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    ICESCO Director-General Meets Qatari Minister of Culture, in Doha

    Following the closing ceremony of the Celebration of Doha, Capital of Culture in the Islamic World for 2021, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) met Sheikh Abdul Rahman bin Hamad Al Thani, Minister of Culture of Qatar. The meeting discussed ways to develop cooperation between ICESCO and the State of Qatar in the cultural fields.

    During this meeting, held on Thursday (January 20, 2022), in Doha, ICESCO DG reviewed the Organization’s new vision and its recent achievements and strategic orientations presented during the Executive Council, in Egypt, last December.

    The meeting considered cooperation proposals between the two parties through the adoption of various initiatives that ICESCO will launch in 2022, in the various areas of culture to contribute to its development in the Islamic world. The proposals also include training sessions on appraising, protecting and preserving heritage as well as inscribing heritage sites on the Islamic World Heritage List of ICESCO.

    For his part, Sheikh Abdul Rahman bin Hamad Al Thani commended the development and modernization of ICESCO’s working mechanisms and its new and forward-looking vision, praising ICESCO’s proclamation of Doha as the Capital of Culture in the Islamic World for 2021, and the activities and initiatives of this celebration despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

    At the close of the meeting, ICESCO DG invited Sheikh Abdul Rahman bin Hamad Al Thani to visit ICESCO Headquarters, in Rabat. The Minister promised to plan the visit at the earliest convenience.

    ICESCO DG also toured the Doha International Book Fair, which is held under the slogan “Science is Light,” with the participation of more than 430 publishing houses from 37 countries, presenting their latest intellectual, literary and scientific productions marking the great international development in all fields.

    At Closing Ceremony of Celebration of Doha, Capital of Culture in Islamic World for 2021… ICESCO Director-General: The Concept of ​​Culture Capitals Has Been Modernized

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), noted that the Organization has redesigned its Programme for Culture Capitals in the Islamic World to modernize the concept of ​​culture capitals. He emphasized ICESCO’s determination to make every capital’s celebration a cultural work that is consistent with the requirements of the cultural industry and capable of making a cultural difference through intelligent harmony between authenticity and modernization.

    This statement was part of his address on the closing ceremony of the celebration of Doha, Capital of Culture in the Islamic World for 2021, which took place on Thursday, January 20, 2022, during the 31st Doha International Book Fair, in the presence of Sheikh Abdulrahman bin Hamad al-Thani, Qatari Minister of Culture, along with several representatives of the ministries of culture in the Islamic worlds and the participating parties in the celebration’s activities, which lasted throughout 2021, under the theme “Our Culture is Light.”

    Dr. AlMalik began his address by noting that the ceremony closes an entire year of bright and creative activities, in which Doha was well received and welcomed as a culture capital. He thanked His Highness Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, Emir of the State of Qatar, for placing the celebration under his high patronage and for his interest, diligence and guidance.

    He added that the celebration’s theme (Our Culture is Light) indicates the Islamic world’s substantive contribution to civilization and that the celebration’s activities reflect high-quality planning and implementation and translate the values ​​of partnership, cooperation and synergy among several institutions, congratulating all who have contributed to the success of the celebration.

    ICESCO DG stressed that the programs of the celebration of Doha, Capital of Culture in the Islamic World for 2021, succeeded in promoting Doha as a long-standing civilizational and cultural landmark and emphasizing the uniqueness of the Islamic civilization. “The celebration programs fostered cultural cooperation among the units of the Islamic world, encouraged us to pursue the approach of great human openness, and expanded our concept of culture to include fields relating to youth, women, children and persons with special needs,” added ICESCO DG.

    In his address during the ceremony, Sheikh Abdulrahman bin Hamad al-Thani, Qatari Minister of Culture, noted that the diversified activities of the celebration were well attended despite the COVID-19 pandemic. He also emphasized the pivotal role of culture in achieving economic development and prosperity.

    “The programs and activities that were organized throughout the year reflected the richness of the State of Qatar. They contributed to promoting positive interaction among creative thinkers and intellectuals, strengthening cultural identity and building bridges of closeness and communication with the cultures of the Islamic world,” added the Qatari Minister.

    The celebration included the screening of a video highlighting the major activities and programs organized as part of the celebration of Doha, Capital of Culture in the Islamic World for 2021, followed by a singing performance, then a musical show.

    In conclusion, the Qatari Minister of Culture honored the ICESCO DG in appreciation of the Organization’s efforts and contribution to the success of the celebration of Doha, Capital of Culture in the Islamic World for 2021. The participating entities, bodies and sponsors were also honored.

    With Participation of ICESCO Director-General…Tomorrow, Closing of Ceremony of Celebration of Doha, Capital of Culture in Islamic World for 2021

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), and Sheikh Abdulrahman bin Hamad Al Thani, Minister of Culture of Qatar, will take part in the closing ceremony of the Celebration of Doha, Capital of Culture of the Islamic World for 2021, due to be held tomorrow (January 20, 2022) as part of the 31st Doha International Book Fair.

    The celebration of Doha, Capital of Culture in the Islamic World 2021, which comes within the framework of ICESCO’s Capitals of Culture in the Islamic World Program, held under the slogan “Our Culture is Light” and the high patronage of His Highness Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, Emir of The State of Qatar, implemented 238 cultural activities throughout 2021, under the supervision of the Qatari Ministry of Culture, in cooperation with the Qatari National Commission for Education, Culture and Science, and partnership with several Qatari ministries, authorities and institutions.

    The closing ceremony programme features the recitation of verses from the Holy Qur’an, followed by the addresses of the Qatari Minister of Culture and ICESCO DG, respectively.
    The ceremony also includes an artistic performance, and a video reviewing the activities of Doha, Capital of Culture in the Islamic World 2021, as well as a session for honoring the participants.

    ICESCO’s Capitals of Culture in the Islamic World Program aims to celebrate the cultural cities with a distinguished history to perpetuate their cultural and civilizational achievements, promote cultural and civilizational dialogue, and consolidate the values ​​of coexistence and understanding among peoples.

    ICESCO and KFAS Agree on Enhancing Cooperation

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), and Dr. Khaled Ali Al-Fadhel, Director-General of the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences (KFAS), explored avenues of cooperation between the Organization and the Foundation in the fields of scientific research, artificial intelligence applications, space science and research grants.

    The meeting was held on Thursday, January 13, 2022, at KFAS’ headquarters in Kuwait, within the framework of ICESCO DG’s official visit to the State of Kuwait. During the meeting, Dr. AlMalik reviewed the major thrusts of ICESCO’s new vision and action strategy that are based on openness to all, as well as the Organization’s main programs and activities.
    Dr. Al-Fadhel delivered a presentation on KFAS, explaining that it is a non-profit organization that includes several scientific centers, and aims to promote a culture of science, technology and innovation. He also reviewed the major programs and activities implemented by the Foundation to achieve its objectives.

    The two parties discussed proposals for cooperation between ICESCO and KFAS in areas of common interest. They agreed on joining efforts in the field of space science and applications by supporting the Islamic world’s access to this field and encouraging the establishment of relevant national institutions and research centers. They also agreed on supporting and providing research grants in distinguished universities and prestigious scientific research centers.

    The meeting also concluded with an agreement to jointly establish research incubators, organize hackathons for the benefit of talented and creative young people, and support the use of artificial intelligence applications in the cultural and educational fields.

    At the close of the meeting, Dr. AlMalik and Dr. Al-Fadhel affirmed their keenness to translate all that was discussed and agreed upon during the meeting into a cooperation agreement to be signed between ICESCO and the KFAS. Coordinators were designated to follow up on the outcomes of the meeting.

    The meeting was attended by Dr. Layla Al-Musawi, Program Manager of Publicizing and Dissemination of Science and Technology at KFAS, Dr. Ahmed Said Bah, Advisor to ICESCO DG for Partnerships and International Cooperation, and Mr. Youssef Al-Najjar, Assistant Undersecretary for Financial Affairs at the Kuwaiti Ministry of Education.

    Exploring Avenues for cooperation between ICESCO, Kuwait University and the FUIW

    Dr. Salim AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), and Dr. Bader Al-Badawi, Acting Rector of Kuwait University, explored avenues for cooperation between the university, ICESCO and the Federation of the Universities of the Islamic World (FUIW) mainly in the field of supporting academic chairs and granting scholarships in coordination with Kuwaiti National Commission for Education, Science and Culture.

    During the meeting, held on Wednesday, January 12, 2022, at the University’s headquarters in Kuwait, with the presence of Dr. Ali Al-Yaqoub, Undersecretary of the Kuwaiti Ministry of Education, and Dr. Mardi Al-Ayyash, Secretary-General and the official spokesperson for Kuwait University, Dr. AlMalik reviewed the Organization’s new vision and action strategy, attributing great significance to promoting cooperation with universities to contribute to achieving sustainable development.

    Dr. AlMalik referred to ICESCO’s scientific chairs in the fields of culture and arts that the Organization established in several universities inside and outside the Islamic world, underscoring the possibility of supporting the establishment of a research chair at Kuwait University and several other chairs in the universities in the Islamic world in partnership with the University.

    The meeting touched upon proposals for cooperation between ICESCO and FUIW in the field of scholarships as the State of Kuwait grants scholarships to students of the Islamic world in its universities, as well as cooperation in holding training sessions within Kuwait University, and networking and connecting the universities of the Islamic world mainly in the field of scientific and academic research.

    The two parties also explored proposal for cooperation in the field of enabling many universities in the Islamic world to occupy advanced positions in international rankings, cooperation in supporting young people and girls through entrepreneurship and the development of AI applications, which have unlimited capabilities to stimulate development as well as joint action to emphasize the importance of investing in space sciences and allowing universities to allocate important facilities for these sciences as they are the sciences of the future.

    Dr. Al-Badawi commended ICESCO’s cooperation with universities, noting Kuwait University’s eagerness to build a fruitful partnership with the Organization and the Federation.

    ICESCO Director-General Meets with Kuwaiti Minister of Education, Higher Education and Scientific Research

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), met with Dr. Ali Al-Mudhaf, Kuwaiti Minister of Education, Higher Education and Scientific Research, Chairman of the Kuwaiti National Commission for Education, Science and Culture. During the meeting, the two parties discussed means for sustaining the outstanding partnership between ICESCO and the State of Kuwait and enhancing their effective cooperation in the Organization’s areas of competence.

    The meeting was held on Wednesday, January 12, 2022, within the framework of ICESCO DG’s official visit to the State of Kuwait. Dr. AlMalik began the meeting by emphasizing the deep, long-standing relations between ICESCO and Kuwait as one of the Organization’s founding countries. He also commended the State’s notable humanitarian initiatives and considerable assistance to countries in need, calling for cooperation between ICESCO and Kuwait in this area.
    ICESCO DG also reviewed the Organization’s new vision, its achievements in recent years, and its strategic orientations presented during ICESCO’s Executive Council, hosted by the Arab Republic of Egypt in December 2021.

    During the meeting, the two parties discussed proposals for cooperation in the fields of education, science, scientific research, culture and communication. The proposals for cooperation laid particular focus on preparing strategic and field studies on education and organizing training sessions to build teacher capacity in light of the challenges and education trends that have emerged amidst COVID-19. Proposals also included drawing on the experience of Kuwait and the Gulf countries in education, as they have successfully maintained learning continuity during the pandemic.

    The two parties also explored avenues of cooperation in providing scholarships, to be granted by Kuwait in its universities to students from the Islamic world, and by ICESCO to Kuwaiti researchers and scholars in prestigious universities across the globe.

    For his part, Dr. Al-Mudhaf praised ICESCO’s developed and modernized working mechanisms, as well as its new far-sighted vision, stressing Kuwait’s keenness to strengthen cooperation with the Organization.

    The meeting was attended by Dr. Ali Al Yaqoub, Undersecretary of the Kuwaiti Ministry of Education.

    Kuwaiti Ministry of Education Pays Tribute to ICESCO Director-General at the Meeting on the Development of Cooperation between ICESCO and the State of Kuwait

    On Wednesday, January 12, 2022, the headquarters of the Kuwaiti Ministry of Education hosted a working meeting with the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) on the aspects of cooperation and partnership between the Kuwaiti National Committee for Education, Science and Culture and ICESCO.

    The meeting brought together Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO DG, Dr. Ali Al-Yaqoub, Undersecretary of the Kuwaiti Ministry of Education, the Ministry’s undersecretaries, heads of central departments and counselors, as well as Dr. Ahmed Said Bah, Supervisor of ICESCO’s Secretariat of National Commissions and Conferences.

    At the outset of the meeting, Dr. AlMalik expressed his thanks and appreciation to the competent Kuwaiti authorities and the Ministry of Education’s invitation for an official visit to the State of Kuwait, commending its pioneering initiatives, generosity and joint humanitarian work.

    ICESCO DG also called for developing and sharing areas of cooperation and experiences between the Organization and the Kuwaiti Ministry of Education. His visit aims at capitalizing on the Kuwaiti expertise and competencies and building partnerships and cooperation with relevant Kuwaiti institutions to develop joint action for the benefit of Muslim peoples.

    For his part, Dr. Ahmed Said Bah indicated that this visit represents a pivotal milestone in the history of relations between the State of Kuwait and ICESCO. “The visit will achieve strategic results by strengthening cooperation with the competent authorities and the ministries operating in ICESCO’s areas of competence or the cooperating partners in the State of Kuwait,” he added.

    Dr. Al-Yaqoub commended the roles and achievements of ICESCO underlined in the reports and documents submitted to the Executive Council and General Conference, held in Cairo, last December, under the patronage of the Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi.

    In appreciation of ICESCO DG’s visit to Kuwait and his keenness to strengthen the partnership between the Organization and the State of Kuwait, Dr. Al-Yaqoub, for himself and on behalf of the Kuwaiti Ministry of Education, paid tribute to Dr. AlMalik as well as the Supervisor of the Secretariat of National Commissions and Conferences of ICESCO for his efforts to support cooperation between the two parties.

    New prospects for Cooperation between ICESCO and IICO

    Dr. Salim AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), held a meeting with Mr. Badr Al-Sumait, Director-General of the International Islamic Charitable Organization (IICO), to explore cooperation between the two Organizations in the humanitarian field and moving forward to new horizons, especially in educational and cultural programs as well as promoting the correct image of Islamic culture and civilization to the world.

    During the meeting, held today, Tuesday, January 11, 2022, at the IICO’s headquarters in Kuwait, the two parties reviewed the key ongoing initiatives, programs, projects and proposals to develop cooperation and partnership between ICESCO and IICO in areas of common interest.

    The two parties agreed to cooperate in the educational field, especially in educational technology, strengthening smart educational facilities and supporting online education to address the negative effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on educational performance and school drop-out in particular, as well as implementing training and rehabilitation programs for young people, girls and women in the field of productive and income-generating entrepreneurship projects.

    The two Organizations also agreed to cooperate in the field of granting university scholarships to distinguished scientific research projects, in prestigious universities in the Member States and abroad, as well as supporting programs to promote a culture of peace and consolidate the values of dialogue, understanding and moderation through conducting training and qualification programs and organizing intellectual conferences and scientific seminars.

    At the conclusion of the meeting, Dr. AlMalik and Dr. Al-Sumait reaffirmed their eagerness to turn these projects into executable programs, as they will be included in a new cooperation agreement between ICESCO and IICO that will be signed shortly.

    The meeting was also attended by Dr. Ahmed Said Bah, Advisor to ICESCO DG for Partnerships and International Cooperation, and Mr. Yousef Al-Najjar, Assistant Undersecretary of the Kuwaiti Ministry of Education for Financial Affairs.

    For the record, IICO is one of the major institutions operating in the humanitarian field in the Islamic world. It is an independent charitable organization with multiple activities providing humanitarian services to vulnerable people around the world without discrimination or fanaticism. It also empowers human beings in educational, cultural, and economic aspects to be able to create a positive impact on their communities through high-quality programs and effective partnerships.

    Agreement to enhance cooperation between ICESCO and the Center for Research and Studies on Kuwait

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), and Dr. Abdullah Yousef Al-Ghunaim, President of the Center for Research and Studies on Kuwait, discussed ways to build fruitful cooperation between ICESCO and the Center in implementing joint programs and activities, and conducting historical, social and heritage studies and research works.

    During this meeting, held on Monday, January 10, 2022, at the Center headquarters, in Kuwait, Dr. Al-Malik reviewed the main cores of ICESCO’s new vision and action strategy, which attaches special importance to the preservation and valorization of tangible and intangible heritage in the Islamic world, including Kuwait, as a founding Member and supporter of the Organization. “ICESCO has made significant efforts to inscribe the largest number possible of historical sites and cultural elements on the Islamic World Heritage List,” he underscored.

    For his part, Dr. Al-Ghunaim gave a presentation on the Center’s programs, projects, and publications documenting the history of the State of Kuwait and introducing the various stations of the country’s development process. He also reviewed the salient documents in the Center’s archive and the efforts of the Center in establishing links with foreign researchers interested in the history, heritage and antiquities of Kuwait.

    At the close of the meeting, the two parties agreed to cooperate in holding intellectual seminars and specialized meetings between researchers and experts in fields of common interest. The Center will provide the historical and scientific material on the archaeological sites and heritage monuments of the State of Kuwait. The Center will also share its electronic and knowledge resources on “ICESCO Digital House” and enrich ICESCO Library with its publications.

    The meeting brought together several advisors and assistants of the Center’s President, Dr. Walid Al-Seif, Head of the Islamic World Heritage Committee, Dr. Ahmed Said Bah, Advisor to ICESCO DG for Partnerships and International Cooperation, and Mr. Yousef Al-Najjar, Assistant Undersecretary of the Kuwaiti Ministry of Education for Financial Affairs.

    After the meeting, ICESCO Director-General toured the exhibition hosted by the Center for Research and Studies on Kuwait, which includes publications of the Arab Center for Authorship and Translation of Health Sciences, which is an Arab organization affiliated with the Council of Arab Health Ministers. Dr. Marzuq Al-Ghunaim, Assistant Secretary-General of the Center, received ICESCO DG and made a presentation on the Center’s activities and publications. The two parties agreed on coordination and consultation to identify the areas of cooperation in translation, Arabization and the dissemination of the Center’s publications among universities through the Federation of Universities of the Islamic World (FUIW).

    ICESCO Director-General meets with Secretary-General of Kuwaiti NCCAL

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), met with Dr. Kamil Sulaiman Al-Abduljalil, Secretary-General of the Kuwaiti National Council for Culture, Arts and Letters (NCCAL), and together they explored cooperation prospects between ICESCO and the Council in areas of common interests, in coordination with the Kuwaiti National Commission for Education, Science and Culture.

    The meeting was held today, Monday 10 January 2022, at the Council’s headquarters, as part of ICESCO DG’s official visit to the State of Kuwait. The meeting was an opportunity for the two parties to discuss their major ongoing initiatives, programs and activities, and highlight their respective working strategies, future prospects for various sectors, and the adopted mechanisms to achieve their goals.

    The meeting discussed cooperation proposals between ICESCO and the Council in the fields of culture, arts, thought and heritage protection, notably cooperation in the organization of the Kuwait International Book Fair, and giving access to the digital references of the Kuwait National Library through ICESCO’s Digital Home. In the same vein, the two parties agreed to cooperate on a number of the Council’s art and heritage exhibitions and link these exhibitions with ICESCO’s Program of Capitals of Culture in the Islamic World, to enable the Council to take part in the Program’s activities through these events.

    In addition, the two parties welcomed the Council’s contributions in introducing and nominating Kuwaiti heritage sites and historic landmarks for inscription on ICESCO’s Islamic World Heritage List, in its capacity as the competent party in charge of preserving and safeguarding heritage sites in Kuwait.

    At the close of the meeting, ICESCO and the Council agreed to hold more meetings to lay down executive plans for their cooperation and coordination, and sign a joint action program.

    The meeting was attended by Dr. Issa Al-Ansari, NCCAL Assistant Secretary-General, Mr. Mohammad bin Redha, Supervisor of the NCCAL Department of Foreign Cultural Relations, in addition to several Council officials. Also in attendance were Dr. Ahmed Said Bah, Advisor to the DG for Partnerships and International Cooperation, and Mr. Youssef Al-Najjar, Assistant Undersecretary for Financial Affairs at the Kuwaiti Ministry of Education.