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    Various presentations on environment, science, arts and youth at ICESCO’s Pavilion in (COP27)

    The pavilion of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) at COP27, in Sharm El-Sheikh, continues its various activities. On Thursday (November 10, 2022), ICESCO held several seminars and panel discussions, during which the heads of sectors and experts highlighted the Organization’s efforts and programmes to preserve the environment, achieve sustainable development and build youth capacity.

    Dr. Osama Nahas and Dr. Nami Salihi, experts at the Culture and Communication Sector, gave two separate presentations respectively on the applications of remote sensing and artificial intelligence in studies of the impact of climate change on heritage sites and simulation activities, and the impact of natural factors on the diverse heritage of Mesopotamia, which made it a unique civilization worldwide thanks to its rich geographical environment and other natural factors.

    For his part, Dr. Foued El-Ayni, expert at the Science and Technology Sector, gave a presentation, through videoconference, on the importance of space science applications and their role in mitigating the repercussions of climate change and the need to make optimal use of modern space technologies in the ICESCO Member States.

    Moreover, Dr. Huda Abdullah Megeirhi, expert at ICESCO Center for Civilizational Dialogue, gave a presentation on the importance and role of youth and art in promoting mainstream culture in talks and dialogues between Muslim countries and with other countries.

    ICESCO Think Tanks Forum Launches Invitation to Think Collectively towards New Perception of Time

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), in partnership with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, held the ICESCO Think Tanks Forum “Towards a New Perception of Time,” which is organized by the ICESCO Center for Strategic Foresight, at the Organization’s headquarters in Rabat, with the presence of a group of experts, researchers and specialists from various Member States.

    During his opening remark, on Thursday, November 10, 2022, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General of ICESCO, explained that the Forum aims at exchanging experiences between high-caliber groups of thinkers and specialists and to discuss issues related to the present and the future. It is an invitation to think collectively about how to promote constructive dialogue on several important issues inside and outside the Member States.

    He pointed out that the great and surprising change that the world is witnessing in technology, along with the influence of the media and artificial intelligence applications compel us to address challenges with a comprehensive and proactive perception and motivate us to take strategic decisions to contribute to achieving a better future, noting the importance of think tanks in scientific research to reach solutions to present challenges and establish a safe world for our future generations.

    He stressed that ICESCO is establishing a unified system for the first network of think tanks to unify about 30 think tanks in the countries of the Islamic world, aiming at contributing to the development of their research capabilities to reach optimal efficiency in taking appropriate decisions, promoting exchange between research centers and enhancing their strategic position and influence at the international level, as well as communicating with 20 of the most important experts in the field of strategic foresight.

    Dr. AlMalik announced the opening of the Fatima Al-Fihriya Think Tank, which is the first think tank under women’s leadership in the Islamic world, in honor of Mrs. Fatima Al-Fihriya for her immortal contributions to cultural and scientific history, mainly building the Al-Qarawiyyin Mosque in Fez and promoting science, ethics and knowledge. He also noted the importance of women’s role in change and their bright contributions that cannot be overlooked.

    For his part, Mr. Stephen Krueger, representative of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in the Kingdom of Morocco, reviewed the Foundation’s efforts in supporting think tanks and research to find solutions to the challenges of time, commending ICESCO’s role in sponsoring and giving attention to scientific research and strategic thinking as well as its constant support for thinkers and specialists in the Islamic world.

    The conference included an institutional session, moderated by Dr. Kais Hammami, Director of ICESCO Center for Strategic Foresight, to present the efforts of the think tanks of the Organization’s Member States, the second session discussed the think tanks “Towards a New Perception of Time”, while the third session focused on the future of governance and think tanks.

    ICESCO Launches Pilot Project on Empowering women in Literacy centers in Niamey, Niger

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), in partnership with the Ministry of National Education of the Republic of Niger, and in cooperation with the General Directorate of Literacy and Non-Formal Education and the Institute of Training in Literacy and Non-Formal Education, launched the pilot project “Empowering women in literacy centers in Niamey region,” which aims to contribute to the sustainability of the achievements of newly literate girls and women, through courses of support in reading and training on income-generating activities for the benefit of fifty beneficiaries in two literacy centers in Niamey region.

    The project, launched on Tuesday (November 8, 2022), is part of the programmes of the five-year plan for socio-economic development for 2022-2026 of Niger’s government, where the beneficiaries will receive reading courses during three months, training in sewing and embroidery, and practical workshops on income-generating activities management.

    Mr. Aziz Al-Hajir, Programmes Manager at the Education Sector, represented ICESCO in the launch of this project. He delivered a speech in which he highlighted the importance of the project and its socio-economic impact.

    The launch ceremony of the pilot project saw the presence of Dr. Ibrahim Natatou, Minister of National Education of the Republic of Niger, several officials and inspectors of literacy and non-formal education, and Mr. Mohamedou Othman, Secretary-General of Niger’s National Commission for UNESCO and ICESCO.

    During his opening speech, Dr. Natatou expressed his happiness for holding this key event in Niamey, and the trust that ICESCO had placed in him to implement this project, which aims to improve the incomes of newly literate girls and women, and combat unemployment.

    ICESCO and OECD Organize Conference on Program for International Student Assessment

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), in partnership with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), held an international conference on the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), at ICESCO Headquarters in Rabat, in the presence several representatives and officials of the education ministries in several Member States.

    During his opening address, on Tuesday, November 9, 2022, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General, stressed the importance of redoubling and unifying efforts to achieve the common aspiration for the fourth goal of the Sustainable Development Goals, which aims to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

    Dr. AlMalik explained that ICESCO and OECD seek to establish distinguished educational systems to create healthy competition among Member States to enhance the quality of educational standards and ensure their efficiency.

    He pointed out the importance of the availability of accurate data for countries, as it represents an essential tool for developing effective policies in the field of education, highlighting the importance of the PISA program in evaluating the education systems of the participating countries and raising awareness among students about the need for basic knowledge and skills that would enable them to fully participate in social and economic life.

    For his part, Andreas Schleicher, Director of OECD Education and Skills, reviewed the Organization’s efforts to promote the quality of education through the PISA assessment, which relies on a set of accurate and comprehensive criteria for the elements of the educational process to study and analyze all challenges that hinder the progress of some countries in achieving quality in education.

    The high-level session of the conference on enhancing the results of learners in the ICESCO Member States witnessed distinguished addresses on contribution mechanisms that evaluate “PISA” to keep pace with global requirements and develop education policies in the Islamic world. Dr. Hassan Al-Muhairi, the representative of the United Arab Emirates, stressed the importance of exchanging experiences in the field of education at the local and global levels to enhance the curricula. Mr. Ahmed Al Shuaibi, the representative of the Kingdom of Morocco, reviewed Morocco’s experience in raising the level of education quality assessment to keep pace with modern technological developments. Mr. Amour El-Tayeb, the representative of the Republic of Tunisia, explained the relationship between the process of assessing learners and its connection to real-life skills.

    Dr. Fahd bin Abdullah Al-Suhaimi, the representative of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, reviewed the Kingdom’s experience in strengthening the assessment process by developing an external body that follows up on the performance of educational institutions to help them meet their requirements and qualify teachers’ capabilities. Dr. Wan Risuha Bint Ali, the representative of the State of Malaysia, identified the challenges facing education in her country, mainly the gap between students and the solutions to address it. For his part, Mr. Massar Diop, the representative of the State of Senegal, explained that the educational systems must rely on a proactive vision to meet the challenges of the future and to benefit from the experiences of countries where the means of education have been developed.

    The conference included two discussion sessions; the first focused on the development of the PISA system into a global mechanism that meets the needs of the twenty-first century, while the second session touched upon empowering educational institutions and teachers through PISA assessment.

    With ICESCO’s participation, Arab Radio and Television Festival and Future of Media Exhibition kick off in Riyadh

    With the participation of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), the 22nd Edition of the Arab Radio and Television Festival and the Future of Media Exhibition kicked off in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The two events are organized by the Arab States Broadcasting Union, in cooperation with the Saudi Broadcasting Authority, on November 9-12, 2022.

    The Festival’s opening ceremony was marked by the attendance of Dr. Majid Al-Qassabi, Acting Minister of Media in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and Mr. Mohammed Fahad Al-Harthi, CEO of the Saudi Broadcasting Authority, President of the Arab States Broadcasting Union. The opening ceremony also brought together a host of celebrities, prominent media figures and representatives of production companies, and regional and international media outlets.

    In his address, Dr. Al-Qassabi stated that the Festival will yield outcomes that are on par with this age’s demands, announcing the launch of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Initiative “Mountaj” to foster creativity, encourage Arab creators and promote the Arab media industry and its advanced means.
    The ceremony also featured tributes to a large number of media figures, artists and directors.

    ICESCO’s pavilion at the Future of Media Exhibition in Riyadh features a number of the Organization’s print and digital publications, which highlight its new vision and strategic orientations and cast light on its major programs and projects, especially in the field of digital production. The pavilion aims to enrich constructive content on the internet and social media platforms in order to contribute to consolidating the sense of pride in belonging to the Islamic identity and culture among young people.

    ICESCO was represented by Mr. Sami Kamhawy, Head of the Department of Information and Institutional Communication, along with Ms. Maria Abdali, and Mr. Mohamed El-Majdoubi, from the Department’s working team.

    High Activity at ICESCO Pavilion at COP27 on Finance Day

    The pavilion of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) at the 27th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP27) witnessed high activity on Wednesday, November 9, 2022, as several seminars and discussion panels were held, which presented an opportunity for heads of sectors and experts from ICESCO to highlight the Organization’s efforts and programs to protect the environment and achieve sustainable development.

    Dr. Raheel Qamar, Head of the Sector of Science and Technology at ICESCO, gave a presentation on the importance of climate finance to address the various issues of climate change and their devastating impact, noting that third-world countries suffer from the impact of climate change and need access to the benefits of green financing. A number of experts in the same Sector also highlighted ICESCO’s efforts to promote the concept of smart, sustainable and resilient cities.

    The pavilion also featured many activities, notably simulation activities to safeguard heritage, in cooperation with the Sector of Museums at the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, a photo gallery, and a presentation of the interactive seminar program. Dr. Ossama Nahas, Expert in the Sector of Culture and Communication, highlighted ICESCO’s efforts in the field of protecting heritage against the threats of climate change using modern technology.

    The Sector of Education was also present at the Pavilion, with a presentation by Dr. Kim Sunbong, Expert in the Sector of Education, who stressed the importance of using green energy to develop and expand a comprehensive and sustainable model for education, health, nutrition, the environment and economic support for rural communities in developing countries.

    At Abu Dhabi Forum for Peace, ICESCO presents recommendations to achieve world cultural security

    Dr. Abdelilah Benarafa, Deputy Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), presented several recommendations to achieve world cultural security and keep up with digital advancement. Dr. Benarafa listed, among others, strengthening digital cultural infrastructure, creating digital cultural institutions and promoting their activities, setting out appropriate legislations to ensure the sustainability of digital cultural action, protecting copyrights, and providing adequate support to cultural institutions and creators to sustain their various cultural content production through various digital mediums.

    Dr. Benarafa made this statement in a paper on “World Cultural Security and Digital Advancements,” which he presented at the 9th Session of Abu Dhabi Forum for Peace, held in the UAE, on 8-10 November 2022, under the theme, “Global Conflict and Universal Peace: Urgent Needs and Opportunities for Partnership.” T

    he Forum is held under the patronage of Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Emirati Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, and saw high-caliber participation including religious leaderships, decision-makers, ministers, government officials, representatives of international organizations and government bodies, and activists in the fields of peace and tolerance advocacy across the globe.

    Dr. Benarafa stressed that cultural security is a key element in anchoring world peace, social justice, self-growth and accepting the Other in multi-racial, multi-cultural communities. The ICESCO official stated that this is what ICESCO seeks to achieve through its programs which aim to contribute to achieving cultural equilibrium and respecting cultural distinction of the countries of the Islamic world.

    Moreover, the Deputy Director-General stressed that achieving cultural security in the Islamic world hinges upon documenting all cultural knowledge and heritage, both tangible and intangible, using all means available. He noted that ICESCO created the Islamic World Heritage Committee and the Center for Heritage in the Islamic World to address major shortcomings it has observed in the proper management of heritage in the Islamic world, adding that over the past three years alone, ICESCO inscribed 460 historical sites and cultural elements in its heritage lists.

    In another vein, ICESCO set up a special pavilion at the exhibition organized on the sidelines of the Forum. The pavilion was overseen by Mr. Ali Ndiaye, Program Director at the Sector of Human and Social Sciences, and featured several ICESCO publications pertaining to the fields of peace and civilizational dialogue.

    ICESCO participates in two international forums on the Internet of Things and scientific research ethics

    The Science and Technology Sector at the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) took part in two international forums, namely the 8th World Forum on the Internet of Things 2022, held in Japan, and the Forum on Scientific Research Ethics, Technology and Innovation, held in Oman by the Omani National Commission for Education, Culture and Science.

    ICESCO was represented at the first event, via videoconference, by Dr. Foued EL Ayni, Expert at the Sector, who presented a paper on ICESCO’s strategy to contribute to the transformation of cities in the Islamic world into smart and sustainable cities, at the working session on, “Smart Cities and the Roadmap for Sustainable Digital Transformation of Cities.” The ICESCO official stressed the importance of building capacities and promoting international cooperation to reduce the gap between cities in terms of intelligence and knowledge exchange.

    This forum highlights the latest innovations and developments in the fields of academic research, focuses on the exchange of experiences among experts and researchers regarding the opportunities and challenges of the Internet of Things and discusses ways to consolidate it in service of communities and humanity at large.

    Regarding the second forum, Dr. Adel Smeda, Expert, represented his Sector and gave a presentation where he stressed the importance of adopting policies that support the ethics of scientific research, innovation and artificial intelligence. The representative seized the opportunity to cast light on ICESCO’s efforts to support studies and research, aimed at devising recommendations to establish ethics, principles and values to ensure the optimal use of artificial intelligence.

    The two-day forum examined the need for ethics to protect societies and build trust in new technologies and artificial intelligence in particular. It also examined mechanisms to address the challenges that hinder the dissemination and application of these ethics.

    ICESCO Director-General Receives Ambassador of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea in Rabat

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), received Mr. Salomon Nfa Ndong Nseng, Ambassador of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea to the Kingdom of Morocco, to discuss cooperation prospects in the fields of education, science and culture, as well as his country’s accession to the Organization as an Observer State.

    During the meeting, held on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, at ICESCO Headquarters in Rabat, Dr. AlMalik highlighted the importance the Organization accords to its Member States in Africa, through the development of programmes and projects that meet their needs in the fields of capacity-building for youth and women, promoting entrepreneurship in technology and artificial intelligence, teaching Arabic to non-Arabic speakers, and consolidating the values of coexistence, peace and civilizational dialogue.

    The two parties also discussed the possibility of Equatorial Guinea joining ICESCO as an Observer State. The Ambassador underlined his country’s interest in this regard to establish a fruitful partnership in the educational, scientific and cultural fields. Dr. AlMalik commended the prospect of this partnership, pointing out that the Organization adopts an approach of openness and cooperation with all stakeholders.

    Ambassador Salomon Nfa Ndong Nseng also commended ICESCO’s efforts in supporting its Member States in their fields of competence and reaffirmed his country’s willingness to cooperate with the Organization, mainly in capacity building for the youth and the qualification of human capital.

    Exploring Enhancement of Cooperation between ICESCO and Jordan in Education, Science and Culture

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), received Jumana Suleiman Ghunaimat, the Ambassador of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to the Kingdom of Morocco, to explore the implementation of more programmes and projects in cooperation between ICESCO and the Jordanian authorities specialized in the fields of education, science and culture.

    During the meeting, which was held on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, at ICESCO Headquarters in Rabat, the two parties reaffirmed their eagerness to develop the existing cooperation between ICESCO and Jordan, by coordinating the implementation of a set of programmes and projects in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, especially in connection with building youth capacities and supporting them in the areas of innovation and artificial intelligence applications, virtual and augmented reality, and modern technology in general.

    The meeting touch upon ICESCO’s ongoing key programmes and projects as part of the new vision and strategic orientations of the Organization, which take into consideration the needs and priorities of each of its Member States during the preparation of the appropriate programmes and projects.