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    With Poetic Words and Melodious Poems: ICESCO’s Major International Celebration “Poets… Wings of Peace” kicks off

    With poetic words and melodious poems and high-level attendees, the major international celebration “Poets… Wings of Peace,” that the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and the Arab Poetry Academy in Saudi Arabia co-organized, kicked off in celebration of the World Poetry Day with the participation of many outstanding poets, writers, and specialists.

    After the recitation of verses from the Holy Quran at the beginning of the celebration, held face-to-face at the Organization’s headquarters in Rabat and by videoconference, the speakers of the opening session recited poems in praise of poetry and poets. The speakers also called for attaching due care and importance to poetry, a literary art rooted in all cultures around the world, and use as a vehicle for progress that enriches the noble and common human values.

    At the opening session, Dr. Abdelilah Benarafa, Cultural Advisor to the Director-General (DG), delivered ICESCO’s welcome address followed by the screening of the video “The Bird of Grey Tales,” which ICESCO produced to celebrate World Poetry Day. The video touched on the multi-dimensional character of poetry transcending all walks of life.

    Addressing the audience, the guest of honor, Mr. Mohammed Benaïssa, Secretary-General of the Asilah Forum Foundation, reaffirmed that poetry is an ancient art rooted in world cultures, including Islamic culture, and that there is no science or thought that truly expresses the humans’ inner taste and feelings of beauty like poetry.

    Mr. Benaïssa thanked ICESCO and its DG for organizing the celebration and recalled that the Asilah International Cultural Project, which started with poetry and visual art in Asilah, the city of art and poetry, was first organized in 1978. He also noted that this project focused on poetry and thus hosted several senior poets, Arabs and non-Arabs alike.

    Speaking on behalf of the Arab Poetry Academy, Dr. Mansour Al Harthi, praised the ICESCO’s great cultural role and touched on the Academy’s role in supporting poets, discovering young poetry talents in different educational stages, and publishing collections of the best poems that young poets authored.

    The famous poet Mohamed Achaari then recited the poem “Dead Leaves.” In his contribution, the poet provided a representation of the phases of the consciousness of the Moroccan poem, poetic tenses. Prior to his recitation, Mr. Achaari delivered an address wherein he stressed the need to accord a high position to poetry in one’s life and called on poetry lovers to see poetry as a key development factor instead of a luxury.

    Through his poem “A Nod in the Poetry Season” which he composed on the occasion, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO DG, presented his greeting to the attending poets. In the poem, Dr. AlMalik says: “the scents of beauty are smelt from the poems of poets on the day of their global celebration; the flowers of ghazal, wisdom and pride illuminate the darkness of trees of sorrows and anxiety and breathe the feelings of reassurance, confidence and glamor in souls.”

    The opening session of ICESCO’s celebration of World Poetry Day closed with a musical performance “muwashahat” by the Moroccan artist Karima Skalli.

    ICESCO and the World Islamic Call Society Review Development of Cooperation

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of ICESCO, and Dr. Saleh Salim Al-Fakhri, Chairman of the Steering Committee of the World Islamic Call Society (WICS), discussed today, at ICESCO headquarters in Rabat, the means to develop cooperation between the two parties in the fields of education, culture, relief, and humanitarian action.

    During the meeting, which several ICESCO heads of sector and WICS officials attended, Dr. AlMalik reviewed the main developments and modernization within ICESCO, as well as the main axes of its vision and new strategy of action which aims to highlight the role and position of ICESCO at the global level.

    The DG explained that the Organization adopts an open-door approach to countries, organizations, international bodies, civil society institutions and donors, and the establishment of bilateral partnerships for the benefit of the Member States and Muslim societies around the world. He referred to projects that ICESCO implemented to support the efforts of its Member States to deal with the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic, in partnership with donor institutions, and based on the needs and requirements of each country.

    For his part, Dr. Al-Fakhri reviewed the strategy of action of WICS and its offices established in several African countries, stressing that it provides support to schools in these countries and that over the years it has awarded scholarships for many students, many of whom have obtained masters and doctorates.

    The meeting addressed the areas proposed to develop cooperation between the two parties, including education, culture, medical caravans, and other programs. The parties affirmed their desire for constructive cooperation within the framework of a partnership agreement based on implementation programs and projects with tangible results.

    ICESCO Participates in Malaysia in International Academic Symposium on Arabic

    ICESCO participated today in the first international academic symposium on the Arabic language, under the theme: “Contributions of academic institutions to teaching Arabic to non-Arabic speakers: experiences and aspirations.” The Sultan Abdul Halim Muadzam Shah International Islamic University in Malaysia organized the event remotely, in cooperation with the Faculty of Languages of Al-Madinah International University, with the participation of researchers and specialists in teaching Arabic to non-Arabic speakers.

    Dr. Magdy Haj Ibrahim, President of the Arabic Language Center for Non-Arabic Speakers, represented ICESCO at the symposium, where he gave a lecture on the Centre’s contributions to the advancement of Arabic, as well as an overview of the Center established under the new organizational structure of ICESCO.

    The President talked about the main objectives and tasks of the Center, including the provision of educational and academic services and technical advice for the benefit of the competent authorities, institutions and personnel in the field of the Arabic language for non-Arabic speakers inside and outside the Islamic world.

    Dr. Magdy also reviewed the main programs and activities of the Center, as well as its digital achievements launched as part of the global « ICESCO Digital Home » initiative. It includes the initiative of the open digital program “Learn Arabic, master it at home,” for the benefit of non-Arabic speaking Arab students, the “Languages of Africa, bridges of culture and history” initiative, aiming at raising awareness of the use of the languages of African peoples written with Arabic character, and the “Zidni ‘Ilman” initiative for the benefit of teachers and pedagogical managers working in the teaching of Arabic, as well as the “Bayan” competition for expressive creativity in Arabic.

    ICESCO Director-General Receives Ukrainian Ambassador in Rabat

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), received Ms. Vasylieva Oksana Yurievna, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to Morocco. They discussed cooperation prospects between ICESCO and Ukraine in the fields of education, science, and culture, as well as Ukraine’s membership to the Organization as an observer.

    During the meeting, which took place at the headquarters of ICESCO today, in the presence of several directors and experts of the Organization and the Consul General of Ukraine in Rabat Dr. AlMalik underlined that ICESCO adopts more communication and openness, not only with its Member States but also with non-Member States. The Organization also adopts an open-door policy with international organizations and bodies and civil society institutions, and builds partnerships and cooperation for the benefit of Member States and Muslim societies around the world.

    More than two million Muslims live in Ukraine enjoying their full rights, with independent
    institutions that represent them before the Ukrainian government. The cooperation in the fields of education, science, and culture would augur well to the new strategic vision the Organization is espousing towards achieving its goal for the benefit not only of its Member States but ideally to ICESCO Observer States as well.

    The Ambassador of Ukraine praised the remarkable work that ICESCO accomplished and thanked the DG for his invitation to attend many of the Organization’s rich activities, stressing her country’s desire for more cooperation with ICESCO and the countries of the Islamic world.

    On World Water Day: ICESCO Calls for Enhancing Innovation in Water Resources Management

    There is no doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic we are facing today has shown the importance of safe access to water and sanitation.  Yet, even basic practices such as washing hands with soap to avoid the spread of the virus are not available in most households. This precarious situation highlights the importance of investing in innovative water technologies and solutions, water supply systems, sanitation, and hygiene services.

    The international community is celebrating the 22 March of each year, the World Water Day. The theme of this year is “Valuing Water.” The Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) takes the opportunity to reiterate its commitment to support its Member States to achieve SDG 6 and all water-related SDGs.

    Indeed, Integrated management of water resources, improving access to drinking water and sanitation, as well as facing the challenges of water scarcity, remain among the main problems of ICESCO’s Member States. The situation is becoming increasingly difficult when considering the effects of climate change on the water sector. Many countries are in arid regions, vulnerable to climate change and experiencing acute water shortage and frequent drought.

    This situation is no longer tolerable. We need to act URGENTLY. Through its strategy on integrated water resource management, our action plans have set up several programs. In 2020, ICESCO has launched the ambitious Programme for Improving Water Sanitation and Hygiene Services in 1000 rural schools in the Islamic World. The programme targets to improve access to water, sanitation, and hygiene by helping the Member States implement their projects in remote areas as well as provide safe and clean water to schools to enhance youth, girls’ health and education conditions. It will rely on using innovative technologies and solutions adapted to remote areas.

    Furthermore, ICESCO is supporting the 9th World Water Forum Under the theme “Water Security for Peace and Development”, which will be held next year in Dakar, in collaboration with its partners, a comprehensive capacity building Programme for Transferring Sustainable Water Management Solutions in the Islamic World. This Programme will consolidate knowledge on sustainable solutions transfer of water management techniques and technologies, address water scarcity challenges, and assist Member States to develop financial planning and priority tools to implement relevant water management programmes to address the global agenda in the sector (SDGs).

    ICESCO DG Participates in International Ceremony in Honor of Dr. Ahmadou-Mahtar M’Bow

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scienctific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), participated virtually, today, March 20, 2021, in the international celebration that the “Museum of Black Civilizations” in Senegal held in honor of Dr. Ahmadou-Mahtar M’Bow, former DG of UNESCO, Goodwill Ambassador for ICESCO, on the occasion of his 100th birthday. High-level African Heads of State and several leaders of international organizations attended the ceremony.

    During his address at the opening session, Dr. AlMalik praised Dr. M’Bow’s cultural and intellectual legacy to human civilization, as well as the distinguished work he had done while he was ambassador of goodwill for ICESCO. Dr. M’Bow’s contributions included his proposal to establish ICESCO’s Regional Center for Education on the Culture of Peace, which was founded in Yamoussoukro, Côte d’Ivoire to teach tomorrow’s youth and women leaders to preserve peace.

    ICESCO DG praised the achievements of Dr. M’Bow during his tenure at UNESCO, including the convention on the protection of the cultural and natural heritage in the world and its entry into force after a large number of countries ratified it, as well as his efforts to enhance the protection of neglected heritage sites at risk.

    In his speech, Dr. AlMalik expressed thanks and appreciation, on behalf of ICESCO, to Dr. M’Bow as one of the few who had worked hard to make our world better. He added that the former UNESCO DG had received many international awards and honors, all of which, however, are not enough to appreciate his role.

    Dr. Ahmadou-Mahtar M’Bow held several positions in the field of education in Senegal, before becoming Minister of Education and Culture in 1957, then he ran several ministries until 1970, and was elected to the UNESCO Executive Council in 1966, before being appointed as Assistant DG then DG of the Organization, respectively in 1970 and from 1974 to 1987.

    With Participation of Great Poets … ICESCO Organizes High-level International Festival on Tuesday to Celebrate the World Poetry Day

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), in cooperation with the Academy of Arab Poetry (KSA), is organizing a major international ceremony to celebrate, on Tuesday March 23rd 2021, the World Poetry Day, under the slogan: “Poets, Wings of Peace, ” to express its interest for the poetry as a sublime world language, as well as its pride of all creative poets.

    The ceremony will begin at 9 a.m. (GMT) / 10 a.m. (Rabat time) in face-to-face and virtual modes, at ICESCO headquarters in Rabat. Representatives of high-level international institutions interested in poetry, in addition to eminent poets and poetry specialists, will attend the ceremony to exchange opinions and ideas and debate on poetic institutions and feminine and universal poetry.

    The opening session will include a remark by the guest of honor, Mr. Mohamed Benaïssa, President of Assilah International Festival, and the remark of the Academy of Arab Poetry. ICESCO Director-General, Dr Salim M. AlMalik, will recite a ceremonial poem he produced on this occasion, while the poet Mohamed Achaâri, winner of 2020 Argana International Poetry Prize, will recite one of his poems.

    Five sessions will be discussed during this ceremony: “Poetry and its institutions: constants and variables;” ” Women and poetry: female-authored poems ;” “The age of poetry… the age of narration;” “Rising talents in today’s poetry;” and “Poems from the other shore: Poetry and the cross-border vision.”

    The celebration will include a performance by the great Moroccan singer Karima Skalli, and a video entitled: “The bird of the blond tales,” produced by ICESCO on the occasion of this cultural event.

    The ceremony can be followed live on the official ICESCO Facebook page, via the following link: https://www.facebook.com/ICESCO.Ar/live

    ICESCO Holds Series of Bilateral Meetings with National Commissions

    In a bid to strengthen partnership and cooperation ties with National Commissions and give an effective participatory approach by the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) through the establishment of an interactive platform and other communication mechanisms for the National Commissions, the General Secretariat of the National Commissions and Conferences at ICESCO, launched from 8 March 2021, a series of bilateral meetings with the National Commissions for Education, Science, and Culture in the Member States.

    During these meetings, the parties discussed several issues, most particularly:

    • The priorities, activities, and achievements of the National Commissions.
    • The challenges that the National Commissions face and their future perspectives.
    • Proposals to enhance cooperation and partnership between National Commissions and ICESCO.
    • Proposals to develop educational, cultural, and scientific systems after COVID-19.
    • Proposals on ICESCO’s Year of Women 2021 and women empowerment to enjoy their educational, cultural, scientific, and technological rights.

    These meetings provide an opportunity to foster mutual understanding, exchange of knowledge, expertise, and successful experiences in the Organization’s areas of competence and examine the challenges faced by the National Committees and the ways to address them. They also constitute a platform for strengthening the roles of Commissions toward constructive participation in the advancement of educational, cultural, and scientific systems in the Member States.

    These dialogues will enable ICESCO to identify the needs and aspirations of the Member States in the Organization’s action areas, taking into account the national, regional, and international variables affecting the sectors of education, science and culture.

    The General Secretariat of the National Commissions and Conferences will prepare comprehensive and integrated reports that include proposals, recommendations, and concrete outputs for the benefit of the National Commissions and the sectors and centers of the Organization.

    ICESCO and BADEA Explore Partnership Development

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General (DG), and Dr. Sidi Mohamed Ould Tah, DG of the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa (BADEA), held a virtual meeting on Wednesday, March 17, 2021, to explore ways to foster a partnership between the Organization and the Bank in multiple fields. Several ICESCO sector directors, advisers, and experts also attended the meeting.

    The two parties explored prospects of cooperation between ICESCO and BADEA in several fields to address African needs, taking into account the respective strategies of the two institutions. The two parties agreed to set up a joint committee to identify the major projects, lay down their budgets, and outline the goals to attain positive and concrete outcomes.

    The two officials discussed several programs including cooperation to train 1000 young female leaderships, support women and girls’ entrepreneurial sense, empower newly literate women in Africa and train them on setting up income-generating projects such as sewing, embroidery, and traditional and artisanal industries.

    The two parties also discussed cooperation to grant scholarships to girls and reaffirmed the need to sustain cooperation in the field of teaching Arabic to non-Arabic speakers through the Regional Educational Center for Arabic to non-Arabic Speakers in Chad. They discussed setting up five other language centers in African countries in the upcoming two years.

    ICESCO and BADEA have established strong cooperation ties since their first partnership in 1994.

    ICESCO Learning Café Hosts Dr. Hayat Sindi

    As part of the activities of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization’s (ICESCO) 2021 Year of Women, under the high patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI of Morocco, the ICESCO Learning Café hosted Dr. Hayat Sindi, Chief Scientific Advisor to the President of the Islamic Development Bank. In the meeting entitled “Challenges and Successes,” Dr. Sindi talked about the beginnings of her passion for science and scientists, who contributed to change, and the impact of inspiration in her life.

    During the meeting, held yesterday, March 17, 2021, at ICESCO Headquarters in Rabat, Dr. Sindi told the participants about her childhood dreams of success and the contribution of her father, who strengthened her passion for science, while stressing that the main motivation behind the passion is considering science as the first and basic means for satisfying all the human needs.

    Dr. Sindi stated that there are vulnerable and poor groups that are deprived of access to technology. The situation encouraged her to look for the means likely to provide technology for all without exception because science and technology derive their power from being accessible for all.

    Dr. Sindi added “men monopolize the fields of science and women are looking for their position there too. The perceptions that women and men have on science are different from one another. For instance, men consider Artificial Intelligence more appropriate for wars while women find it useful for health and social care, which is a source of invention and innovation.”

    Speaking of inspiration, Dr. Sindi reaffirmed that it is a particularly important element in our life, without which no goal can be achieved, stating that she drew inspiration from her family and school. She was about to give up, especially in her beginnings, but she drew strength and perseverance from considering every day of her life as a new challenge.

    The participants asked questions and expressed their ideas, with which Dr. Sindi interacted based on her rich career and experience in the fields of science and innovation.