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    ICESCO and UAE National Commission signed an MoU on the inscription of African traditional games on the Heritage Lists

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the UAE National Commission for Education, Culture and Science on a project to inscribe traditional African games on ICESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage and World Heritage Lists.

    The MoU was signed virtually on Friday 25 November 2022 by Dr. Abdelilah Benarafa, Deputy Director-General, and Mr. Mubarak Al-Nakhi, Undersecretary of the UAE Ministry of Culture and Youth, Vice -Chairman of the UAE National Commission for Education, Culture and Science.

    At the end of the signing ceremony, Dr. Benarafa welcomed the efforts of the United Arab Emirates to support the Organization’s Member States, particularly African countries, in the fields of education and culture, mentioning in this regard the support provided for the inscription of the endangered heritage in these countries. He also praised the remarkable partnership between ICESCO and the UAE National Commission.

    For his part, Mr. Al Nakhi welcomed the cooperation with ICESCO in preserving the tangible and intangible heritage of the UAE, stressing that heritage is the legacy that is passed on between generations and the receptacle that preserves their identity and specificities. He also affirmed his country’s willingness to support various initiatives aimed at strengthening the attachment of people to their cultural identity.

    It is worth noting that this MoU aims to support African countries in the inscription of traditional games on the Intangible Cultural Heritage Lists of ICESCO and UNESCO, as well as to create a committee in charge of monitoring and evaluating the implementation of this project.

    The signing ceremony was attended by Ms. Amira El Fadil, Head of the Partnerships and International Cooperation Sector, Mr. Omar Hamed, expert in the same sector, Mr. Salim Al Habsi, Director of Programmes at the General Secretariat of National Commissions and Conferences, and Mr. Mohamed Al Ansary from the Culture and Communication Sector.

    ICESCO’s Capacity Building Workshop for Intangible Heritage Professionals in Concludes its Proceedings in Sudan

    On Thursday, November 24, 2022, the four-day regional workshop on capacity building of intangible cultural heritage professionals concluded its proceedings at the headquarters of the International University of Africa in Khartoum, Republic of the Sudan. The workshop was organized by the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) in partnership with the Sudanese National Commission for Education, Science and Culture.

    The closing ceremony was attended by Dr. Graham Abdelkader, Sudanese Minister of Culture and Information, Dr. Mahmoud Sir-al-Khatim Al-Huri, Sudanese Minister of Education, Dr. Wafaa Sayed, Secretary General of the Sudanese National Commission for Education, Science and Culture, and Dr. Hunud Abia Kadouf, President of the International University of Africa.
    ICESCO was represented at the workshop by Dr. Bilel Chebbi, Expert at the Culture and Communication Sector, who participated in the moderation of the workshop, and contributed to their training on methods to prepare nomination files for inscription on international heritage lists, and draft international assistance projects, more precisely the drafting of reports on the preservation of intangible cultural heritage.

    This workshop benefited several experts in the field, staff members of the Sudanese National Heritage Council, in addition to participants from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Sultanate of Oman, the Republic of Tunisia, and the Arab Republic of Egypt. The proceedings were moderated by Dr. Mustafa Jad, Dean of the Higher Institute of Folk Arts in Egypt, and Dr. Ismail Ali El-Fihail, Director of the House of Heritage Center, member of the National Heritage Council in Sudan.

    The Iraqi Minister of Culture visits Exhibition of International Fair and Museum of the Prophet’s Biography and Islamic Civilization at ICESCO headquarters

    Dr. Ahmed Al-Fakkak, Minister of Culture, Tourism and Antiquities of the Republic of Iraq, and his delegation visited the headquarters of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO). Dr. Abdelilah Benarfa, ICESCO Deputy Director-General, received the delegation and took them on a tour of the various sections of the Exhibition of the International Fair and Museum of the Prophet’s Biography and Islamic Civilization.

    At the end of the visit of the Iraqi delegation, which included Dr. Bhutan Dze Yi, Chargé d’Affairs at the Embassy of the Republic of Iraq to the Kingdom of Morocco, the Iraqi Minister of Culture, Tourism and Antiquities expressed his admiration for this great civilizational project, which highlights the Prophet’s biography and the Islamic civilization using scientific and educational methods as well as the latest technologies, indicating that Iraq is eager to host a similar exhibition of this museum.

    Ms. Amira El-Fadil, Head of ICESCO Partnerships and International Cooperation Sector, also took part in this tour with the delegation.

    Discussion of the Latest Developments in Partnership between ICESCO and ALECSO

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), received Dr. Mohamed Ould Amar, Director-General of the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO), to discuss developments in cooperation between the two Organizations and proposals for strengthening their partnership through the implementation of practical programmes and projects in the coming period.

    During the meeting, which took place today, Friday, November 25, 2022, at ICESCO Headquarters in Rabat, in the presence of Mr. Jamal El-Aloua, Secretary-General of the Moroccan National Commission for Education, Science and Culture, Dr. Abdel-Fattah Al-Hajjari, Director of the Arabization Coordination Office in Rabat, and Dr. Abdelilah Benarafa, ICESCO Deputy Director-General, Dr. AlMalik reviewed ICESCO’s key initiatives, programmes and projects as part of its new vision and strategic orientations, which accord great priority to supporting women, building youth capacities and skills needed for tomorrow’s professions and encouraging innovation.

    He explained that ICESCO does not impose specific programmes and projects on Member States, but rather it designs specific programmes and projects for each country according to its priorities and needs and in coordination with the concerned authorities through the national commission for education, science and culture.

    For his part, Dr. Ould Amar reviewed ALECSO’s key activities and its preparation for holding several ministerial conferences, mainly the Arab Ministers Conference to be held in the Saudi capital, Riyadh, in December.

    The meeting touched upon discussing proposals for cooperation between ICESCO and ALECSO during the coming period, especially in the field of the Arabic language, the establishment of a reference system for students’ certificates and unifying efforts in implementing programmes and activities in the Member States of the two Organizations, to avoid recurrence.

    After the meeting, Dr. AlMalik accompanied Dr. Ould Amar and his delegation on a tour of the Exhibition and Museum of the Prophet’s Biography and Islamic Civilization to participate in detailed presentations of the various pavilions and sections of the Exhibition. ALECSO’s Director-General commended the organization on this civilizational exhibition hosted by ICESCO Headquarters, which is the fruit of the strategic partnership among ICESCO, the Muslim World League, and the Muhammadiyah League of Scholars in the Kingdom of Morocco.

    ICESCO Launches 2022 Edition of its Leadership Training for Peace and Security Programme

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), on Thursday (24 November 2022), in Tangier, Morocco, officially launched the 2022 edition of its Leadership Training for Peace and Security Programme (LTIPS) and the International Workshop on Youth Projects Incubator for Peace, in partnership with the Moroccan Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication, with the aim of training and mobilizing youth to contribute to building peace and consolidating social cohesion.

    The launch ceremony saw high-level participation, including ministers, experts and representatives of specialized regional and international institutions. The event was an opportunity for the 50 young people, who were selected from 45 countries, to interact with decision-makers and inspiring leaders to become ICESCO Ambassadors for Peace by the end of the Programme.

    At the outset of the opening session, Ms. Ramata Almami Mbaye, Head of the Human and Social Sciences Sector of ICESCO, emphasized the Organization’s increasing interest in young people through LTIPs, which places them at the center of the peace-building process. His Excellency Mr. Ghazali Othmani, President of the Comoros, commended the values of peace, security and social cohesion, which are the focus of LTIPS and prove that ICESCO seeks to promote these principles in the Islamic world.

    In his address, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General, expressed his happiness to meet future leaders, stressing that this event is an opportunity to enhance the concepts of partnership in the field of youth.

    He also pointed out that LTIPS has become a leading programme, which strengthens ICESCO’s vision in the field of peacebuilding and supports the Organization’s “360° Peace Approach.”

    For his part, Mr. Mostafa Masoudi, Secretary General of the Moroccan Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication (Youth Sector), reiterated the Ministry’s support for ICESCO’s programmes on youth and peace-building. Mr. Yayi Boni, former President of the Republic of Benin, commended ICESCO’s efforts and outstanding programmes in the field of security and peace dispatching its ambassadors to bring peace inside and outside the Islamic world.

    Mr. Abul Kalam Abdul Momen, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bangladesh, stressed that building security means harmony and social cohesion among members of society, pointing out his country’s initiatives and activities that support policies to advance youth as future leaders.

    In his address, Mr. Bakary Badjie, Minister of Youth and Sports of the Republic of The Gambia, stressed the need to develop programmes likely to achieve peace and security worldwide. Mr. Ikbog Ikimokode, Founder and President of “Aji Imokhwede” Foundation in Nigeria, said that the role of ICESCO peace ambassadors is to transmit the principles and teachings they receive in LTIPS to their communities.

    At the end of the opening session, the representative of the 2022 edition of LTIPS shared a message, stressing the importance of youth and their role in consolidating peace and security through their aspirations and ambitions to build a better future.

    Afterward, the participants took part in various sessions on the various dimensions of the 360° Peace Approach, intergenerational dialogue and workshops on how to design and implement peace projects and initiatives.

    At ICESCO headquarters: Exhibition and Museum of the Prophet’s Biography and Islamic Civilization open to visitors

    Following the official inauguration of the Exhibition and Museum of the Prophet’s Biography and Islamic Civilization at ICESCO Headquarters in Rabat, under the high patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI of Morocco, may Allah preserve him, and with the presence of HRH Prince Moulay Al-Hassan, Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Morocco, the Exhibition is open to visitors, free of cost, starting from Monday, November 18, 2022, every day from 10:00 a.m to 05:00 p.m.

    A specialized team will organize the public’s visits to the Exhibition at ICESCO, which is the fruit of the strategic partnership among ICESCO, the Muslim World League (MWL) and the Mohammadia League of Scholars. The team will provide detailed presentations of the different pavilions and sections.

    The Exhibition and the Museum contain three main components. The first component is the Exhibition and Museum of the Prophet’s Biography and Islamic Civilization, which is supervised by the MWL and contains several sections, notably, the Section of the Prophet, peace be upon him, as if you see him, the Section of the Treasures of the Sunnah and Arabic Calligraphy, the Section of the Prophet, peace be upon him, as if you are with him. It also contains the section on the position of Al Al-Bayt and their virtue, section on publications, artifacts and gifts, a screening room for films on the Prophet’s Seerah, a section on “Aadham Munir,” which features a simulation of the Prophet’s rostrum, which is an identical replica made from the same type of wood. The section also includes models of the Kaaba, Makkah Al-Mukarramah and Al-Madinah Al-Munawarra as they were in the era of the Prophet, peace be upon him.

    The second component is a Panorama of the Prophet’s Chamber in the First Age,” which displays, for the first time in history, using 3D imaging and virtual reality, the daily life of the Prophet PBUH in his honorable chamber and presents an accurate depiction of the chamber’s contents and an overview of its history through creative films using modern 3D video techniques and effects.

    The third component consists of an “Exhibition on the attachment of Moroccans to the Noble Prophet, a symbol of love and loyalty,” which is supervised by the Mohammadia League of Scholars in the Kingdom of Morocco. This exhibition displays treasures that include historical manuscripts, rare paintings and coins, models of Moroccan architecture, decorations and inscriptions, and traditional tools.

    Discussion of Enhancing Cooperation between ICESCO and Several Authorities in Sultanate of Oman

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) held a series of meetings with the Omani National Commission for Education, Culture and Science, Sultan Qaboos University for Post Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, and representatives of several Omani ministries, on the sidelines of a symposium on digital entrepreneurship, organized by ICESCO in cooperation with the Omani National Commission in Muscat on November 22, 2022.

    Dr. Kais Hammami, Director of the Strategic Foresight Center, represented ICESCO in the meetings, where he reviewed the Organization’s vision and orientations, and its key implemented programmes and projects for the benefit of its Member States in its fields of competence, as well as the initiatives of ICESCO Strategic Foresight Center, which aims at spreading a culture of anticipation and foresight.

    The first meeting was with Ms. Amina Al Balushi, Secretary of the Omani National Commission for Education, Culture and Science, and the second meeting was with Dr. Amer Al-Hinai, Deputy Vice Chancellor for Post Graduates Studies and Research at Sultan Qaboos University, and Dr. Ali Shidhani, Undersecretary for Communications and Information Technology in the Ministry of Transport, Communications and Information Technology, Dr. Saif al Haddabi, Undersecretary for Research and Innovation in the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, and Mr. Salem Al Busaidi, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Labor for Human Resources Development in the Sultanate of Oman.

    During the meetings, which touched upon ways of enhancing cooperation between ICESCO and these authorities, through the development of joint programmes and projects, the Omani officials expressed the Sultanate’s eagerness to cooperate with ICESCO in this regard.

    On International Day for Elimination of Violence against Women… ICESCO calls for building women’s capacities and promoting their engagement at all levels

    On the 25th of November every year, the world celebrates the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. On this occasion, the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) calls for joining efforts to eliminate all types of violence against women and girls, raise awareness of its negative repercussions on individuals and societies, combat all forms of gender-based discrimination, rehabilitate women and preserve their gains.
    In observance of this Day, which the world celebrates this year under the theme ” UNITE! Activism to End Violence against Women and Girls,” ICESCO stresses the need to engage women in decision-making and social development as an essential lever for sustainable development, and address various educational, health, scientific, humanitarian, social and cultural challenges.

    On this day, which marks the start of 16 days of activities on combating violence against women, ICESCO warns that despite the international efforts made to counter this form of violence, the figures of UN-Women are worrying as one of every three women suffers from gender-based violence whereas less than 40% of women, who experience violence, seek help. Besides, the phenomenon of digital violence against women is exacerbated by the accelerating pace of digital transformation.

    Moreover, ICESCO reiterates its support for Member States’ efforts to eliminate violence against women, focus on building women’s leadership capacities and provide girls and women with professional and social skills. The Organization also launched its Young Professionals Programme, which provides training for young women on the best professional practices to build their leadership skills.

    Other young women benefit from the Organization’s LTIPS programme, the first edition of which trained 30 young men and women, who became ICESCO ambassadors for peace. The current edition will benefit 50 young women from 45 countries.

    ICESCO Participates in 9th Education ODA Conference

    The Sector of Education at the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) took part in the 9th Official Development Assistance Conference (ODA), which focuses on the aid provided by the Korea Government to developing countries in the field of education. The Conference was hosted by the Ministry of Education in the Republic of South Korea and is organized by the National Research Foundation of Korea, and Konyang University, in partnership with Save the Children Foundation and the Global Partnership for Education (GPE).

    The Conference, which was held face-to-face and via videoconference, today, Wednesday, November 23, 2022, aims to promote digital innovation, build international partnerships and exchange expertise in the fields of education and official development assistance. The Conference was attended by the Korean Minister of Education and several representatives of academic institutions and regional and international bodies and organizations specialized in the field of education.

    Dr. Kim Sungbong, Expert at the Sector of Education, represented ICESCO at the Conference, where he gave a statement highlighting ICESCO’s vision, action strategy and efforts to support digital education in its Member States. He also cast light on the Organization’s educational initiatives and activities, which focus on incorporating digital innovation in education, calling on participants to cooperate with ICESCO in developing educational systems in the countries most in need.

    ICESCO: Building peace is a shared responsibility that every individual must aspire to achieve

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), stressed that building peace is a shared responsibility, whose achievement necessitates the engagement of all members of the society. He added that multilateral action plays a vital role in fostering positive cooperation and exchanging expertise among civilizations to build a culture of peace, tolerance and coexistence to ultimately achieve comprehensive development and desired progress.

    Dr. AlMalik made this statement in his address, today, Wednesday, November 23, 2022, during the session on fostering multilateral action through a culture of peace, as part of the 9th Global Forum of the Alliances of Civilizations (UNAOC), which concludes its proceedings today in Fez, Kingdom of Morocco. The session featured remarks by Mr. Miguel Angel Moratinos, UNAOC High Representative, and Dr. Anar Karimov, Minister of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

    The Director-General first commended the theme of the session, given its close-knit relation to the lived reality, which is characterized by aspects of globalization and multilateralism, noting that it is necessary to reflect on the culture and practices of multilateral action to build peaceful and inclusive societies.

    He added that the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated the class differences in the world and added to societal alienation, which in turn contributed to the increase in conflicts among countries. He stated that this session urges us to promote partnerships and devise policies to build peace in our societies to overcome crises and achieve sustainable development.

    Dr. AlMalik highlighted ICESCO’s programs in the field of promoting the culture of peace, namely the Leadership Training for Peace and Security Program, and the Program of Integrating ICESCO’s Peace 360° Approach in Academic Spheres, which aims to promote curricula in the field of building peace and security in the ICESCO Member States. The Director-General also cast light on the Young Professionals Programme and the Leaderships Incubator, which both aim to build young people’s leadership and professional capacities, hold several training sessions and workshops, and provide scholarships for the Member States’ youth to study in a number of prestigious universities across the globe.