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    ICESCO and Diplomatic Club of Rabat Explore Cooperation Prospects

    A delegation from the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) met on Wednesday, February 6, in a videoconference with a delegation of the Diplomatic Club for Charity of Rabat to explore cooperation in areas of mutual interest.

    Dr. Mohamed Zinelabidine, Director of the Sector of Culture and Communication, headed the delegation, which comprised Dr. Abdelilah Benarafa, Advisor to the Director-General; Ms. Rime Jirari, Head of the Division of Organizations and Bodies at the Sector of Cooperation and Partnerships; and Mr. Bilel Chebbi, Expert at the Sector of Culture and Communication.

    Ms. Zeina Barakat, the wife of the Ambassador of the Lebanese Republic to Rabat, President of the Club, presided over the delegation of the Club, with the participation of Ms. Nadia Al Hadithi, wife of the Ambassador of Saudi Arabia to Morocco; Dr. Yousra Al Jazairy, Acting Cultural Attaché at Saudi Arabia in Morocco; and Ms. Yolanda Jah, Cultural Officer.

    During the meeting, the parties agreed to jointly translate the book “Flavors of the World” into Arabic, to be published by the end of February 2021. The two parties discussed the inscription of Ramadan table and its associated rituals on the Islamic World Heritage List. The participants also proposed publishing a book on the important role of Ramadan table and its relevant values and principles in entrenching respect for cultural diversity and promoting coexistence values. They examined cooperation to submit the inscription file on the Representative List of the Intangible Heritage.

    At the close of the meeting, the Club’s members reiterated their thanks to ICESCO for its unwavering support and efforts to protect cultural heritage in the Islamic world.

    ICESCO and Moroccan News Agency Explore Cooperation Prospects

    The Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, and Mr. Khalil Hachimi Idrissi, DG of Moroccan News Agency (MAP), held yesterday, talks on ways to strengthen relations between the two institutions in the areas of common interest.

    Officials from both parties attended the meeting at MAP’s headquarters in Rabat. Dr. AlMalik and Mr. Hachimi Idrissi expressed their shared desire to strengthen relations between the two institutions through a partnership agreement covering practical programs and projects with attainable objectives. The partnership discussions focused on capacity building and training in media, particularly in Africa, in addition to the fields of publications, culture, science, and education.

    The two parties reviewed evolving work mechanisms in the two institutions, main achievements in 2020, and intellectual and knowledge production.

    ICESCO DG noted that the fruitful and constructive meeting was intended to be a starting point for reinforcing the partnership between ICESCO and MAP. He also stressed that ICESCO, as part of its new vision, adopted an open-door policy to all and supporting and training the youth, with the awareness of the importance of investing in human capital. The two institutions can benefit from each other’s potentials.

    Mr. Hachimi Idrissi affirmed that MAP is ready to foster cooperation with ICESCO through the conclusion of an agreement with innovative formulas that benefit from the media attributes of the Agency. He stressed the importance of consolidating a real and tangible cultural relationship. He added that the MAP’s presidency of the Atlantic Federation of African News Agencies (FAAPA) opens up broad prospects for cooperation in media training at the global level.

    In a statement to Moroccan news channel “M24” after the meeting, Dr. AlMalik stated that ICESCO intends to hold symposia and conferences in partnership with MAP and that the Organization is committed to supporting the 7th World Congress of News Agencies that MAP will organize in Marrakesh in 2022.

    ICESCO Educational Center in Malaysia Organizes Prize ceremony for Students’ Short Film Competition

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) Educational Center in Malaysia, in cooperation with the Malaysian Ministry of Education, and the International Islamic University College in Selangor, organized on Wednesday,  December 30, the prize ceremony of the 4th session of the Students’ Arabic-Speaking Short Film Competition for the year 2020. The event was held under the theme “Creativity and Innovation, the Pleasure of Learning”, to celebrate the International Day of the Arabic Language.

    Mr. Hassan Al Din Abdul Hamid, Director of the Islamic Education Department at the Malaysian Ministry of Education, Dr. Dato ‘Abdul Halim Bin Tamouri, Director of the International Islamic University College in Selangor, and Dr. Abdul Razeq bin Zaini, Director of ICESCO Center, the educational team in Malaysia, and representatives of the awards’ winning teams attended the ceremony.

    The session of the competition witnessed massive participation from students of secondary and higher education institutions from Malaysia and some Southeast Asian countries. Eighty student teams, consisting of 480 students from Malaysia, Indonesia, and Vietnam, participated in the competition.

    The competition included three categories, namely: the category for religious high school students, the category for boarding and public school students (non-religious), and the category for students of higher education institutions.

    At UNA-OIC Forum, ICESCO DG Announces Some of the Organization’s Programs for 2021

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), announced the start of the preparations for holding an international conference on the biography of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), in cooperation with the Muslim World League (MWL) and Mohammadia League of Scholars. The conference, which will bring together several intellectuals, will highlight the Prophet’s unique virtues and refute allegations and offenses leveled against him.

    The announcement was part of Dr. AlMalik’s address, yesterday, December 30, 2020, at the 3rd Media Forum of the Union of OIC News agencies. The event saw the participation of many permanent delegates of OIC Member States, directors and representatives of news agencies, radio stations and digital platforms; media and communication teachers, as well as the directors and representatives of OIC bodies. The 3rd forum explored the future of cultural action in the Islamic world and the efforts of ICESCO.

    “The conference, which aims at highlighting the noble virtues and values of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), is part of the efforts of ICESCO and its partners in defending and publicizing Islam, the Prophet, and the Islamic civilization and culture,” highlighted Dr. AlMalik.

    Dr. AlMalik announced the start of the preparations for a scientific conference next year on the future of media in the Islamic world, as well as the proclamation of 2021 as Women’s Year in the Islamic world to illuminate women’s issues and support their rights.

    The address also reviewed ICESCO’s efforts during the last period to fulfill its role, open new pathways for action, and implement its new organizational structure, most notably the modification of its name to the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO).

    Dr. AlMalik pointed out that the Organization promoted education and culture, attracted new competencies, promoted geographical diversity, and created several specialized centers, including the Strategic Foresight Center to keep up with the international developments and to anticipate the future.

    ICESCO also established the Islamic World Heritage Center to inscribe more heritage sites in Muslim countries. The Organization has so far inscribed 213 sites in the Islamic World Heritage List. ICESCO also established the Center for Dialogue to lead the civilizational dialogue in the Islamic world, as well as the Center of Arabic Language for Non-Arabic Speakers, the Artificial Intelligence Center, and the Center of Arts.

    Dr. AlMalik underscored that ICESCO developed a new observer status to encourage donors and non-Member States to join the Organization as observers. “ICESCO also launched the COVID-19 Prize, ICESCO Digital Home, the academic chairs on new media in many universities as well as ICESCO Media Friends Group,” he added.
    The DG explored the future of cultural action in the Islamic world and ICESCO’s projects, including the medium-term strategic cultural action plans for 2020-2030, entitled “ICESCO Roads for the Future.”
    “Despite the negative repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic on various aspects of life, ICESCO considered it an opportunity for action and creativity based on modern communication technologies,” he stated.
    In his address delivered by Mohamed Al-Yami, Assistant Director-General, Ahmad Bin Abdullah Al-Qarni, UNA-OIC DG, welcomed ICESCO DG. The host expressed the Union’s pride in having Dr. AlMalik to talk about the future of cultural action in the Islamic world and ICESCO’s efforts as the second major house of expertise in the fields of education, culture, and science after UNESCO.

    Hazem Abdo, Head of UNA Foreign Affairs, moderated the Forum. The list of participants included Zayed Sultan Abdullah, UNA Assistant DG; Dr. Maher Karaki, Permanent Delegate of the State of Palestine to the OIC; Dr. Ibrahim Jallou, Ambassador of Sierra Leone to Saudi Arabia, Permanent Representative to the OIC; Mokhtar Shoayb, Director of Al-Ahram office in Saudi Arabia; Ali al-Sayed, Editor-in-Chief of the Middle East News Agency (MENA); Dr. Lamia Mahmoud, Head of Sawt Al Arab Radio Network; Habib Tommi, Advisor to the Bahraini Ministry of Information Affairs; Anna Belkova, Consultant of the Group of Strategic Vision “Russia-Islamic World”; Khadem Bausso, Editor-in-chief of the Senegalese Sen Arabe newspaper; Dr. Mahjoub Bensaid, Member of the Executive Bureau of the International Network of Arab and African Journalists; Dr. Othman Qazzaz, Professor at Umm Al-Qura University; Mohamed Ahmed Fal, journalist at Mauritania Radio; Hamdan Al-Rahbi, journalist at Yemen News Agency (SABA); Khaled Adenon, Professor of Information and Communication; Khadija Diarasoba, Ivorian Media Expert; Sheikh Khaled Taqi Eddine from Brazil; Dr. Said Al-Naghis, journalist at Mufakara Electronic Newspaper; Majed Al-Tal, journalist at Jordan News Agency (Petra); Haouari Kabad, journalist at Mauritania News Agency; and Ibrahim Barnawi, journalist at Al-Madina newspaper.

    The forum was part of the conclusions of the 1st forum of UNA, held on May 16, 2020, under the patronage of the Saudi Acting Media Minister, Chairman of UNA Executive Council, which launched UNA’s activities and programs for upgrading the capacities of 2200 media professionals in the Islamic world.

    Detailed Comprehensive Report: ICESCO Scores 253 Achievements in 17 months

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) issued a detailed report documenting the major achievements the Organization has scored over the period between May 2019 and September 2020. The report reflects ICESCO’s commitment to developing its work evaluation mechanisms and field impact measurement, in response to the Islamic world countries’ needs in the fields of education, science, and culture.

    The 261-page report reviews ICESCO’s achievements since Dr. Salim M. AlMalik took office as ICESCO Director-General (DG) in May 2019. To review the achievements accomplished at the levels of the new organizational structure, the evaluation of the work of sectors and centers, or the external evaluation, the report adopts qualitative and quantitative tools and a participatory approach that involves Member States’ National Commissions for Education, Science, and Culture as strategic partners in outlining ICESCO’s current and future trends.

    The report also confirms that most desired goals and outcomes of the new ICESCO vision and strategy have been achieved thanks to the concerted efforts of ICESCO’s sectors, departments, and specialized centers. Over the course of 18 months, the report covers 253 various achievements including the organization of high-level ministerial conferences and regional and international meetings. The achievements also include workshops, programs, projects, humanitarian aids that benefitted 103,339 people, including 2,104 educators, 5,546 students, 934 women, and a host of experts and academics.

    The report states that during the said period, ICESCO has inscribed 140 historic sites on its Islamic World Heritage List (IWHL), following the Islamic World Heritage Committee’s (IWHC) adoption of the countries’ nominations. The Organization also celebrated seven Islamic World Capitals of Culture. The report reviews the Organization’s initiatives, programs, and projects to support the efforts to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and build the capacities of vulnerable Member States to address the crisis.

    The report, which opens with the DG’s statement, is divided into five sections. The first reviews the new vision and the subsequent structural and administrative reforms aimed at developing the working mechanisms, improving human resources, automating and digitizing the working system and upgrading its mechanisms. The section also shows the financial management streamlining, the electronic transition, ICESCO’s Grants of Excellence, strategies and plans, the fields of education, science and culture in the Islamic world, and the challenges to address.

    The second section addresses the general policy and includes the respective activities of the DG, the General Secretariat of the National Commissions and Conferences, and the Sector of Partnerships and International Cooperation.

    The third section is dedicated to the achievements of the Sectors of Education, Science, and Technology, Culture and Communication, and Human and Social Sciences. It also includes the achievements of the Center of Strategic Foresight and the Center of Arabic for its Non-Speakers as well as the Department of Legal Affairs.

    The fourth section explores ICESCO’s role in managing the COVID-19 crisis. The report closes with an external evaluation of ICESCO’s work, divided into two parts: Member States’ views and ICESCO in the media.

    The full report is available on ICESCO website:


    ICESCO Launches First Leadership Incubator Unit in Rabat Headquarters

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) launched its first leadership incubator unit, at its headquarters in Rabat. The unit is designed to be an integrated platform to equip the Islamic world youth with the leadership skills that will be required in the future in the areas of education, science, and culture. Through the platform, ICESCO will provide a package of rehabilitation and training services in the field of institutional development. The first incubator will focus on leadership skills in the future business world, other technology incubators will then follow the unit.

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General (DG), stated that the Organization launched the initiative to cultivate, within the realm of its competence, young people and equip them with basic skills to secure their professional future. The measure comes amid the prospective creation of millions of jobs, thanks to flourishing technological evolution and evolving global economy.

    Dr. AlMalik stressed that the investment in the rehabilitation of human resources is of great importance nowadays, especially amid the challenges the economic, social, and environmental globalization pose. The situation establishes the need to upgrade skills every six years instead of thirty years.

    He added that the 4th industrial revolution imposed power of change that became more apparent in the post-COVID-19 world, as the crisis has changed the requirements of several professions and means available for doing business. The change, ICESCO DG added, will speed up the adoption of modern and emerging technology and change working patterns, in both form and substance, in the workplace.

    Even though the pandemic increased unemployment rates worldwide, with 195 million having lost their jobs according to the International Labor Organization’s report in October, ICESCO DG views the crisis as a reskilling opportunity to enhance sustainability and adaptation to future requirements. He cited the statistics of the World Economic Forum whereby 54% of those who lost their jobs needed retraining and reskilling.

    ICESCO and FUIW Take Part in 33rd Session of Trustees of Islamic University in Uganda

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and the Federation of the Universities of the Islamic World (FUIW) participated on Tuesday, December 22, 2020, in the proceedings of the 33rd session of the trustees of the Islamic University in Uganda, member of the FUIW Executive Council.

    Dr. Raheel Qamar, Head of Science and Technology Sector at ICESCO, represented ICESCO and FUIW in the videoconference.

    During the session, the Executive Council approved the report on the Academic Year 2019-2020, and the financial report the Rector of the University submitted. The Council also decided to hold the upcoming session at the headquarters of the University in Kampala in March 2021.

    At the close of the meeting, the Council also approved the appointment of Prof. Ismail Simbwa Gyangenda as Rector of the University to succeed Dr. Kawesa Ahmad Sengendo, and Prof. Jamilu Ssewanga as Officer in Charge of Academic Affairs.

    New Cooperation Prospects between ICESCO and Huawei

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), and Mr. Cui Ping, DG of Huawei Technologies Co. – Morocco, signed on Monday, December 28, 2020, at the Organization’s headquarters, a grant agreement, which consists of 200 tablets for sustaining distance education in some schools in Morocco.

    The ceremony brought together ICESCO’s heads and directors of sectors and centers, Mr. Chu Yuan, Assistant DG of Huawei Technologies Co. – Morocco, as well as Ms. Chaymae Salhi, Public Relations and Governmental Affairs Officer at Huawei.

    During the ceremony, Dr. AlMalik stressed ICESCO’s keenness to promote cooperation and partnership with civil society institutions in the Member States within the framework of its new vision and action strategy.

    “ICESCO seeks to support its Member States to develop technology and innovation. I am delighted to collaborate with Huawei Technologies, which is one of the major technology companies,” he added.

    Dr. AlMalik stated that modern technologies are the key to overcome the current and future challenges facing the world while pointing out that the COVID-19 pandemic revealed the importance of technology, particularly in the field of distance education.

    Mr. Cui Ping said that Huawei is proud of its cooperation with ICESCO, which includes 54 Member States. “Huawei pays special attention to its projects and programs implemented based on social responsibility, particularly in the fields of education, training, and students’ welfare in various countries, including Morocco,” he stressed.

    Mr. Cui Ping noted that Huawei has been operating in Morocco for 20 years, during which the company implemented several projects and programs in various regions of Morocco. The company also launched student-welfare programs for thousands of students, some of whom received training in Huawei’s headquarters in China. “Huawei Technologies – Morocco will make every effort to ensure the success of its cooperation with ICESCO,” he stressed.

    Huawei then screened its institutional film, which tells its 20-year-old story in Morocco.

    The two parties agreed to hold a meeting to explore their future cooperation, particularly students training and scholarships as well as ICESCO’s programs for 2021, which the Organization dedicates to women.

    ICESCO and Moroccan Ministry of National Education Sign Contract to Prepare Model for Developing Primary Education

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and the Ministry of National Education, Vocational Training, Higher Education, and Scientific Research of Morocco signed a contract for consultative services and institutional support to implement a draft model for developing primary education in Morocco, with a total budget of USD 280,000, in partnership with the Islamic Bank of Development (IsDB).

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General (DG), and Mr. Said Amzazi, Minister of National Education, Vocational Training, Higher Education, and Scientific Research, President of the Moroccan National Commission for Education, Science and Culture, signed the contract at the close of the opening session of the Normal Session of the General Assembly of the Moroccan National Commission for Education, Science and Culture.

    The General Assembly was held on Thursday, December 24, at ICESCO headquarters in Rabat, in the presence of Mr. Saaddine Othmani, Head of the Moroccan government, a host of ministers and officials from of the Moroccan government, and several international organization representatives.

    The contract provides for ICESCO’s technical assistance in the preparation of a model for developing primary education in Morocco, with a grant from the IsDB to the Moroccan Ministry of Education. The contract aims to ensure ICESCO’s technical support to achieve mandatory access to education for students between the ages of four and 11, and integrate primary education as a mandatory level. It also aims to improve the ranking of student performance in national and international evaluations, through the preparation and application of an integrated model for developing primary education in two years.

    Elements of the project include the following axes:

    1. Integrating primary education as a mandatory level;
    2. Facilitating the integration of persons with special needs in the educational system;
    3. Preparing a new pedagogical model for the benefit of students and educators;
    4. Preparing a new model for the governance and management of educational institutions;
    5. Preparing a new model to achieve equity and equal opportunities for access to primary education.

    In the Presence of Head of Government, ICESCO Headquarters Hosts Ordinary Session of General Assembly of Moroccan National Commission for Education, Science and Culture

    The Headquarters of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), in Rabat, hosted on Thursday, December 24, 2020, the ordinary session of the General Assembly of the Moroccan National Commission for Education, Science, and Culture, under the chairmanship of Mr. Saad Dine El Otmani, Head of the Moroccan Government, and Mr. Saaid Amzazi, President the National Commission for Education, Science, and Culture, Minister of National Education, Vocational Training, Higher Education and Scientific Research, Government Spokesperson.

    The session also brought together Mr. Abdellatif Loudiyi, Minister Delegate to the Head of Government, in charge of National Defense Administration; Mr. Driss Ouaouicha, Minister Delegate in charge of Higher Education and Scientific Research; and Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General (DG), as well as the Commission’s members and staff.

    During the meeting, which saw the participation of the representatives of UNESCO and ALECSO, Mr. El Otmani expressed his pride in the pivotal roles of the Moroccan National Commission in linking the governmental sectors and the national bodies to UNESCO, ICESCO, and ALECSO. The organizations specialize in education, science, culture, sustainable development, communication, youth, and sports. He also commended the efforts of Mr. Amzazi, President of the Commission, to revitalize it and effectively implement the programmes and activities of the three organizations.

    Mr. El Otmani congratulated Mr. Jamal Dine Elaloua on his appointment as the Secretary-General of the Commission and thanked ICESCO for hosting this meeting as well as its great and constructive cooperation with the Moroccan National Commission in many projects and programs.

    In his address at the opening session, Mr. Amzazi, President of the National Commission, reaffirmed his endeavor to promote the Commission to fulfill its tasks. “Our National Commission has recently made great achievements. It has imposed itself as a distinguished National Commission within the networks of the three organizations,” he underscored.

    In his address at the opening session, Dr. AlMalik welcomed the Moroccan National Commission at ICESCO headquarters and expressed his thanks and gratitude to His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may Allah assist him, for his care and support to ICESCO, on the path of his father, the late King Hassan II, may Allah rest his soul.
    Dr. AlMalik also thanked Mr. El Otmani, Head of the Moroccan Government, all the Moroccan ministries, the Member States as well as the presidents of national commissions for their sustained support for and cooperation with ICESCO.

    Mr. Othman El Ferdaous, Minister of Culture, in the address that the Ministry’s Secretary-General delivered on his behalf, stressed the key role of the Moroccan National Commission.
    “It is a major mechanism and a pivotal bridge between the international organizations, the sector of culture, and the national bodies concerned with culture. Other speakers during the opening session, held through videoconference, included Mr. Firmin Edouard Matoko, Assistant DG of UNESCO for Africa, as well as Mr. Abdel-Fattah Al-Hajmari, Director of the Arabization Coordination Bureau. Both speakers commended the work of the National Commission and reaffirmed their great confidence in the Moroccan National Commission as an essential partner in their programs and activities.

    At the close of the opening session, Mr. Amzazi and Dr. AlMalik signed a contract of advisory services and institutional support to implement the pilot project for the development of basic education in Morocco. The project will be implemented in partnership with the Islamic Development Bank Group.

    The National Commission then held its special session with the participation of most of its members, through videoconference. The session reviewed, examined, and unanimously approved the activity and financial reports for 2020, in addition to the action program and the draft budget for 2021. The session concluded with the recitation of the message due to be conveyed to His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may Allah assist him.