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    41st Session of ICESCO Executive Council Closed

    General Directorate’s Reports and Projects Adopted and Egypt to Host 42nd Executive Council

    The 41st Session of the Executive Council of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) closed its proceedings yesterday, with the adoption of all the reports and projects that the General Directorate submitted while taking into account the observations and proposals that the Council members made during the meetings.

    During the two-day meetings, the Council reviewed and examined several reports. Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General (DG), delivered a presentation on ICESCO’s Activity Report for 2019 and 2020, and ICESCO’s efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic to help its Member States in addressing the pandemic’s repercussions. The presentation was substantiated with statistics on the Organization’s achievements and the direct beneficiaries from its programmes and projects and their geographical scope.

    The Council members, Secretaries General of Member States’ National Commissions of Education, Science and Culture, lauded the assistance that ICESCO provided to their respective countries during the pandemic as well as the practical programmes it implemented jointly with the competent parties in each Member State.

    The Council then reviewed ICESCO’s financial reports for 2019 namely those related to Closing Accounts, the Audit Company, the Financial Control Committee (FCC), Member States’ Contribution to ICESCO’s Budget and the Organization’s Financial Situation for 2019. Following presentations, the Council adopted all the financial reports as well as the draft foresight vision of ICESCO and its enhanced working strategy for the next period that was updated in light of the global changes. The vision was drawn based on the new trends and anticipation of future risks.

    The respective chiefs of ICESCO’s sectors: culture, communication, education, science and technology, and human and social sciences delivered presentations on the vision and strategic programmes on each sector for the upcoming period. The council members commended those presentations and requested the General Directorate to send them to the National Commissions for examination and ensure further cooperation between the Organization and its Member States in translating these visions and strategies into initiatives and executive action plans to meet the needs and priorities of each Member State and put forward many suggestions to enrich ICESCO’s action.

    The Council then examined the Draft ICESCO Chairs Regulations specific to the establishment of research chairs in universities, higher education, and cultural institutions. Through the regulations, ICESCO seeks to develop a regulatory framework to identify the action of these chairs, fix their objectives and ensure their success. The Council approved the project for which the General Directorate reaffirmed that it obtained some funding through partnerships. King Abdulaziz University (KAU) in Saudi Arabia provided USD 500,000 in support of the project.

    The Council also adopted the Regulations of the Young Professionals Programme, which seeks to initiate professionals into professional life and open up wider prospects for young people to acquire new skills. The Council adopted the Draft Charter of Member States’ National Commissions for ICESCO. In its presentation, the General Directorate stated that the remarks and proposals of the National Commissions on the initial draft were taken into consideration while stressing that the Charter is the fruit of cooperation between ICESCO and Member States’ National Commissions.

    The Council adopted the Report on the Implementation of ICESCO’s New Organizational Structure and the Relevant Development Proposals, namely the establishment of the Center of Islamic World Heritage and the Center of Civilizational Dialogue. The Council also reviewed many reports on the digitization and modernization of ICESCO’s working system and the Performance and Efficiency of ICESCO’s Regional Offices, Delegations and External Centres, and Proposals to Develop their Working Mechanisms, respectively.

    While discussing the date and venue of the 42nd session of the Executive Council, Dr. Ghada Abdelbary, Secretary-General of the Egyptian National Commission for Education, Science, and Culture, officially invited the Council members to convene the 42nd session of the Council in Egypt, one day prior to holding ICESCO’s 14th General Conference in Egypt in December 2021.

    At the close of the Council session, the members read the decisions taken during the session’s meetings, taking into consideration the observations and suggestions put forward, while calling on National Commissions to support ICESCO’s efforts to enable it to achieve its objectives.

    ICESCO DG expressed his thanks and appreciation to Morocco for the attention His Majesty King Mohammed VI and the Moroccan Government attaches to the Organization.

    41st Session of ICESCO Executive Council Kicks off

    The 41st session of the Executive Council of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) kicked off today, by videoconference for the first time in the Organization’s history, in the presence of the Council members and Member States’ National Commissions.

    Following the recitation of verses from the Holy Quran, the opening session started with the address by Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General (DG), who reaffirmed that despite all the challenges humanity has faced during the COVID-19 pandemic, ICESCO has endeavored to turn the pandemic from a crisis into an advantage. Thanks to Allah and the efforts and dedication of its leadership, experts and staff, Dr. AlMalik emphasized, ICESCO managed to score many achievements.

    ICESCO DG highlighted the role of the Executive Council in shaping the future of the Organization and elevating its international status as an Organization with a mission to serve. He clarified that ICESCO is aspiring to sustain working with the members of the Executive Council so that each member would serve as a counselor with whom the Organization can share ideas and opinions and discuss projects and programmes.

    Dr. AlMalik commended the Member States that always pay their contributions to ICESCO’s budget on a timely basis while pointing out that payment of contributions enables the Organization to achieve its objectives and goals in such a manner as to assume an outstanding position among other organizations and manage to meet the needs of Member States.

    In Jordan’s address to the Council that communicated by Dr. Muhammad Khair Abu Qudeis, Jordanian Minister of Education, Higher Education and Scientific Research, President of the Jordanian National Commission for Education, Culture and Science, delivered on his behalf by Dr. Nawwaf Al-Ajarmeh, Secretary-General for Educational Affairs at the Ministry of Education in Jordan, Acting President of the Executive Council, mention was made of the enormous repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic on education.

    In the same address, Jordan called on ICESCO to assist Member States in developing their educational systems, train teachers on ICT use. It also lauded the roles that the Organization discharged in the field of civilizational dialogue and its areas of action.

    At the close of the opening session, Dr. Ali Zeidan Abu Zuhri, President of the 13th Session of the General Conference of ICESCO, touched on the practical response of the Organization to the various challenges through its major achievements and leading initiatives that allowed ICESCO to meet the expectations of its Member States.

    Dr. Abu Zuhri noted that the pandemic was a decisive test for ICESCO, which successfully worked together with its Member States to address the adverse repercussions of the pandemic while stating that great challenges that need concerted efforts and a strong teamwork spirit.

    The President of the 13th General Conference of ICESCO also expressed his hope that ICESCO would remain the beacon of civilizational outreach in its areas of competence and called on National Commissions to sustain communication through the interactive platform, set up by ICESCO as a unique initiative.

    Shortly after the opening session, the proceedings of the first session of the 41st Executive Council commenced. Over two days, this session will review the reports on the activities of the Organization for 2019-2020, several strategic documents and the projects the Organization intends to implement in the upcoming years.

    ICESCO Executive Council concludes its proceedings in Abu Dhabi

    Today, in Abu Dhabi, States of the United Arab Emirates, the 40th session of the Executive Council of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), held its closing session. This session adopted the Final Report of 40th Session, which was marked by the start of a new phase in ICESCO’s history. The Council adopted many decisions, plans and amendments presented by the Organization’s General Directorate. This Session also enjoyed the powers of the General Conference, the highest authority supervising ICESCO’s action, by virtue of the powers vested in it by the 3rd Extraordinary General Conference, held in the Area of Makkah Al-Mukarramah, on 9 May 2019.

    The opening session kicked off with the adoption of the Final Report of 40th Session. Then, Dr. Salma Al-Darmaki, Secretary General of the National Commission, gave an address on behalf of Dr. Noura bint Mohammed Al Kaabi, Minister of Culture and Knowledge Development of the United Arab Emirates, wherein she conveyed her congratulations on the adoption of the new start of ISESCO, while reaffirming the commitment of the United Arab Emirates to support ICESCO so as to attain its desired objectives based on the belief that achieving a better future for the progress and prosperity of the Islamic world requires combining efforts and achieving a cultural and educational resurgence based on solidarity and collective thinking for the good of Muslim peoples.

    Thereafter, H.E. Dr. Boubakar Doukouré, Chairman of the Executive Council of ICESCO, took the floor and expressed his sincere thanks and deep gratitude to the United Arab Emirates for hosting the 40th session of the Executive Council, and to the Council members for their active interactions with the plans and decisions presented by the General Directorate as well as the constructive discussion throughout the sessions. He also stated that, for special conditions, he sent his resignation to the National Commission of Burkina Faso, and waits for the appointment of new Secretary General while stressing that he will continue to support ICESCO.

    Besides, Dr. AlMalik delivered a closing address in which he expressed his thanks to the United Arab Emirates for the generous hospitality offered to the Council members and ICESCO’s working team. He also thanked the Council members for their enlightened opinions, ideas and proposals expressed while examining ICESCO’s strategic vision and future action plans.

    Dr. AlMalik also underlined that the support of the Executive Council to ICESCO’s consolidates belief in in a better future for the joint Islamic action in the fields of education, science, technology, culture and communication while stressing that the Organization will provide all its efforts to serve Member States and Muslim communities outside the Islamic world, focus on the priorities and needs expressed by the national competent parties, and pay special attention to the most vulnerable and needy regions and groups.

    On his part, Dr. Ali Zeidan Abu Zuhri, President of ISESCO General Conference, in a short address, expressed his thanks to the United Arab Emirates for hosting the 40th session of the Executive Council, which he considered as pivotal in the history of the Organization as it adopted important decisions that will impact its action over the coming period and enable it to implement its new vision for the benefit of Member States.

    He also thanked Dr. Boubakar Doukouré for all the services he gave to ICESCO throughout his membership and chairmanship of the Council.

    Afterwards, Dr. Boubakar Doukouré received a commemorative medal from Dr. AlMalik under huge applaud of the Council members. He also received a certificate of thanks and appreciation from Lalla Malika Issoufou, First Lady of Niger, Guest of Honor of the 40th Session.

    The morning session of the Council’s second day adopted the Project on the Establishment of a Development Waqf Fund for ICESCO, Project on the Establishment of ICESCO International Consultative Council, the New Audit Company, and Election of the Financial Control Committee Members, including Republic of Senegal, State of Kuwait, Republic of Azerbaijan, Malaysia, and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

    The Council also announced the date and venue of the 41st Session, to be held at the beginning of next year at ICESCO headquarters in Rabat, before the General Conference, to be held in Malaysia, in 2021.

    During this session, the delegate of the Kingdom of Morocco called on all the national commissions to attend the workshop organized by Morocco in cooperation with ISESCO this year so as to share expertise in order to develop the action of these commissions in line with ICESCO’s new vision.

    ICESCO pays tribute to Dr. Boubakar Doukouré, Chairman of ICESCO Executive Council

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) paid tribute to Dr. Boubakar Doukouré, Chairman of ICESCO Executive Council, in recognition of his services to the Organization throughout his years as member of the Executive Council, then its Chairman, a position he announced resigning from today, at the closing session of the 40th Executive Council in Abu Dhabi.  Dr. Doukouré stated that he sent his letter of resignation to the President of the National Commission of Burkina Faso and informed the said Commission to select another representative in the Council.

    During the session, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director General, decorated Dr. Doukouré with a commemorative medal, amid a standing ovation from the members of the Executive Council. Dr. Lalla Malika Issoufou, First Lady of Niger, guest of honor of the Executive Council, also handed the former Chairman a certificate of thanks and appreciation, in the presence of Dr. Ali Zaidan Abu Zuhri, President of ICESCO General Conference, and Dr. Salma Al Darmaki, Secretary General of the Emirati National Commission.

    For his part, Dr. Doukouré expressed his thanks to the Organization for this tribute, stating that he has fond memories of the Organization’s General Directorate and staff members; and promised to constantly support ICESCO’s new plans and visions.

    AlMalik: ICESCO will mobilize its capacities to serve Member States and Muslim communities around the world

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), stated that the support of ICESCO Executive Council to the Organization’s new forward-looking vision boosted confidence in a better future for joint Islamic action in the fields of education, science, technology, culture and communication.

    Dr. AlMalik, in an address at the closing session of 40th ICESCO Executive Council, today, in Abu Dhabi, reaffirmed that the Organization will mobilize its capacities, resources, initiatives and projects, as well as its relations and partnerships in service of Member States and Muslim communities outside the Islamic world. He added that ICECSO will focus on the priorities and needs put forward by national competent parties, while giving special attention to the most vulnerable regions and categories that are in dire need for help.

    In addressing the Executive Council members, ICESCO Director General stated: “The future ICESCO we outlined together will be marked by fulfilled commitments and obligations. To this effect, we will spare no effort to optimally implement the important decisions that you adopted”.

    He added that the General Directorate, out of its high appreciation of the in-depth discussions, constructive and objective criticism and pertinent proposals, reaffirms to the Council members its willingness to draw on all the development-oriented remarks and guidance suggestions they put forward, driven by their genuine desire to benefit the Organization and ensure its good functioning.

    The Director General also reiterated his thanks to reiterate to His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the State of the United Arab Emirates, Emir of Abu Dhabi; to His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, Chairman of Abu Dhabi Executive Council, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces; and to Ms. Noura bint Mohammed Al Kaabi, Minister of Culture and Knowledge Development and her assisting team.

    Likewise, ICESCO Director General expressed his thanks and appreciation to Dr. Boubakar Doukouré, Chairman of ICESCO Executive Council, who submitted his resignation to the Council’s Presidency. Dr. AlMalik stated that he tried tirelessly to convince Dr. Doukouré to reconsider his decision but in vain, wishing him every success in his responsibilities and missions that pushed him to take this decision, while commending his expertise and good management of the Council, as well as his ability to unite positions and bring views closer together.

    At the close of his address, ICESCO Director General thanked all members of the Executive Council for their valuable participation and remarkable input, reaffirming that the Organization will continue working with them to forge ahead towards meeting the level of expectations, and stating that the key projects adopted by the Council are a responsibility shouldered by ICESCO, be it in terms of implementation, follow up or revision.

    MoU between ICESCO and EWB

    On the sidelines of the 40th Executive Council of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), the Organization and Educators without Borders (EWB) signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) covering seven (7) different programmes to be implemented over the period 2020-2022.

    The MoU was signed for ICESCO by its Director General, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, and for EWB by its Chairwoman, Dr. Karima Matar Almazroui.

    The MoU includes seven projects in the field of education, namely integration of educational technologies into the Islamic world educational systems, integrated world toward literacy and adult education, development of the programme on teaching Arabic for non-Arabic speakers, health education for rural areas populations and young people in Member States, support for ICESCO Expert Network for Teaching Arabic for non-Arabic Speakers, and dialogue on women literacy toward development.

    MoU between ICESCO and TWMCC signed

    As part of its new strategy, which adopts more openness to the world and the promotion of cooperation with international organizations and bodies operating in its areas of competence, the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) signed a memorandum of understanding with the World Muslim Communities Council (TWMCC), today, in Abu Dhabi, on the sidelines of the  40th ICESCO Executive Council. The MoU provides for partnership in 20 programmes covering the Organization’s different areas of competence.

    The memorandum was signed for ICESCO by its Director General, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, and for the TWMCC by its Chairman, Dr. Ali Rashid Al Nuaimi.

    The MoU covers the period 2020-2022 and provides for implementing 20 cooperation programmes covering five (5) main fields of action. Four of these programmes cover the cultural field, namely publicizing Islamic culture, supporting the reading the Islamic book, publicizing Islamic artistic heritage, benefiting from Muslim cultural capacities. Programmes in the socio-economic field included family guidance, training on life skills, vocational rehabilitation and self-employment, and awareness raising on civil rights and citizenship requirements.

    As for the educational field, the MoU covers four programmes, namely supporting education on Islamic values, school support, demands for integrating Islamic schools in formal education, and consolidating Islamic school educational revitalization.

    Likewise, the MoU included four programmes in the field of information and communication, namely promoting publishing and translation, developing radio broadcasting, taking advantage of electronic communication tools, and countering hostility towards Islam. It also included the following four programmes in the religious field: developing religious guidance’s methods and mechanisms, developing fatwa mechanisms, building the capacities of Muslim religious leaders, and activating the institutional role of mosques.

    Fresh start for ICESCO, Executive Council adopts the amendment to the Organization’s Charter and Internal Regulations

    The 40th Executive Council of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), being held in Abu Dhabi, State of the United Arab Emirates, which enjoys the powers of ICESCO General Conference, adopted the amendment to the Organization’s Charter and Internal Regulations, submitted by ICESCO General Directorate so as to keep up with the Organizations new vision and future action plan that promote the position of ICESCO in the Islamic and international arenas.

     The General Directorate reaffirmed in the presentation, delivered by Dr. Mohammed Hadi Sehli, Legal Advisor to the Director General, before the Executive Council, that these amendments aim to:

    1. Ensure accuracy and clarity in the legal texts and avoiding any ambiguity therein so as to observe the principle of legal safety;
    2. Upgrade the Organization to join the rankings of renowned organizations in terms of the quality of legislations with a view to recruiting the best competencies;
    3. Create an atmosphere of safety and trust between ICESCO and its partners at the internal and external levels;
    4. Anchor the principle of geographical balance and de facto and full gender equality inside the Organization.

    He also highlighted that the General Directorate has adopted a participatory approach in adopting these amendments by offering the chance to the staff members to discuss these proposals and put forwards their opinions and perspectives in this regard. 

    He also stated that the main amendments to the Charters and Internal Regulations of the General Conference and Executive Council as well as the Financial regulations are as follows:

    1. Clearly and meticulously redrafting the objectives, tasks and measures of the Organization without affecting their substance;
    2. Adopting ICESCO’s action plan and budget for (4) years instead of (3) years, and arranging the legal effects of this measure by increasing the Director General’s term of office and the Financial Control Committee’s term to four years;
    3. Extending the powers of ICESCO’s General Conference and Executive Council by conferring upon them the powers to ratify the memorandums and agreements prepared by the General Directorate in its fields of competence;
    4. Proposing a new mechanism for the selection of ICESCO’s Assistant Director General while observing the equal geographical distribution in nomination for these senior positions.
    5. Proposing a new financing sources for the Development Waqf.

    As for the Personnel Regulations and the Internal Regulations of the Medical Insurance Fund and the End-of-Service Allowance Fund, the amendments thereto are as follows:

    • Developing the mechanisms and conditions of recruitment in the Organization in such a way as to ensure the better attraction of the best competencies while ensuring deliberation on the positions by removing the open-end contracts;
    • Promoting the rights of staff through the amendment to the scale of salaries and family allowances so as to entrench social peace within the Organization taking into account the cost of living and price index in the Seat Country as well as the financial balances of ICESCO.

    Amendments have also been introduced to the Leave Regulation, including the increase of the maternity leave from two months to 10 weeks; the Medical Insurance Fund, by promoting the social and medical security coverage for ICESCO’s staff and their families; as well as the End-of-Service Allowance Fund, whose rates of contributions have been revised in addition to the calculation of the allowance with a view to preserve the general balances of the Fund and observe the acquired rights of staff.

    Moreover, as for the Observer Status Regulations, the Directorate General decided to allow any non-Member State to enjoy the right of Observer in accordance with the criteria and condition set forth.

    Adoption of Establishment of ICESCO International Consultative Council

    The 40th Executive Council of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), being held in Abu Dhabi, State of the United Arab Emirates, which enjoys the powers of ICESCO General Conference, adopted the Establishment of ICESCO International Consultative Council.

    In this regard, the General Directorate of ICESCO stressed that among the practices and customs that are established worldwide, which the regional and international organizations and renowned major universities are keen to use, is the establishment of international consultative bodies, networks, academies or councils that include an elite of international figures from among experts with extensive experience, profound knowledge and outstanding status, so as to benefit from their considerable expertise and sound proactive visions.

    In this context, and to give body to ICESCO’s move towards more openness to international horizons as part of its new vision, the Organization is keen to benefit from the practices, customs and traditions followed by international organizations and institutions to establish an international consultative council which will benefit ICESCO through its work, thought, expertise and consultation to improve the Organization’s outreach worldwide and provide advice to support the process of reform and development in which it is currently embarked on.

    The Council will also coordinate regularly, cooperate closely and consult continuously with the Organization’s statutory bodies, namely the Executive Council, the General Conference, the subsidiary and specialized organs such as the Federation of the Universities of the Islamic World (FUIW), the Islamic World Heritage Committee, ICESCO Goodwill Ambassadors, and the Supreme Consultative Council for Education, Science and Culture for Muslims outside the Islamic World. Accordingly, the Council, in assuring its functions and tasks, will take into consideration these bodies’ decisions and recommendations as well as the issues dealt with by the specialized ministerial conferences, held by ICESCO, and the outcomes of the high-level forums.

    Moreover, the Council aims at achieving the institutional transformation and quantum leap which will place ICESCO at the forefront of major leading international organizations active in its areas of competence; supporting the reform approach and the process of development currently followed by ICESCO; implementing the Shura mechanism which is, from the Islamic perspective, a fundamental of successful collective management, and benefiting from it to formulate the appropriate orientations and take the right decisions; and accelerating the pace to achieve the desired goals of ICESCO’s plans and programmes.

    The Council shall comprise sixteen (16) members, eight (8) from ICESCO Member States, and eight (8) from other countries and parties, who shall be selected by ICESCO according to specific criteria. If interest demands and should the need arise, the number of members may be increased as may be required by the Council to discharge its missions and in accordance with measures taken in this regard.

    The Council’s functions include contributing to the formulation of ICESCO’s strategies, priorities and orientations and to developing its courses of action; anticipating future trends of issues directly or indirectly affecting ICESCO’s areas of competence in the medium and long terms at the regional and international levels; and expressing opinions and providing consultation on the topics relevant to ICESCO’s fields of competence which are submitted to the Council.

    The Council shall also encourage openness to future prospects and enhance the visibility of the Organization on the international scene through its achievements and projects; propose new major sustainable projects and initiatives that cater for the common needs of Muslim countries, and develop executive measures to them, while taking into account realities and regional and international changes; boost shared strategies and programmes between the Organization and parallel regional and international organizations. It shall also establish practical partnership and true twinning with a number of regional and international organizations sharing the same interest so as to learn from their accumulated rich expertise and pioneering experiences; enhance partnership between ICESCO and civil society organizations; suggest an executive framework for such partnership, in such a way as to make of the civil society an influential positive force impacting on orientations and programmes of ICESCO; provide scientific consultations; and enrich the issues and topics submitted to the ministerial and sectoral conferences of the Organization and participate in their academic sessions.

    ICESCO Executive Council concludes its proceedings in Abu Dhabi

    Today, in Abu Dhabi, States of the United Arab Emirates, the 40th session of the Executive Council of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), held its closing session. This session adopted the Final Report of 40th Session, which was marked by the start of a new phase in ICESCO’s history. The Council adopted many decisions, plans and amendments presented by the Organization’s General Directorate. This Session also enjoyed the powers of the General Conference, the highest authority supervising ICESCO’s action, by virtue of the powers vested in it by the 3rd Extraordinary General Conference, held in the Area of Makkah Al-Mukarramah, on 9 May 2019.

    The opening session kicked off with the adoption of the Final Report of 40th Session. Then, Dr. Salma Al-Darmaki, Secretary General of the National Commission, gave an address on behalf of Dr. Noura bint Mohammed Al Kaabi, Minister of Culture and Knowledge Development of the United Arab Emirates, wherein she conveyed her congratulations on the adoption of the new start of ISESCO, while reaffirming the commitment of the United Arab Emirates to support ICESCO so as to attain its desired objectives based on the belief that achieving a better future for the progress and prosperity of the Islamic world requires combining efforts and achieving a cultural and educational resurgence based on solidarity and collective thinking for the good of Muslim peoples.

    Thereafter, H.E. Dr. Boubakar Doukouré, Chairman of the Executive Council of ICESCO, took the floor and expressed his sincere thanks and deep gratitude to the United Arab Emirates for hosting the 40th session of the Executive Council, and to the Council members for their active interactions with the plans and decisions presented by the General Directorate as well as the constructive discussion throughout the sessions. He also stated that, for special conditions, he sent his resignation to the National Commission of Burkina Faso, and waits for the appointment of new Secretary General while stressing that he will continue to support ICESCO.

    Besides, Dr. AlMalik delivered a closing address in which he expressed his thanks to the United Arab Emirates for the generous hospitality offered to the Council members and ICESCO’s working team. He also thanked the Council members for their enlightened opinions, ideas and proposals expressed while examining ICESCO’s strategic vision and future action plans.

    Dr. AlMalik also underlined that the support of the Executive Council to ICESCO’s consolidates belief in in a better future for the joint Islamic action in the fields of education, science, technology, culture and communication while stressing that the Organization will provide all its efforts to serve Member States and Muslim communities outside the Islamic world, focus on the priorities and needs expressed by the national competent parties, and pay special attention to the most vulnerable and needy regions and groups.

    On his part, Dr. Ali Zeidan Abu Zuhri, President of ISESCO General Conference, in a short address, expressed his thanks to the United Arab Emirates for hosting the 40th session of the Executive Council, which he considered as pivotal in the history of the Organization as it adopted important decisions that will impact its action over the coming period and enable it to implement its new vision for the benefit of Member States.

    He also thanked Dr. Boubakar Doukouré for all the services he gave to ICESCO throughout his membership and chairmanship of the Council.

    Afterwards, Dr. Boubakar Doukouré received a commemorative medal from Dr. AlMalik under huge applaud of the Council members. He also received a certificate of thanks and appreciation from Lalla Malika Issoufou, First Lady of Niger, Guest of Honor of the 40th Session.

    The morning session of the Council’s second day adopted the Project on the Establishment of a Development Waqf Fund for ICESCO, Project on the Establishment of ICESCO International Consultative Council, the New Audit Company, and Election of the Financial Control Committee Members, including Republic of Senegal, State of Kuwait, Republic of Azerbaijan, Malaysia, and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

    The Council also announced the date and venue of the 41st Session, to be held at the beginning of next year at ICESCO headquarters in Rabat, before the General Conference, to be held in Malaysia, in 2021.

    During this session, the delegate of the Kingdom of Morocco called on all the national commissions to attend the workshop organized by Morocco in cooperation with ISESCO this year so as to share expertise in order to develop the action of these commissions in line with ICESCO’s new vision.