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    ICESCO Director-General Holds Series of Meetings and Attends Cultural Symposium in Nouakchott

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), held a series of meetings with several Mauritanian officials on the first day of his official visit to the Islamic Republic of Mauritania to attend the launching ceremony of the celebration of Nouakchott as Culture Capital in the Islamic World for 2023.

    Dr. AlMalik and his accompanying delegation met with Dr. Houssein Ould Meddou, Head of Mauritania’s High Authority for Press and Broadcasting (HAPA), and together discussed a set of proposals to ensure the media’s contribution to the success of the celebration of Nouakchott as Culture Capital in the Islamic World for 2023. During the meeting, which was held on Thursday, 5 January 2023, the two parties also explored means for fostering cooperation between ICESCO and the Authority in training and building the capacities of journalists and media professionals, particularly in consolidating peace and combating hatred, and harnessing modern technologies and artificial intelligence for the development of the media industry.

    Dr. AlMalik visited the headquarters of the Mauritanian National Commission for Education, Culture and Science, where he was received by Mr. Mohamed Ould Sidi Abdallah, Secretary-General of the Commission, who welcomed ICESCO DG and his accompanying delegation and commended ICESCO’s support for Mauritania’s efforts in the educational, scientific and cultural fields.

    After the meeting, ICESCO DG and his accompanying delegation met with the higher committee in charge of supervising the celebration’s organization, which comprised mostly of representatives from Mauritanian ministries. The parties emphasized that they will pursue their joint efforts for a successful celebration and will follow up on the implementation of the activities planned throughout the year.

    Dr. AlMalik then took part in a cultural symposium organized by the Mouhitt Center for Development, Women and Peace in Nouakchott, where he was received by Dr. Mekfoula Mint Akah, President of the Center, in the presence of a host of female and male authors and poets who discussed traditional Mauritanian literature and poetry.

    Mauritanian President Receives ICESCO Director General at Presidential Palace in Nouakchott

    His Excellency Mohamed Ould Cheikh El Ghazouani, President of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, received Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), at the Presidential Palace in the capital, Nouakchott.

    At the outset of the meeting, which was held on Thursday, January 5, 2023, ICESCO Director-General (DG) expressed his sincere thanks and gratitude to His Excellency the Mauritanian President for his generous patronage of the celebration of Nouakchott as Culture Capital in the Islamic World for 2023, and his honor to preside over the launching ceremony of the celebration on Friday, January 6, 2023.

    ICESCO DG also expressed his thanks and appreciation for the efforts of the Mauritanian government, the National Commission for Education, Science and Culture, and the Higher Committee for the celebration, in arranging and coordinating with ICESCO for the success of the celebration, noting the interest he had felt in the celebration since his arrival in Nouakchott.

    Dr. AlMalik reviewed the main components of the new vision of the Cultural Capitals of the Islamic World Programme, which goes hand in hand with ICESCO’s priorities in anticipating the future, preserving and valorizing heritage in the Islamic world, encouraging innovation as well as investing in modern technology and its applications to achieve sustainable development.

    He noted the importance of inscribing the Mahdara on ICESCO’s Islamic World Heritage Lists and the Organization’s desire to introduce this experience of traditional education in Mauritania to the Islamic world countries and beyond.

    For his part, His Excellency the Mauritanian President commended the development and modernization that ICESCO has witnessed in recent years, noting that His Excellency is following the Organization’s efforts in supporting its Member States, including Mauritania, in the fields of education, science and culture.

    His Excellency the Mauritanian President also commended ICESCO’s efforts in inscribing historical sites and cultural elements on its Islamic World Heritage Lists, and the Organization’s awareness of cultural diversity in Mauritania when inscribing these sites.

    ICESCO and Nouakchott Region Agree on cooperation to Ensure the Success of the Celebration of Nouakchott as Culture Capital in the Islamic World for 2023

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), met Ms. Fatimetou Abdel Malick, President of the Nouakchott Region, Chair of the United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (ULCG), on the first day of his official visit to Mauritania to attend the launch ceremony of the Celebration of Nouakchott as Culture Capital in the Islamic world for 2023.

    At the outset of the meeting, held on Thursday, 5 January 2023, the President of Nouakchott Region welcomed ICESCO DG and his delegation and expressed her happiness at celebrating Nouakchott as Culture Capital in the Islamic world for 2023.

    For his part, Dr. AlMalik expressed his hope that Nouakchott would be a role model for other culture capitals in the Islamic world and contribute to enriching ICESCO’s Culture Capitals in the Islamic World Programme, within the framework of its new vision, which stresses the importance of cultural capital and endeavors to promote the image of these cities and turn them into cultural destinations.

    Dr. AlMalik also reviewed the mainlines of the Programme and the activities that ICESCO will implement, in cooperation with the Mauritanian authorities, within the framework of the celebration, calling on Nouakchott Region to propose the programs or activities it deems appropriate for implementation, in line with the needs of the citizens of the Mauritanian capital.

    Mrs. Fatimetou Abdel Malick stressed that the Nouakchott Region will exert every effort to ensure the success of this outstanding cultural celebration, noting that the city has many adequate facilities for the celebration activities, including the cultural village, which will host many cultural activities and festivals.

    At the end of the meeting, the two parties agreed on close cooperation and regular coordination to ensure the success of the programs and activities of the celebration.

    ICESCO and Mauritania Review Cooperation Developments in Education, Science and Culture

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), started an official visit to the Islamic Republic of Mauritania with a meeting with Mr. Mohamed Ould Soueidatt, Mauritanian Minister of Culture, Youth, Sports and Relations with Parliament, Chairman of the Mauritanian National Commission for Education, Culture and Science, and together they discussed developments in cooperation between ICESCO and Mauritania in the Organization’s areas of competence.

    During the meeting, which was held on, Thursday, 5 January 2023, at the Ministry headquarters in Nouakchott, the two parties emphasized their keenness to pursue the distinguished partnership between ICESCO and Mauritanian institutions specialized in the Organization’s areas of action, particularly in light of the celebration programme of Nouakchott as Culture Capital in the Islamic world for 2023, which features a vast array of activities and projects that will be implemented in the capital and other Mauritanian cities.

    Dr. AlMalik noted that selecting Nouakchott as Culture Capital in the Islamic World for 2023 is an appreciation of the city’s rich heritage and history and outstanding luminaries and historians and its contributions to the cultural, artistic and literary heritage of the Islamic world throughout history, stating that ICESCO’s celebration of cultural capitals originates from its awareness of the importance of the cultural capital and rests upon an endeavor to enhance the image of these cities and help turn them into prominent cultural destinations.

    The two parties reviewed the major programmes and initiatives to be implemented during the current year, which are geared towards preserving and valorizing the Mauritanian heritage sites inscribed on ICESCO’s Islamic World Heritage List, supporting heritage protection institutions in Mauritania, and training heritage professionals. The meeting also touched upon holding various cultural conferences, seminars, festivals and exhibitions, building the capacities of youth and women, supporting the cultural economy and tourism, and launching a range of cultural competitions and awards.

    For his part, Mr. Soueidatt lauded ICESCO’s efforts towards supporting its Member States in the educational, scientific and cultural fields, and expressed his gratitude and appreciation for the Organization’s selection of Nouakchott as culture capital in the Islamic world for 2023.
    He reaffirmed the Islamic Republic of Mauritania’s support for ICESCO and its keenness to pursue cooperation with the Organization.

    The meeting brought together Mr. Mohamed Ould Sidi Abdallah, Secretary-General of the Mauritanian National Commission and ICESCO DG’s accompanying delegation which was composed of heads of sectors and directors of departments at the Organization.

    Review of Cooperation Prospects Between ICESCO and the Saudi Program for the Development and Reconstruction of Yemen

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), met with Ambassador Mohammed bin Saeed Al Jaber, Supervisor General of the Saudi Program for the Development and Reconstruction of Yemen, to discuss cooperation prospects between the two sides in order to enhance development and reconstruction efforts in Yemen.

    The meeting, which took place on Thursday, 29 December 2022 at the headquarters of the Program in Riyadh, focused on cooperation between the two sides in the development of curricula, support for youth, preservation and promotion of heritage, and training for its protection.

    The meeting also discussed the projects and initiatives of the Program in the different Yemeni governorates. Dr. AlMalik praised the contribution of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the fields of education and culture as well as to the various vital sectors in order to strengthen the Yemeni capacities and executives through the said Program.

    At the end of the meeting, the two sides stressed the importance of coordinating development efforts and actions in Yemen in the upcoming days, in cooperation with the Yemeni government, to support efforts geared to improve the living conditions of the Yemeni people.

    The two parties agreed that ICESCO would suggest and present some programs and projects to the Saudi Program for the Development and Reconstruction of Yemen, for approval and agreement on their joint implementation during the year 2023.

    ICESCO and Azerbaijan Sign Joint Action Plan to Implement Several Programs and Projects

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and the Republic of Azerbaijan signed a joint action plan to promote a culture of peace, consolidate the values of tolerance and dialogue among cultures, and protect cultural heritage in the countries of the Islamic world and ensure its sustainability, by supporting the implementation of ICESCO’s programs and projects.

    The Action Plan was signed on Saturday, December 24, 2022, at the Organization’s Headquarters in Rabat, by Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General (DG), and Mr. Nazim Samadov, Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the Kingdom of Morocco.

    In his address at the signing
    ceremony, Dr. AlMalik praised the fruitful partnership between ICESCO and the Republic of Azerbaijan, which presents a successful model of relations between the Organization and its Member States, commending Azerbaijan’s sustained support for the programs and projects implemented by ICESCO.

    ICESCO DG also underscored that this new agreement will help promote the implementation of ICESCO’s new vision and support its strategic orientations, which accord special importance to building the capacities of youth and women and honing their leadership skills through training for peace and security. The Director-General also commended Azerbaijan’s support for ICESCO’s endeavors to safeguard and preserve the tangible and intangible heritage of the Islamic world and anchor the values of coexistence and civilizational dialogue.

    For his part, Ambassador Samadov welcomed the signing of the action plan, which reaffirms the support of the Republic of Azerbaijan to ICESCO’s programs and projects and its efforts to promote education, science and culture in its Member States.

    Through the Action Plan, the two parties agreed to jointly organize the World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue, held biennially in Baku, and recognize the importance of the Global Call for Peace for Culture, launched by ICESCO, the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations and the Azerbaijani Ministry of Culture, within the framework of the activities of the said Forum to promote intercultural dialogue and pool efforts to achieve peace between societies.

    The action plan also provides for the support of the Azerbaijani Ministry of Culture to ICESCO’s Young Professionals Program, along with the Organization’s other programs aimed at protecting cultural heritage sites in the Islamic world and promoting the modernization of the digital infrastructure of ICESCO Headquarters.

    ICESCO Executive Council Concludes its Proceedings by Adopting the Final Documents of its 43rd Session

    The Executive Council of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) concluded its proceedings, on Friday, 23 December 2022, at the Organization’s Headquarters in Rabat, by adopting the final documents of its 43rd Session and the reports submitted by the General Directorate, and approving the offer of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to host the 44th Session, in December 2023.

    The meeting started with an opening session during which Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General (DG), Dr. Mohamed Ayman Ashour, Egyptian Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, President of the General Conference of ICESCO, and Dr. Dawas Tayseer Dawas, Chairman of the Executive Council of ICESCO, Secretary General of the Palestinian National Commission for Education, Culture and Science, addressed the Council.

    The working sessions included presentations by ICESCO’s sectors, departments and specialized centers on the programs and projects implemented during the current year, as well as discussions and interventions by Council members on the documents and plans submitted by the Organization’s General Directorate.

    In this connection, ICESCO DG reaffirmed that the Organization will strive to meet the needs of its Member States, calling for enhanced communication and cooperation.

    The Council adopted the Executive Report on ICESCO’s activities for 2021, the Organization’s financial reports for 2021, and the report on Member States’ contributions for 2021, as well as several administrative and legal documents and proposals.

    At the end of its meeting, the Council took many decisions, including the formal accession of the Lebanese Republic to ICESCO, which was invited to designate the competent parties for cooperation with the Organization.

    The Council also welcomed the proposal of His Excellency Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, President of the Arab Republic of Egypt, to set up a fund to support talents in the Islamic world, calling on ICESCO to coordinate and cooperate with Egypt to draw up the legal framework, plans and mechanisms of action in consultation with Sudan, Morocco and Benin, and present the vision to the Executive Council at its next session.

    In the same vein, the Council adopted the outline of the ICESCO Draft Charter for Artificial Intelligence and Metaverse, entrusting the Organization with its elaboration for submission to the next Council.

    It also welcomed the implementation of ICESCO’s first session of the Young Professionals Program, calling on Member States to support it.

    In his address at the closing session, Dr. AlMalik reaffirmed that the Organization will do its utmost to meet the needs of its Member States and invest in its human capital in order to become a model of hope and action.

    The Chairman of ICESCO’s Executive Council thanked the Council members for the richness of their debates and interventions during the said sessions, commending the decisions adopted by the Council before announcing the closing of the 43rd Session.

    Officially: Lebanese Republic Accedes to ICESCO

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), announced in the opening session of the ICESCO Executive Council, held on Friday, December 23, 2022, the official accession of the Lebanese Republic to ICESCO, following the finalization of the relevant legal procedures and the reception of an official letter regarding the matter from Mr. Najib Mikati, Lebanese Prime Minister.

    Afterward, the flag of the Lebanese Republic was raised among those of ICESCO Member States, a ceremony attended by Mr. Ziad Atallah, Lebanese Ambassador to the Kingdom of Morocco; Dr. Ayman Ashour, President of the 14th ICESCO General Conference; and Dr. Dawas Taysir Dawas, Chairman of the ICESCO Executive Council.

    The ICESCO DG welcomed the accession of Lebanon to the Organization, given the country’s status and significance in the Islamic world and its presence in the fields of education, science and culture, commending Lebanon for being a model in coexistence and peace.

    In her address at the ceremony, Ms. Hiba Nashabé, Secretary-General of the Lebanese National Commission for Education, Science and Culture, conveyed the greetings and appreciation of Mr. Najib Mikati, commending the leading roles of ICESCO and its support for its Member States in the fields of education, science and culture. The Lebanese Secretary-General also hailed the Organization’s support and special interest it accords to Lebanon, even before the finalization of the accession legal procedures.

    The Members of the ICESCO Executive Council welcomed Lebanon’s official accession, reaffirming their eagerness to cooperate with the Lebanese National Commission.

    43rd Session of ICESCO Executive Council kicks off at its headquarters in Rabat

    On Friday, December 23, 2022, the 43rd Session of the Executive Council of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) kicked off at the Organization’s Headquarters, in Rabat, with the attendance of 46 out of the 53 Member States of the Organization.

    The opening session began with the recitation of verses from the Holy Quran, followed by the address of Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General (DG), wherein he reaffirmed that the Organization continues its innovative and modernizing approach to have an integrated practical orientation and become among the most prestigious international institutions, noting that ICESCO won many distinguished international awards and certificates during 2022.

    He also reviewed the salient achievements of ICESCO, including the organization of conferences, seminars and workshops, the launch of initiatives and programs that give priority to women and youth, technology, space sciences and heritage safeguarding, and the establishment of several academic chairs in prestigious universities, adding that ICESCO currently hosts the International Museum of the Prophet’s Biography and Islamic Civilization as a new civilizational contribution.

    Moreover, ICESCO DG stated that the Organization promotes the principles of tolerance, anticipates the future, showcases arts and literature and celebrates the talents and skills of young people based on governance and transparency.

    In his address, Dr. Mohamed Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Egypt, Chairman of ICESCO’s General Conference, commended the constructive cooperation with the Organization in the fields of education, science and culture, within the framework of coordination with Member States and National Commissions, to define new trends for its strategies and programs, and respond to future requirements.

    He also commended ICESCO’s efforts in shaping the future, preserving cultural heritage, teaching Arabic for non-Arabic speakers, and building national capacities in the Member States by supporting education, qualifying and training youth and women, and supporting research and innovation.

    For his part, Dr. Dawas Tayseer Dawas, Chairman of ICESCO Executive Council and Secretary-General of the Palestinian National Commission for Education, Culture and Science, reaffirmed that the Organization should be applauded for its endeavors to spread outstanding educational and cultural practices, and meet the challenges and needs of Member States through various activities and programs.

    Besides, he explained the importance of convening the Executive Council for supporting ICESCO’s efforts to fulfill its mission in all fields, calling for continued development within the framework of a multilateral approach along with the orientations of the Organization’s General Directorate.

    At the end of the opening session, ICESCO DG announced the official accession of the Lebanese Republic to the Organization after fulfilling the legal procedures, indicating that he had received an official letter on this matter from Mr. Najib Mikati, Prime Minister of Lebanon.

    Afterward, the participants in the 43rd session of ICESCO Executive Council took a group photo. The working sessions will include presentations on the performance reports of sectors, departments, and specialized centers of ICESCO.

    In cooperation with ICESCO, Korean Tablets Delivered to Support Girls’ Education in Niger

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) took part in a certificate signing ceremony upon receipt of tablets from the Korean company Woongjin ThinkBig, which specialized in the field of education and digital technology, to support girls’ education in the Republic of Niger.

    The signing ceremony, which was held on Thursday, December 22, 2022, at ICESCO Headquarters and via videoconference, saw the participation of Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General (DG), Dr. Ibrahim Natatou, Nigerien Minister of National Education, Dr. Keeyong Chung, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to the Kingdom of Morocco, Mr. Salissou Ada, Nigerien Ambassador to the Kingdom of Morocco, Mr. JaeJin Lee, CEO of Woongjin ThinkBig, Mr. Joong Hee Han, Senior Director of Contents Development at the company, Mr. Chito Boubacar, First Advisor of the Embassy of Niger to the Kingdom of Morocco, Dr. Barry Boly Koumbou, Head of ICESCO’s Education Sector, and Dr. Sungbong Kim, Expert at the Sector.

    In his address, Dr. AlMalik emphasized the importance of this initiative aimed at supporting the efforts of the Nigerien Government to advance girls’ education and ensure their access to quality learning by offering them digital learning devices, noting that this initiative is part of ICESCO’s “Girls’ Digital Labs” Programme and its projects that are geared towards to enhance girls’ ability to use modern technology.

    In a video-recorded address, Mr. Jae-Jin Lee commended ICESCO’s support for its Member States and its endeavor to develop the educational field in Niger, hoping that this initiative marks the beginning of fruitful cooperation between ICESCO and the Korean company. Mr. Keeyong Chung conveyed his gratitude to the Organization for its efforts toward promoting education in the countries of the Islamic world.

    For his part, Dr. Ibrahim Natatou underscored the need for joint action to overcome major challenges in Niger’s education sector, praising ICESCO’s work and role in delivering digital devices. Mr. Salissou Ada lauded the effective cooperation between ICESCO and the Nigerien Government, calling for strengthened partnerships between the two parties in the Organization’s areas of competence.