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    For 4th successive year, ICESCO broadcasts video series “Ramadan Whiffs” and “Intellectual sparks” in Ramadan

    17 March 2023

    For the fourth successive year, the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) streams during the holy month of Ramadan, as part of its comprehensive initiative “ICESCO Digital Home,” the videos series “Ramadan Whiffs” and “Intellectual Sparks,” through the Organization’s platforms on social media.

    In these clips, which have achieved tremendous success over the past three years, a host of prominent intellectual, cultural and religious figures from the countries of the Islamic world and beyond present their thoughts and views on the most important contemporary intellectual and religious issues.

    Through this initiative, ICESCO aims to spread focused and meaningful messages that highlight the essential role played by both women and men in reforming society and entrenching enlightening cultural and religious values that are based on peace, tolerance and coexistence between communities.

    The Organization also aims to raise the most important issues and discuss new ideas that enrich cultural life and contribute to renewing the fields of thought, culture, knowledge, literature and science; endeavors to promote the values of peace and the dissemination of knowledge; and enhance religious, cultural and intellectual communication between eminent personalities and the public to support spiritual and intellectual exchange.

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