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    Delegation from CECF and University of Redlands visit ICESCO headquarters and Exhibition of Prophet’s Seerah

    On Wednesday, May 15, 2024, a delegation from the University of Redlands, USA, and the Civilization Exchange and Cooperation Foundation (CECF) in Washington visited the headquarters of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), where they discussed prospects for cooperation in the fields of civilizational dialogue and the dissemination of the values of coexistence and peace.

    Dr. Abelilah Benarafa, Deputy Director-General (DG), received the delegation headed by Dr. Mohamad Bashar Arafat, CECF President, which comprised of a number of students and faculty members from the University of Redlands. The meeting was attended by Ms. Ramata Almamy Mbaye, Head of the Sector of Human and Social Sciences; Amb. Khalid Fathalrahman, Head of the Center for Civilizational Dialogue; Dr. Ahmad Said Bah, Advisor to the General Directorate; and Dr. Omar Halli, Advisor to the DG for the Federation of the Universities of the Islamic World (FUIW).

    During the meeting, Dr. Benarafa addressed the main axes of the Organization’s vision and strategic orientations, and key field initiatives within its areas of competence. He further explained that the Organization seeks to provide capacity building activities, and trainings on leadership for peace and security and skills for tomorrow’s professions for the benefit of young people and women, stating that ICESCO’s initiatives focus on promoting civilizational dialogue and consolidating the values of coexistence. Several ICESCO representatives also presented key programs and projects implemented by the Organization in the fields of education, science and culture, in cooperation with the competent authorities in its Member States and abroad.

    The meeting saw rich discussions between the students and ICESCO’s representatives regarding cooperation proposals between the Organization and American universities.

    Dr. Benarafa accompanied the delegation to the Mishkat Hall, where they were introduced to its key programs in the field of teaching Arabic. The delegation also visited the Museum and Exhibition of the Prophet’s Seerah and Islamic Civilization, currently housed at ICESCO headquarters. The Museum and Exhibition conveys Islam’s messages of justice, peace, mercy, tolerance and coexistence.

    ICESCO’s Second Ministerial Conference PISA Concludes Proceedings in Azerbaijan

    The Second Ministerial Conference on the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) concluded its proceedings on Tuesday, 14 May 2024, in Baku. This year’s conference, which was organized by the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan in partnership with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), witnessed an exchange of experiences and insights on the outcomes of PISA 2022, and discussions on ways to improve student performance in international assessment programmes and support educational reforms.

    The conference concluded with a speech by Hasan Hasanli, Azerbaijan’s Deputy Minister of Science and Education, who thanked ICESCO and the OECD for their contribution to the success of the Conference, highlighting the importance of training future generations and developing the capacities of individuals to achieve sustainable development goals.

    The second day of the Conference commenced with a panel discussion on OECD’s strategies to enhance the accessibility and relevance of PISA to a diverse range of countries and ways these strategies could assist countries in improving their abilities to design, manage, and examine assessment results.

    Furthermore, a second session, moderated by Dr. Koumbou Boly Barry, Head of ICESCO’s Education Sector, addressed the cultural significance of PISA in ICESCO’s Member States and the necessity of aligning the assessment with the educational priorities of each country.

    The session discussed ICESCO’s commitment to continue coordination and joint action with state leaders, ministers of education and education specialists to ensure that the educational resources and assessments in the Islamic world reflect the priorities and needs of the countries.

    The session was followed by an open discussion with participants who stressed the role of education in promoting and preserving peace and reiterated the need to promote the values of coexistence and civilizational dialogue in light of the continuous threat to the world’s security and harmony.

    International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights Wraps Up with ICESCO’s Participation

    Today, Tuesday 14 May 2024, marked the conclusion of the International Conference on “Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights: Opportunities and Challenges.” Organized by the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), in partnership with the Ministry Delegate in Charge of Human Rights of the Kingdom of Morocco, Ibn Tofail University, the Council of Europe, the Danish Institute for Human Rights, and the United Nations Development Program. The Conference aimed to facilitate the exchange of experiences and best practices related to the vast potential of AI applications. It also sought to address and mitigate any negative impacts on individuals’ rights and freedoms.

    The opening of the Conference, held over two days at the Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences in Kenitra, drew a distinguished audience. Notable attendees included Mr. Abdellatif Ouahbi, Minister of Justice of the Kingdom of Morocco; Dr. Abdellatif Miraoui, Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research, and Innovation of Morocco; Mr. Mohamed Larbi Kerkeb, President of Ibn Tofail University in Kenitra; Mr. Abdelkarim Boujradi, Secretary-General of the Interministerial Delegation for Human Rights; and several experts from ICESCO.

    The Conference featured insightful interventions and discussions by specialists, professors, and lawyers from Morocco and several other countries, on AI and its challenges in relation to human rights, opportunities for leveraging AI to enhance these rights, and the governance of the AI-human rights relationship.

    During the working sessions, ICESCO experts reviewed the organization’s strategy in this field, highlighting its endeavors to formulate the Islamic World Charter for Artificial Intelligence. They also announced the launch of a research chair on the ethics of artificial intelligence in collaboration with the University of Technology and Applied Sciences in the Sultanate of Oman.

    Representing ICESCO at the Conference were Ms. Bahija Smidi from the Department of Legal Affairs and International Standards, Dr. Asmaa Mahdioui, member of the Young Professionals Program, Dr. Ismaila Diallo, expert in the Sector of Science and Environment, and Dr. Hassan El-Hajjami, expert in the Social and Human Sciences Sector.

    The conference garnered significant follow-up and interaction from numerous specialists and students both within and outside the Kingdom of Morocco. The live broadcasts of the Conference attracted over 21,000 viewers throughout the two-day event.

    The conference garnered significant follow-up and interaction from numerous specialists and students both within and outside the Kingdom of Morocco. The live broadcasts of the Conference attracted over 21,000 viewers throughout the two-day event.

    ICESCO Participates in International Symposium on Spring of Social Sciences in Rabat

    Dr. Abdelilah Benarafa, Deputy Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), participated on Monday, May 13, 2024, in the 4th International Symposium on the Spring of Social Sciences, themed “Migration and Values in the Context of Risks and Uncertainties: Contribution of Social Sciences”, organized by the Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences at Mohammed V University, Al Akhawayn University, the Council of the Moroccan Community Living Abroad, and Ibn Khaldun Center for Migration and Citizenship Studies. The event witnesses a high-level presence of officials, prominent figures, and specialized researchers.

    During the opening session of the three-day symposium, being held at the Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences, Mohammed V University, in Rabat, Dr. Benarafa delivered ICESCO’s speech in which he touched on the phenomenon of immigration and its significant role in value changes and the promotion of cultural interaction between different ethnicities, thus contributing to civilizational building to reflect such cultural and value-based interaction.

    ICESCO Deputy DG pointed out to the “International Day of Mercy” initiative, issued within the recommendations of ICESCO’s International Conference on the “Civilizational Values in the Prophet’s Seerah,”. The initiative had been approved by the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers, held in March 2022, and submitted to the United Nations General Assembly to proclaim April 21st of every year as the World Day of Mercy.

    He also highlighted the cooperation and partnership agreement signed by ICESCO and the International Organization for Migration to implement a set of programs, projects and activities in migrant-related areas. The agreement also aims to raise awareness of the content of international conventions for safe and regular migration with to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

    Second ICESCO Ministerial Conference on Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) Kicked off in Azerbaijan

    The Second ICESCO Ministerial Conference on the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) kicked off today, Monday, May 13, 2024. The Conference is organized by the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Azerbaijan, in collaboration with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), in Baku, Azerbaijan. It aims to discuss the results of the 2022 PISA program, exchange experiences and best practices, and address challenges in the field, with the participation of over 40 representatives from relevant educational bodies in ICESCO Member States.

    At the outset of the Conference, which is being held both in-person and via video conferencing over two days, Mr. Emin Amrullayev, Azerbaijani Minister of Education and Science, delivered a welcoming speech emphasizing the importance of the Conference’s topic in advancing educational systems and formulating effective policies, highlighting Azerbaijan’s efforts in enhancing the quality of education to align with international assessments.

    In his address, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General, reaffirmed that the Conference is a testament to the Organization’s steadfast commitment to supporting progress and excellence in educational fields in its Member States, and leading joint action to achieve the fourth goal of sustainable development (SDG 4), which aims to ensure an inclusive and equitable quality education and to promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

    Furthermore, Dr. AlMalik noted that the PISA program, which aims at assessing students’ competencies in various fields including reading, writing, mathematics, and science, saw the participation of 81 countries in 2022, including 10 ICESCO Member States, and its results showed a significant decline in student performance, necessitating intensified efforts by decision-makers and specialized educational authorities.

    In the context of emphasizing the role of educational system development in the prosperity and economic advancement of societies, Dr. Al Malik outlined ICESCO’s proposed solutions to the decline in students’ performance according to PISA assessments. The list of proposals starts with raising awareness of the Program’s importance in the Islamic world and establishing a strong network of educational assessment experts in the Member States to meaningfully participate in the Program’s development. He also highlighted the Organization’s keenness to prioritize the proposals and recommendations emanating from participants in the Conference.

    For his part, Mr. Andreas Schleicher, Director for the Directorate of Education and Skills at OECD, touched upon the importance of teacher training and enhancing their skills, anchoring collaboration with parents and guardians in the learning process, and improving teaching quality in schools.

    In the session dedicated to the skills of the future, Dr. Kais Hammami, Director of ICESCO’s Center for Foresight and Artificial Intelligence, highlighted that the world is experiencing a massive demographic surge that requires the deployment of foresight, modern technologies, and artificial intelligence in educational and scientific fields.

    Meanwhile, Dr. Koumbou Boly Barry, Head of the Education Sector at ICESCO, highlighted the Organization’s efforts to contribute to building a better future through advancing education in the Islamic world.

    The Conference’s working sessions addressed the results of the 2022 PISA program, discussed the future of the performance and skills of students in the assessments, and examined the development of teacher competence and educational practices.

    ICESCO Organizes over 60 Activities in its Pavilion at the 29th International Book and Publishing Fair in Rabat

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) marks its participation at the 29th International Book and Publishing Fair in Rabat by organizing more than 60 diverse cultural activities in its pavilion. The Fair was inaugurated by Mr. Aziz Akhannouch, Head of the Government, on Thursday 9 May, and will continue until 19 May 2024, under the high patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, May Allah protect him, as well as the auspices of the Moroccan Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication.

    Dr. Abdelillah Benarafa, ICESCO Deputy Director-General, attended the opening ceremony, along with a delegation of heads of sectors, departments, and centers at ICESCO. This year’s fair will see the participation of 743 exhibitors from 48 countries with more than 100,000 book titles on different topics and 241 activities covering several topics related to unveiling heritage, foresighting the future, diverse Africa and media and technology.

    ICESCO’s pavilion at the Fair will host diverse cultural discussions on current cultural and intellectual issues and readings of recent publications delivered by prominent thinkers, intellectuals, writers, and poets from the Organization’s Member and non-Member states. The pavilion will also convene several prize-winning activities and competitions for children.

    Moreover, the pavilion will feature several books and studies published by ICESCO on education, science, culture, media, communication, and humanities, as well as brochures, booklets and video wall displays on the Organization’s key initiatives, programs, and projects.

    ICESCO’s pavilion will host heads of sectors, departments, specialized centers and experts, as well as several officials from its scientific chairs at Ibn Tofail University and Euro Mediterranean University, to discuss the most salient issues in education, science and culture.

    ICESCO and Libya Explore Cooperation Developments in Cultural Field

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), met Ms. Mabrouka Toughi Othman, Libyan Minister of Culture and Knowledge Development, to discuss cooperation between ICESCO and Libya in the cultural field and ways for its development, in light of the celebration of Benghazi as Culture Capital in Islamic World.

    During the meeting, held on Wednesday, May 8, 2024, in Tripoli, on the sidelines of the closing session of the International Conference on Translation of Meanings of Holy Qu’ran, Dr. AlMalik stressed ICESCO’s keenness to ensure the success of the celebration of Benghazi as Culture Capital in Islamic World, in cooperation with all competent Libyan authorities, indicating that the Organization’s Programme for Culture Capitals in Islamic World aims at publicizing the ancient heritage and cultural capital of cities, and turning them into tourist destinations.

    ICESCO DG commended the great development in relations between the Organization and Libya during the past period, and the country’s keenness to significantly strengthen cooperation with ICESCO over the coming period.

    For her part, the Libyan Minister of Culture stressed the strong cooperation between all Libyan parties to ensure the success of the celebration of Benghazi, indicating that the Supreme Committee of the Celebration prepared a diverse program, in coordination with ICESCO, featuring many events and activities that highlight the cultural and civilizational history of the city.

    Moreover, the meeting touched on the latest developments in the ongoing cooperation programs and activities between the two parties, and the future project proposals. The two parties agreed to strengthen coordination to organize the celebration.

    ICESCO-Libya collaboration: announcement of opening of Center for Translation of Meanings of Holy Qur’an

    The International Conference on Translation of Meanings of Holy Qur’an, which spanned three days, concluded its proceedings on Wednesday, May 8, 2024. The Conference was organized by the Institute of the Holy Quran in Tripoli, Libya, under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture and Knowledge Development in Libya, and with scientific sponsorship from the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO).

    At its close, the Conference announced the opening of a Center for the Translation of the Meanings of the Holy Qur’an, and issued a series of recommendations, chief among which was the call to establish an observatory for translating the meanings of the Holy Qu’ran.

    The closing ceremony saw the attendance of a large number of distinguished officials, scholars, and researchers from Muslim and non-Muslim countries, including Ms. Mabrouka Toghi Othman, Minister of Culture and Knowledge Development in Libya, and Mr. Nasr Al-Din Al-Fazani, Minister of Tourism and Traditional Industry in Libya.

    In his speech at the ceremony, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General (DG), commended Mr. Mohamed al-Menfi, President of the Libyan Presidential Council, for agreeing, during their meeting prior to the Conference, to launch an initiative to establish and fund a center for the translation of the meanings of the Holy Qur’an. Dr. AlMalik then added that the Board of Directors of WICS in Libya had agreed to finance this project as part of its cooperation with ICESCO.

    Moreover, Dr. AlMalik thanked Libya, its leadership, government, and people, as well as the Institute of the Holy Quran in Libya, for organizing this Conference, which serves the Holy Qu’ran by facilitating the understanding of its true meanings for All. The Director-General also emphasized the weight of this responsibility and the challenges it faces, calling in this regard for the establishment of a global institution that rallies the Islamic world and harnesses its significant collective capabilities and resources in service of the Book of Allah.

    At the close of the conference, the speakers praised the meticulous organization of this momentous event and the recommendations that rose from it, which serve the dissemination of more accurate and clear translations of the meanings of the Holy Qur’an, helping non-Arabic speakers understand the Book of Allah correctly. Furthermore, they appreciated the roles of ICESCO and its initiatives in this regard, foremost among them being the “Read it to Understand it” initiative, which aims to confront the pathetic attempts made by some extremists to hurl offense at the Holy Qur’an by burning copies of it.

    At the Ceremony’s conclusion, certificates of appreciation were presented to the participants, and ICESCO DG received a commemorative shield from the Minister of Culture and Knowledge Development of Libya.

    ICESCO and WICS Agree to Enhance Cooperation in Libya

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), and Dr. Saleh Salim Al-Fakhri, Chairman of the Steering Committee of the World Islamic Call Society (WICS), held a meeting at the latter’s headquarters in Tripoli, Libya, to discuss ways to elevate cooperation to new heights, through the implementation of joint programs and projects across the Islamic world countries.

    At the outset of the meeting on May 8, 2024, attended by the Board of Directors and Heads of Departments of WICS, Dr. AlMalik stressed ICESCO’s keenness to significantly enhance cooperation between the two sides in the forthcoming period, in order to serve the Islamic world in the fields of common interest. Furthermore, he reviewed key programs and projects implemented by ICESCO in its Member States under its new vision and strategic directions.

    Dr. Al-Fakhri commended ICESCO’s contributions to education, science, and culture in its Member States and the broader Islamic world. He also expressed his desire to deepen cooperation with the Organization particularly through the implementation of quality programs.

    Moreover, the meeting discussed the progress of programs, projects, and activities being implemented between the two sides. It was mutually agreed to enhance their cooperation by launching a series of programs and projects across Islamic world countries. These initiatives will be overseen by ICESCO, with funding managed by WICS. The establishment of the International Center for the Translation of the Meanings of the Holy Quran will mark the initial outcome of this cooperation.

    It was also agreed upon that a delegation from WICS would visit the headquarters of ICESCO in Rabat, during the next month to discuss future cooperation projects and to draft new cooperation agreement

    Results announcement: ICESCO’s contest for best graphic-story script on school bullying

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) is pleased to announce the results of its contest for the best graphic story script addressing bullying in schools, to be published in a special edition pending the preparation of suitable illustrations. This came as part of the Organization’s initiative to shed light on the seriousness of this phenomenon and its negative effects on students and to discuss the best ways to confront and eliminate it, especially within schools.

    The committee in charge of the contest received 19 submissions from six ICESCO Member States, and after evaluation, the jury, comprising experts from various disciplines in psychology and education sciences, selected the story titled: “Arini Btissamatak” (Show Me Your Smile) by Hajar Mahmoud Al-Sawi Ahmad, from the Arab Republic of Egypt, for its adherence to the competition’s criteria in form and content. The winner received $2000 USD in prize money.

    The publication of this graphic story by ICESCO, after its illustrations are prepared, aims to raise awareness of bullying in schools and provide assistance to teachers in better understanding children and supporting them in facing the phenomenon, as well as upgrading mechanisms for protecting children in schools and educational environments.