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    ICESCO Director-General Receives Ambassador of Kuwait to Rabat

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), received yesterday, October 19, at ICESCO’s headquarters in Rabat, Mr. Abdellatif Al Haya, Ambassador of Kuwait to Morocco. The meeting explored cooperation prospects between ICESCO and Kuwait in the fields of education, science, and culture.

    In the presence of ICESCO’s heads of sectors, Dr. AlMalik highlighted the Organization’s new vision and action strategy, as well as last year’s developments. He also underlined ICESCO’s major initiatives, programs, and activities to support the efforts of Member States to counter the negative repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic in the fields of education, science, and culture.

    “The new vision adopts an open-door policy, cooperation, and partnership with all parties, including non-Member States, international organizations, and civil society institutions to serve Member States’ populations and the Muslim communities worldwide,” elaborated Dr. AlMalik.

                He added that the vision “also promotes further communication with Member States to identify their needs and priorities on which programs and activities are planned and implemented.”

    ICESCO’s also highlighted that the Organization established several specialized centers, including the Center of Teaching Arabic for non-Arabic Speakers. The Center for Strategic Foresight is preparing four important studies on the future of the Islamic world, African countries, and cultural action, as well as artificial intelligence challenges facing the Muslim world, with the participation of renowned international experts.

    “ICESCO also established the Heritage Center, which has inscribed 200 historic sites in Member States on the Islamic World Heritage List,” stated Dr. AlMalik.

    Mr. Al Haya commended ICESCO’s outstanding work and quality initiatives launched during the pandemic as well as its support to Member States to counter the negative repercussions of the outbreak. He also stressed Kuwait’s keenness to promote constructive cooperation with ICESCO.

    ICESCO and Morocco’s Ibn Tofail University Explore Cooperation

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), received yesterday at the headquarters of the Organization in Rabat, Mr. Azzeddine El Midawi, President of Ibn Tofail University of Kenitra, Head of the Conference of Presidents of Moroccan universities.
    Several directors of sectors and advisers to the DG attended the meeting.
    The two parties examined the prospects for cooperation between the two parties and other Moroccan universities in the fields of education, science, and culture.
    Dr. AlMalik reviewed the main directions of ICESCO’s new vision, which emphasizes the pioneering role of universities in achieving the development of societies and accelerating the economic growth of countries. He also reiterated the Organization’s long-term desire to support avant-garde programs in Moroccan universities and those of the Islamic world in general, to fast-track partnership, cooperation, and integration between parties.  He also underscored the development of communication mechanisms and university academic networking.
    The DG presented an overview of some related initiatives, including ICESCO’s young future leaders in the Islamic world initiative. The Organization welcomed at its headquarters elite academics to whom ICESCO offered great opportunities to deepen their training and acquire various experiences in international institutional work. ICESCO based the initiative on an open-door policy with non-Member States, international organizations, and civil society institutions. The measure will allow these young students to assume leadership roles in their country in the future.
    The President of Ibn Tofail University praised ICESCO’s distinguished work, in particular its efforts to reach out to universities and students of Morocco and other countries of the Islamic world.
    The meeting dealt with various fields of cooperation, including developing the ICESCO Chair at Ibn Tofail University in the field of culture, arts, and civilization, scheduled for November 2020. The goal is to strengthen the partnership between the Organization and the university and to be in line with the ICESCO University Chairs Development Program.
    Ms. Sanaa El Ghawati, professor at the Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences at Ibn Tofail University, attended the meeting Ms. El Ghawati is a candidate for the presidency of the ICESCO chair at the University.

    Dr. AlMalik at 700th Anniversary of Eminent Scholar Kamal Khujandi: ICESCO Publicizes the Figures and Symbols of Islamic Civilization

    The Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, reaffirmed that a great deal of tireless work still needs to be done to adequately publicize the image of Islamic civilization. The efforts need to introduce the civilization’s figures, showcase the major role it has played throughout the ages, and contribute to human civilization.

    The DG also noted that ICESCO, under its new vision, is tirelessly working to promote the true image of Islamic civilization through the preservation of its heritage and the publicizing of its symbols and figures.

    Dr. AlMalik made the statement during his pre-recorded address at the opening session of International Conference on the Commemoration of the 700th Anniversary of Eminent Scholar Kamal Khujandi. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Tajikistan organized the event today, in the presence of H.E. Emomali Rahmon, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, and senior officials. The attendance also watched a pre-recorded statement by Audrey Azoulay, UNESCO DG.

    Dr. AlMalik congratulated, on behalf of the ICESCO family, the President of the Republic and the people of Tajikistan on the organization of this major international conference to commemorate one of the most renowned scholars in the Islamic world and beyond.

    The scholar had a deep influence on numerous scholars who followed. The DG also stated that this celebration is an opportunity to shed light on the important role of Tajikistan and its excellent contribution to the history of the Islamic world.

    The DG noted the centrality of Islamic philosophy and the outstanding role of its pioneers throughout the history of the Islamic civilization in the resurgence of this civilization whose influence has reached all nations of the globe and enriched the human civilizational heritage.
    “Even though the accuracy of history depends on the integrity of its authors, falsehoods can never hide the truth. No matter how long historical truths are eclipsed, they will shine again and astonish the world with the greatness of science, literature, and arts,” stressed Dr. AlMalik.

    The DG added that ICESCO’s vision focuses on showcasing the visible beauty of Islamic civilization to young generations to raise their awareness about its greatness. The goal is also to commemorate the figures of art, thought, philosophy, medicine, and in other fields who significantly marked human civilization and contributed to its advancement.
    The aim, Dr. AlMalik underlined, is to ensure that the rest of the world looks at the Islamic world through the same positive angle, in line with the efforts that the Member States deploy to preserve the cultural and civilizational heritage.

    At the close of his address, Dr. AlMalik reiterated his invitation to Tajikistan to join ICESCO’s Project of the “Digital Encyclopedia of Islamic Civilization.”

    ICESCO Reaffirms Support for NGOs and Civil Society Institutions

    The Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, received yesterday, October 14, at the Organization’s headquarters, Mr. Jamal Eddine Al-Aloua, Acting Secretary-General of the Moroccan National Commission for Education, Science, and Culture, and a delegation from Association Coeurs Blancs and Association Amal pour le Développement Social from Morocco.

    As part of the visit, ICESCO offered to the Amal Association a collection of books to award the winners of the association’s Holy Quran Contest.

    Dr. AlMalik reaffirmed ICESCO’s willingness to promote cooperation and partnership with civil society’s institutions and organizations. He further noted the event falls within ICESCO’s new open-door policy and strategy that aims to serve Member States’ citizens and Muslim communities across the world. He also stressed ICESCO’s strong support for civil society institutions and associations and its willingness to host any activity these institutions may organize in the fields of education, science, and culture.

    The DG also highlighted the Organization’s strong partnership with the Moroccan National Commission, which yielded numerous programs during the COVID-19 pandemic that the two parties organized in different regions of the Kingdom.

    Mr. Al-Aloua expressed his thanks to ICESCO and its DG on behalf of Mr. Said Amzazi, President of the Moroccan National Commission, Minister of National Education, Vocational Training, Higher Education, and Scientific Research, and Government Spokesperson.

    The Acting Secretary-General also conveyed Mr. Amzazi’s appreciation on ICESCO’s efforts to promote education, science, and culture, and support Moroccan civil society institutions, particularly women associations.

    The representatives of the two Moroccan associations thanked the DG for holding the meeting and the Organization’s efforts to support civil society institutions in Morocco, reaffirming these associations’ desire to work with ICESCO to support the youth in different fields of knowledge and fieldwork.

    The parties agreed to hold a forum for Moroccan NGOs and civil society institutions at ICESCO’s headquarters, once the pandemic is over. The forum will be held in cooperation between the Organization and the Moroccan National Commission to explore the challenges faced by these institutions and examine ideas put forward to develop their work.

    ICESCO Calls for Establishing International Network of Support for Endangered Heritage

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), called upon all international organizations operating in the field of heritage to establish an ‘international support network for endangered heritage’ as well as a consolidated fund to support damaged sites and monuments due to the COVID-19 pandemic and other crises. The measure should be under the supervision of a scientific and coordination committee made up of the representatives from each organization.

    The statement was part of his address at the opening session of the Coordination Meeting that the Arab League of Educational, Cultural, and Scientific Organization (ALECSO) held yesterday through videoconferencing. The meeting aimed at developing an urgent action plan to save the damaged heritage due to pandemic and natural disasters. It brought together many museum officials and heritage experts.

    Dr. AlMalik highlighted that the fragile infrastructure, weak human capital, and the lack of conservation of heritage sites often constitute a challenge to the sustainability of the right to have access to the human breakthroughs.

    “Most heritage sites worldwide are still closed due to the pandemic. A large number of heritage sites in Napata and Meroe, Sudan, face unprecedented threats due to the recent floodings,” he stressed.

    The DG explained that “such damage may lead to the disappearance of this 700-year-long civilization as well as more than 640 historic buildings in the old town of Beirut which were partially damaged due to the blast of Beirut port, including 60 buildings that face the risk of collapse within months unless restoration measures are taken.”

    Dr. AlMalik also said the Organization has taken upon itself to support Member and non-Member States in prompt intervention efforts to preserve their heritage. Amid the current conditions, which threaten the global civilizational heritage, ICESCO established the Islamic World Heritage Fund with an initial budget of USD250,000 to support the projects on heritage protection. It also allocated USD100,000 as a contribution to the efforts of protecting and restoring damaged heritage sites due to floods in Sudan. ICESCO dedicated another USD100,000 to support the educational and cultural institutions in Lebanon.

    The Organization also earmarked one million US dollars to restore the collections of 30 museums affected by the pandemic in Muslim countries.
    Dr. AlMalik reiterated ICESCO’s willingness to promote cooperation and partnership with all organizations operating in the field of heritage while calling for an in-person expert coordination meeting as soon as possible, at ICESCO headquarters.

    The goal is to explore the establishment of an international support network to identify violations against endangered heritage. The coordination meeting will also explore an international strategic plan based on accurate and scientific indicators.

    ICESCO Director-General Calls on the Islamic World to Prioritize Women as Solid Strategic Basis of Development Projects

    ICESCO will proclaim 2021 as the “Year of Women” in recognition of their efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Dr. Salim M. Al-Malik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), called for developing an anticipatory vision to prioritize women and girls as a solid strategic foundation for a sustainable development project in Muslim countries.

    The DG also called for a better and accurate definition of the concept of “empowerment” with the contribution of women given their fundamental role in building society.

    The statement was part of Dr. AlMalik’s address at the opening session of the International Forum on Economic Empowerment of Women and Girls. The Moroccan Ministry of Solidarity, Social Development, Equality and Family, held the event today, in Rabat, under the theme “Morocco’s efforts in the economic empowerment of women and girls.” presided by Dr. Saad Dine El Otmani, Head of Government, with the participation of many ministers and heads of diplomatic missions and international organizations.

    Other Member States’ ministers of women affairs as well as the representatives of national and international bodies joined the videoconference.

    Dr. AlMalik commended Morocco’s efforts to better integrate and empower women under the wise leadership and determined directions of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, implemented by the government in various fields.

    “The empowerment of the Moroccan women has been a strategic decision since the dawn of independence,” said the DG.

    “Morocco should be proud of the achievements of the Moroccan women who achieved leading positions in the country and beyond,” he added.
    Dr. AlMalik announced that ICESCO will proclaim 2021 as the “Year of Women” in recognition of their efforts during the pandemic and the advancement of their role in the society.

    The DG also stressed the Organization’s keenness to implement the principle of gender equality in all positions of responsibility. Women represent 45% of the whole staff members of ICESCO, which continues the recruitment of competent women to achieve parity, he continued.

    Dr. AlMalik also stressed the importance of seizing the opportunity amid the COVID-19 to protect women’s rights and support their economic situations.

    “Women have stood in the front lines in the face of the pandemic in the medical, educational, and economic sectors. 57% of women work in the health sector and 64% in the social sector,” he highlighted.

    ICESCO DG: Asilah Unique Model and a Major Cultural and Tourism Destination

    Dr. Salim M. Al-Malik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), made an official visit to the old town of Asilah. He toured Asilah’s historic buildings, alleys, and neighborhoods, which are considered as the largest open-air museum in Morocco.

    During this visit, along with Mr. Yassine Isbouia, General Coordinator of the Mediterranean Youth Forum in Morocco, Dr. AlMalik admired the unique model of Asilah which had become a global cultural and tourism destination.

    “Asilah portrays outstanding murals and includes the Culture Palace of Asilah which exhibits artistic treasures and many spaces for drawing and sculpting among other creative arts,” he added.
    The visit also included a tour in the old town, with streets and parks named after prominent literary figures. The stops included places of artistic works and sculpted artifacts as well as Prince Bandar bin Sultan Library.

    The official visit followed Dr. AlMalik’s participation in the opening session of the training workshop on “Strategic planning to serve decision-makers.”

    ICESCO held the event at King Hassan II Center for International Gatherings, in cooperation with Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and the Mediterranean Youth Forum, for the benefit of civil society associations and institutions.”

    The opening session of the two-day training brought together Yassine Isbouia, General Coordinator of the Mediterranean Youth Forum; Mr. Mohammed Benaissa, President of Asilah Urban Council and Secretary-General of Asilah Forum; and Mr. Steffen Krüger, Director of Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Office in Morocco.

    ICESCO Holds Training Session for Civil Society Leaders on Strategic Planning in Asilah

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), in cooperation with Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and the Mediterranean Youth Forum, held yesterday, in Asilah, Morocco, a training session for the benefit of civil society associations and institutions.

    The two-day training is part of the comprehensive project of ICESCO’s Strategic Foresight Center, which aims to organize similar training sessions in the Member States. The beneficiaries are universities, companies, and civil society associations and institutions.

    During his address at the opening session of the training, Dr. Salim M. Al-Malik, ICESCO’s Director-General (DG), reaffirmed that the training agenda reflects the Organization’s new vision, which aims to entrench the culture of proactive behavior and build individual and institutional capacities for foresight. The approach is active participation, constructive, and collective reflection.

    The DG also highlighted that this trend draws on young capacities and skills in line with the vision of His Majesty King Mohammed VI.

    The Monarch expressed the approach during his address on the “Throne Day” while stressing his trust in Moroccan youth to build a prosperous future.

    Dr. AlMalik stated, “the current COVID-19 situation is a critical phase, loaded with changes that require proactive action to reap their results and avoid drawbacks.”

    “Crises bring hope, stimulate action and give us good lessons to build a brighter future and the societies we want,” he continued.

    The DG added that ICESCO seeks to support Member States to overcome crises and challenges, and properly address changes through strong strategic decisions and modern scientific means towards planning and future study. The most notable measures are the proactive approach based on strategic foresight technologies.

    Mr. Yassine Isbouia, General Coordinator of the Mediterranean Youth Forum, said that decision-making is the backbone of success.

    “Every decision should be built on in-depth data and studies. We are in a critical situation due to the pandemic and this training session is an opportunity to capitalize on and share visions on strategic foresight. I thank ICESCO and its Director-General and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung for holding this event. I also thank the young volunteers of the Mediterranean Youth Forum,” he added.

    Mr. Mohammed Benaissa, President of Asilah Urban Council and Secretary-General of Asilah Forum, welcomed ICESCO’s DG and expressed his gratitude for the Organization’s outstanding works in the fields of education, science, and culture. He also welcomed the Director of Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Office in Morocco as well as the participants while commending the interesting theme of the training.

    “Given the ongoing debate on youth, future, and strategies, we should discover ourselves and set our aspirations and vision to achieve our objectives,” he underscored.

    “I hope that there will be a symposium on fieldwork and strategic foresight. Without fieldwork, we cannot achieve any major success. The virtual culture is prevailing with rapid development worldwide. Thus, future foresight should start from reality through unbiased and objective thinking,” he added.

    Mr. Steffen Krüger, Director of Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Office in Morocco, expressed his happiness on the constructive cooperation between ICESCO and his institution.

    “This training session, which is part of a series of training sessions, reflects this collaboration, particularly in the current period of the COVID-19 pandemic. It benefits an outstanding group of people working in civil society associations and institutions from various regions of Morocco,” he highlighted.

    Dr. Kais Hammami, Director of ICESCO’s Strategic Foresight Center, an international expert in foresight and future studies, supervised this training.

    “The training is a response to the current global situation and its impact on the planning processes. It aims to train the participants in decision-making based on scientific studies and data. The pandemic-induced global crisis has stressed the important role of strategic foresight in proactive action to anticipate future opportunities, assist various leaders in taking strategic decisions, and reduce future risks,” underlined Dr. Hammami.

    The workshop is the second training session following a first event held in Ifrane, Morocco, for the benefit of the executive directors and staff members of Al Akhawayn University.

    ICESCO Director General Calls for New Mechanisms to Counter Illicit Trafficking of Cultural Property

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), called upon the international community to provide new mechanisms to support, develop, and commit to national legislations and international conventions to counter the illicit trafficking in cultural property.

    He also reaffirmed that despite the exerted efforts, the rate of heritage crimes is increasing. The crimes have become a source of funding for terrorist activities and money laundering.
    The statement was part of the DG’s address at the opening session of the International Symposium on “1995 UNIDROIT Convention – Cultural objects at the crossroad of rights and interests.”

    International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT) held today the videoconference, on the 25th anniversary of the Convention. Representatives of prominent international heritage bodies and organizations participated in the event.
    Dr. AlMalik highlighted that the legislations and conventions on heritage preservation face the challenge of online marketing and the growing role of auctions on social media.

    “The use of modern technologies worsened illicit trafficking of cultural property. Cultural heritage face several major threats, including theft and looting amid a lack of social awareness of the importance of heritage and the threat of such crimes, considered as organized crimes worldwide, on economies and public institutions,” he stressed.

    The DG said that the Organization established a special unit within its Islamic World Heritage Center to assist Member and non-Member States to restore their looted heritage and cultural property.

    ICESCO also established a special unit to capitalize on Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology in the fields of heritage. The goal is to contribute to the development of mechanisms likely to counter such crimes and protect heritage sites and museums.

    Dr. AlMalik added that ICESCO prioritizes the protection and preservation of heritage. The Organization allocated one million US dollars to restore the collections of 30 museums in the Member States. It also donated USD100,000 to Lebanon and the Sudan to support the restoration of heritage sites and museums after Beirut blast and Khartoum floods.
    “ICESCO is committed to cooperate with UNIDROIT. It will call upon its Member States, which have not yet signed the Convention of 1995, to join it,” he stated.

    Dr. AlMalik regretted the fact that children know the cultural properties of their countries only through foreign museums. “It is our duty to promote heritage and the possibility of its restitution as the treasures of heritage can shine only in their homelands,” he continued.

    UNIDROIT Convention on Stolen or Illegally Exported Cultural Objects (1995) was initially an international legal claim to restitute the cultural properties looted through illicit exportation. The Convention is made up of 21 articles explaining the legal requirements of restitution and the relevant role of UNIDROIT. It also includes a defining annex on cultural properties.

    ICESCO Director General Meets Saudi Commercial attaché to Rabat

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), received yesterday at the headquarters in Rabat, Mr. Faisal bin Zayd al-Mehana, Commercial attaché of Saudi Arabia in Morocco. The two parties explored the prospects of cooperation.

    Dr. AlMalik reviewed ICESCO’s development, new action plan, and strategy that adopt the open-door policy with civil society organizations and institutions. The goal is to promote developing partnerships for the benefit of Member States’ citizens and Muslim communities worldwide.

    The DG also stated that ICESCO, in cooperation with donors, supported multiple Member States during the COVID-19 pandemic. The assistance included the necessary equipment and materials for producing and broadcasting the digital educational content to ensure the continuity of schooling.

    “ICESCO also provided prevention materials and means, established best-cost sanitizer production units, and trained local community members to reduce the spread of the pandemic,” he added.

    Mr. al-Mehana commended ICESCO’s outstanding work while stressing the keenness of the Saudi Commercial Representation in Morocco to build fruitful cooperation with the Organization. The representation was inaugurated on September 1, 2020.