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    ICESCO Participates in Anniversary of Establishment of Arabic Studies Department at University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Vietnam

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) participated in the celebration of the 10th anniversary of establishing the Department of Arabic Studies at the College of Oriental Studies, held by the University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

    The celebration was held on December 18, 2021, via videoconference, in observance of World Arabic Language Day, and brought together university officials, professors from the Department of Arabic Studies, Vietnamese students and several representatives of Arab diplomatic missions accredited to Vietnam.

    Mr. Adel Bouraoui, Advisor to the Director-General for ICESCO’s External Centers and University Chairs in the Field of Arabic Language, represented ICESCO at the opening of the celebration and gave an address introducing ICESCO and highlighting its roles, mission and vision, which is based on innovation, development and openness. The ICESCO official noted that the Organization drew on the principles of its new vision to draft new regulations allowing all UN Member States to become ICESCO Observer States.

    Likewise, Mr. Bouraoui highlighted the roles of languages, including Arabic, in building a world characterized by civilizational and cultural dialogue, seizing the opportunity to shed light on many of ICESCO’s initiatives through its Center for Arabic to Non-Arabic Speakers.

    At the close of the celebration, which featured art and music performances in Arabic by students from the Department of Arabic Studies, the winners of a number of competitions were announced.

    Tomorrow: ICESCO to hold its International Conference on “Women and the Arabic Language: Reality and Prospects”

    In observance of the World Arabic Language Day for 2021, the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) will hold tomorrow, Tuesday, December 21, 2021, the International Conference on “Women and the Arabic Language: Reality and Prospects”, with the participation of high-caliber personalities. The ICESCO Center of Arabic for Non-Arabic Speakers is organizing the Conference as part of the celebration program of the ICESCO Year of Women 2021, which was granted the high patronage of His Majesty King Mohamed VI of Morocco.

    The Conference, which will be held via videoconference, starting at 10 AM UTC, aims to draw on outstanding women experiences in the field of developing Arabic, discuss women’s major efforts to promote the status of this language and highlight women’s literary works. The Conference also aims to shed light on the beauty and aesthetic aspects of Arabic, draft anticipatory visions to foster the reality of Arabic, and promote women’s status in the field of teaching Arabic for non-Arabic speakers.

    The Conference Agenda includes the opening session featuring addresses by guests of honor, followed by three working sessions marked by the participation of prominent women figures from the Islamic world and beyond. The three working sessions will discuss the following topics: women’s contributions to promoting the status of Arabic, women’s leadership in linguistic capacity building, and women’s future roles in promoting Arabic.

    The Conference proceedings will be broadcast on ICESCO’s official Facebook page, via the following link: https://www.facebook.com/ICESCO.En/live

    ICESCO: Culture is Capable of Addressing Identity Conflicts and Countering Extremism and Egocentrism

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), emphasized the role of culture in instilling hope and strengthening identities through a positive and dynamic approach, towards addressing identity conflicts in various parts of the world and countering extremism and egocentrism.

    This statement was part of his address during the opening of the 22nd Session of the Conference of Ministers Responsible for Cultural Affairs in the Arab World that the UAE Ministry of Culture and Youth held, on Sunday, December 19, 2021, in Abu Dhabi, in cooperation with the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO). The Conference brought together several ministers of cultural affairs from Arab countries and representatives of different specialized organizations and bodies.

    In his address, Dr. AlMalik highlighted the importance of the conference, held in conjunction with the Arabic Language Summit, under the theme ‘Bridging Cultures, Connecting Civilizations’. “My participation in this conference reflects ICESCO’s endeavor to build solid bridges for cooperation and complementarity with ALECSO and the Member States of the two Organizations. We aim to raise joint cultural action to the Arab peoples’ level of aspiration, and accelerate sustainable development in the Islamic world,” explained ICESCO DG.

    Dr. AlMalik reviewed ICESCO’s major cultural programs and initiatives geared towards safeguarding the Islamic world’s culture, heritage and historical treasures, notably the establishment of the Heritage Center adopting international standards and norms in heritage inscription, the creation of the Network of International Chairs for Thought, Letters and Arts in cooperation with universities and research centers. In addition, ICESCO launches the “Roads for the Future” Program, the Contemporary Art Gallery, the International Laboratory for rethinking the world through culture, and the Center for Civilizational Dialogue to address the urgent need for an institution that promotes creative work, coexistence and peace, and fosters international partnership with humanitarian organizations.

    At the close of his address, ICESCO DG reaffirmed the Organization’s keenness and commitment to developing strategies promoting heritage, cultural creativity, digital economy, publishing and training, as well as mechanisms to support cultural rights, governance and cultural tourism. “We welcome partnerships with international organizations and take pride in cooperating with ALECSO in areas of common interest,” added Dr. AlMalik.

    ICESCO Participates in 2021 World Arabic Language Day Festival

    Prince Songkla University in Pattani, Kingdom of Thailand, holds the World Arabic Language Day Festival 2021, under the honorary patronage of ICESCO Center of Arabic for Non-Arabic Speakers, in partnership with Al-Madinah International University and Universiti Sultan Azlan Shah, in Malaysia, and Universitas Al Azhar, at the headquarters of the Arabic Language Proficiency Test Center at the College of Islamic Studies, Prince of Songkla University, Pattani Branch.

    During the opening session, held on Saturday, December 18, 2021, Dr. Majdi Haji Ibrahim, Head of ICESCO Center of Arabic for Non-Arabic Speakers, delivered a speech wherein he welcomed the participating professors and students, pointing to ICESCO’s great interest in the Arabic by seizing the opportunity of the World Arabic Language Day to raise awareness about the importance, history, literature and aesthetics of Arabic, the achievements of its luminaries and its civilizational role in bringing Muslim countries together.

    In the morning, the participants attended the national cultural competition for the Islamic schools in Thailand and the regional cultural competition for undergraduate students in Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. In the evening, representatives from Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Pakistan and Bangladesh participated in the International Dialogue Seminar: ” Arabic Language in Non-Arab Countries: Prospects and Aspirations to Serve the Homeland”.

    ICESCO Director-General Calls for Adoption of Policies that Accord Arabic Its Rightful Place

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), called for the adoption of sound language policies that accord Arabic its rightful place in the social, scientific, educational and cultural fields.

    “The cultural and linguistic identity of countries and populations is one of the backbones of national security. Arab populations are exposed to an overwhelming load of cultural and value-related information online, some positive, some negative,” emphasized ICESCO DG.

    This statement was part of his participation in the opening session of the two-day Arabic Language Summit, which kicked off on Sunday, December 19, 2021, under the theme “Bridging Cultures. Connecting Civilizations.” The event is organized by the Ministry of Culture and Youth of the United Arab Emirates, in collaboration with the Abu Dhabi Arabic Language Centre, under the high patronage of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai.

    Dr. AlMalik noted that the Arab world’s contribution to digital content and website creation does not exceed 1.2%, ranking 11th in the world after other languages of limited diffusion, stressing that ICESCO’s new vision and amended Charter attach great importance to Arabic. He added that the Organization works on disseminating the language by contributing to the development of education curricula for non-Arabic speakers all over the world and fostering coordination among educational institutions by supporting the establishment of coordinating bodies and integrating Arabic calligraphy into schools and universities.

    ICESCO DG noted the compelling need to develop Arabic translation in the Arab and Islamic worlds to keep pace with the latest innovations, emphasizing that the establishment of national observatories or higher councils of the Arabic language mandated with diagnostic, guidance and foresight will pave the way towards the development of national language policies.

    Dr. AlMalik also noted the importance of strategic foresight in anticipating future transformations in the Arabic language, adding that the ICESCO Center of Strategic Foresight, established in 2020, carries out foresight studies in the field of language policies.

    ICESCO Director-General Visits King Abdulaziz International Camel Festival, in Riyadh

    In response to an official invitation from the International Camel Organization (ICO), Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), and his accompanying delegation, visited ICO’s 6th edition of King Abdulaziz International Camel Festival, held in cooperation with the Saudi Camel Club. The Festival includes international competitions that attract participants from all over the world and activities valuing the cultural heritage related to camels and desert culture.

    Dr. Mubarak Al-Suwailem, ICO Secretary-General, received ICESCO DG and his accompanying delegation, reviewing ICO’s major initiatives, programs and efforts geared towards publicizing and promoting the history and heritage pertaining to camels.

    ICESCO DG commended ICO’s achievements, stressing ICESCO’s willingness to continue cooperation between the two parties as part of their partnership agreement signed in April 2021, and the implementation plans of the cooperation programs, mainly the programs on the civilizational and cultural heritage associated with camels and desert culture as well as its inscription on the Islamic World Heritage List.

    ICESCO delegation visited the heritage exhibition, held on the Festival’s sidelines, under the theme “Do they not look”, which includes a large number of collections and tools related to camels heritage and culture, as well as one of the Festival’s races. The 6th edition witnessed a remarkable development in its activities and competitions and large participation from all over the world.

    ICESCO delegation will also participate in King Abdulaziz International Conference on Camels (Camel Economics and Studies), which will kick off on Sunday, December 19, 2021, with the participation of a group of specialists, intellectuals and other parties interested in camel cultural heritage.

    The delegation representing ICESCO at the Conference consists of Dr. Abdelilah Benarafa, Deputy Director-General; Ambassador Khalid Fathalrahman, Director of the Center for Civilizational Dialogue; Dr. Said Bah, Advisor to the Director-General for Partnerships and International Cooperation; and Mr. Najib Riati, Cultural Adviser to the Director-General. 

    On World Arabic Language Day: ICESCO Calls for Accelerating Integration of Arabic into Digital Revolution

    To give due recognition to the Arabic language’s prominence and centrality in building civilizations, emphasize its lofty and noble message in calling for the preservation of the Islamic and Arab heritage, and show pride in its lead role in promoting diversity, mutual understanding and dialogue, the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) celebrates the World Arabic Language Day on December 18 of every year.

    The celebration of the World Arabic Language Day aims to highlight the intellectual and scientific contribution of Arabic and its luminaries throughout the ages. It also endeavors to lay out clear visions of the future to shape the development of Arabic and determine its objectives to localize knowledge and technology, keep pace with scientific and technical breakthroughs, and promote the use of Arabic in all fields.

    On this occasion, ICESCO renews its call upon those involved in spreading and disseminating Arabic education, including think-tanks, research centers, academic institutions, specialized organizations, public and private educational bodies and researchers, to accelerate the integration of Arabic into the digital revolution, and encourage initiatives and efforts geared towards improving its learning environment. Joint action is needed to further develop Arabic on par with innovations, promote broader use of Arabic online, and enhance its contribution to educational, scientific, cultural and economic digital production.

    ICESCO calls upon its Member States to adopt modern scientific methods in advancing Arabic and meeting the challenges it faces on several levels, to establish its presence and expand its contribution to all fields.

    In celebration of the World Arabic Language Day for this year, ICESCO will hold an international conference entitled: “Women and the Arabic Language: Reality and Future Prospects” on Tuesday, December 21, 2021, that will bring together eminent personalities to cast light on women’s major contributions to the advancement and promotion of Arabic.

    ICESCO and General Presidency of Grand Mosque and the Prophet’s Mosque explore cooperation prospects

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), and Dr. Nabil bin Muhammad Al-Luhaidan, General Presidency’s Assistant President for Governance and Legal and Development Affairs, held a meeting to discuss prospects of cooperation between the two institutions.  

    During the meeting, held today, Thursday 17 December 2021, following the midday prayer at the Prophet’s Mosque, Dr. Al-Luhaidan highlighted the major initiatives and programs launched by the General Presidency in service of the Two Holy Mosques and the world at large.

    For his part, Dr. AlMalik commended the noble efforts that the General Presidency exerts and the leading initiatives it implements in service of the visitors of the Two Holy Mosques, seizing the opportunity to hail to the work of Sheikh Dr. Abdul Rahman Ibn Abdul Aziz al-Sudais, President of the General Presidency. The Director-General also shed light on ICESCO’s major activities, programs and achievements over the last two years.

    At the close of the meeting, the two parties agreed to exchange suggestions and ideas on prospective areas of cooperation and joint action. They also reaffirmed their mutual readiness to sign a partnership agreement outlining a set of programs and activities geared towards highlighting the key roles the General Presidency plays in service of Muslims across the globe to consolidate their Muslim identity, promote their unity and facilitate their Hajj and Umrah rites. 

    The ICESCO delegation attending the meeting consisted of Dr. Abdelilah Benarafa, Deputy Director-General; Ambassador Khalid Fathalrahman, Director of the Center for Civilizational Dialogue; Dr. Said Bah, Advisor to the Director-General for Partnerships and International Cooperation; and Mr. Najib Riati, Cultural Adviser to the Director-General. 

    ICESCO Director-General Visits International Exhibition and Museum of Life of the Prophet and Islamic Civilization in Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), along with his accompanying delegation, visited the International Exhibition and Museum of the Life of the Prophet and Islamic Civilization in Al-Madinah Al-Munawarah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which is overseen by the Muslim World League. The Director-General took stock of the Exhibit’s collections, which represent a rare historic heritage, and discussed the possibility of exhibiting some of its items in the countries of the Islamic World. 

    The visit, made yesterday, Thursday 16 December 2021, at the invitation of the Muslim World League, reflects the strong partnership that ties the Organization and the League in the field of promoting the true image of Islam and redressing misconceptions about it. 

    During the tour of the Exhibition and Museum, which is located near the Prophet’s Mosque, the ICESCO delegation listened to a detailed presentation on the innovative techniques used in both the Exhibit, which is the first in a series of Islamic museums that the Islamic World League intends to inaugurate in several cities across the globe.  

    At the end of the visit, Dr. Mohammed Ali Al-Ghamdi, Advisor to the Secretary-General of the Muslim World League, presented ICESCO Director-General with the Exhibit’s Shield. 

    The Exhibition specializes in publicizing the values and principles of Islam and consists of many pavilions dedicated to highlighting the Prophet’s life in Makkah Al-Mukaramah and Al-Madinah Al-Munawarah. It employs modern tools to publicize all prophets and capitalizes on innovative ways to display the Constitution of Al-Madinah, along with Makkah’s Declaration, a recent document that embodies the efforts of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in service of the Holy Quran and the Noble Sunnah. 

    ICESCO delegation consisted of Dr. Abdelilah Benarafa, Deputy Director-General; Ambassador Khalid Fathalrahman, Director of the Center for Civilizational Dialogue; Dr. Said Bah, Advisor to the Director-General for Partnerships and International Cooperation; and Mr. Najib Riati, Cultural Adviser to the Director-General. 

    ICESCO Announces Winners of “Bayan” Award for Creative Expression in Arabic 2021

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) is pleased to announce the winners of its “Bayan” Award for Creative Expression in Arabic, which is organized by the Center of Arabic for Non-Arabic Speakers and aims to enhance the Arabic expressive skills of non-Arabic students from different countries through an Arabic speech that the participants deliver in a short video. 

    In the Children category, three winners received USD1,000 prize each:

    1- Wareqa Nihad Bint Masoudin, Kindergarten School of Ansar Mosque, Republic of Singapore.

    2- Muhammed Aman bin Muhammed Rizal, Primary School Raja Muda Musa Kuala Kangsar, Malaysia.

    3- Umulkhairi Mansor Macedo, Darus-salam International Schools in Kaduna, Federal Republic of Nigeria.

    In the boys and girls category, two winners received USD1,500 each:

    1- Husna Madgren, Institute of Religious Missions in Gala, Thailand;

    2- Atika Maisarah Bint Ruslan, Religious High School Sultan Zine al-Abidine, Malaysia.

    In the youth category, the USD2,000 award went to two winners:

    1- Zebiniso Rasulova, International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan, Republic of Uzbekistan.

    2- Muhammad Samoh, Prince of Songkla Pattani University, Thailand.

    Careful preparation, design, and artistic direction are some of the attributes that marked the winning works in addition to diligent attention to educational content. The jury agreed to grant “Bayan” awards to the videos that met most of the required conditions and criteria, most notably sound text, clear ideas, speech quality, artistic charisma, and creative direction.

    Careful preparation, design, and artistic direction are some of the attributes that marked the winning works in addition to diligent attention to educational content. The jury agreed to grant “Bayan” awards to the videos that met most of the required conditions and criteria, most notably sound text, clear ideas, speech quality, artistic charisma, and creative direction.

    Given the lingering circumstances amid the COVID-19 pandemic, ICESCO could not organize an award ceremony at its headquarters.