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    ICESCO takes part in training workshop on water resource management in Islamic world

    The Science and Technology Sector of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) took part in a training workshop on water governance and management in the Member States of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), which was held via videoconference by the Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC), in cooperation with the Turkish Water Institute (SUEN) and the Turkish Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.

    The three-day workshop, which concluded its proceedings on Thursday, 26 January 2023, saw the participation of representatives of various bodies, institutions and OIC Member States. During the event, experts exchanged knowledge and experiences in sustainable water management and diplomacy, and discussed the major water-related projects for climate change adaptation, laying particular emphasis on those relating to floods, early warning and water scarcity.

    Dr. Foued El Ayni, Program Manager at ICESCO’s Science and Technology Sector, represented the Organization at the event, during which he delivered a presentation on ICESCO’s programmes, initiatives and action strategy in relation to sustainable and integrated water management in the Islamic world, reviewing its efforts in the field of capacity-building and skill development in this field.

    In his intervention, the Expert reviewed the outcomes of ICESCO’s Programme for Improvement of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Services in the Islamic World, inviting partners to cooperate in this project.

    Dr. El Ayani concluded his intervention by stressing that OIC’s organs need to intensify their efforts to advance the field of water resource management in the organization’s Member States.

    ICESCO Calls on international Organizations to Contribute to the Implementation of the Recommendations of the Transforming Education Summit 2022

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), called on international and regional organizations concerned to contribute to the implementation of the recommendations of the Transforming Education Summit, held in New York, particularly in the developing countries, in order to achieve SDG 4 and meet the requirements of quality, convenience and equality.

    This statement was part of ICESCO DG’s address, delivered on Tuesday, January 24, 2023, at the Global Symposium on the Role of International and Regional Organizations after the Transforming Education Summit 2022, held by the Arab Bureau of Education for the Gulf States (ABEGS), via videoconference, with the participation of regional and international organizations as well as experts in the field of education.

    At the outset of his address, Dr. AlMalik underscored the significance of the International Day of Education given the importance of education to various fields. “In this context, this symposium highlights the scale of responsibility and the magnitude of challenges, and showcases the outstanding efforts of the Arab Education Bureau for the Gulf States,” he added.
    He stressed that five months after the Summit, it is high time to allocate appropriate budgets to transform education, develop action plans, identify priorities, and bridge educational development gaps between countries.

    Dr. AlMalik concluded his address by reaffirming the Organization’s commitment to the Summit’s recommendations, through partnerships and technical support to Member States to move forward in achieving the desired goals, adding that ICESCO will hold a high-level workshop to follow up on the outcomes of the Summit.

    Delegation from Asilah Forum Foundation Visits ICESCO’s Exhibition and Museum of Prophet’s Seerah

    A delegation from the Asilah Forum Foundation in the Kingdom of Morocco, headed by Mr. Mohamed Benaissa, Mayor of Asilah and Secretary General of the Foundation, visited the International Exhibition and Museum of the Prophet’s Seerah and Islamic Civilization, currently hosted at the headquarters of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) in Rabat, on Tuesday, January 24, 2023.

    A group of children participating in a workshop on travel literature, literary expression and children’s writing, which is organized annually by the Asilah Forum Foundation, accompanied the delegation.

    Mr. Najib Rhiati, Cultural Advisor to ICESCO Director General (DG), received the delegation. He explained that the exhibition is the fruit of the strategic partnership between ICESCO, the Muslim World League (MWL) and Morocco’s Mohammadia League of Scholars, and it is the first edition of Exhibitions and Museums of the Prophet’s Seerah and Islamic Civilization outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

    During the visit, the delegation was briefed on the contents of the pavilions and sections of the exhibition, which adopt modern display technologies narrating and documenting in detail the biography of our Messenger (PBUH), and virtually transporting the visitor back to the Prophet’s era.

    After the tour, Mr. Benaissa commended the efforts made by the organizers of the exhibition to build bridges of knowledge between the public and the biography of our Messenger, peace be upon him, praising ICESCO’s initiative to host this great exhibition, which provides valuable information and important messages about tolerance in the Islamic religion.

    ICESCO Takes Part in International Intellectual Symposium on Investment in Education Quality

    The Education Sector of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) took part in an international intellectual symposium themed “Investing in Education Quality: From Commitment to Action,” held in commemoration of International Day of Education by the UNESCO Regional Center of Quality and Excellence in Education (RCQE) in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in cooperation with the Mauritanian Ministry of National Education and Reform of the Educational System.

    The Education Sector was represented at the symposium, which was held on Tuesday, 24 January 2023, via videoconference, by Dr. Koumbou Boly Barry, Head of the Education Sector, Dr. Youssef Abou Daka, Programme Manager at the Sector, and Dr. Sungbong Kim, Expert at the Sector.

    In his intervention, Dr. Sungbong Kim reviewed ICESCO’s efforts to transform education and reaffirmed its compliance with the recommendations of the “Transforming Education Summit 2022,” referring to the Organization’s initiatives and programmes in this area, namely the ICESCO Digital Labs Programme for Supporting Girls’ Education in the Republic of Niger and the establishment of the ICESCO Education Center for Global Citizenship and Sustainable Development.

    The symposium brought together various representatives of education ministries in Arab countries, regional and international organizations and bodies, and national commissions, and saw the participation of a group of students representing several Arab countries who shared their thoughts on the subject and presented their proposals. The event was aimed at reviewing the major transformations in the educational field discussed during the “Transforming Education Summit 2022,” and reinforcing the role of policy and decision-makers in implementing its recommendations.

    ICESCO and King Salman International Complex hold a training session for Arabic language teachers in South Africa

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), in partnership with King Salman International Complex for the Arabic Language, holds a training session on technical and digital competencies for the teachers of Arabic for non-Arabic speakers, with the participation of more than thirty educational officials and Arabic teachers from various regions of the Republic of South Africa.

    The training, which kicked off on Monday, January 23, 2023, in Cape Town, South Africa, is within the framework of the partnership between ICESCO and King Salman International Complex for the Arabic Language, and their efforts to use modern technologies and digital resources in disseminating and teaching Arabic language in non-Arabic speaking countries.

    The four-day training aims to explain theoretical concepts and basic applications in teaching Arabic for non-Arabic speakers in the classroom, proposing practical ideas, designing language lessons, learning tasks, tests and evaluation tools, and the skills of using modern technologies and digital resources to qualify the teaching staff to contribute to the development of Arabic teaching programs.

    The training session includes interventions and presentations, which cover five axes: introduction to technology and digital competencies for teachers of Arabic for non-Arabic speakers, theories and areas of using technology in teaching Arabic for non-Arabic speakers, digital educational resources and materials in teaching Arabic for non-Arabic speakers, and e-learning skills, distance education and practical applications for teaching Arabic for non-Arabic speakers.

    Dr. Anas H. Saeed, expert at ICESCO Center of Arabic for Non-Arabic Speakers, oversees the training session. King Salman International Complex is represented by Dr. Fahd Al-Ulyan, Director of Examinations Department at the Complex, as well as Mr. Muhammad al-Youssef, coordinator of the delegation, and Dr. Ayman Al-Mansoori, and Dr. Ahmed Al-Qarni, trainers.

    With the Participation of ICESCO, the Peace City World Congress and Exhibition 2023 kicks off in Spain

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) participates in the Peace City World Congress and Exhibition 2023, in Salamanca, Spain, which are organized by the Peace City World Foundation to promote smart and flexible cities that contribute to achieving sustainable development in various fields.

    Dr. Muhammad Sharif, advisor at the Science and Technology Sector, represented ICESCO at the opening session of the Conference, on Monday, January 23, 2023, during which he stressed the need for concerted efforts between international organizations and the private sector in the field of developing smart cities to contribute to economic development and find new solutions for environment protection.

    Dr. Sharif also reviewed the Organization’s efforts in promoting scientific research and modern technology, and addressing climate change challenges through practical and forward-looking programs and projects in the field of smart cities.

    ICESCO is participating in the five-day Peace City World Congress and Exhibition through a special pavilion that features a number of the Organization’s paper and electronic publications to introduce its new vision and strategic orientations, and its major programs and projects, particularly in the fields of science, modern technology and innovation, environmental protection, and address the negative effects of climate change in Member States.

    ICESCO Participates in the Opening of First Islamic Arts Biennale in Jeddah

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), participated in the opening ceremony of the first edition of the Islamic Arts Biennale, under the theme “The First House,” organized by the Diriyah Biennale Foundation in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, from January 23 to April 23, 2023, as the first of its kind in the world to celebrate the historical heritage of Islamic civilization, through combining contemporary art, collectibles, manuscripts and unique pieces.

    After the opening ceremony, held on January 22, 2023, Dr. Al-Malik, accompanied by Dr. Abdelilah Benarafa, ICESCO Deputy DG, commended the efforts of the Ministry of Culture in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Diriyah Biennale Foundation, in organizing this unique event, which succeeded in merging the cultural heritage of the Islamic world civilization and contemporary arts as well as presenting a bright picture of Islamic arts in all its diversity to the world.

    ICESCO DG stated that the Organization’s participation in the Biennale opening comes as part of its vision and strategic orientations to safeguard and valorize the heritage of the Islamic world, through its inscription on ICESCO’s Islamic World Heritage Lists, and its several programmes, projects and training sessions to enhance the cultural economy and invest in modern technology applications to achieve these goals.
    The opening ceremony of the Islamic Arts Biennale saw the participation of high-caliber Saudi and Arab officials and several artists and intellectuals from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the rest of the world.

    The 2023 Islamic Arts Biennale will be held in the Western Pilgrims Hall at King Abdulaziz International Airport, on an area of 118,000 square meters. It includes artworks of 40 artists from around the world and 280 artifacts loaned from local and international institutions.
    The Biennale’s schedule includes organizing a wide range of activities, trips, workshops, meetings with artists, discussions, lectures, seminars, artistic and cinematic performances. It focuses on several topics, mainly the legacy of the heritage of the Islamic world and its cultural value to contemporary society, and the organization, collection, safeguarding and teaching of the Islamic world arts.

    ICESCO Participates in Meeting of OIC’s Islamic Commission for Economic, Cultural and Social Affairs

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) is participating in the 45th session of the Islamic Commission for Economic, Cultural and Social Affairs, of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), which is being held in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, January 22-24, to prepare for the next session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of OIC’s Member States.

    During the opening session, which saw the participation of several officials and representatives of Member States, organs and institutions operating within OIC’s framework, the new bureau was elected under the presidency of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, in addition to approving the draft agenda and draft work program and discussing reports on OIC’s subsidiary organs.
    The commission’s agenda includes discussing the 2022 activity reports of the specialized bodies, including ICESCO’s activity report, and approving the final report and draft decisions issued by the commission, which will be presented during the 49th session of the Council of Foreign Ministers due to be held in Nouakchott, Islamic Republic of Mauritania, on March 16-17, 2023.

    Mr. Mohamed Hedi Shili, Head of the Department of Legal Affairs and International Standards, will represent ICESCO at the meeting.

    ICESCO Mourns the Passing of the Great Mauritanian Thinker, Mohamed El Mokhtar Ould Bah

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) mourns the passing of the great Mauritanian scholar and thinker, Dr. Mohamed El Mokhtar Ould Bah, who died on Sunday, January 22, 2023, after a rich scientific and academic journey.

    ICESCO General Directorate expresses its sincere condolences to the son of the deceased, Dr. Ahmed Said Bah, Advisor to the ICESCO Director-General for Partnerships and International Cooperation, Supervisor of the Secretariat of National Commissions and Conference, to his family as well as the President, Government and people of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania.

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO DG, commended the struggle of Dr. Mohamed El Mokhtar Ould Bah for his country, religion and Ummah, stressing that he was one of the great figures of Mauritania, who contributed to its history at the political, educational and religious levels, and made outstanding contributions to the Chinguetti culture through his writings and research works, beseeching Allah Almighty to have mercy on him and grant him the highest paradise.

    ICESCO: The scene of burning the copy of the Holy Quran is a civilizational defeat and a revival of hate speech

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) strongly condemns the barbaric behavior that instigated the Swedish “hard-line” movement to burn a copy of the Holy Quran, in a scene that demonstrates civilizational defeat. The act, which is a blunt rejection of the spirit of tolerance that believes in cultural and religious diversity, does nothing but stir up hatred feelings and revive hate speech whenever they start to vanish.

    ICESCO re-affirms that disdain for the values and principles governing the lives of nations and peoples is the most dangerous weapon of destruction that is likely to disrupt efforts of establishing international peace and development. Therefore, the Organization warns that this heinous act will only escalate tensions, hostility and confrontation, and drive the whole of humanity into international conflicts that threaten its security and peace instead of making people rally around peace principles that guarantee its prosperity and progress.

    While reminding that the repetition of such offenses will not undermine the value of the Holy Quran, which attracts more and more believers around the world every day, ICESCO warns again that the authorities – wherever they are – by allowing these trends to undertake such heedless expressions, are simply deviating humanity from the civilized path that is committed to respecting the values of peoples and the ethics of their cultures and customs. The Organization also reaffirms that it will never fail to move forward with the international peace-loving forces, in fighting such trends and promoting the culture of enlightenment and the principles of moderation.