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    ICESCO to Announce Winners of Prize for Calligraphy, Patterns, and Miniatures End July

    The jury tasked with assessing the participating works in ICESCO Virtual Prize for Calligraphy, Patterns, and Miniatures held a series of meetings and discussions to select the winning entries, in line with the criteria set by the jury, in preparation for the official announcement of winners during the last week of July.  The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) launched the Prize, as part of the Organization’s “Distance Culture Program,” which falls within the framework of “ICESCO’s Digital Home.”

    The Jury first eliminated several works that do not meet the criteria, to then assess those meeting the requirements in terms of quality, concept, production and execution.

    Through the Prize, ICESCO extended an invitation to all calligraphers and visual artists to show their talents in calligraphy and pattern design using virtual tools and techniques. The aim is to promote talents and creativity in the field and ensure the sustainability of the intangible cultural heritage that all ICESCO Member States share.

    Launched on November 23, 2020, as part of the celebration of Islamic Art Week, the contest witnessed wide participation spanning artists of all ages from almost all ICESCO Member States. The participating works focused on either calligraphy or patterns—sometimes on both.

    The Jury will select 12 works to be exhibited at ICESCO Gallery. Four of these works will each win the USD 2500 contest prize in their different categories, namely classical calligraphy, lettering, patterns, and miniatures. ICESCO will also pay tribute to one of the female artists taking part in the contest, as part of the celebration of ICESCO’s Year of Women 2021.

    Innovative Ideas on Reimagining Youth Skills after Pandemic during ICESCO-UNICEF Roundtable

    The participants in the roundtable on “Reimagining Youth Skills Post-Pandemic,” that the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) held, presented a set of ideas on ways to adapt educational systems to the needs of young people, and the importance of reconciling educational curricula with the skills necessary for addressing the changes and challenges of the labor market. The meeting gathered several experts and specialists yesterday Thursday, July 15, 2021, at ICESCO headquarters in Rabat.

    In his speech, Dr. Salim Al-Malik, ICESCO Director-General (DG), stressed that the Organization takes into account the importance of building the capacities of young people and developing their creative potentials to excel in their professional lives through holding a series of training courses to provide them with the necessary tools to face future challenges, enhance their proactive capabilities and contribute to the sustainable development of their societies.

    Dr. AlMalik added that ICESCO seeks to support the countries of the Islamic world in all fields related to education, science, and culture, especially in building the capacities of youth and women, using artificial intelligence, and instilling the values ​​of dialogue and coexistence. He pointed out that the roundtable is a step towards further cooperation with the UNICEF in protecting the rights of children and young people to help them meet their needs and increase their opportunities to achieve their aspirations.

    Ms. Giovanna Barberis, UNICEF Representative in Morocco, indicated that the global repercussions of the Covid 19 pandemic prompt us to act to enhance youth resilience. She stated that the roundtable is an opportunity to listen to young people’s views and aspirations, and review their skills and ways to develop them; and as such, it is a starting point for a series of fruitful activities and meetings with ICESCO.

    Then, Mr. Khalid Chenguiti, Education Specialist at UNICEF, made a presentation on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on young people and their skills and indicated that in order to develop them, there is a need to proceed with the implementation of a methodological and comprehensive vision of education in the countries of the Islamic world. Dr. Kais Hammami, Director of ICESCO’s Center for Strategic Foresight, explained the importance of foresight for young people and gave an overview of the work of the Center and its role in promoting a culture of foresight in the countries of the Islamic world.

    Mr. Ahmad Outizki, a pedagogical inspector of Arabic at the Moroccan Ministry of Education, emphasized that the “Maharati” (My Skills) project has contributed to the improvement of young people’s skills within the school, through the promotion of teachers’ pedagogical approaches. For her part, the high school student Sabrine Amiziane reviewed her experience in the program “UpShift” Morocco, as well as the methods used in her workshops to develop skills other than those acquired at school. Ms. Oumaima Fariq, the program coordinator at “Douar Tech”, touched upon the importance of disseminating digital skills-focused programs among young people.

    This roundtable also saw the participation of Dr. Koumbou Barry, Head of the Education Sector at ICESCO, who emphasized the important role of the family in the development of young people’s capacities to become active actors and to contribute to bringing about change within societies to facilitate their transition to professional life.

    The roundtable concluded with a discussion session during which participants shared their views and opinions.

    ICESCO participates in UNESCO Forum on Youth Employment in Mediterranean Region

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) participated in the regional forum held by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the Regional Bureau for Education in the Arab States in Beirut, Lebanon, on the Youth Employment Project (YEP) in the Mediterranean, in the presence of representatives of the countries targeted by the project, partners concerned with technical and vocational education and training, and local and international specialized organizations.

    Mr. Aziz El-Hajir, Director of Programs in the Education Sector, represented ICESCO at the forum, which was held yesterday, Thursday, July 15, 2021, through videoconference. In his intervention, he stressed the importance that ICESCO affixes to its new vision to basic education as a pillar of good quality education through a holistic and integrated approach aimed to build the capacities of young people and develop their sense of innovation and entrepreneurship as the basis for change for a better future.

    He reviewed the most important initiatives and projects implemented by ICESCO under its program to support young men and women or as part of the celebration of ICESCO’s Year of Women 2021, namely the program of strengthening women leadership in Morocco, and leadership training for peace and security intended to qualify young people for leadership, the launch of the first incubator for youth leaders at the Organization’s headquarters, and the program to train newly literate girls to set up income-generating projects.

    ICESCO takes part in “Capacity Building: Sustainable Tourism in Agadir” Webinar

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) took part in the webinar “Capacity Building: Sustainable Tourism in Agadir,” held on Thursday, July 15, 2021, by the Hassan II International Center for Environmental Training of the Mohammed VI Foundation for the Protection of the Environment in the Kingdom of Morocco, with the participation of experts from several international institutions and universities.

    Dr. Foued El Ayni, an expert from the Science and Technology Sector at ICESCO, and Dr. Mahamat Abba Ousman, an expert from the Culture and Communication Sector, represented the Organization in the webinar. They presented ICESCO’s experience in the promotion of sustainable tourism, through capacity-building programs in the fields of solid waste management and valorization, the use of renewable energies, and the adaptation and mitigation of climate change effects.

    They also raised some activities such as the celebration of the Environment Capitals in the Islamic World, and the Prize for the Best Environmentally-Friendly City awarded to the city of Agadir by ICESCO.

    The two experts also reviewed the different training sessions the Organization held in the field of sustainable tourism, socio-cultural and solidarity economy, and promotion of cultural industries around the sites inscribed on ICESCO’s Islamic World Heritage List.

    The participants welcomed the strategic partnership between ICESCO and the Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection and called for more cooperation in this area.

    Extension of Participation Deadline in ICESCO “Bayan” Award for Creative Expression in Arabic 2021

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) announced the extension of the deadline to participate in the second edition of the “Bayan” Award for Creative Expression in Arabic for Non-Arabic Speakers 2021 to October 31, 2021, instead of July 30, 2021. Winners will be announced in December 2021.

    ICESCO explained that the deadline extension came in response to a large number of requests it has received from individuals from different countries, who contacted ICESCO through phone calls, emails, or messages on its social media pages and accounts, expressing their need for more time to meet participation criteria.

    ICESCO announced the launch of the 2nd “Bayan” Award for 2021, as part of the initiatives of the Center of Arabic for Non-Arabic Speakers. The Award will be granted to three winners from each age category: youth (USD 2,000) teens (USD 1,500), and children (USD 1,000).

    Nominated works must address one of the following themes:

    1. Post-COVID learning;
    2.  Prevention is better than cure;
    3.  Cultural diversity;
    4. Technology and the future.

    The Bayan contest consists of an oral expression that the candidate records in a produced short video based on a text written in Standard.

    The Nomination criteria are as follows:

    • The candidate must be a student from a non-Arab country, whose first language is not Arabic;
    • The work must be submitted through the student’s educational institution;
    • The educational institution must nominate only one work;
    • The video must not exceed three (3) minutes in length for children, four (4) minutes for teens, and five (5) minutes for youth;
    • The video must be artfully and creatively produced;
    • The video must not have been published or nominated for another contest;
    • The application file must include the video, the written text, and the duly filled-in nomination form. The form can be downloaded via the link below: http://www.icesco.org/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2019/12/ICESCO-Award-BAYAN-second-edition.pdf
    • Nominations (video + filled in Form) must be sent to the Center of Arabic for Non-Arabic Speakers before 31  October  2021 via the following email: bayanaward2@icesco.org

    ICESCO and UNICEF Sign a MoU for Cooperation in Education and Rights of Children and Youth

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for cooperation in the fields of education, childhood development, youth capacity building, development of training on tomorrow’s professions, and artificial intelligence applications to strengthen human capital, protect the rights of children and youth, and preparing and qualifying them to face the future.

    Ambassador Khalid Fathalrahman, the supervisor of the Partnerships and International Cooperation Sector at the Organization, and Ms. Giovanna Barberis, UNICEF Representative in Morocco, signed the MoU, during a ceremony organized July 15, 2021, at ICESCO headquarters in Rabat, in the presence of several directors of Sectors and Departments and advisors at ICESCO, and some UNICEF officials.

    In his speech during the ceremony, Ambassador Khalid Fathalrahman stressed the importance of signing the MoU between ICESCO and UNICEF in protecting the rights of children and youth, helping them meet their needs, and upgrading their capacities to acquire the skills necessary for social and economic integration.

    Ambassador Fathalrahman pointed out that ICESCO supports the countries of the Islamic world in all fields related to education, science and culture, and works to qualify women and enhance the capacities of youth through the use of artificial intelligence and strategic foresight to find adequate solutions to future challenges.

    Mrs. Giovanna Barberis expressed her happiness at signing the MoU, noting that the areas of joint action of ICESCO and UNICEF will contribute to promoting the rights of children and youth in Morocco, and constitute an opportunity to share information, experiences and good practices in the fields of education, early childhood, youth, and social integration.

    The MoU between ICESCO and UNICEF provides for cooperation in sharing information and knowledge on projects and programs related to education and childhood development, and the social and economic integration of youth, to benefit from the experiences and expertise of each party; cooperation in holding the Early Childhood Conference in 2022; promotion of a culture of foresight among youth to raise awareness among them about the future opportunities; launching the “Future from a Youth Perspective” campaign, and participating in organizing forums and workshops on topics of common interest.

    Launch of ICESCO Network of International Digital Platforms for Culture, Arts and Heritage

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) launched on Thursday, July 15, 2021, “ICESCO Network of International Digital Platforms for Culture, Arts and Heritage.” The Network is part of ICESCO’s “Paths towards the Future Program” and aims to promote cultural awareness among young people in the Islamic world through providing artistic, literary, and scientific tools. The Network also aims to build women and young people’s capacities through encouraging cultural entrepreneurship.

    ICESCO launched the Network in a meeting that brought together ICESCO leaderships and experts and several young interns at the Culture and Communication Sector, who made presentations on the components of the Network. In his remarks on the presentations, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General (DG), commended the efforts that both ICESCO leaderships and interns exerted, calling on all parties to continue their work to promote heritage, arts, and literature in the Islamic world. He also stressed the importance of promoting creative cultural industries and heritage handicrafts that most adequately reflect the Islamic civilization and culture.

    ICESCO DG expressed his delight at launching such a network, which embodies ICESCO’s new vision in its anticipation of the future, embrace of the protection of the Islamic civilization heritage and promotion of its role in preserving identity and promoting sustainable development.

    The ICESCO Network of International Digital Platforms for Culture, Arts, and Heritage is composed of two main categories. ICESCO International Art Programs, the first category, includes ICESCO Fund for Creative Intelligence, the Digital Library, and ICESCO Center for Cinema and Pictures (ICESCO Web TV). It also includes three platforms, namely the Interactive Platform for Creative Intelligence and Cultural Industries, the Youth Interactive Platform, and the Young Creations Platform.

    As for ICESCO Arts Center, the second category, it includes ICESCO Portal for Heritage in the Islamic World, the Virtual Museum, the Virtual Opera House, and the Literature House. It also includes ICESCO Museum for Contemporary Art, and ICESCO Forum Platform, an interactive platform for intellectuals, researchers and creative people across the globe.

    These unique digital platforms are the result of the hard work of a host of creative and young ICESCO interns, under the supervision of ICESCO’s experts and leaderships, as part of the Organization’s strategy and plans to train and build the capacities of young people. Under the same strategy, ICESCO launched several leadership incubators to equip young people across the Islamic world with the proper future leadership skills in the fields of education, science and culture.

    Meeting to Explore Arrangements for Holding International Conference at headquarters of European Parliament in Celebration of World Arabic Language Day

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and the European Association for Teaching Arabic to Non-Arabic Speakers in Brussels, held yesterday, Wednesday, July 14, 2021, via videoconference, a coordination meeting to explore the organization of an international conference at the headquarters of the European Parliament, next December, in celebration of World Arabic Language Day.

    Dr. Majdi Haji Ibrahim, Head of ICESCO Center for Arabic Language for Non-Arabic Speakers; Dr. Youssef Ismaili, Expert at the Center and Ms. Rajae Al Hakkouni, Program Assistant at the Center, represented ICESCO during the meeting. Ms. Samira ben Abdelouahab, President of the Association, and Dr. Fatima Houssni, President of the Association’s Scientific Committee, represented The European Association for Teaching Arabic to Non-Arabic Speakers.

    During the meeting, the two parties discussed the importance of involving international organizations and major global institutions in celebrating World Arabic Language Day and touched upon the details of the Conference, due to be held in cooperation between ICESCO and the Association. The two parties also discussed the Conference title, themes, and date, along with the list of proposed participants. They agreed on holding a parallel training workshop for Arabic language teachers.

    At the close of the meeting, the two parties agreed on a set of recommendations to develop a roadmap for joint-action arrangements and assign tasks to prepare for the Conference.

    ICESCO Director-General Receives Key to Grand Gates of Kasbah of Udayas in Rabat

    In recognition of the major efforts the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) exerts in the field of inscribing and preserving heritage, providing restoration and maintenance training to heritage professionals, and raising cultural awareness, the Association Espace les Oudayas gifted on Wednesday, July 14, 2021, the key to the Grand gates of the Kasbah of the Udayas to Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General (DG), during his visit.

    The DG headed the ICESCO delegation that paid a visit to the Kasbah to take stock of the restoration and development works carried out in this heritage site, one of the major historical landmarks in Rabat, Morocco.

    A host of the Association officials, along with the representatives of several heritage protection institutions in Morocco received the ICESCO delegation. These included Mr. Abdelrahman Al-Badraoui, President of the Association Espace les Oudayas; Mr. Fikri Benabdellah, President of the Association Rabat Salé Mémoire; and Mr. Abdelati Lehlou, President of the Moroccan Committee of the International Council for Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS).

    The delegation toured the Kasbah and listened to an overview about the site’s heritage and historical significance for Morocco, the development it has witnessed throughout history, and the attention it currently receives in light the Kingdom’s interest in protecting and restoring heritage.

    Upon receiving the Key to the Kasbah, the DG reaffirmed that the Organization accords special attention to tangible and intangible heritage of the Islamic civilization. He noted that ICESCO’s new vision adopted an action strategy on promoting this heritage, which reflects the cultural and civilizational richness of the Islamic world as well as other world countries. Dr. AlMalik added that ICESCO created the Center of Heritage in the Islamic world and inscribed more than 300 heritage sites and cultural element on the Islamic World Heritage Lists. 

    The DG stated that ICESCO is working closely with its Member States to incorporate heritage preservation in school curricula at different school levels, in a bid to establish this culture among the new generations, reaffirming the Organization’s readiness to cooperate with the competent parties in the Islamic world and other world countries featuring traces of the Islamic civilization to inscribe and preserve these sites.

    ICESCO delegation during the visit to the Kasbah included Dr. Abdelilah Benarafa, ICESCO Deputy DG; Dr. Mohamed Zinelabidine, Head of the Culture and Communication Sector; Ambassador Khalid Fathalrahman, Supervisor of the Sector of Partnerships and Cooperation; and Dr. Ahmed Said Bah; Advisor to ICESCO DG for Partnerships and Cooperation.

    ICESCO Recommends Providing Technical Support to Decision Makers and Officials in Charge of Education Plan Implementation

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), recommended providing adequate and customized technical support for decision makers and officials in charge of devising and implementing education plans across the globe in order to properly achieve SDG4. He stated that ICESCO firmly supports joint strategic documents in a bid to improve international cooperation in the field of education.

    Dr. AlMalik made the statement in his address at the Ministerial Roundtable of the Global Education Meeting 2021, that UNESCO held, on Thursday, July 13, 2021, via videoconference. The Meeting was held under the theme, “From recovery to accelerating SDG 4 progress,” and saw the participation of several key international figures including ministers, education experts and specialists, and activists in humanitarian and educational work.

    Dr. AlMalik noted that anticipating the future of education indicates that the schools we know will undoubtedly transform into digital and virtual schools. He added that this compels us to develop innovative curricula and alternative school programs and education paths to pave the way towards the digital schools of the future.

    “In line with the sustainable development plan, and considering that education is a human right, ICESCO has sustained its efforts to support its Member States since the COVID-19 pandemic and the ensuing school closure,” Dr. AlMalik stated. He further explained that ICESCO’s efforts were geared towards ensuring the continuity of the education process and guaranteeing the right to education for all.

    Dr. Al-Malik noted, ICESCO provided its Member States with the necessary technological equipment and devices to help them transition to the new learning model. He added that the Organization prepared a document on the guidelines for re-opening schools in Member States, launched many initiatives as part of “ICESCO Digital Home” to help address the issue of “educational loss,” and provided support to 25 Member States to set up education and training e-platforms.

    The DG also revealed that ICESCO is currently working on some key studies relevant to AI and smart data in education.