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    ICESCO Director-General Meets a Host of Member States’ Culture Ministers

    26 September 2023

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), met a host of culture ministers of the Organization’s Member States following their participation in the 12th Conference of Ministers of Culture in the Islamic World, organized by ICESCO, and hosted by the State of Qatar, represented by its Ministry of Culture, on 25-26 September 2023, with the rallying call “Towards the Renewal of Cultural Action in the Islamic World.”

    During these meetings, Dr. AlMalik underlined ICESCO’s support for its Member States in its areas of action, its keenness to achieve synergy towards renewing cultural action and its strategic vision of adopting culture as a beacon of sustainable development. He further stressed ICESCO’s valorization of the heritage of its Member States through its inscription on ICESCO’s Islamic World Heritage List and building the capacities of personnel working in the field.

    ICESCO Director-General highlighted the outcomes of ICESCO’s key programmes and initiatives in the Ministers’ respective countries and ways of fostering cooperation between ICESCO and their countries.

    ICESCO DG held separate meetings with Mr. Mohammad Mehdi Esmaili, Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Dr. Ahmed Fakkak Al-Badrani, Minister of Culture, Tourism and Antiquities of the Republic of Iraq, Dr. André Jacques Augand, Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports of the Republic of Gabon, Mr. Ahmed Ould Sid’Ahmed Die, Minister of Culture, Youth, Sports and Relations with the Parliament of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, Mr. Jamal Shah, Minister for National Heritage and Culture of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, and Dr. Farah Sheikh Abdulqadir, Minister of Education, Culture and Higher Education of the Federal Republic of Somalia.

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