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    ICESCO Launches Programme for Water and Sanitation Services Improvement in Mauritania’s Rural Schools

    The Adrar region in the north of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania witnessed the launch of the Programme for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Services Improvement in Rural Schools, launched by the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), in cooperation with the Mauritanian National Commission for Education, Science and Culture. The programme is aimed at improving water and sanitation services in 1,000 rural schools in several ICESCO Member States and contributing to combating the impact of climate change on water resources.

    During the launch ceremony, which was held on Tuesday, July 26, 2022, at one of the beneficiary schools in Adrar, Mr. Mohamed Ould Sidi Abdallah, Secretary-General of the Commission, delivered an address in which he conveyed gratitude and appreciation to ICESCO, underscoring the Programme’s importance for enhancing the quality of education and creating suitable learning conditions in rural areas.

    The participants in the ceremony, which saw the attendance of Ms. Lou Moustapha, Regional Director of Education in Adrar, and a host of high-ranking officials in the state, emphasized the need to improve access to safe drinking water and equip schools with sanitation and hygiene facilities, calling for the development of a guide on this subject and the organization of training sessions to raise awareness of good hygiene practices.

    International Symposium on Circular, Green and Blue Economy Kicks off in Tunis

    The International Symposium on “Circular, Green and Blue Economy: Promoting Youth and Women Entrepreneurship in the Islamic World,” kicked off Tuesday, July 26, 2022, in Tunis. The symposium is held by the Sector of Science and Technology at the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), in partnership with the Tunisian National Commission for Education, Science and Culture and the Tunis International Center for Environmental Technologies (CITET).

    At the beginning of the two-day symposium, Ms. Kmaira Ben Jannet Mzali, CITET Director-General, gave an address where she commended the partnership relations between the Center and ICESCO, noting that the symposium discusses a key topic and provides an opportunity for women and young people to exchange knowledge and expertise about their projects and listen to other people’s experiences. For his part, Dr. Kamel Hajjam, Secretary-General of the Tunisian National Commission, stated that the Commission is keen to cooperate with ICESCO in implementing its strategic goals and work together with other National Commissions to achieve its new vision.
    In his address via videoconference, Dr. Ismailla Diallo, Expert at the Sector of Science and Technology, highlighted the key importance ICESCO accords to supporting the transition towards environmentally friendly, integrated and sustainable production and consumption systems. He also stressed the need for more work to encourage the countries of the Islamic world to protect the environment, preserve their ecosystems, and promote circular, green and blue economies to provide greater employment opportunities for women and young people.

    Moreover, the ICESCO official reaffirmed the importance of building the capacities of young people and women to address the environmental challenges facing humanity and achieve sustainable development. The ICESCO official added that this key issue is included in ICESCO’s Action Plan for 2022-2023, which aims to develop green and smart cities and capitalize on modern technology to protect the environment and preserve biological diversity for present and future generations.

    September 8, 2022: Official inauguration of Exhibition and Museum of Prophet’s Seerah at ICESCO Headquarters

    In recognition of the great civilizational values and deep meanings manifested in the Exhibition and Museum of the Prophet’s Seerah, in support of the efforts to highlight the values of mercy, tolerance and justice that flourished in the Prophet’s seerah, and in reflection of the high patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI of the Kingdom of Morocco, and the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), and Dr. Ahmed Abbadi, Secretary-General of the Mohammedia League of Scholars, and in close coordination with Dr. Mohamed bin Abdulkarim Al-Issa, Secretary-General of the Muslim World League, made an oversight visit to follow up on the ongoing arrangements and work and ensure the readiness for the Exhibition opening, scheduled for September 8, 2022, under the high patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI of the Kingdom of Morocco, may Allah assist him.
    Dr. AlMalik and Dr. Abbadi took stock of the ongoing preparations to ensure the best conditions for the organization of the Exhibition and Museum of the Prophet’s Seerah at ICESCO Headquarters in Rabat, to reflect the magnitude of the event and the noble character of the Ummah’s prophet.

    The two officials also reaffirmed that this outstanding event aims to promote fraternal relations between the peoples of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Kingdom of Morocco, and the rest of the Islamic world and their shared love and reverence of the Prophet, peace and blessing be upon him.

    The International Exhibition and Museum of Prophet’s Seerah and Islamic Civilization, which will be hosted at ICESCO Headquarters, is the outcome of the trilateral partnership between ICESCO, the Muslim World League and the Mohammedia League of Scholars, which will be the first stop of the Exhibition outside of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The Exhibition seeks to highlight the message of Islam which promotes justice, peace, mercy, tolerance, coexistence and moderation, based on the Holy Quran, the Noble Sunnah and the long-standing Islamic history. The Exhibition employs advanced technology to give visitors a real-life experience of the Seerah and historical events.

    ICESCO Takes Part in Scientific Symposium Held in Tribute of Sheikh Al-Makki Al-Nasiri in Rabat

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), took part in a scientific symposium held in tribute to Sheikh Muhammad al-Makki al-Nasiri, by the Supreme Scientific Council in the Kingdom of Morocco, in appreciation of his efforts to enrich science and thought. The event was aimed at promoting Sheikh al-Nasiri as one of Rabat’s distinguished figures and casting light on his valuable influence on many generations.

    The symposium, which took place on Monday, July 25, 2022, at the Council’s headquarters in Rabat, brought together Dr. Ahmed Toufiq, Minister of Endowments and Islamic Affairs in the Kingdom of Morocco, Dr. Mohammed Youssef, Secretary-General of the Supreme Scientific Council in the Kingdom of Morocco, and Dr. Ahmed Abbadi, Secretary-General of the Mohammadia League of Scholars, Mr. Mohammed Asban, President of Rabat’s Local Council of Ulemas, and a host of officials and prominent intellectual, cultural and religious figures in the Kingdom of Morocco.

    In his address during the symposium, Dr. Abdelilah Benarafa, ICESCO Deputy DG, emphasized the importance of celebrating Sheikh Muhammad al-Makki al-Nasiri, one of the Moroccan capital’s prominent luminaries, particularly as this event coincides with the celebration of Rabat as Culture Capital in the Islamic world. The ICESCO official also reviewed Sheikh al-Nasiri’s virtues, his intellectual contributions, and the major positions he occupied.

    Dr. Benarafa called for the organization of other similar initiatives to introduce younger generations to the leading figures in the Islamic Ummah.

    ICESCO Takes Part in International Congress in Samarkand on Uzbekistan’s Cultural Heritage

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) took part in the 6th International Congress on the “Cultural Heritage of Uzbekistan,” which was held on July 21-24, 2022, in Samarkand, Republic of Uzbekistan, under the theme “Cultural Heritage of Uzbekistan – The Foundation of the New Renaissance.”

    The Congress, which saw the participation of several specialists, experts and representatives of specialized international and regional organizations, seeks to valorize and promote the Uzbek heritage, and discuss the implementation stages of the “Cultural Heritage of Uzbekistan in World Collections” Multimedia Project, which is aimed at promoting masterpieces of the Uzbek heritage stored in the country and abroad through indexing.

    In ICESCO’s video-recorded address at the opening session of the Congress, Dr. Mohamed Zinelabidine, Head of the Culture and Communication Sector, underscored the Organization’s keenness to cooperate with governmental and private bodies and institutions in Uzbekistan, in protecting the country’s tangible and intangible cultural heritage. He also reviewed ICESCO’s new vision, which endeavors to valorize the Islamic world’s heritage through several action plans and projects, namely the “ICESCO’s Roads for the Future” Civilizational Project.
    In his intervention, Mr. Bilel Chebbi, Expert at the Culture and Communication Sector, reviewed the ICESCO’s vision, action strategy, and efforts in the area of cultural heritage preservation in the Islamic world, notably the establishment of the Islamic World Heritage Center, which has become a focal point for expertise in this field.

    Seven Uzbek sites are inscribed on ICESCO’s Islamic World Heritage List, and the competent authorities are working on their valorization and are developing site management plans in cooperation with ICESCO.

    ICESCO and WHO Explore Avenues for Closer Cooperation

    A delegation from the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) explored avenues for closer cooperation with the World Health Organization (WHO), during a meeting with Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General, at the Organization’s headquarters in Geneva.

    During the meeting, the ICESCO delegation, comprised of Ms. Amira El Fadil, Head of the Partnerships and International Cooperation Sector, Mr. Salim Al Habsi, Programme Director at the General Secretariat of National Commissions and Conferences, and Ms. Rime Jirari, Head of the Organizations and Bodies Department in the Partnerships and International Cooperation Sector, reviewed the Organization’s vision and new action strategy, which seek to promote comprehensive and sustainable development in the Islamic world and beyond.

    The delegation noted ICESCO’s vast network of distinguished partnerships with international and regional organizations, stressing its openness to cooperation with civil society institutions and donors to support the efforts of the Member States in need in advancing various areas, including health care.

    The two parties discussed means to enhance cooperation between ICESCO and WHO through the joint implementation of programmes and organization of activities and forums, to address global challenges, promote innovative solutions, and develop investment in health care.

    They also agreed on strengthening the implementation of the memorandum of understanding between the two Organizations to develop their strategic partnership, particularly during this critical period in which the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic continue to affect the world.

    ICESCO CanSat design training session closed and launch test successfully conducted

    The training session on the design of a CanSat, held from 18 to 22 July 2022 by the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (ICESCO), in partnership with the International University of Rabat and Cadi Ayyad University of Marrakech, has concluded today.

    This training session benefited researchers and students from 20 countries, and was attended by officials, international experts, astronauts and academics.

    The closing ceremony of this session, which took place on Friday 22 July 2022 at the headquarters of Cadi Ayyad University in Marrakech, began with a speech by Dr. Moulay El Hassan Ahbid, President of the said University, who on this occasion stressed the importance of this initiative in building students’ capacities in space industries programs, as well as in promoting entrepreneurship and developing the participation of women and girls in this field.

    For his part, Dr. Muhammad Sherif, advisor at ICESCO’s Science and Technology Sector, extended his thanks to all parties who have contributed to the success of the training, praising the efforts made by the international experts and students during this session, pointing out several related programmes that ICESCO will soon launch in its Member States.

    The participants, including academics and space science experts, praised ICESCO’s efforts to enable young people in the Islamic world to keep abreast with the latest developments in space science and its applications, and the importance of using it to develop a workforce that will contribute to building a better future for all.

    At the closing ceremony, the participating experts were honored with commemorative shields while the other participants were given certificates of participation in the training session which included a theoretical part, held at ICESCO’s Headquarters in Rabat, to introduce the “CanSat” and the applications used in its design. Afterward, the participants went to the Oukaimeden Astronomical Observatory of the Cadi Ayyad University in Marrakech, to carry out the CanSat launch test, which was a success.

    ICESCO and OECD Explore Preparations for “PISA” Conference

    The Centre of Strategic Foresight at the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) held a meeting with the representatives of the office of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) to examine the preparations for the organization of the Conference of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA).

    Dr. Kais Hammami, Head of the Center of Strategic Foresight, and Ms. Rim Jalloul, from the same Center, represented ICESCO at this meeting that took place on Friday, July 22, 2022, at its headquarters in Rabat, while Ms. Elizabeth Fordham, Advisor for International Relations, and Ms. Lynn Abi Raad, Policy Analyst in Education and Skills, represented the OECD Office in Paris.

    During the meeting, both parties stressed the importance of the Conference as a pioneering initiative to highlight PISA’s latest approved data, exchange best practices adopted by developed countries to improve the quality of education systems and extract lessons learned from them to support educational reforms and adopt the PISA assessment in the countries of the Islamic world.

    Representatives of both parties emphasized that the Conference’s sessions and recommendations will enable ICESCO Member States to be acquainted with the latest mechanisms for developing educational programs and to benefit from international assessments, which are essential tools for evaluating educational systems and achieving sustainable goals for economic development.

    ICESCO Takes Part in Sessions of Fez High-level International Symposium

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) took part in several sessions of the High-Level International Forum commemorating the fifth anniversary of the adoption of the landmark United Nations Fez Action Plan on the role of religious leaders and actors to prevent incitement to violence that may lead to atrocity crimes, which was held on July 20-21, 2022, in Fez.

    In her intervention during the session on “Implementing the Fez Action Plan: Experiences and Best Practices,” Dr. Huda Abdullah Megeirhi, Expert at ICESCO Center for Civilizational Dialogue, highlighted the alignment between the Organization’s new vision and strategic objectives, and the Fez Action Plan, noting that the Center for Civilizational dialogue endeavors to promote peace and respect for human rights, counter extremism and hate speech, and combat incitement to violence. She added that ICESCO’s “Civilizational Diplomacy” Initiative is aimed at curtailing extremism, promoting dialogue, and creating civilizational human communication networks, inviting the participating parties to cooperate in this project.

    For her part, Ms. Rana Rana Ezzeddine, Specialist at ICESCO’s Legal Affairs and International Standard Department, presented the Department’s intervention during the session on “How can the implementation of the Fez Action Plan be supported on the international level?,” in which she reviewed ICESCO’s key programmes and projects geared towards spreading values of harmony and peace, and principles of citizenship, human rights and coexistence.

    “The Organization seeks to develop scientific guidelines on the protection of personal data, combat against racism and hate speech online, and the ethics of artificial intelligence. It also endeavors to support the activities of various centers working in the field of peace, and cooperate with the parties responsible for developing educational curricula to further integrate human rights and tolerance into the curricula,” explained the Specialist.

    ICESCO Delegation holds Series of Meetings with UN Officials in Geneva

    A delegation from the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), participated in the 15th session of the coordination meeting between the United Nations (UN) and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), held at the UN Office in Geneva from 18 to 20 July 2022, where it held a series of meetings with high-level officials of the UN Organizations to explore ways of strengthening cooperation between ICESCO and these Organizations.

    During the meetings, ICESCO’s delegation consisted of Ms. Amira El Fadil, Head of Partnerships and International Cooperation Sector, Ms. Rime Jirari, Head of the Department of Organizations and Bodies in the Sector, and Mr. Salem El Habsi, Program Manager at the General Secretariat of National Commissions and Conferences, presented the Organization’s vision and new action strategy aimed at promoting comprehensive and sustainable development in the Islamic world and beyond. They also discussed ICESCO’s wide network of cooperation and the global challenges that require joint action.

    ICESCO’s delegation meetings included a meeting with Mr. Musa Omarou, Deputy Director-General of the International Labor Organization (ILO) for Field Operations and Partnerships, at the Organization’s headquarters in Geneva, in the presence of his advisors, Mr. Giovanni Di Cola, and Mr. Claude Kwaku Akpokavie.

    The Delegation also held other meetings with Mr. Mohamed Khaled El-Khiari, Assistant Secretary-General in the UN Departments of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs and Peace Operations, Ms. Nicole El Khoury, Legal Officer at UN Security Council Counter-Terrorism Executive Directorate, Ms. Alice Mungwa, Chief Regional Support Section, Policy, Knowledge Management and Coordination Branch, UN Office of Counter-Terrorism, Ms. Sahar Al-Jobury, Chief of the Representative Office of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) in Cairo, and Ms. Fadia Nahhas, Community Outreach Officer, United Nations Register of Damage Caused by the Construction of the Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

    These meetings included a rich exchange of ideas and proposals for joint action and constituted a basis for strengthening cooperation between ICESCO and these UN Organizations, in various fields, including developing youth skills to keep pace with developments in the labor market and future jobs, vocational training and fighting child labor.