culture Program. 

    At the beginning of the meeting, held today, Friday 05 November 2021, at the Ministry Headquarters in Rabat, Dr. AlMalik congratulated Mr. Bensaid on the trust placed in him by His Majesty, King Mohamed VI, may Allah preserve him, upon his appointment as Minister of Youth, Culture and Communication, expressing his warm wishes to Mr. Bensaid in assuming this major responsibility.

      The meeting also discussed the executive measures relating to agreeing upon the details of the programs and activities to be implemented throughout 2022, as part of the celebration of Rabat as the Islamic World Capital of Culture for 2022. The two parties also talked about the consultative meeting to be held on 22 November 2021, to present the blueprint of the celebration programme, which will bring together representatives from all ministries in the new Moroccan Government and an ICESCO team.

    In addition, the two parties discussed the proposal of the Moroccan Ministry of Culture to organize the upcoming edition of the International Book and Publishing Fair in Rabat. The Fair is one of the major cultural events in Morocco and features a variety of activities relating to books, publishing and culture. 

    Moreover, the two parties also discussed the latest developments regarding several cultures and heritage projects, to be implemented by ICESCO in cooperation with the Moroccan Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication, reaffirming their keenness to sustain the fruitful cooperation between ICESCO and the Ministry in the fields of youth training and capacity building, culture, heritage and the co-organization of a number of cultural events.

    Dr. Abdelilah Benarafa, Deputy DG, and Mr. Najib Riati, Advisor to the General Directorate, also attended the meeting.

    ICESCO Takes Part in Workshop on Food Loss and Waste Reduction

    The Science and Technology Sector at the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) participated, via videoconferencing, in a workshop on food loss and waste reduction in the Mediterranean countries, held on Thursday, November 4, 2021, and organized by the German Thünen Institute, to discuss effective means of reducing food waste and preventing food surplus, as well as promoting knowledge-sharing among experts and specialists in this field.

    During the workshop, Dr. Mohammad Sharif, Advisor at ICESCO Science and Technology Sector, moderated a session under the theme “Addressing Food Waste through Educational Campaigns” that brought together representatives of different specialized organizations to discuss means of curtailing food waste at manufacturing and consumption levels through enhanced cooperation between private sector actors in the Mediterranean countries.

    ICESCO’s representative emphasized the importance of concerted efforts to mitigate the impact of food waste, strengthen the capacities of states and communities for food security, raise awareness of the importance of environmental and water preservation, and harness renewable resources to build a sustainable world for future generations.

    The workshop featured a discussion session during which the participants answered several questions relating to food loss reduction in primary production and tourism activities and discussed ways of overcoming this challenge through educational campaigns.

    ICESCO and Hamdan bin Rashed Foundation for Distinguished Academic Performance Explore Cooperation Prospects

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), and Dr. Khalifa Al-Suwaidi, Member of the Board of Trustees of Hamdan bin Rashed Foundation for Distinguished Academic Performance, and together they discussed ways to promote cooperation between the Organization and the Foundation in the field of education.

    During the meeting held today, Wednesday 4 November 2021, at ICESCO headquarters in Rabat, the two parties reviewed the arrangements for the award ceremony of the two editions of ICESCO—Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Prize for Voluntary Development of Education Facilities in the Islamic World, to be held during the 14 Session of the General Conference and the 42nd Session of the Executive Council, which will be both hosted by the Arab Republic of Egypt, on December 6-9, 2021.

    The two parties also discussed the preparations for launching the Prize’s third edition, a prize launched by the two institutions to encourage outstanding, sustainable and comprehensive education projects, and pay tribute to the people and institutions in charge of voluntary initiatives and charity works in the field of education.

    The meeting discussed the Foundation’s participation in the international conference which ICESCO will hold in December, in celebration of the World Arabic Language Day, under the theme, “Women and the Arabic Language: Reality and Prospects”. This conference will pay tribute to the late Sheikh Hamdan bin Rashed Al Maktoum, in recognition of his efforts to promote Arabic.

    At the close of the meeting, Dr. Al-Suwaidi presented the Director-General with a copy of “Al-Qalbu An-Naqiy”, a book issued by the Foundation, which documents the journey of the late Sheikh Hamdan, who was a prominent patron of educational and health initiatives and a devoted supporter of Arab and Islamic culture.

    Dr. Ahmad Said Bah, Advisor to the DG for Partnerships and International Cooperation, also attended the meeting.

    In conjunction with the World Climate Conference… ICESCO Stresses the Need for Concerted Efforts to Confront Climate Challenges

    In conjunction with the Global Climate Conference “COP26” that the United Kingdom is hosting in Glasgow, Scotland, intending to accelerate the implementation of the Paris Agreement and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, and discussing mechanisms and ways to contain the repercussions of global warming on Earth, the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) reiterates its commitment to support the programs of governments and international organizations on environmental preservation to meet the challenges of climate change, protect biodiversity and contribute strongly to advancing sustainable development.

    It is no secret that environmental challenges still exist while the progress made to confront them remains insufficient, particularly with the current priorities of countries in recovering from the socio-economic effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. Such reality encourages ICESCO to further strive with its partners to enhance capacities in the field of disaster risk reduction and crisis management, enable and encourage countries to protect the ecosystems, enhance the use of modern technologies, find innovative solutions, design sensing and early warning systems, and develop its partnerships with the relevant national, regional, and international organizations.

    To achieve real development in the preservation of global climate, ICESCO’s new programs aim to adapt to climate change to ensure water security, encourage smart, sustainable and resilient cities, and develop sustainable and smart agriculture.

    Within the framework of ICESCO’s Science and Technology Strategy for 2022-2024, which aims at building a green future and promoting a positive climate action plan, the Organization emphasizes:

    • Promoting innovative solutions and concepts to protect the environment by supporting and encouraging the establishment of smart, sustainable and resilient cities, and developing green, blue, and circular economies.

    • Upgrading skills in the field of environmental technologies, preparing green projects and encouraging entrepreneurship.

    • Developing the use of green technology to address the effects of climate change on various sectors.

    • Encouraging scientific research and international cooperation in the environmental field.

    ICESCO and EgSa Explore Avenues for Cooperation

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), and Ambassador Mohamed El Nokaly, Senior International Relations Advisor at the Egyptian Space Agency (EgSa), discussed means to strengthen cooperation between the Organization and the Agency on promoting space science and technology and developing scientific research and innovation in this field in the countries of the Islamic world.

    During the meeting, held on Wednesday, November 3, 2021, at ICESCO headquarters in Rabat, on the sidelines of Mr. Al Qubaisi’s participation in ICESCO’s Global Space Science Forum, Dr. AlMalik reaffirmed the great interest that the Organization attaches to supporting the efforts of its Member States in developing space science programs and related industries, and leveraging the potential of space applications to overcome challenges and achieve sustainable development.

    ICESCO DG noted that the Organization, as part of its new vision and action strategy, endeavors to build close cooperation with all space science actors to work jointly on raising awareness of the importance of investing in space science and technology, integrating them into school curricula, benefiting from space applications, and providing opportunities for researchers and scientists to exchange ideas and experiences in these fields. He added that the Organization has signed several cooperation and partnership agreements with several international organizations, institutions, and bodies, and that joint programs and activities are being implemented with these partners along with various donors.

    For his part, Ambassador El Nokaly commended ICESCO’s efforts to organize a global forum on the promising field of space science that has gained international momentum, affirming the Egyptian Space Agency’s willingness to cooperate with ICESCO on organizing activities and implementing initiatives and programmes relating to space science and applications.

    ICESCO Global Forum Calls for Cooperation to Bridge the Gap between Countries in Field of Space Science

    Partnership and Investment in Space Science is Necessity to Face Challenges in Islamic World

    The Global Space Science Forum, held in cooperation between the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and the US Space Foundation, concluded its proceedings, yesterday. The Forum issued a set of practical recommendations to strengthen international partnership and cooperation to bridge the gap between the developed and developing countries in the field of space science and encourage countries of the Islamic world to invest in space science applications and related industries.

    The Forum, held under the theme “Exploring the Space Science Future – Together” on November 1-2, 2021, both at ICESCO Headquarters, in Rabat, and via videoconference, saw the participation of officials, experts, and policymakers in the field of space as well as astronauts. The participants unanimously stressed the need to strengthen human resources to carry out space exploration research and studies and provide the necessary financial resources to develop the appropriate infrastructures. They also focused on the need to set incentives for youth and women in the Islamic world to ensure their integration into space science and technology by providing support for start-ups and incubators and raising awareness about the importance of space science in improving life on planet Earth.

    On the second day, the Forum witnessed a series of scientific sessions and discussions, where participants reviewed the most prominent milestones of space science history in several countries of the Islamic World, the areas of cooperation to develop scientific research and innovation to achieve sustainable development, and the importance of space sciences to have access to data and information to respond to humanitarian disasters and reduce poverty.

    The first session tackled ways to strengthen the partnership between academic and industrial sectors in space science applications, highlighting the attention that Muslims have paid, throughout history, to space science and innovation. The participants stressed the importance of the openness of academic institutions and researchers to space technology and the need to establish partnerships and involve the private sector to capitalize on the advantages of space science, strengthen the innovative capacities of young people and urge all countries to integrate into the field of space science and its applications to break the monopoly of space knowledge.

    The second session focused on developing space technology to ensure food security, develop agriculture and reduce poverty. The participants reviewed the salient programs of the international institutions for using space technology to collect information and data to achieve sustainable development through monitoring crops and developing navigation, stressing the need to join forces and engage in research activities to exchange experiences, policies and strategies in the field of space science and technology.

    In the third session, the participants explored the relationship between communications systems, cybersecurity, and space sciences. They reviewed the experiences of the Egyptian Space Agency (EgSA) and Oukaimeden Observatory in Morocco as well as the field experiences in aeronautical engineering of the International University of Rabat. They also explored cybersecurity challenges in light of space science development and the new prospects for space science and its applications to improve life on Earth and encourage innovation.

    At the end of the Forum, the participants exchanged ideas and opinions, in a roundtable discussion, on the role of ICESCO Member States’ space agencies to help spread awareness about space technology.

    ICESCO Participates in Conference on Archeology and Cultural Heritage in Arab World

    The Culture and Communication Sector at the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) participated in the 25th Session of the Conference on Archeology and Cultural Heritage in the Arab World, held in partnership between the Ministry of Culture, Youth, Sports and Relations with Parliament of Mauritania and The Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO).

    The three-day Conference kicked off on Monday, November 1, 2021, at the Congress Center, in Nouakchott, with the participation of Dr. Mokhtar Ould Dahi, Minister of Culture, Youth, Sports and Relations with Parliament; Dr. Mohamed Ould Amar, ALECSO Director-General; the Governor of Nouakchott Region; the Secretary-General of the Mauritanian National Commission for Education, Culture and Science; and a host of specialists and experts in the field of heritage protection from the Arab world as well as representatives of Member States’ institutions in charge of heritage protection.

    In his presentation delivered in the session dedicated to the efforts of international organizations, Mr. Bilel Chebbi, Expert at ICESCO Culture and Communication Sector, highlighted the role of ICESCO and the Center of Heritage in the Islamic World in promoting cultural heritage by ensuring the integrity of archaeological heritage. He also reviewed the efforts of the Organization and the Center in supporting, rehabilitating, and inscribing heritage sites and monuments on the Islamic World Heritage List while shedding light on ICESCO’s civilizational vision in the field of combating illegal trafficking of cultural property and ensuring its restoration.

    The Conference, which is held every two years in one of the Arab capitals, explores the latest developments in the field of safeguarding and protecting the civilizational heritage of the Member States of the League of Arab States through the exchange of experiences and opinions between the officials and specialists concerned.

    ICESCO and SPARRSO Agree to Develop Cooperation

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), and Mr. Mizanur Rahman, Chairman of the Bangladesh Space Research and Remote Sensing Organization (SPARRSO), discussed prospects for cooperation between the two Organizations in strengthening efforts to develop scientific research, innovation, and space science and technology.

    During this meeting held on Tuesday, November 2, 2021, at ICESCO headquarters in Rabat, on the sidelines of Mr. Rahman’s participation in ICESCO’s Global Space Science Forum, Dr. Al-Malik stressed that ICESCO attaches great importance to supporting the efforts of its Member States to leverage the potential of space science and applications and new technologies, in general, to overcome challenges and achieve sustainable development.

    ICESCO DG noted that the Organization’s new vision and action strategy are based on openness and cooperation with all to serve its Member States and Muslim communities around the world. He added that the Organization has signed several cooperation and partnership agreements with several international organizations, institutions, and bodies, and that joint programs and activities are being implemented with these partners along with many donors.

    Mr. Rahman commended ICESCO’s Global Space Science Forum and noted that it provides an excellent opportunity to exchange knowledge and share experiences among Bangladeshi experts and specialists, stressing SPARRSO’s willingness to cooperate with ICESCO in the promising field of space science.

    ICESCO and UAESA Explore Prospects for Cooperation

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and Mr. Salem Butti Salem Al Qubaisi, DG of the United Arab Emirates Space Agency (UAESA), discussed prospects for cooperation between the Organization and the Agency in the field of space science and applications and sharing the Emirati distinguished experience in this regard with the Islamic world.

    During the meeting, held on Monday, November 1, 2021, at ICESCO Headquarters in Rabat, on the sidelines of Mr. Al Qubaisi’s participation in ICESCO’s Global Space Science Forum, Dr. AlMalik reaffirmed the great interest that the Organization’s new vision and strategy attach to supporting the efforts of its Member States in developing scientific research and enhancing investment in space science and applications.

    ICESCO DG noted that the Organization signed a partnership agreement with the Space Foundation in the USA to cooperate closely and raise awareness of the importance of investing in space science and technology, integrating them into educational programs, contributing to the use of space applications, and providing opportunities for researchers and scientists to exchange ideas and experiences in this field. He also pointed out that ICESCO’s Global Space Science Forum is held within the framework of this partnership agreement and in cooperation with the Space Foundation.

    UAESA DG commended ICESCO’s new vision and tireless efforts in establishing cooperation between countries of the Islamic world in the field of space science. He also confirmed the Agency’s willingness to cooperate in this field as building international strategic partnerships is one of the Agency’s major actin approaches.
    The meeting was also attended by Engineer Nasser Bin Hammad, Head International Relations and Chief Innovation Officer at UAESA.