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    AlMalik: ICESCO will mobilize its capacities to serve Member States and Muslim communities around the world

    30 January 2020

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), stated that the support of ICESCO Executive Council to the Organization’s new forward-looking vision boosted confidence in a better future for joint Islamic action in the fields of education, science, technology, culture and communication.

    Dr. AlMalik, in an address at the closing session of 40th ICESCO Executive Council, today, in Abu Dhabi, reaffirmed that the Organization will mobilize its capacities, resources, initiatives and projects, as well as its relations and partnerships in service of Member States and Muslim communities outside the Islamic world. He added that ICECSO will focus on the priorities and needs put forward by national competent parties, while giving special attention to the most vulnerable regions and categories that are in dire need for help.

    In addressing the Executive Council members, ICESCO Director General stated: “The future ICESCO we outlined together will be marked by fulfilled commitments and obligations. To this effect, we will spare no effort to optimally implement the important decisions that you adopted”.

    He added that the General Directorate, out of its high appreciation of the in-depth discussions, constructive and objective criticism and pertinent proposals, reaffirms to the Council members its willingness to draw on all the development-oriented remarks and guidance suggestions they put forward, driven by their genuine desire to benefit the Organization and ensure its good functioning.

    The Director General also reiterated his thanks to reiterate to His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the State of the United Arab Emirates, Emir of Abu Dhabi; to His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, Chairman of Abu Dhabi Executive Council, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces; and to Ms. Noura bint Mohammed Al Kaabi, Minister of Culture and Knowledge Development and her assisting team.

    Likewise, ICESCO Director General expressed his thanks and appreciation to Dr. Boubakar Doukouré, Chairman of ICESCO Executive Council, who submitted his resignation to the Council’s Presidency. Dr. AlMalik stated that he tried tirelessly to convince Dr. Doukouré to reconsider his decision but in vain, wishing him every success in his responsibilities and missions that pushed him to take this decision, while commending his expertise and good management of the Council, as well as his ability to unite positions and bring views closer together.

    At the close of his address, ICESCO Director General thanked all members of the Executive Council for their valuable participation and remarkable input, reaffirming that the Organization will continue working with them to forge ahead towards meeting the level of expectations, and stating that the key projects adopted by the Council are a responsibility shouldered by ICESCO, be it in terms of implementation, follow up or revision.

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