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    ICESCO Reveals its Strategy for Scientific Research and Innovation Support in the Islamic World

    The Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, revealed the Organization’s strategy to support scientific research and innovation in the Islamic world.

    According to Dr. AlMalik, the fourfold strategy seeks to overcome the challenges and problems facing most universities and research centers in the ICESCO Member States, namely the production of quality papers accepted for publishing globally and patent-writing strategies.

    The statements were part of the DG address at the opening session of ICESCO’s Two-Day Workshop on Scientific Paper and Patent Writing, in partnership with the International University of Rabat (UIR), the COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI), the National Center for Scientific and Technical Research (CNRST) in Morocco, and the Leibniz Institute for Catalysis in Germany. The workshop witnessed large participation from academics and researchers from all over the world. ICESCO held the event face-to-face and virtually.

    The training seeks to help academics and researchers to improve their performance and skills in scientific and patent writing and promote innovation and creativity in the Member States. ICESCO DG pointed out that the workshop is part of ICESCO’s new vision on science and technology. He stressed that ICESCO will spare no effort to promote science, scientific research, and innovation in the Member States through supporting cooperation between developed and developing countries in the three fields.

    Regarding ICESCO’s strategy to overcome those challenges, Dr. AlMalik reaffirmed that ICESCO will:

    1. Support innovative research by providing 300 scholarships to help researchers from the Member States to develop sustainable innovative solutions in science and technology;
    2. Launch ICESCO Innovation Award for Best Innovation in Science and Technology in the Member States;
    3. Develop a new comprehensive program on environmental innovation and green technology transfer in partnership with multiple stakeholders;
    4. Launch a program for setting up and linking incubators and technology clusters in the ICESCO Member States.

    The DG stated that ICESCO is willing to ensure more cooperation with international partners, research centers, and universities inside and outside the Islamic world to achieve the objectives of the Organization’s strategy for scientific research and innovation in the Islamic world. The objectives can be achieved, Dr. AlMalik added, through sharing best practices among the Member States and learning from other parties’ privileges to help set up a mechanism for regional assistance and integration in capacity-building.       

    ICESCO to Hold on Monday Training Workshop on Scientific Paper and a Patent writing

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) will hold a virtual training workshop on scientific paper and patent writing on Monday, December 14, and Tuesday, December 15, 2020. The videoconference is in partnership with the International University of Rabat (UIR), the COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI), the National Center for Scientific and Technical Research (CNRST) in Morocco, and the Leibniz Institute for Catalysis in Germany.

    During the workshop, which will start at 8:00 am UTC, professors and specialized experts will deliver lectures and conduct training on the skills of writing scientific documents and patents for the benefit of students, academics, and researchers, to enhance innovation and creativity in ICESCO Member States.

    The organizers hold the workshop at a time when most universities and research centers in the developing world are facing challenges related to the production and writing of high-quality international scientific documents and patents.

    Applicants can participate in the training workshop by registering via the following link:


    The training workshop will also be broadcast on the official ICESCO page on the Facebook website at the following link: https://www.facebook.com/icesco.en

    ICESCO and IIUM Explore Cooperation in Sciences and Scientific Research

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) held yesterday a videoconference with the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) to examine future cooperation between the Organization and IIUM in sciences and scientific research.

    Dr. Raheel Qamar, Head of the Science and Technology Sector, and several other Sector officials represented ICESCO, while Dr. Ratnawati Mohd Asraf, Deputy Rector and Dean of the Research Management Centre at the University, represented IIUM.

    During the meeting, Dr. Raheel Qamar reviewed the vision and strategy of ICESCO’s Science and Technology Sector, and highlighted its future activities and programs, noting that the Organization adopts an approach based on openness to and cooperation and partnerships with universities, given their pioneering role in developing societies.

    Dr. Asraf reiterated IIUM’s interest in cooperating with ICESCO, especially in organizing workshops and training courses in the scientific and research fields.

    The two parties agreed to organize an international training workshop on writing scientific articles and developing patents, to be held over two days during December, in addition to other capacity-building activities.

    The two parties also agreed to hold another meeting between their respective representatives and officials to explore mechanisms for joint cooperation and identify the roles of each party.

    COMSTECH and ICESCO Provide Science and Technology Support to Islamic World

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and the Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation of the OIC (COMSTECH) held a videoconference Wednesday, August 12, to explore cooperation prospects between the two parties in the fields of science, technology, scientific research, and higher education.

    During this meeting, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO’s Director-General, reaffirmed the Organization’s keenness to cooperate with the COMSTECH. He also expressed the Organization’s interest in implementing joint programs for the benefit of the Islamic world countries in the fields of science and technology and building the capacities of scientists and research centers in these countries.

    Dr. Muhammad Iqbal Choudhary, COMSTECH General Coordinator, welcomed ICESCO’s cooperation invitation. He noted that the two parties have already worked together to implement a number of joint initiatives and programs.

    Several key topics figured in the discussion. First, the parties planned to organize a joint activity on artificial intelligence (AI), and the proposed network of universities for the fellowship program between the Higher Education Committee (HEC) and the COMSTECH. The meeting also discussed ICESCO’s participation in the second edition of the Robotics Competition; and the ICESCO—COMSTECH joint initiative on “Women in Science in OIC’s African Member States”.

    The two parties agreed to examine the activities that can join ICESCO’s and COMSTECH’s teams for successful implementation. The parties also agreed to plan and implement robust programs with tangible impacts on science, technology, and scientific research in the Islamic world.

    COMSTECH is a ministerial committee, established in 1981, following a resolution issued by the Third Islamic Summit of OIC held in Mecca, Saudi Arabia that same year. The President of Pakistan is the chairman of Islamabad-based COMSTECH. The committee tracks the implementation of OIC’s resolutions related to science and technology and supports cooperation between the countries of Islamic world in these fields.

    ICESCO Director General Calls for Investment in Water Management and Sanitation Systems

    **A cooperation agreement was signed to hold 9th World Water Forum

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), urged on Monday, July 27, countries to prioritize investment in water management, sanitation systems, and hygiene services. He also reaffirmed that water security is vital in ensuring not only humanity’s survival, but also socio-economic development, sustained energy production, and food security.

    The statement was part of Dr. AlMalik’s address at the opening session of the high-caliber virtual meeting on water security for peace and development in the Islamic world, which ICESCO held today.
    The meeting was in cooperation with the Moroccan National Office of Electricity and Water (ONEE), and the Secretariat of the 9th World Water Forum. The event, chaired by Mr. Kabiné Komara, Former Prime Minister of Guinea, is a preparatory event to the 9th World Water Forum, due to be held next year in Dakar, Senegal.

    Dr. AlMalik also warned against the difficult global situation in terms of water resources. “Studies and research works have shown that almost 300 thousand children under 5 years of age die each year due to diseases caused by contaminated drinking water and poor hygiene. Besides, over two billion people lack clean drinking water while four billion people suffer from the shortage of sanitation services,” he added.

    ICESCO’s DG also stated that women and girls are most affected by the lack of water security in many regions. “In 8 out of 10 households, particularly in poor countries, women bear the burden of ensuring the availability of drinking water. Water scarcity is a major factor in school drop-out and non-enrollment among girls. The poor quality of sanitation services causes health problems and infect 44 million pregnant women. Water resources depletion has affected the socio-economic and political activities, and the increased unemployment rate among youth, who struggle to counter these negative effects through extremism or drugs,” he stressed.

    In addition, Dr. AlMalik reaffirmed that “ICESCO pays great attention to water issues which are key to achieving sustainable development goals in the Islamic world. The Organization also implemented several programmes, projects, and action plans to boost water use efficiency through modern technologies.”

    During the opening session, which started at 10:00 GMT, Mr. Serigne Mbaye Thiam, Minister of Water and Sanitation of the Republic of Senegal, gave an address wherein he commended this meeting and its topics. He also lauded the excellent cooperation between ICESCO and Senegal, while highlighting that the COVID-19 pandemic pushes us to take prompt collective action to ensure water for all.

    In his address, Mr. Loïc Fauchon, President of the World Water Council, said that many Muslim countries suffer from drought and water resources shortage, particularly with the global warming predictions and poor rainfalls in the future. He added that water-induced conflicts have become real, and a balance between water resources and water consumption should be achieved.

    At the close of session, Dr. AlMalik and Mr. Serigne Mbaye Thiam signed an agreement between ICESCO and the Ministry of Water and Sanitation of Senegal, for cooperation on holding the 9th World Water Form (Dakar 2021).

    ICESCO Organizes Water Security for Peace and Development Meeting

    ** The meeting is a preparatory gathering to the upcoming 9th World Water Forum in Dakar, Senegal in 2021.

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization is holding on July 27, 2020 at 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM GMT a virtual meeting on “Water Security for Peace and Development in the Islamic World: Preparation for the 9th World Water Forum”.

    ICESCO collaborated with Morocco’s Office National de l’Électricité et de l’Eau Potable (ONEE) and the Secretariat of the 9th World Water Forum to organize the event.

    The event will raise awareness about the various stages and measures taken to prepare for the forum and set the groundwork for the upcoming world conference. During the meeting, ICESCO and its partners will also determine and highlight the level of participation required for Dakar’s forum.

    This meeting comes amid the need to ensure wide and active participation of the Islamic world’s institutions and organizations during the 9th World Water Forum.

    This meeting will witness the participation of various ICESCO Member States, as well as international organizations and associations. It will also constitute the signing of a cooperation agreement between the Ministry of Water and Sanitation of the Republic of Senegal and ICESCO to organize the next 9th World Water Forum, Dakar 2021.

    The meeting will include several critical interventions from prominent international experts in water resource management in the Islamic world.
    The experts will present the state of water resources in the Islamic world as well as cooperation and funding opportunities in the water sector projects.

    Audiences can follow the live meeting through the following link:

    “Future Forum” to forsee world 2040

    On 17 February 2020, at the headquarters of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), “Future Forum” will kick off with the participation of 27 renowned experts in strategic foresight and artificial intelligence (AI) from all over the world.

    The Forum will be held by ICESCO in cooperation with the office of the German Konrad Adenauer Foundation in the Kingdom of Morocco, as part of the Organization’s new vision of foreseeing the future and handling the changes and challenges facing the Islamic world. The aim is to turn the Forum into a platform for debate and exchange of views with the interested stakeholders and foresight experts to explore regional and international foresight capacities and define possible futuristic visions.

    Through a forward-looking approach, this session will be a journey into the future, and an opportunity for foresight experts to give presentations in their fields of expertise on the main trends and the challenges facing the world by 2040.

    The latest AI applications and their uses will form one of the most important themes to be discussed by the Forum as the world is witnessing many ecological, political, social and digital changes affecting all the sectors of development of human societies. This calls for the study and understanding of all these developments, revision of their trends, and foresight of the repercussions and their challenges, in such a way as to ensure a safer transition to sustainable development. The Islamic world, whose 54 states are members of ICESCO, is not spared from these changes since it occupies a strategic position at the crosroads of civilizations, cultures and economies.

    The choice of AI and its applications to be a theme of discussion at the Forum is motivated by the fact that it is the tangible aspect of the digital evolution that reshapes and influences international relations, namely the changes affecting the approach to sustainable development. In this reagard, AI experts will gave presentations in order to put into perspective artificial intelligence and its ability to advance societies and discuss its possibilities and potentials.

    Thematic workshops will be included in the Forum and will serve as a tool of strategic foresight aiming at creating a common and participatory platform for key players in development to analyze and ultimately predict the future of the discussed themes (education, culture, sciences, AI, robotics) by 2040. Moreover, the Forum’s programme features a gallery of virtual pictures and digital drawings and an exhibition of physical models reflecting the sector-related challenges of the future.

    ICESCO welcomes specialists, university and higher institute students and the interested public to attend the Forum and benefit from its various activities on 17-18 February 2020.

    ISESCO-CELL meeting on cooperation promotion in education issues

    The permanent headquarters of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) in Rabat, today, hosted a coordination meeting on “ways to address divisive stereotypes in curricula” between ISESCO and the Conflict and Education Learning Laboratory (CELL), a foundation specialized in education in conflict zones.

    Co-moderated by Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ISESCO Director General, and Dr. Jo Ritzen, Chairperson of CELL Foundation and former education minister of the Netherlands, the meeting was attended by ISESCO’s directors and experts along with Mr. Atif Rizvi, CEO and co-founder of CELL; and Ms. Ayla Bonfiglio, CELL Executive Director and Regional Coordinator for North Africa of the Mixed Migration Center.

    The meeting opened with a welcoming address by Dr. AlMalik wherein he talked about the expertise of the Foundation in the field of education in conflict zones and the importance it attaches to the theme of the meeting. Afterwards, Dr. Ritzen took the floor thanking ISESCO and its Director General for his invitation to the meeting. He pointed out that the theme of the meeting is of great importance as divisive stereotypes in textbooks, curricula and the media have damaging effects on children and the youth because they shape their minds, history and identity.

    Moreover, Dr. Ritzen stated that the general objectives of CELL and ISESCO converge in this regard. Thanks to its presence all over the Islamic world, ISESCO provides a cumulated knowledge-based activity made up of practices and partnerships with different education institutions and research on textbooks, curricula and information materials.

    Through its research and creative “Info Hive” platform, Mr. Ritzen added, CELL presents a golden opportunity for participation and promotion of cooperation between experts, researchers, decision-makers, practitioners, teachers and the public to accumulate knowledge and raise awareness about the ways in which divisive stereotypes lead to extremism, conflict, violence and violation of the rights of children, youth, women and disadvantaged groups, including refugees and ethnic minorities in ISESCO Member States.

    For his part, Mr. Rizvi pointed out that the staff and experts working in the fields of education and conflict alleviation have long realized that revising textbooks can largely contribute to changing, jointly or individually and at the institutional level, the minds of children and the youth. In this regard, he underscored that textbooks can promote the respect for the diversity of beliefs; encourage mutual understanding and critical thinking to address prejudices; and promote wellbeing.

    Afterwards, Ms. Bonfiglio made a presentation on the “Info Hive” Platform, a project initiated by CELL and will be soon accessible to the public, stressing that it is a tool designed to catalyze a worldwide change of the approaches to the issues of education, health, wellbeing and conflict.

    In the same vein, Ms. Bonfiglio stated that the Foundation chose to design the “Info Hive” in the form of a smartphone application, out of its belief in the principle of democratization, as that the largest possible number of users can access these applications, hence they are the most fit to achieve this principle.

    As soon as the presentation ended, the floor was opened for discussion between ISESCO’s experts and CELL during which the two parts agreed on the importance to promote and develop cooperation since the theme of the Meeting is of paramount importance, given the exacerbating issues of political and military, migration and asylum.

    At the close of the Meeting, the two parties agreed to continue coordination for further cooperation and give effect to joint action in the “Info Hive” Project. To this effect, Dr. Ritzen requested Dr. AlMalik to engage ISESCO’s experts in developing the Platform to launch it within a year. Similarly, CELL requested ISESCO to invite education experts in its Member States to contribute to the Project.

    Workshop in Doha to promote green cities in ISESCO Member States

    The Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), in cooperation with the Qatari National Commission for Education, Science and Culture will hold a workshop on the promotion of green cities in Muslim countries, in Doha, on 2-3 December 2019. The workshop will bring together 40 experts and the representatives of the ministries of urban planning, environment, planning, higher education, scientific research and civil society from Algeria, Brunei Darussalam, Iran, Qatar and Uganda.

    The workshop aims to increase the number of green cities in ISESCO Member States by inviting all involved stakeholders, namely policymakers, civil society, scientists, universities, and the public and private sectors, to examine all the available mechanisms that can be mobilized to support policies and legal systems likely to promote green cities, in line with the Sustainable Development Agenda 2030.

    ISESCO will be represented in the event by Dr. Aicha Bammoun, Programme Specialist at the Directorate of Science and Technology.

    It is worth noting that more than 50% of the world’s population (about 7.5 billion people) are city dwellers. According to the UN, urban population will represent 70% of the world’s population by 2050 which will in turn grow by 2.5 billion people by 2050.

    The primary challenge of this growth lies in meeting the needs of growing urban population, spanning decent housing, infrastructure, transport, energy, potable water and access to basic services, like education and healthcare. Therefore, developing cities may well fit with sustainable development mechanisms and benefit from urban development and policies relevant to sustainable development goals, especially low-cost clean energy.

    ISESCO participates in a regional forum on Linking Science and Industry in Kuwait

    Under the theme “Constructive and purposeful linking of academic sciences and industrial applications for building a society of convergent technologies”, the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) participates in the Regional Forum hosted by Kuwait on 12-14 November 2019.

    The Forum aims to examine the mechanisms on addressing the various challenges that face academic sciences and industrial applications, meet the growing need for new technologies and innovations by reducing the gap between academic and industrial parties, laying  knowledge foundations for linkage and convergence between scientific research and industry, proper management of knowledge resources, scientific management of connection between scientific research and industry, and beneficial cooperation for all parties.

    The Forum brings together entrepreneurs, innovators, researchers, officials of technology transfer and marketing in academic institutions, officials of technology incubators and science and technology parks, officials of research and development in industrial institutions and industry ministries, alongside with policy- and decision-makers in investment institutions, banks and ministries concerned from Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the Sudan, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Bahrain and the hosting country.

    ISESCO is represented in this event by Dr. Ali Errahal, Expert at ISESCO Regional Office in Sharjah.