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    ICESCO Director-General Meets with Permanent Delegate of Libya to ICESCO in Rabat

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, the Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), and Dr. Said M’hamad Ed-Dbib, Permanent Delegate of Libya to ICESCO, explored ways to promote cooperation between the Organization and Libya in the fields of education, science, and culture.

    At the beginning of the meeting, held at ICESCO headquarters in Rabat, Dr. AlMalik conveyed his thanks to Libya for settling its 2021 contributions to ICESCO budget. The DG reaffirmed the Organization’s commitment to sustain its coordination with the Libyan authorities to identify the needs and priorities of the country in the upcoming period and design programmes and activities accordingly to be jointly implemented by the two parties.

    The meeting focused on several cooperation programmes between ICESCO and Libya, notably the educational training sessions. The list includes the training session on “Distance Education Strategies” that the Organization held on March 15-18, in cooperation with the Libyan National Commission and coordination with the General Center for Training and Education Development at the Libyan Ministry of Education. The training session was held under the theme “Towards a deeper and broader education.”

    The two parties also discussed the inscription of several Libyan historic sites on the Islamic World Heritage List (IWHL).

    Dr. Ed-Dbib commended ICESCO’s efforts and the major roles it assumes in fields such as safeguarding, preserving and publicizing heritage in the Islamic world, promoting civilizational dialogue, and supporting Member States in their areas of competence.

    ICESCO and FIFA Explore Cooperation Relations

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), and Ms. Fatma Samba Diouf Samoura, Secretary-General of the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), explored ways to promote cooperation between ICESCO and FIFA in areas of common interest.

    During the meeting, held today, Thursday, April 1, 2021, via videoconference, Dr. AlMalik and Ms. Samoura reaffirmed their keenness to build fruitful cooperation between the two institutions that would be translated into practical programs with tangible positive outcomes. Several ICESCO chiefs of sectors, heads of departments and advisors attended the meeting.

    Dr. AlMalik highlighted the major axes of the Organization’s strategy, which adopts an open-door policy with all world countries and is based on building partnerships with civil society institutions and international organizations and bodies for the benefit of the Member States and Muslim communities across the globe through developing their educational, cultural and social systems.

    The two parties explored the suggested field of cooperation to contribute to building a bright and peaceful future by rendering sports in achieving sustainable peace and comprehensive development, raising awareness on the importance of maintaining good health through sports and a balanced diet, and integrating sports values in educational systems. The meeting also discussed creating a research chair between ICESCO and FIFA and promoting joint action to support social cohesion in protecting vulnerable groups.

    Ms. Samoura commended ICESCO’s work strategy and the strides that the Organization made to develop and modernize its working mechanisms, underlining that football has immensely contributed to promoting peace, especially in conflict zones. She added that FIFA looks forward to developing genuine relations with the Organization focusing on promoting the role of women and young people and building the capacities of future generations, mobilizing different parties to eradicating gender discrimination and promoting women’s presence in sports.

    At the close of the meeting, the two parties agreed to continue working on drafting a cooperation agreement, to be signed at the earliest convenience, and launch joint initiatives, programs and activities.

    ICESCO and FIFA have previously cooperated on producing a video clip featuring major football world stars to convey a message of appreciation to health workers for their heroic roles during the COVID-19 pandemic and for joining the battle against the virus.

    ICESCO and AUF Sign Framework Cooperation Agreement

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and the Francophone University Agency (AUF) signed on March 29, 2021, a framework agreement to enhance cooperation between the two parties in improving governance in university training and research institutions. The cooperation also includes implementing joint programmes to enable graduates in the ICESCO Member States to meet the labor market requirements.

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General (DG), and Dr. Slim Khalbous, AUF Dean, signed the agreement, at ICESCO headquarters in Rabat, in the presence of some directors of the Agency as well as the directors of ICESCO sectors and departments.

    In his statement at the signing ceremony, Dr. AlMalik reviewed the main lines of ICESCO’s new vision and action strategy, which adopt an open-door policy and enhance the role of women and youth in building the future. He also commended the Organization’s programmes adding that the agreement will be an example to follow and a new step towards constructive cooperation to support the ICESCO Member States.

    Dr. Khalbous expressed his happiness at the signing of the agreement, which will strengthen the bilateral relationship between ICESCO and AUF and help develop cooperation between the two parties. He also congratulated ICESCO on its promising vision while stressing that the converging visions and strategies of the two parties will help build strong cooperation.

    The agreement sets forth cooperation between ICESCO and AUF in developing the capabilities of graduates, providing them with the necessary skills to meet the requirements of the professions of tomorrow, promoting cultural and creative industries, women entrepreneurship, and educational creativity. The agreement also covers spreading the foresight culture, addressing digital challenges, supporting scientific research programmes on the Francophonie, and promoting governance through joint development of training and planning tools to enshrine good practices in governance policy, particularly in universities.

    ICESCO Signs Two Cooperation Agreements with CONFEMEN and CONFEJES

         On Wednesday, March 24, 2021, the headquarters of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) witnessed the signing of a cooperation agreement between the Conference of Ministers of Youth and Sports of La Francophonie (CONFEJES) and another agreement with the Conference of Ministers of Education of La Francophonie (CONFEMEN). The agreements stipulate the joint implementation of programs and projects to integrate the values ​​of peace and citizenship in educational systems and the field of sports and among youth.

    The two agreements were signed, on behalf of ICESCO, by Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General of the Organization, on behalf of CONFEMEN by Dr. Abdel Rahamane Baba-Moussa, Secretary-General, and on behalf of CONFEJES by Mr. Modibo Traoré, Deputy Secretary-General.

    In his speech during the signing ceremony, Dr. AlMalik affirmed that ICESCO’s new vision and strategy of action adopts cooperation with international organizations of common interest, and through the signing of these two agreements, aims at building a strong partnership in terms of establishing peace, training youth and girls and cooperating in developing educational systems in the Member States, in cooperation between ICESCO, CONFEMEN, and CONFEJES.

    For his part, Dr. Abdel Rahamane Baba-Moussa praised ICESCO’s policy of being open to organizations that care about youth and education for all and pointed out that CONFEMEN works to promote the holistic approach of school education, within the framework of formal and non-formal education, and to integrate education in marginalized areas. He added that this agreement constitutes a starting point for major cooperation.

    Mr. Modibo Traoré affirmed that ICESCO’s signing of the cooperation agreement with CONFEJES is the beginning of broad-based fruitful cooperation. He presented an overview of CONFEJES’ mechanisms of work in the field of youth, sports, and promoting the values ​​of peace, citizenship, and youth participation.

    ICESCO Director-General Receives Brazilian Ambassador in Rabat

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), met Mr. Julio Glinternick Bitelli, Ambassador of Brazil to Morocco, with whom he examined the cooperation between ICESCO and Brazil in the Organization’s fields of action and the legal procedures required for Brazil’s joining ICESCO as an Observer State.

    The meeting took place on Wednesday, March 24, 2021, at ICESCO headquarters in Rabat and was attended by many of the Organization’s sector and department directors. Dr. AlMalik reviewed the main programs and initiatives currently being implemented by ICESCO, including the training program for youth and women in leadership in the fields of education, science and culture, through leadership incubators that ICESCO has launched at its headquarters, as well as working to support the creation of similar incubators in the Member States.

    The DG of ICESCO reviewed the main programs and activities implemented in celebration of “ICESCO Year of Women 2021,” proclaimed in honor of women who bear many burdens and have been on the front line during the COVID-19 pandemic with the high patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI of Morocco. He also noted that this celebration witnessed high-level participation among first ladies, female figures, and leaders of international organizations, and was largely circulated in mainstream and social media.

    The meeting discussed legal procedures for countries joining ICESCO as observers. The Ambassador stressed the interest of Brazil in this issue to strengthen cooperation with the Organization and the countries of the Islamic world.

    The Ambassador of Brazil in Rabat welcomed the proclamation by ICESCO of 2021 as the Year of Women, stressing that it is a distinct concept as women are the pillars of society and play a major role in all fields. He expressed Brazil’s wish to participate in the activities that ICESCO intends to undertake in the next phase.

    ICESCO Director-General Receives Ukrainian Ambassador in Rabat

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), received Ms. Vasylieva Oksana Yurievna, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to Morocco. They discussed cooperation prospects between ICESCO and Ukraine in the fields of education, science, and culture, as well as Ukraine’s membership to the Organization as an observer.

    During the meeting, which took place at the headquarters of ICESCO today, in the presence of several directors and experts of the Organization and the Consul General of Ukraine in Rabat Dr. AlMalik underlined that ICESCO adopts more communication and openness, not only with its Member States but also with non-Member States. The Organization also adopts an open-door policy with international organizations and bodies and civil society institutions, and builds partnerships and cooperation for the benefit of Member States and Muslim societies around the world.

    More than two million Muslims live in Ukraine enjoying their full rights, with independent
    institutions that represent them before the Ukrainian government. The cooperation in the fields of education, science, and culture would augur well to the new strategic vision the Organization is espousing towards achieving its goal for the benefit not only of its Member States but ideally to ICESCO Observer States as well.

    The Ambassador of Ukraine praised the remarkable work that ICESCO accomplished and thanked the DG for his invitation to attend many of the Organization’s rich activities, stressing her country’s desire for more cooperation with ICESCO and the countries of the Islamic world.

    ICESCO and BADEA Explore Partnership Development

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General (DG), and Dr. Sidi Mohamed Ould Tah, DG of the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa (BADEA), held a virtual meeting on Wednesday, March 17, 2021, to explore ways to foster a partnership between the Organization and the Bank in multiple fields. Several ICESCO sector directors, advisers, and experts also attended the meeting.

    The two parties explored prospects of cooperation between ICESCO and BADEA in several fields to address African needs, taking into account the respective strategies of the two institutions. The two parties agreed to set up a joint committee to identify the major projects, lay down their budgets, and outline the goals to attain positive and concrete outcomes.

    The two officials discussed several programs including cooperation to train 1000 young female leaderships, support women and girls’ entrepreneurial sense, empower newly literate women in Africa and train them on setting up income-generating projects such as sewing, embroidery, and traditional and artisanal industries.

    The two parties also discussed cooperation to grant scholarships to girls and reaffirmed the need to sustain cooperation in the field of teaching Arabic to non-Arabic speakers through the Regional Educational Center for Arabic to non-Arabic Speakers in Chad. They discussed setting up five other language centers in African countries in the upcoming two years.

    ICESCO and BADEA have established strong cooperation ties since their first partnership in 1994.

    ICESCO Learning Café Hosts Dr. Hayat Sindi

    As part of the activities of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization’s (ICESCO) 2021 Year of Women, under the high patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI of Morocco, the ICESCO Learning Café hosted Dr. Hayat Sindi, Chief Scientific Advisor to the President of the Islamic Development Bank. In the meeting entitled “Challenges and Successes,” Dr. Sindi talked about the beginnings of her passion for science and scientists, who contributed to change, and the impact of inspiration in her life.

    During the meeting, held yesterday, March 17, 2021, at ICESCO Headquarters in Rabat, Dr. Sindi told the participants about her childhood dreams of success and the contribution of her father, who strengthened her passion for science, while stressing that the main motivation behind the passion is considering science as the first and basic means for satisfying all the human needs.

    Dr. Sindi stated that there are vulnerable and poor groups that are deprived of access to technology. The situation encouraged her to look for the means likely to provide technology for all without exception because science and technology derive their power from being accessible for all.

    Dr. Sindi added “men monopolize the fields of science and women are looking for their position there too. The perceptions that women and men have on science are different from one another. For instance, men consider Artificial Intelligence more appropriate for wars while women find it useful for health and social care, which is a source of invention and innovation.”

    Speaking of inspiration, Dr. Sindi reaffirmed that it is a particularly important element in our life, without which no goal can be achieved, stating that she drew inspiration from her family and school. She was about to give up, especially in her beginnings, but she drew strength and perseverance from considering every day of her life as a new challenge.

    The participants asked questions and expressed their ideas, with which Dr. Sindi interacted based on her rich career and experience in the fields of science and innovation.

    International Symposium on Human Rights and the Digital Challenge Kicks off at ICESCO Headquarters

    The International Symposium on Human Rights and the Digital Challenge kicked off today, Tuesday, March 16, 2021, at ICESCO headquarters. The Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and the Ministry of State in Charge of Human Rights and Relations with the Parliament held the symposium face to face and via videoconference. The event saw a high-level participation from Morocco and beyond.

    During the opening session, Mr. El Mostapha Ramid, Minister of State in Charge of Human Rights and Relations with the Parliament, talked about the remarkable strides Morocco made in the field by strengthening the legislative powers with several laws, including the right to access information and the cybersecurity law.  He added that the misuse of technology caused several problems such as the spread of the discourse of extremism, hate, and racism, stressing that ensuring the sound use of technology requires devising plans and measures likely to guarantee the rights of individuals. The Minister also underscored that restricting the right to access to the digital world should be an exception.

    In his address, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General (DG), noted that some governments have almost completely embraced digital transactions, while others still do not possess the prerequisites of digital transformation, which, he stated, calls for ensuring territorial justice for all. The DG also warned that the impact of the growing digital progress on human rights requires the adoption of a different approach that respects and protects the collection, storage, and transfer of individuals personal information within the digital world.

    Dr. AlMalik stated that the dangers that modern technology pose should not eclipse its numerous advantages and major role in advancing societies and humans, reaffirming that the ultimate goal is to strike balance between technological development and the protection of peoles’ basic rights and freedoms.

    The DG also commended the approach Morocco adopts in dealing with human rights, under the high patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI.

    In her address, Ms. Amina Bouayach, President of Moroccoʻs National Council of Human Rights, talked about the challenge of subjecting digital spaces to legal provisions, in light of the growing numbers of people accessing these spaces and the emergence of what is called new media. She added that the transnational digital revolution elaborated the forms of demanding rights in our societies, especially economic, social and cultural ones, and anchored the notion of social and territorial justice as a new concept.

    Mr. Mʻhammed Abdenabaoui, President of the Public Prosecution, talked about the efforts of Morocco to protect citizens’ rights within the digital space, highlighting several measures taken to protect the rights of this space’s users and prosecute violators. He added that digital technologies have become a tool to exercise several rights such as the right of expression and publication and consolidated principles such as equality, noting that the digital space allowed for promoting access to several services and departments, especially during the pandemic.

    Mr. Omar Seghrouchni, President of Morocco’s National Commission for the Control of Personal Data Protection, underlined the need to focus more on protecting citizens in the digital society rather than just protecting their personal data, stating that societies should shield themselves against international platforms whose sole interest in making profit.

    The symposium includes three sessions addressing the following topics: “Right of access to accurate information in cyberspace and the protection mechanisms of personal data,” “Hate, violent and discriminatory speech in the digital space: prevention mechanisms and protection tools”, and “Human rights and the digital challenge: actors’ roles.” The close of the symposium features reading the symposium’s final report and recommendations.

    ICESCO Director-General Calls for Joint Action to Ensure Safe Cyberspace for Users

    The Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, reaffirmed that the future challenges, which the rapid developments in technology and artificial intelligence pose, impose upon us a set of common duties and responsibilities. The list includes ensuring safe access by Islamic world societies to cyberspace where the freedom of expression and belief as well as academic, cultural, and educational freedoms are respected and the dignity of the human self is preserved.

    The statement came in his address at the opening session of the international symposium “Human Rights and the Digital Challenge,” that ICESCO and the Ministry of State in charge of Human Rights and Relations with the Parliament in Morocco held today, face-to-face at ICESCO headquarters and by videoconference.

    In his address, Dr. AlMalik stated that ICESCO seeks to thwart the threats to individual rights in the cyberspace by urging its Member States to develop their legislation and ratify international conventions related to the protection of personal data, the fight against all forms of discrimination and violence against women and children and immigrants, as well as those relevant to combatting violent extremism, prevention of money laundering and all forms of cybercrime.

    The DG called for joint action to develop regional and international systems based on cooperation and complementarity between the judicial and legislative institutions and the civil society. He also lauded the quantum leap that Member States and private legislation made in monitoring cyberspace and responding to all sorts of crimes. Dr. AlMalik announced ICESCO’s establishment of the “Human Rights and Digital Transformation” Chair to promote the sincere efforts to absorb these changes in Member States.

    ICESCO DG reaffirmed that all the risks associated with modern technologies should not conceal their advantages in developing societies and ensuring human progress. “Technology is an efficient tool in monitoring and anticipating potential violations to human rights. Our objective is to ensure balance between technological development and the protection of rights and freedoms,” he concluded.