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    ISESCO Director General to participate in Forum on Balanced and Inclusive Education, in Djibouti

    The Director General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, will take part in the Third Forum on Balanced and Inclusive Education, to be held by the Education Relief Foundation (ERF), on 27-29 January 2020 in Djibouti.

    The Forum aims to promote balanced and inclusive education in light of globalization. This edition, to be held in Djibouti City, brings together ministers of education of a number of countries from Africa, Latin America and Asia, in addition to representatives of international organizations concerned with the educational field and civil society institutions. The previous edition was held in Mexico City, on 20-22 November 2018.

    The participation of Dr. AlMalik in the Forum is part of the cooperation between ISESCO and ERF in the field of education, which aims to promote the role of the specialized civil society institutions in disseminating and anchoring the values of balanced and inclusive education.

    It is worth noting that the ERF is a non-profit institution that works towards developing and promoting a new global approach to education that highlights the importance of balance and inclusion in curricula presented to students. ERF’s action is based on field research and studies in different world regions, and aims to achieve inclusion, global cooperation and indiscrimination in a way that reflects the contributions of the various cultures and civilizations to our modern world.

    AlMalik: the technological developments deeply affected the profession of press and there is a need for restructuring its working systems

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), stressed that the crisis of the profession of press is not only limited to the ethical aspect and the societal issues, this profession also suffers, due to the new technological transformations, from a vocational vulnerability that negatively affects the work of journalists and necessitates the restructuring of its working systems.

    This statement was part of his address at the third gathering of ISESCO Cultural Forum, yesterday evening, at ISESCO headquarters, under the theme ‘Future of Information: from paper to digital press’.

    Dr. AlMalik added that “the responsible press reflects the freedom of expression. It has always had the respect of the public opinion. However, many transformations have marred this trust. In the society of knowledge, communication and impressive digital transformations, information become in the heart of all the strategies. Journalists, press institutions and the funding parties become subject to wide criticism and there is much talk about the manipulation of public opinion by some media outlets, which consequently influenced the moral authority of press.”

    Dr. AlMalik also stated that the technological developments deeply affected the profession of press as the modern technological means radically impacted the sources of information and the relationship of journalists with readers. “Now, any human being can serve as an editor-in-chief of a personal blog, or even a special correspondent of newscasts. Thus, it is indispensable to redraw the borders of this profession and the types of engagements it requires with readers,” he stressed.

    Besides, ISESCO Director General highlighted that the traditional model of press cannot keep up with the digital developments in this profession because the social media, current priorities and the speed of the news flow immensely affected this model. “Press is a noble intellectual profession which requires hardworking, rigor, transparency, culture, time, and assisting means likely to contribute to the edification of the society of citizenship and democracy. It also contributes to the construction of the collective memory,” Dr. AlMalik stressed.

    At the close of his address, Dr. AlMalik asked many questions: Is the press still shaping the public opinion amid the new transformations? Does the press really contribute to sharing the true information and enlightening minds? Will the responsible press and the professional media stand before the accelerating digital developments that have allowed wrong hands to manipulate texts and images and disseminate fake news? He added that “Mr. Khalid AlMalik, Saudi Editor-in-Chief of the Saudi Newspaper Al Jazirah, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Saudi Journalists Association, and President of the Gulf Press Union; and the Moroccan renowned writer and journalist, Mr. Mohammed Seddik Maaninou, who served in many positions and was Director of the National Television, will surely answer these questions.” He thanked them for their participation at ISESCO Cultural Forum.

    ISESCO Director General receives representative of Conrad Adenauer Foundation in Morocco

    Today in his office, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO),  received M. Steffen Krueger, representative of the German Conrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS) in the Kingdom of Morocco, and together they examined the latest preparations for the launch of « the Forum of the Future », to be organized by ISESCO, in cooperation with the Foundation, in its headquarters in Rabat, on 17-18 February 2020,

    During the meeting the two parties highlighted the importance of organizing the said Forum and explored the major topics it will address, with the participation of international experts and distinguished personalities in the field of strategic foresight as well as representatives of international organizations and private sector. The topics of the Forum include the latest applications and uses of Artificial Intelligence and the anticipation of the future of the world by 2040, in addition to other topics related to the workshops which will be held during the forum on some of ISESCO fields of competence, namely education, culture and sciences.

    Talks also explored cooperation opportunities between ISESCO and Conrad Adenauer Foundation in light of the Organization’s new vision which adopts openness to civil society institutions to serve the citizens of its Member States.

    It is worth mentioning that the Conrad Adenauer Foundation, a non profit institution, was established in 1964 and bears the name of Conrad Hermann Adenauer, first German Chancellor after World War II (1949-1963). The Foundation is active in supporting democracy, establishing the rule of law and promoting peace.

    The meeting was attended by Dr Kais Hammami, Director of the Center of Strategic Foresight and Dr Mohammed Hadi Sehili, Legal Advisor to the Director General.

    ISESCO Director General receives President of Tunisian National Anti-corruption Authority

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), today at his office, received Mr. Chawki Tabib, President of the Tunisian National Anti-Corruption Authority (INLUCC), and together they explored ways to raise awareness of and educate university students about the issues of good governance and anticorruption.

    This meeting tackled some proposals on raising awareness about such issues among school students, including the introduction of some simplified subjects and information into the educational curricula.

    The meeting was held as part of ISESCO’s new vision which adopts openness to all so as to support sustainable development in Member States and empower young people to have access to quality education and training with a view to achieving their ambition to have a decent life.

    At the close of his visit to the Organization, INLUCC President offered the Shield of the Authority to ISESCO Director General.

    The meeting was attended from ISESCO by Mr. Mohamed Ghemari, Director of the Secretariat of the General Conference, Executive Council and Specialized Ministerial Conferences; Mr. Najib Ghiati, Director of Culture; Dr. Kais Hammami; Director of the Centre of Strategic Foresight; and Mr. Mohamed Hedi Shili, Legal Advisor to the Director General.

    AlMalik and Abdaoui explore cooperation prospects between ISESCO and Algeria

    The Director General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, and the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Algeria to the Kingdom of Morocco, Mr. Abdelhamid Abdaoui, explored cooperation between ISESCO and the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria in the fields of education, science and culture.

                These talks were held during the visit of the Algerian Ambassador today to ISESCO headquarters in Rabat, wherein the Algerian official reaffirmed that his country is looking forward to strong and more effective cooperation with ISESCO in the upcoming period.

    For his part, the Director General promised that the Organization will do its utmost to shape and consolidate cooperation with Algeria, as part of the Organization’s new vision which is based on establishing  more communication with Member States, and meeting their needs and expectations in the activities and programmes implemented by ISESCO in its areas of competence.

    The two parties also agreed to organize joint programmes and activities, as well as assisting Algeria in inscribing a number of its historic sites on the Islamic World Heritage List (IWHL) through providing the necessary training for technical officials in charge of preparing the technical files of these landmarks.

    Likewise, the two parties talked about the official invitation the Director General recently received from the Algerian Government to visit Algeria, which he accepted and promised to make it during the first half of 2020, after coordination with the Algerian parties.

    ISESCO-Egypt committee to launch Cairo’s Celebration as Islamic Culture Capital

    The Director General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, received Mr. Ashraf Ibrahim, Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt to the Kingdom of Morocco, and together they explored ways to promote cooperation between ISESCO and Egypt in the next phase, under ISESCO’s new vision and in light of the selection of Cairo as the Arab region’s Islamic Culture Capital for 2020.

    During the meeting which was held at ISESCO headquarters in Rabat, Dr. AlMalik highlighted that the celebration would give new impetus to the special and continued cooperation ties between the Organization and Egypt. He also pointed out that the arrangements for the celebration should be carried out in a manner worthy of the history and standing of Cairo and its plethoric heritage landmarks and cultural institutions and events.

    The discussions also touched on strengthening cooperation between ISESCO and Egypt through inscribing the maximum possible number of Egyptian heritage and historic landmarks on the Islamic World Heritage List, organizing symposia and lectures in the educational, cultural, environmental and scientific fields and other areas falling under the realm of ISESCO’s competence.

    Moreover, the parties reviewed some proposed ideas about activities and programmes for implementation in 2020 as part of the Celebration.

    At the close of the meeting, the parties agreed to set up a joint committee of ISESCO and the competent Egyptian authorities to implement the activities and programmes. The committee will meet in Cairo at the start of February to put the finishing touches to the celebration.

    ISESCO Director General receives Permanent Delegate of Libya to ISESCO

    The Director General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, and the Permanent Delegate of Libya to ISESCO, Dr. Said M’hamad Ed-Dbib, explored ways to promote cooperation between ISESCO and State of Libya in the fields of education, science and culture, amid the current circumstances Libya is going through.

    At the outset of the meeting, held today at ISESCO headquarters, Dr. AlMalik welcomed the Libyan delegate who briefed him on the major priorities and pressing needs of Libya over the next two years, in terms of programmes and activities in the fields of education, science and culture, as part of ISESCO’s action plan and under its new vision which entails  more communication with Member States to identify their real needs and incorporate them in ISESCO’s activities and programmes.

    In addition, the two parties talked about the ongoing preparations to hold the 40th ISESCO Executive Council, on 29-30 January 2020, in Abu Dhabi, State of the United Arab Emirates.

    The Delegate also undertook to pay Libya’s arrears and contributions to ISESCO’s budget.

    ISESCO Director General congratulates Sultan Haitham bin Tariq

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), congratulated His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tariq bin Taimur on being chosen as Sultan of Oman to succeed the late Sultan Qaboos bin Saeed.

    Dr. AlMalik reaffirmed that Sultan Haitham made great contributions to the sector of culture in Oman during his term as Minister of Heritage and Culture of the Sultanate since February 2002. He also beseeched Allah Almighty to grant him success so as to continue the development of the Sultanate of Oman.

    ISESCO Director General mourns passing of Sultan Qaboos bin Said

    The Director General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, mourned the passing of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said bin Taymoor, may Allah rest his soul in peace, stating that he received the news with profound grief and great sorrow.

                In this regard, Dr. AlMalik conveyed the heartfelt condolences and deep sympathy, on his own behalf and that of all ISESCO staff members, to the Omani people and to the royal family for the death of the leader of the resurgence of the modern Sultanate of Oman.

    Guinean President receives ISESCO Director General at Presidential Palace in Conakry

    The President of the Republic of Guinea, H.E. Dr.Alpha Condé, at the Presidential Palace in Conakry, received Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO). During this audience, Dr. AlMalik reviewed ISESCO’s new vision and discussed areas of cooperation between ISESCO and the Republic of Guinea.

    At the outset of this audience, which was the culmination of the official visit of the Director General to Guinea, Dr. AlMalik commended the activism and leadership of Dr. Condé and his major national role; and thanked the Guinean Government for endorsing his nomination to the position of ISESCO Director General.

    Afterwards, the Director General discussed the waqf project that the Organization will create to ensure the funding necessary for expanding its activities and programmes in cooperation with Member States. In this connection, President Condé expressed great interest in the project, commending the idea and the role ISESCO plays in supporting sustainable development in Member States.

    Moreover, the Guinean President manifested great interest when he listened to the details provided by the Director General on the medical, educational and social caravan that the ISESCO will organize in Guinea, stressing that he will instruct the Ministers of Culture, Education, Housing and Environment to provide optimal support for ISESCO.

    This audience was attended by Dr. Ahmed Said Bah, Director of External Relations, and Mrs. Ramata Almamy Mbaye, Director of Human and Social Sciences.