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    ICESCO Director General receives Palestinian Minister of Culture

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), today at his office, received Mr Atef Abu Saif, Palestinian Minister of Culture. Together they explored ways of promoting cooperation between the Organization and the State of Palestine in ICESCO’s areas of competence during the upcoming stage.

    During this meeting, the two parties discussed the support programmes ICESCO may provide to the State of Palestine in the fields of education, science  and culture within the framework of its new vision that will step up communication with its Member States and identify the needs of each country in terms of programmes in line with their national sustainable development plans.

    Talks also highlighted the importance of documenting the heritage landmarks in the city of Al-Quds Al-Sharif and inscribing them on the Islamic World Heritage List with the aim of preserving its identity. During the meeting, efforts made by ICESCO for the restoration of the historical sites in the city were reviewed.

    The two parties also examined the activities to be implemented as part of the closing ceremony of Al-Quds Culture Capital of the Islamic World for 2019, and the latest preparations for organizing Al-Quds Cultural Weeks in ICESCO Member States. They both reaffirmed their keenness to maintain fruitful cooperation between the Organization and the State of Palestine in the future.

    The meeting was attended by Mr. Jamal Choubaki, Palestinian Ambassador to Morocco, Mr. Maher Abu Rida, Assistant Under-Secretary at the Palestinian Ministry of Culture and Mr. Najib Rhiati, Director of Culture at ICESCO.

    “Future Forum” to forsee world 2040

    On 17 February 2020, at the headquarters of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), “Future Forum” will kick off with the participation of 27 renowned experts in strategic foresight and artificial intelligence (AI) from all over the world.

    The Forum will be held by ICESCO in cooperation with the office of the German Konrad Adenauer Foundation in the Kingdom of Morocco, as part of the Organization’s new vision of foreseeing the future and handling the changes and challenges facing the Islamic world. The aim is to turn the Forum into a platform for debate and exchange of views with the interested stakeholders and foresight experts to explore regional and international foresight capacities and define possible futuristic visions.

    Through a forward-looking approach, this session will be a journey into the future, and an opportunity for foresight experts to give presentations in their fields of expertise on the main trends and the challenges facing the world by 2040.

    The latest AI applications and their uses will form one of the most important themes to be discussed by the Forum as the world is witnessing many ecological, political, social and digital changes affecting all the sectors of development of human societies. This calls for the study and understanding of all these developments, revision of their trends, and foresight of the repercussions and their challenges, in such a way as to ensure a safer transition to sustainable development. The Islamic world, whose 54 states are members of ICESCO, is not spared from these changes since it occupies a strategic position at the crosroads of civilizations, cultures and economies.

    The choice of AI and its applications to be a theme of discussion at the Forum is motivated by the fact that it is the tangible aspect of the digital evolution that reshapes and influences international relations, namely the changes affecting the approach to sustainable development. In this reagard, AI experts will gave presentations in order to put into perspective artificial intelligence and its ability to advance societies and discuss its possibilities and potentials.

    Thematic workshops will be included in the Forum and will serve as a tool of strategic foresight aiming at creating a common and participatory platform for key players in development to analyze and ultimately predict the future of the discussed themes (education, culture, sciences, AI, robotics) by 2040. Moreover, the Forum’s programme features a gallery of virtual pictures and digital drawings and an exhibition of physical models reflecting the sector-related challenges of the future.

    ICESCO welcomes specialists, university and higher institute students and the interested public to attend the Forum and benefit from its various activities on 17-18 February 2020.

    In presence of ICESCO Director General, official launch of celebration of Cairo as 2020 Islamic World Culture Capital on 5 April

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) took part in the coordination meeting with the Egyptian Ministry of Culture and the Egyptian National Commission for Education, Science and Culture as part of celebrating Cairo as Islamic World Capital of Culture for 2020 for the Arab region, on 2-3 February 2020 as part of the preparation for this event.

    During the meeting, ICESCO coordinated with the relevant Egyptian authorities to prepare the programme of the celebration and discuss on the activities and events to be organized jointly with the Arab Republic of Egypt throughout this year. The two parties also agreed to launch the official ceremony of the celebration on 5 April 2020, in the presence of H.E. Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director General.

    On 03 February at the Cairo International Book Fair, the Egyptian Ministry of Culture held a press conference to announce the broad lines of the celebration. In this regard, Dr. Inas Abdel-Dayem, Egyptian Minister of Culture, and Mr. Najib Rhiati, Director of Culture at ICESCO, announced the launch of the event soon after the close of the 40th ICESCO Executive Council which adopted several amendments necessary for the implementation of the Organization’s new strategic vision, including the new modified name of “Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization”.

    The celebration marks the actual begining of the strategic shift in ICESCO’s vision since Cairo is the embodiment of this new vision given its long history of coexistence and tolerance between religions, cultures and ethnicities.

    ICESCO was represented in the meeting by Mr. Najib Rhiati, Director of Culture; Abdelilah Benarafa, Cultural Advisor to Director General; and Dr. Osama Elnahas, Programme Specialist.

    Mohammed bin Zayed hails ISESCO’s new start

    The Director General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, briefed His Highness Sheikh Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, Deputy Supreme Commander of the United Arab Emirates Armed Forces, on the main themes of the new start of ICESCO launched at the 40th session of its Executive Council on 29-30 January 2020 which adopted all the plans and draft decisions proposed by the General Directorate.

    This came at a reception of His Highness of ICESCO’s delegation taking part in the Council’s meetings and Ms. Noura bin Mohammed Al Kaabi, UAE Minister of Culture and Knowledge Development, and her team which participated in the preparation for hosting the 40th session ICESCO Executive Council in Abu Dhabi.

    Duruing that meeting, Dr. AlMalik gave an overview of ICESCO’s Development Waqf which was established to ensure sustainable funding for the Organization’s programmes and initiatives, including ICESCO International Consultative Council, Center for Strategic Foresight and Center for Heritage Preservation.

    His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed appreciated these achievements and lauded the initiatives and ICESCO’s new start, wishing that they will achieve the ambitions of the Islamic world peoples and serve their issues, and promote the standing of the Organization as an active platform for joint Islamic action at regional and international levels.

    Moreover, His Highness reaffirmed UAE’s commitment to supporting joint Islamic action and serving the Islamic world issues in the fields of education, science and culture, and advance these fields to open up larger prospects for the Organization’s presence at the regional and international levels.

    ICESCO Director General thanked His Highness for the warm welcome and generous hospitality extended to the Executive Council members and to ICESCO’s team during the period of the Council’s meeting and appreciated the cooperation of the UAE with ICESCO to fully discharge its roles in education, science and culture for the benefit of Member States.

    Sharjah Ruler receives FUIW Secretary General and FUIW Executive Council members

    His Highness Sheikh Dr. Sultan bin Muhammad Al-Qasimi, Member of the Federal Supreme Council of the United Arab Emirates, Ruler of Sharjah, President of the University of Sharjah, today at the University of Sharjah, received Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director General, FUIW Secretary General; Dr. Ahmed Al-Ameri, Rector of Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, President of the 7th FUIW General Conference, Chairman of the Executive Council; in addition to the following members of the Federation’s Executive Council: Dr. Zeidan kafafi, President of Yarmouk University in Jordan; Dr. Hamid M. Al Naimiy, Chancellor of the University of Sharjah in the United Arab Emirates; Dr. Imad Abu Kishek,President of Al Quds University in Palestine; Dr. Adel Sadeq Mubarak, President of Menoufia University; and Dr. Noureddine Medra’i, representative of the University Hassan II Casablanca in Morocco.

    During the meeting held today on the sidelines of the 23rd session of the FUIW Executive Council, the FUIW Secretary General and the Council expressed their thanks to His Highness for the hosting by the University of Sharjah of this session of the Council, briefed him on the decisions they adopted to promote the position of the Federation and give shape to the new vision to develop the Federation’s working methods and revisit its structure and internal regulations.

    Talks during this meeting also touched on the importance of the Federation and its future action areas, while reaffirming that the Federation will be a civilized approach manifest in cooperation between Islamic world universities through student exchange, scholarships, university chairs, and research networking.

    For his part, His Highness urged the Executive Council and the Secretary General to ensure that the Federation become a platform for the sharing of knowledge, science and thought among universities, and discharge its assigned role toward joint Islamic action.

    At the close of the meeting, a group photo was taken and Dr. AlMalik presented a commemorative shield to His Highness.

    ICESCO Director General and Sharjah Ruler explore ICESCO-Sharjah cooperation promotion

    His Highness Dr. Sultan bin Muhammad Al-Qasimi, Member of the Federal Supreme Council of the United Arab Emirates, Ruler of Sharjah, President of the University of Sharjah, received Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), Secretary General of the Federation of the Universities of the Islamic World (FUIW), on the sidelines of the proceedings of the 23rd Executive Council of the Federation, hosted by the University of Sharjah and which will conclude its work today.

    During this meeting, which aims at examining the promotion of cooperation between ICESCO and the Emirate, Dr. AlMalik reviewed the new vision of ICESCO, which makes it a beacon of influence for the Islamic world in the fields of education, culture and science. He invited H.H. to be a guest speaker at the Cultural Forum of ICESCO, launched by the Organization’s General Directorate to welcome leading intellectuals inside and outside the Islamic world to discuss intellectual and cultural issues.

    The two parties also discussed the outcomes of the 40th Executive Council of ICESCO, held on 29-30 January 2020 in Abu Dhabi, whose decisions constitute a qualitative leap and a new stage in ICESCO’s future action. These include the adoption of the new name of “ICESCO” in order to avoid any confusion about its non-Da’wa missions, the opening of wider perspectives on the international scene, as well as the adoption of the following documents: Amendment to the Organization’s Charter and Rules of Procedure, ICESCO’s New Strategic vision, the Establishment of a Development Waqf Fund to ensure the sustianable financing of ICESCO’s programmes for the benefit of Member States, and the Establishment of the Organization’s International Consultative Council, in addition to other important decisions.

    In this connection, the Director General expressed his thanks and gratitude to His Highness the Ruler of Sharjah for hosting the proceedings of the FUIW Executive Council at the University of Sharjah, as well as for his unfailing support to ICESCO through his sponsorship of the Organization’s Regional Office in Sharjah. The two parties also discussed the promotion of the Office’s action to keep up with the new developments of ICESCO.

    On his part, His Highness welcomed this new vision that makes of ICESCO a major international organization in its fields of competence, reaffirming his willingness to support ICESCO and its future action programmes.

    The meeting took place in the presence of Dr. Hamid M. Al Naimiy, Chancellor of the University of Sharjah; Mr. Mohamed Ghemari, Director of the Secretariat of the General Conference, Executive Council and Specialized Ministerial Conferences; and Dr. Obaid Al-Hajri, Director of ICESCO Regional Office in Sharjah.

    AlMalik: Major challenges facing higher education and scientific research in most Islamic world countries

    **The Federation of the Universities of the Islamic World (FUIW) should be a vehicle for cooperation and coordination

    The Director General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), FUIW Secretary General, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, stated that in order for universities to fully discharge their pivotal role in achieving sustainable development in the Islamic world, the Federation must serve as a vehicle for cooperation and coordination between these universities, amid the runaway global economic developments and the increasing demand for human resources capable of integrating the new labor market based on the growing dependence on ICTs and AI.

    In his address at the opening session of the 23rd session of the FUIW Executive Council, kicked off in Sharjah, State of the United Arab Emirates and will continue for two days, Dr. AlMalik stated that one of the objectives of the Federation was to endeavor, through cooperation and coordination among universities, to bridge gaps and share expertise and experiences. However, Dr. AlMalik deplored, after several decades of work, only 347 universities from the Islamic world joined the Federation and that out of 1150 universities in the Arab region, only third of that number are members in the FUIW, which make up a very small portion of the overall number of universities in the Islamic world.

    Moreover, ICESCO Director General highlighted that amid the vast expansion of higher education around the globe and the mounting competition between all the higher education styles, higher education and scientific research in most Islamic world countries is struggling with various problems and challenges, such as unclear priorities and strategies of higher education, underfunding, lack of awareness of the importance of new scientific research, networking opportunities and databases, limited scope of international cooperation and human capital flight to industrially and technologically advanced countries.

    In the same vein, Dr. AlMalik stressed that efforts will be made to advance higher education in Islamic world countries under ICESCO’s new vision through which the Organizations seeks to become a beacon of global outreach. These efforts include focusing on sustainable development issues, eradicating of poverty, countering extremism and hate speech, empowering women and the youth, supporting civil society, ensuring education for refugees and displaced people, preserving heritage and learning from the enormous developments in AI and future learning styles so as to turn the Federation into a platform for knowledge and science and a vehicle for cooperation and coordination.

    23rd FUIW Executive Council kicks off in Sharjah

    Today, the 23rd session of the Executive Council of the Federation of the Universities of the Islamic World (FUIW) kicked off today and will continue over two days at the University of Sharjah, State of the United Arab Emirates.

    The opening session started with an address by Sheikh Fahim Al Qasimi, Chairman of the Department of Government Relations in Sharjah, wherein he hailed the holding of the Executive Council in Sharjah, wishing every success to the participants toward more excellence for joint Islamic action, notably in education and scientific research.

    Next, Dr. Ahmed Al-Ameri, Rector of Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, President of the 7th FUIW General Conference, Chairman of the Executive Council, took the floor and underlined the importance of the current session of the Council as it will discuss reports on the evolution of the Federation since its inception and the future prospects of its action.

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director General, FUIW Secretary General, delivered an address wherein he first expressed his thanks and gratitude to His Highness Sultan bin Muhammad Al-Qasimi, member of the Federal Supreme Council of the United Arab Emirates, Ruler of Sharjah, President of the University of Sharjah, for his unstinting support to ICESCO through his patronage of ICESCO Regional Office in Sharjah and his constant willingness to contribute to the achievement of cultural, scientific and educational development of Islamic world countries.

    Moreover, ICESCO Director General underscored the important role that should be assumed by the Federation to promote cooperation and coordination between Islamic world universities in the next stage so that it will turn into platform for science and knowledge and leverage for cooperation, complementarity and exchange between universities.

    At the close of his address, Dr. AlMalik thanked the administration of the University of Sharjah, on top of it its Chancellor, Dr. Hamid M. Al Naimiy, for the hosting and good reception and organization of this session of the Executive Council.

    For his part, Dr. Hamid M. Al Naimiy, made an address in which he expressed his delight for the University’s hosting of this important event, lauded the role of the Federation in supporting cooperation among universities and welcomed the participants wishing them every success in their work.

    After the reception, the working sessions saw the examination of the Report of FUIW Secretary General on the Federation’s General Secretariat between the 22nd and 23rd sessions of the Executive Council; the Federation’s Financial Report for 2018; the Report of the Secretary General on the Federation’s Current Situation and Future Prospects; and the membership applications submitted by many universities of the Islamic world.

    Established in 1987, the FUIW works under the umbrella of ICESCO and has now 347 Member Universities and higher education institutes.

    AlMalik and Hamdan bin Rashid explore promotion of ICESCO-Hamdan Prize for Voluntary Development of Education Institutions

    His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Deputy Ruler of Dubai and Minister of Finance, received Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), to explore ways to promote ICESCO-Hamdan Prize for Voluntary Development of Education Institutions in Islamic World Countries”, chaired by His Highness.

    In a meeting held today evening at Zabeel Palace in Dubai, ICESCO Director General expressed his thanks and appreciation to His Highness Sheikh Hamdan for his support to the Organization to enable it to fully discharge its human and educational mission in the Islamic world. Moreover, he highly appreciated the moral and financial value of the Prize.

    In this vein, Dr. AlMalik invited His Highness to the award ceremony of the Prize at its first edition to be held in April 2020 by ICESCO at its headquarters in Rabat, Kingdom of Morocco.

    Talks during the meeting also touched on ICESCO’s activities, development programmes in the field of education in Islamic countries and future action plans, namely after the 40th Executive Council, closed at Abu Dhabi a day ago, which marks a new promising start for ICESCO. The Council adopted the Organization’s new Vision, Strategic Action Plan, Amended Chart and Internal Regulations, as well as several decisions likely to allow the Organization to open up to wider global horizons.

    In attendance at the meeting were Dr. Khalifa Al Suwaidi, Advisor to H.H. the Sheikh, the Prize’s General Coordinator; and Dr. Ahmed Said Bah, Director of External Relations and Cooperation at ICESCO.

    Established in 2017 with support from His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum and ICESCO, the Prize aims to incentivize authors of voluntary initiatives and charity works in education, namely in the development of educational institutions in Islamic world countries.

    The Prize is awarded every other year to three winners from among individuals or institutions having contributed to developing education institutions in Islamic world countries. The value of the Prize stands at 300,000 US$. Each winner receives a shield and a reward of US$100,000 which will go to charity work, especially developing education institutions.

    FUIW Executive Council to hold its 23rd session at Sharjah University

    The Executive Council of the Federation of the Universities of the Islamic World (FUIW) will hold its 23rd session at the University of Sharjah, State of the United Arab Emirates, on 2-3 February 2020.

    The session will be opened in the presence of Dr. Salim M. Almalik, Director General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), FUIW Secretary General; Dr. Ahmed bin Salem Al-Ameri, Rector of Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, President of the 7th FUIW General Conference, Chairman of the Executive Council; and rectors and representatives of Member Universities at the Executive Council.

    The agenda of the Executive Council features the discussion of the Report of FUIW Secretary General on the Federation’s General Secretariat between the 22nd and 23rd sessions of the Executive Council; the Federation’s Financial Report for 2018; and the Report of the Secretary General on the Federation’s Current Situation and Future Prospects; and the examination of a number of membership applications submitted by many universities of the Islamic world.

    The Executive Council is composed of the following Member Universities: Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; University of Sharjah, State of the United Arab Emirates; International Islamic University, Islamic Republic of Pakistan; International University of Africa, Republic of the Sudan; Al-Quds University, State of Palestine; University of Maroua, Republic of Cameroon; Menoufia University, Arab Republic of Egypt; University of Hassan II, Kingdom of Morocco; Bayero University, Federal Republic of Nigeria; Russian Islamic University in Ufa, Russian Federation; Yarmouk University, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan; Qatar University, State of Qatar; Azerbaijan State University of Economics, Republic of Azerbaijan; International Islamic University Malaysia; and the Islamic University in Uganda.

    Established in 1987, the FUIW works under the umbrella of ICESCO and has now 347 Member Universities and higher education institutes.

    The 22nd session of the Executive Council was held in December 2018 at ICESCO headquarters in Rabat, Kingdom of Morocco.