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    ICESCO Takes Part in Seminar Held in Celebration of World Teachers’ Day

    The Sector of Education of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) took part in the Intellectual Seminar on “Teachers of Quality Education: Unsung Heroes.” The Seminar was held in observance of World Teachers’ Day by UNESCO Regional Center of Quality and Excellence in Education in Saudi Arabia, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Iraq, whose Minister, Mr. Ali Hameed Mukhlif, gave the opening address. The seminar brought together education decision-makers, experts, researchers and teachers.

    The seminar, held today, Tuesday, October 5, 2021, via videoconference, aims at promoting the status of teachers; acknowledging their perseverance to ensure the continuity of the educational process in all circumstances; highlighting the exceptional efforts they exerted during the COVID-19 pandemic; and anticipating their ever-changing needs in light of the educational challenges of the 21st century.

    The keynote speaker, Dr. Borhene Chakroun, Head of UNESCO’s Division for Policies and Lifelong Learning Systems, opened the proceedings of the seminar with an address, followed by the session on “Measures to ensure teachers’ wellbeing in a rapidly-changing world.” The seminar also featured a session on “Heroes in ordinary and extraordinary contexts,” which highlighted the inspiring experiences of the respective Ministries of Education of the Hashemite Jordan, Morocco, Oman, and Saudi Arabia.

    Dr. Youssef Abou Daka, Mr. Aziz El Hajir, and Dr. Ahmed El Zonfoli, Program Directors, represented ICESCO’s Sector of Education in the Seminar.

    On World Teachers’ Day, ICESCO Calls for Supporting Teachers and Training them on Using Modern Technologies in Teaching Process

    In recognition of teachers’ crucial position and roles and in a bid to highlight their noble mission, the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) celebrates World Teachers’ Day, a suitable occasion for highlighting their achievements and putting forth forward-looking visions to promote their roles, not only to develop the educational process and ensure its quality but also to improve societies and build great human civilizations.

    The fourth development goal is undoubtedly a key goal that seeks to ensure equitable and inclusive quality education for all. However, such an objective cannot be attained without the pivotal role of qualified teachers who can shape creative and innovative minds. The vital role of teachers glaringly materialized during the COVID-19 pandemic as they fought to mitigate the impact of the health crisis on the educational process. Against this backdrop, competent parties must empower teachers, provide them with adequate professional qualification and training, accord due attention to their well-being, and offer incentives as well as material, moral and psychological support.

    Anticipating the future of education in the post-COVID-19 context foretells that schools will inevitably change, and they will be replaced by digital schools of the future. This change compels us to invest in teacher training to build their skills and capacities to keep pace with technological and educational advancements. The teacher of the future needs skills to deal with crises, proactive future thinking, critical and creative thinking, teamwork, learning, evaluation, follow-up, remote communication using modern technologies and AI applications.

    On World Teachers’ Day, ICESCO reiterates its call for guaranteeing the right to education and achieving quality, equitable and inclusive education for all, by focusing on marginalized groups, especially girls and women, who are at the heart of ICESCO’s concerns and the motive for proclaiming 2021 as the Year of Women. It is high time for all governments and competent parties to shoulder their responsibilities and assumes their roles towards teachers, through providing training opportunities, ensuring their safety and good health, and improving their working, living and social conditions. All these measures would most likely encourage teachers to give more, work harder and contribute more effectively to the promotion of educational systems.

    Hence, ICESCO calls for more investment in modern technologies, employing artificial intelligence applications in the educational process, and attaching great importance to training teachers to use them. In conjunction with this celebration, the Organization launched the ICESCO Prize for Open Digital Educational Resources in Service of the Continuity of the Educational Process, which aims to secure the continuity of educational services by capitalizing on ICTs, encourage educational innovation and competitiveness, and highlight the competencies and creative abilities of various educators.

    ICESCO Takes Part in International Film Festival, “Pearl of the Silk Road” in Uzbekistan

    The Sector of Culture and Communication at the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) took part in the closing ceremony of the “Pearl of the Silk Road” International Film Festival, in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. which brought together more than 300 representatives of 50 countries and several officials from the ICESCO Member States.

    On the sidelines of the closing ceremony, held Sunday, October 3, 2021, Mr. Nassim Mohand Amer, Expert at the Sector of Culture and Communication, met with Mr. Abdukhalikov, Director-General of the Festival and the Cinematography Agency of Uzbekistan, and highlighted ICESCO’s efforts to support culture and young creators in the Islamic world.

    The ICESCO official also discussed ICESCO’s creativity initiative, which is part of the Organization’s policy to support the youth and women to promote innovative cultural ideas that capitalize on modern technology in service of the cultural sector and support of cultural industries.

    For his part, Mr. Abdulkhalikov reaffirmed that the film industry in the Republic of Uzbekistan has scored major progress since the 1960s and 1970s. However, the Uzbek official added, the industry suffered from stagnation, which prompted key reforms to bring it back to its past glory. He added that the return of this film festival after 24 years is one of the outcomes of these efforts.

    Mr. Abdulkhalikov stated that the meeting scheduled for the end of this month between the Cinematography Agency of Uzbekistan and ICESCO’s Sector of Culture and Communication will be an opportunity to explore cooperation between the two parties.

    In addition to Tashkent, Samarkand, Bukhara, and Khwarazm, Uzbek cities, known for their long-standing cultural heritage that dates back to more than 1,000 years, also hosted many movie screenings and festival activities.

    ICESCO and Gabon Agree on Set of Social Cooperation Programs

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), started his official visit to Gabon in meeting with Ms. Prisca Nlinde Koho, Minister of Social Affairs and Women’s Rights of Gabon, during which the two parties explored the prospects for cooperation in the areas of social development, women leadership and combating girls’ school dropouts.

    During the meeting, held on Monday, October 4, 2021, Dr. AlMalik reviewed the most prominent programs and initiatives that ICESCO launched and implemented to support the efforts of Member States in countering the negative repercussions of the Covid-19 pandemic on the educational, scientific and cultural fields, as well as aid to several countries, in partnership with donors, based on the needs and requirements of each country through further communication with the Member States.

    The meeting also touched upon the key programs and activities of the Social and Human Sciences Sector at the Organization, most notably ICESCO Leadership Training in Peace and Security, which aims to rehabilitate and build the capacities of young people and women as the basis for establishing peace and building the societies we want to become the true ambassadors of peace in their societies by providing them with the tools of knowledge through inspiring leaders, experts, and trainers.

    For her part, Ms. Prisca Nlinde Koho reviewed the national strategy for the advancement of the social sector in Gabon and the various social development plans, stressing her keenness to build fruitful cooperation with ICESCO in implementing these plans and strategies in Gabon.

    At the close of the meeting, the two parties agreed to cooperate in women’s rehabilitation programs, women leadership trainings, addressing girls’ school dropouts, and holding an international conference on the Gabonese model in the field of social development, in cooperation between ICESCO, Gabonese government and Sylvia Bongo Ondimba Foundation, as well as launching an award to confront violence against women and inviting Gabonese officials and experts to take part at ICESCO’s conferences and symposia.

    The two parties have formed a joint working group to follow up on the implementation and evaluation of programs and projects that will be implemented in cooperation between ICESCO and the competent authorities in the Republic of Gabon.

    The meeting brought together Ms. Ramata Almami Mbaye, Director of the Social and Human Sciences Sector at ICESCO; and Dr. Ahmed Said Bah, Advisor to the ICESCO DG for Partnerships and International Cooperation.

    ICESCO and Mohammadia League of Scholars Explore Ways to Strengthen Cooperation

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), met Dr. Ahmed Abbadi, Secretary-General of Mohammadia Leagueof Scholars, to explore ways to strengthen the partnership between ICESCO and the League by holding the 2nd Edition of the International Conference on the Prophet’s Seerah in 2022, and publishing the second volume of the Encyclopedia on Deconstructing the Discourse of Extremism.

    During the meeting, held on Thursday, September 30, 2021, at the headquarters of the League, in Rabat, Dr. AlMalik commended the successful strategic partnership between ICESCO and the League, which resulted in several achievements in 2021, particularly the International Conference on the Civilizational Values ​​in the Prophet’s Seerah, under the high patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may Allah assist him, and the publication of the first volume of the Encyclopedia on Deconstructing the Discourse of Extremism.

    Dr. Abbadi stressed that the strategic partnership between the League and ICESCO is guided by the royal directives of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, included in his royal message addressed to ICESCO’s Islamic Conference of Ministers in Charge of Childhood, held under the theme “Towards a Safe Childhood”, in 2018. His Majesty underlined that “the Kingdom of Morocco reaffirms its firm commitment to joint Islamic action, particularly in crucial issues such as the common future of our Ummah. Against this background, Morocco is willing to make share its accumulated experience with all its fraternal countries.”

    The meeting also brought together Dr. Abdelilah Benarafa, ICESCO Deputy DG; Ambassador Khaled Fathalrahman, Director of the Civilizational Dialogue Center; and Dr. Ahmed Said Bah, Adviser to ICESCO DG for Partnerships and International Cooperation; as well as Dr. Abdessamad Ghazi, Director of the Center for Monitoring and Foresight Studies; Dr. Mohammed Al-Mantar, Head of the Center for Quranic Studies; in addition to several officials from the League.

    Coordination Meeting to Discuss Arrangements for the Ninth Conference of Environment Ministers and Developments of the Third Session of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Award for Environmental Management in the Islamic World

    Within the framework of following up on the arrangements for the ninth session of the Conference of Environment Ministers 2022, and the developments of the third session of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Award for Environmental Management  (KSAAEM) in the Islamic World 2021-2022, the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia held a videoconference coordination meeting on Wednesday, September 29, 2021.

    The meeting touched on joint arrangements for the ninth session of the Conference of Environment Ministers in the Islamic World in Jeddah in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 2022, namely the academic and logistical aspects, the contents of the official documents and reports, and preparations for the meeting of the Islamic Executive Bureau for the Environment (IEBE) that precedes the Conference.

    The meeting also explored a roadmap for KSAAEM in the Islamic World, for which nominations were officially announced on August 2, 2021, and discussed its draft media plan, the scheduled activities, a draft list of honorary members for the award’s higher committee, and a proposal to raise its financial value.

    ICESCO was represented at the meeting by Ms. Zineb Iraqi, Supervisor of the General Secretariat of National Commissions and Conferences, Mr. Ali Akdim, expert in the General Secretariat of National Commission and Conferences, Dr. Abdelmajid Tribak, Consultant in Joint Environmental Action at ICESCO and Academic Coordinator of the Award, Dr. Foued El Ayni, expert in the Science and Technology Sector, Mr. Amine Arrahmane, responsible for the Information Technology Department, and Ms. Maria Abdali, from the Department of information and institutional communication.

    The meeting was also attended by Mr. Saleh Imad Al-Mubarrazi, representative of the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Mr. Nayef Ghazi Al-Shamri, Director of the International Cooperation Department at the Ministry, Mr. Wael Adli Busha, Director-General of the General Department for Awareness and Community Participation at the Environment Agency, Professor Noura Al-Qathami and Mr. Ahmed Abdelaziz and Professor Turki Al-Harrazi, from the National Center for Environmental Compliance.

    It is noteworthy to mention that KSAAEM in the Islamic World aims to anchor the broad concept of environmental management in the Islamic world, stimulate interest in the concept of sustainable development, and introduce distinguished efforts and successful global practices in this field. The award is also considered one of the important pillars in encouraging joint international environmental action and spreading awareness of its issues, and an incentive for institutions, civil organizations, and individuals to secure the future of the human environment in general.

    ICESCO and Malta Foundation for the Wellbeing of Society (MFWS) Explore Prospects for Cooperation

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), and Ms. Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca, President of Malta Foundation for the Wellbeing of Society (MFWS), former President of the Republic of Malta, discussed the prospects for cooperation between the Organization and the Foundation in the fields of education, peace, consolidation of the values ​​of coexistence, capacity building training for youth, women and children, heritage preservation and intercultural dialogue.

    During the meeting, held on Wednesday, September 29, 2021, via videoconference, with the participation of ICESCO’s heads of sector and experts, Dr. AlMalik reviewed ICESCO’s vision, initiatives and programs, which aim at building the leadership capacities of young people and women, most notably ICESCO’s Program for Leadership Training in Peace and Security for 30 young people and women from more than 20 countries, who have officially become ICESCO ambassadors for peace.

    ICESCO DG indicated that the Organization adopts an open-door policy with the Member and non-Member States, as well as international organizations, bodies, and civil society institutions concerned. It also concludes partnership and cooperation agreements for the benefit of the Member States and the Muslim communities around the world.

    For her part, Ms. Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca reviewed the working mechanisms and the prominent programs and projects of MFWS, particularly supporting the efforts to improve the wellbeing of children, who constitute the basis for achieving peace in societies, spreading the values ​​of tolerance and respect, and reducing conflicts around the world. Ms. Coleiro Preca also stressed the importance of ensuring the right to education for all, enhancing children’s skills to build harmonious societies, and integrating the social welfare index into the national development policies of countries.

    Besides, she commended ICESCO’s efforts to consolidate dialogue and peace, stressing MFWS’s willingness to cooperate with ICESCO given their common areas of interest in terms of projects and target groups, adding that the meeting constitutes a new start to build a constructive and fruitful partnership.

    Afterward, some of ICESCO’s heads of sector reviewed the programs and projects implemented in the fields of education, science and culture, and presented proposals for cooperation programs between the Organization and the Foundation. The two parties agreed to develop a partnership within the framework of this strategic vision for social welfare issues and their role in development.

    ICESCO and Libyan National Commission Hold Training Session on Combating Illicit Trafficking of Cultural Property in Libya

    The Culture and Communication Sector of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) held a national training session on Combating Illicit Trafficking of Cultural Property in the State of Libya, under the slogan “Together Towards Optimal Protection of Our Heritage,” in cooperation with the Libyan National Commission for Education, Culture and Science and the Department of Antiquities in Libya.  The training session aims to train workers in the field of cultural heritage protection on the steps to follow to combat and address illicit trafficking of cultural property.

    The opening session of the three-day event was held Monday, September 27, 2021, at the Royal Palace in Tripoli and saw the participation of Dr. Musa Muhammad Al-Maqrif, Minister of Education, President of the Libyan National Commission for Education, Culture and Science, Dr. Faraj AlSuwais, Secretary-General of the National Commission, in addition to several officials, experts and researchers in the field.

    In his address, Dr. Al-Maqrif commended ICESCO’s support to address illicit trafficking of cultural property and safeguard archaeological sites. He also highlighted the interest the Libyan National Commission accord to Libya’s cultural and natural heritage through gearing its efforts toward publicizing such heritage in national and international spheres, ensuring its sustainable preservation, and providing all forms of technical and material support to set up working mechanisms aimed at achieving the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.

    The training session is moderated by a host of experts in combating illicit trafficking of cultural property and aims at building the capacities of workers in the field of cultural heritage protection in Libya, keeping up with the latest developments regarding illicit trafficking of antiquities and cultural property, and raising the level of awareness and readiness of the staff to combat this phenomenon. The session also aims at reviewing the shortcomings of legislation and implementation mechanisms, proposing solutions to address them, and benefiting from international expertise in the field.

    Participation certificates will be delivered to the trainees, signed by ICESCO, at the end of the training session on Wednesday, September 29, 2021.

    With a High-Caliber Participation, ICESCO International Conference on Cultural Heritage Preservation in Lake Chad Basin Region Kicks Off

    With the high-caliber participation of Culture Ministers of several African countries, representatives of specialized international and African organizations, and experts and students from more than 30 universities and research centers, ICESCO International Conference on Cultural Heritage Preservation, Protection and Promotion of Cultural Heritage in the Context of Insecurity in the Lake Chad Basin Region, kicked off on Tuesday, September 28, 2021. The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) is holding the Conference in cooperation with Konrad Adenauer Foundation, both face-to-face at its headquarters and via videoconference, in observance of the Islamic World Heritage Day.

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General (DG) gave the opening remark to the three-day event, wherein he noted that the celebration of the Islamic World Heritage Day and the Islamic World Museum Week bears witness to ICESCO’s determination to preserve and develop cultural heritage in the Islamic World, to achieve comprehensive development in the Member States. ICESCO DG mentioned the major progress scored in the process of inscribing cultural heritage on the Islamic World Heritage List, noting that ICESCO is planning to hold several training sessions for the benefit of African professionals in charge of preparing inscription files.

    Dr. AlMalik stated that through its “Cultural Strategy for Africa,” issued in May 2021, the Organization has set its priorities in Africa for the next five years through a variety of activities. These include, the DG stated, ICESCO’s participation in African cultural and art festivals, promoting cultural rights, supporting women and the youth’s active participation in cultural projects, training and assisting the Member States in their efforts to safeguard heritage, and developing cultural and creative industries.

    At the close of his address, the Director-General called for concerted efforts to overcome the challenges facing the cultural heritage of the Lake Chad Basin in light of the insecurity prevailing in the region.

    Following the opening session, the Ministerial session ensued with an address by Dr. Bidoung Mkpatt Ismail, Minister of Arts and Culture of the Republic of Cameroon, who presented Cameroon’s experience in the field of promoting cultural heritage, commending ICESCO’s efforts to preserve cultural diversity in Africa. For her part, Ms. Amira Elfadil, Commissioner for Health, Humanitarian Affairs and Social Development, African Union, stated that the Union’s activities seek to develop the policies of the sector of cultural heritage, issue laws to safeguard its elements, and build African capacities in heritage management. Also addressing the panel was Ms. Achta Djibrine Sy, Minister of Culture and Promotion of Diversity of the Republic of Chad, who talked about the various initiatives and programs that the Republic of Chad launched. She added that such initiatives reflect Chad’s commitment to promoting cultural heritage, calling on the participants to work together to find solutions to the challenges facing African heritage.

    During the first day of the Conference, participants exchanged ideas and expertise in the field of African cultural heritage and discussed ways to safeguard such heritage in light of the insecurity the region witnesses, and encouraged the inscription of cultural elements on the Islamic World Heritage List.

    ICESCO Takes Part in Symposium on Omani Cultural Experience and its Role in Promoting International Relations

    The Sector of Culture and Communication at the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) took part in the Symposium on the Omani Cultural Experience and its Role in Promoting International Relations, organized by the Omani National Commission for Education, Science and Culture. The virtual two-day event, which kicked off, on Monday, September 27, 2021, focused on publicizing culture and its pillars and looking closely at its role in building international relations and promoting cooperation. The Symposium saw the participation of representatives from several international organizations, academicians, researchers in addition to university students.

    In his address, Dr. Mohamed Zinelabidine, Director of ICESCO’s Sector of Culture and Communication, presented a paper on ICESCO’s role in consolidating culture in the Islamic World and highlighted the Organization’s efforts to render culture a lever of human development, highlighting the intellectual, ideological and civilizational dimensions of culture as a means to bring the people of the world together.

    Moreover, the ICESCO official stressed that ICESCO’s Medium-Term Strategic Plan for 2021-2025 accords special attention to intellectual and human issues as well as the aspirations for cultural work to contribute to social development. He added that the new dynamics ICESCO witnesses stem from a strategic vision that accord a suitable position for culture.

    Likewise, Dr. Zinelabidine noted that promoting the role of culture will allow for creating cultural references that present the true image of the Islamic world that focuses on its diversity and treasures. He added that some countries still marginalize culture’s contributions to human sustainable development and called for making culture a pillar of countries’ GDP and working towards building women and young peoples’ capacities and searching for new human and material resources.