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    ICESCO Director General Meets Speaker of National Assembly of the Parliament of Guyana

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), met with Mr. Manzoor Nadir, Speaker of the National Assembly of the Parliament of Guyana, during their participation at the proceeding of the 3rd Conference of the Non-Aligned Movement Parliamentary Network (NAM PN) held under the banner: “Revitalizing parliamentary action in combating climate change.”

    During the meeting, which took place in Geneva, Switzerland, on March 25, 2024, Dr. AlMalik reviewed the Organization’s further progress made towards its development, as well as its new vision and strategic orientations aimed at establishing it as an international beacon of civilization and knowledge hub for the Islamic world.

    Dr. AlMalik highlighted ICESCO’s approach of increased communication with its Member States to design programs and projects based on their needs and priorities in coordination with their respective National Commissions.

    For his part, Mr.Manzoor Nadir commended ICESCO’s efforts in building the capacities of youth and women, stressing the willingness of the competent authorities in Guyana to promote collaboration with the Organization in education, science and culture.

    Host of Muslim Ulema visits the Exhibition and Museum of the Prophet’s Seerah at ICESCO

    A host of senior Muslim Ulema and distinguished intellectual figures participating in the Hassani Religious Lectures, held during the holy month of Ramadan and headed by His Majesty King Mohammed VI of Morocco, may Allah assist him, visited the International Exhibition and Museum of the Prophet’s Seerah and Islamic Civilization, currently housed at the headquarters of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), in Rabat.

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General, received these guests, on Wednesday (March 20, 2024), including Sheikh Muhammad Hussein, the Grand Mufti of AlQuds and the Palestinian territories, Imam and Preacher of Al-Aqsa Mosque; Sheikh Essa Darboe, President of The Gambia Supreme Islamic Council; Dr. Bahauddeen Nadwi, Vice Chancellor of Darul Huda Islamic University, in India; Dr. Hassan Al-Mannai, retired professor from Al-Zaytouna University in Tunisia; and Dr. Akram Nadwi, Director and Co-founder of Al Salam Institute in Oxford, in Britain; as well as the reciters Al-Hussein Al-Qasimi Al-Baqali and Ayoub Nasser from Morocco.

    During the meeting, ICESCO Director-General reviewed the Organization’s vision and strategic orientations, and highlighted its current programs and projects geared towards developing the fields of education, science and culture, noting that ICESCO is open to all parties with the view of serving its Member States and the Muslim communities worldwide, and introducing the cultures and civilization of the Islamic world.

    Moreover, he indicated that the Organization is hosting this Exhibition within its efforts to show the correct image of Islam and confront extremism and hatred, highlighting that the exhibition is the fruit of the strategic partnership between ICESCO, the Muslim World League and the Mohammadia League of Ulema.

    Dr. AlMalik, along with Dr. Abdelilah Benarafa, Deputy Director-General, and Dr. Ahmed Said Bah, Advisor to the General Directorate of ICESCO, took the guests on a tour of the various halls of the Exhibition and Museum, during which they listened to detailed explanations.

    At the close of the tour, the guests expressed their happiness at visiting this great scientific edifice, which addresses all groups in a simplified manner using the latest technologies.

    ICESCO Director General receives Advisor to the President of the Arab Republic of Egypt for Religious Affairs

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), received Dr. Osama Al Azhari, Advisor to the President of the Arab Republic of Egypt for Religious Affairs, who visited ICESCO’s headquarters in Rabat and gave a lecture entitled: “Today’s youth: tomorrow’s beacon of civilization”.

    At the start of the meeting, which took place on Tuesday 19 March 2024, Dr. AlMalik welcomed Dr. Al Azhari stressing the exceptional relations binding ICESCO and Egypt in the fields of education, science and culture.

    He commended the support of H.E. Abdel Fattah Al-Sissi, President of the Arab Republic of Egypt, to the Organization’s efforts, and his generous sponsorship of ICESCO’s Year of Youth, which saw the implementation of concrete programs and projects for the benefit of youth in a number of countries in the Islamic world, as part of His Excellency’s ongoing support for youth, exemplified by the announcement he made at the opening of the 14th session of ICESCO’s General Conference in Cairo of the granting of 100 scholarships in Egyptian universities to young people from the Organization’s Member States, and by his proposal to create a Fund to support education and talents in the Islamic world.

    The Director General reviewed the main thrusts of ICESCO’s vision and strategic orientations, as well as the programs and projects it implements in the fields of capacity-building for youth and women, consolidating the values of coexistence, peace and civilizational dialogue, combating extremist ideas, promoting investment in technology, innovation, artificial intelligence and space sciences, disseminating the culture of foresight, and consolidating the status of the Arabic language worldwide.

    For his part, Dr. Al Azhari expressed his pleasure at visiting ICESCO’s headquarters, praising the Organization’s outstanding and central role in disseminating and strengthening science, thought and culture in its Member States.

    Following the meeting, an intellectual gathering was organized during which Dr. Al-Azhari gave a lecture entitled “Today’s youth: the beacon of tomorrow’s civilization”, moderated by Dr. Abdelilah Benarafa, ICESCO Deputy Director General, in the presence of a number of ambassadors and ambassadors’ spouses accredited to Rabat, as well as other high-profile personalities.

    Dr. Al-Azhari emphasized that the theme of the lecture urges youth in the Islamic world and the world at large, to become the beacon of tomorrow’s civilization. In this respect, he presented examples of scientific methodological thinking, which has transformed the meanings of the Holy Quran into creative scientific thinking, that motivated Muslims throughout history to take inspiration from it to develop minds and promote the values of ambition and innovation to make glorious civilization that has contributed to enriching human civilization, stressing that mercy is the most important and central value of our true religion.

    He went on to talk about the transformation that occurred in the civilization of the Islamic world with the appearance of hospitals, the stages of their the evolution, and how the need to relieve the sick was first thought of in application of the value of mercy derived from the opening of Surah Al-Fatihah “In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful”, noting that the innovative Muslim mind transformed the word the “Compassionate, the Merciful”, into a “value”, then created a civilization in which mercy became a central value.

    After the lecture, the floor was opened to discussion and questions which Dr. Al-Azhari answered, before ICESCO Director General presented him with a shield of honor.

    At the end of his visit to ICESCO, Dr. Al Malik took Dr. Al Azhari on a tour of the International Exhibition and Museum of the Seerah of the Prophet and Islamic Civilization, currently hosted at the Organization’s headquarters as part of a strategic partnership between ICESCO, the Islamic World League and the Mohammadia League of Scholars.

    ICESCO, NewGlobe Organization Examine cooperation prospects in the field of education

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and the NewGlobe Organization, specializing in education on the international level, convened to explore opportunities for collaboration in implementing various initiatives, programs, and projects. The focus was particularly on supporting educational transformation, skill development, and organizing international conferences and seminars on educational matters.

    Chaired by Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General, and Ms. Shannon May, President and Co-Founder of NewGlobe Organization, the meeting took place via videoconference on Thursday 14 March 2024. Also in attendance were Mr. Jay Kimmelman, CEO and Co-Founder, and Mr. Isfundiar Kasuri, Executive Director of the Pakistan office, as well as Policy and Partnership Director at the Organization. Representing ICESCO during the Meeting were Dr. Boly Koumbou Barry, Head of the Education Sector, and Mr. Anar Karimov, Head of the Partnerships and International Cooperation Sector, alongside experts from both sectors.

    Dr. AlMalik reviewed ICESCO’s vision and operational strategy during the meeting, expressing the Organization’s keenness to collaborate with various international institutions to serve its Member States and Muslim communities worldwide in the realms of education, science, and culture.

    The NewGlobe Organization representatives commended ICESCO’s efforts within the scope of its fields of competence before offering an outline of their Organization’s activities and programs implemented in various African and Asian countries. These endeavors aim to support educational transformation in partnership with the respective governments of those countries, striving to develop sustainable and resilient education systems.

    Emphasizing the Organization’s adoption of data-driven and scientifically researched methods, NewGlobe representatives highlighted their efforts to support positive educational transformation, boost gross domestic product, generate employment opportunities, and address poverty issues.

    The Two Parties explored possible future avenues of cooperation and areas of mutual interest, agreeing to continue discussions to formulate executive plans for initiatives, programs, and practical activities that carry tangible impacts.

    Reviewing ICESCO’s open-door approach and vision to embrace diversity and civilizational richness

    The International Conference on the Protection of Diversity and Fight Against Islamophobia kicked off on Friday (March 8, 2024) in Baku, the capital of the Republic of Azerbaijan. 

    Organized by the Baku International Center for Multiculturalism, in partnership with the G20 Center for Interreligious Dialogue and the Azerbaijan Policy Analysis Center, the two-day conference brought together scholars and religious leaders from 30 countries, along with experts and representatives of international and non-governmental organizations and bodies. 

    The Conference’s opening session was marked by a reading of the address of His Excellency the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, President Ilham Aliyev, who addressed the international community, highlighting Azerbaijan’s advanced role in standing against the active extremist currents that manifest Islamophobia in the West. 

    In his statement at the first session of the Conference, Ambassador Khaled Fathurahman, Head of ICESCO’s Center for Civilizational Dialogue, outlined the Organization’s new vision which stems from an open-door approach to accommodate visions characterized by diversity and cultural richness. The ICESCO official also addressed the civilizational dilemma posed by policies and trends resulting from Western centralism, noting that they attempt to impose and generalize the West’s vision, thus exacerbating the struggles of the future. 

    The conference sessions will address several topics, including cultural diversity, Islam and the clash of civilizations, and women and human Rights.

    ICESCO and the Spouses of Arab Ambassadors and Heads of International Organizations in Morocco Celebrate International Women’s Day

    As part of the celebration of International Women’s Day and the advent of the holy month of Ramadan, the headquarters of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) hosted, on Friday, March 8, 2024, the Forum, “A Ramadan Journey into the Depths of the Human Soul”. The event, which brought together high-caliber participation, was organized by ICESCO in cooperation with the Group of Spouses of Arab Ambassadors and Heads of International Organizations accredited to the Kingdom of Morocco.

    Held in person and via videoconference, the forum opened with the recitation of verses from the Holy Quran. 

    In a recorded address on the occasion, Dr. Salim M. Al-Malik, ICESCO Director General, stated that the celebration of women is unparalleled because of the meanings, values and significance it bears as a celebration of all moral virtues, calling for empowering women to share the responsibility of building a better world.

    Moreover, the Director-General mentioned ICESCO’s due diligence to protect women’s rights and nurture their talents, stating that the Organization will sustain its support of women in its areas of competence. Dr. AlMalik also highlighted ICESCO’s leading initiative to proclaim 2021 as the Year of Women, which was marked by a number of remarkable programs and projects, noting that half of the leadership positions in ICESCO are held by women.

    The Director General added that these facts place ICESCO at the forefront of international organizations that address the needs of rural girls and marginalized communities, and call for an end to the genocide of women, children and the elderly in Gaza.

    In his address, Dr. Abdelilah Benarfa, Deputy Director-General of ICESCO, thanked the Group of the Spouses of Arab Ambassadors and Heads of International Organizations for partnering with the Organization in holding this forum in celebration of Women’s Day and the advent of the holy month of Ramadan.

    He stressed that Women’s Day is a celebration for all members of society and an occasion to recognize those who create happiness for those around them, paying tribute to Palestinian women who are steadfast in the face of the attacks they are subjected to by the Israeli occupation.

    In a recorded statement, Ziauddin Yousafzai, father of Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Malala Yousafzai and founder of the Malala Fund, emphasized that education is the key to empowering girls and preparing them to contribute to the efforts to achieve development, promote the economy and protect the environment.

    For her part, Ms. Rania Shobaki, Chairwoman of the Group, praised ICESCO’s initiatives and efforts to support women, and commended the cooperation between the Group and the Organization in the field women empowerment.

    In her remarks, Dr. Yousra Bint Hussain Al-Jazairy, member of the Group, saluted women for all their generosity, patience and resilience, noting that ICESCO has given women the status they deserve. She expressed her pride in belonging to such a keen group of dedicated women who exert serious efforts to promote social development in the Kingdom of Morocco and strengthen cooperation and communication between Morocco and all the countries they represent. Dr. Al-Jazairy stated that the spouses of the ambassadors of Arab countries also gear their work to bring culture together, promote knowledge, and support humanitarian causes in clear manifestation of the values of love and solidarity with the Moroccan people and among themselves. She concluded her speech by saluting Palestinian women as a symbol of steadfastness and empathy.

    Dr. Al-Jazairy then introduced Dr. Khadija Abouzid, Professor of Higher Education at the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences in Rabat, who delivered a lecture titled, “A Ramadan Journey into the Depths of the Human Soul”.

    At the close of the forum, Dr. Khadija Abu Zeid and Dr. Yusra bint Hussein Al-Jazairi were honored by Dr. Abdelilah Benarfa in recognition of their efforts in organizing the forum and ensuring its success.

    ICESCO and Uganda Explore Ways of Strengthening Cooperation in Higher Education and Scientific Research

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), and Dr. John Chrysostom Muyingo, Ugandan State Minister for Higher Education, explored ways of strengthening cooperation in areas of common interest, most notably higher education and scientific research promotion.

    During the meeting, held on Tuesday (March 5, 2024), at the University of Kampala, prior to the start of the second day of the twentieth anniversary of the African-Arab Youth Council, Dr. Al-Malik highlighted that ICESCO has become open to its Member States to devise adequate programs and projects based on the priorities and needs of each country, stressing the Organization’s willingness to continue fruitful cooperation with Uganda in the fields of education, science and culture.

    During the meeting, ICESCO Director-General pointed out to the Organization’s initiative to establish a scientific research chair on psychological and mental health at Kampala International University in Uganda, within the framework of ICESCO support for the efforts of its Member States in developing scientific research.

    For his part, Dr. Muyingo commended ICESCO’s roles in supporting the efforts of its Member States in their areas of competence, stressing the Ugandan Ministry of Higher Education’s keenness to cooperate with the Organization.

    Afterwards, the second day activities of the Afro-Arab Youth Council’s anniversary kicked off with a workshop on ‘Sufferance of People with Mental Health Challenges’, where Dr. Muyingo conveyed to Dr. Al-Malik the congratulations of Her Excellency Janet Museveni, Ugandan First Lady, Minister of Education and Sports of the Republic of Uganda, for the developments and modernization witnessed at ICESCO, within its strategic vision and organizational structure, to advance the fields of education, science and culture in the countries of the Islamic world.

    During the workshop, Dr. Abbas Agaba, Secretary-General of the African-Arab Youth Council, and Ms. Ramata Almamy Mbaye, Head of the Social and Human Sciences Sector at ICESCO, signed a memorandum of understanding between ICESCO and the Council, with a view of enhancing joint cooperation between the two parties in areas of common interest through conferences, seminars, and workshops in the fields of artificial intelligence, space science, heritage preservation and peacebuilding.

    ICESCO Congratulates Organizers and Winners of Prince Abdullah Al-Faisal Prize for Arabic Poetry

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) congratulates the Board of Trustees of the Academy of Arabic Poetry at Taif University in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for successfully organizing the Prince Abdullah Al-Faisal Prize for Arabic Poetry in its fifth edition. ICESCO also extends its congratulations to the winners of the prize in its various branches in Morocco, Sudan, Egypt, and Lebanon.

    ICESCO commends the prize’s significant impact on intellectual spheres across different nations, enriching poetic creativity in the Arabic language, as demonstrated by the number and quality of the contributions from talented poets worldwide in this fifth edition.

    ICESCO reaffirms its full readiness to cooperate in such pioneering initiatives that highlight the central role of creativity and culture in preserving identity and building a bright future for generations to come, aligning with the Organization’s vision and strategic directions. Moreover, it underscores its high regard for poetry and poets, along with its keenness to support them through the signing of a partnership and cooperation agreement in 2021 with the Academy of Arabic Poetry at the Taif University, in the presence of H.R.H. Prince Khalid Al-Faisal bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Advisor to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and Governor of Makkah Region.

    In this context, ICESCO has organized numerous activities to celebrate poetry and poets, and established the ICESCO Forum of Women Poets, which brings together poetesses from across the Islamic world and beyond. Additionally, during last year’s World Poetry Day celebration, ICESCO announced the establishment of the Poetry Forum of the Islamic World and issued several poetry collections that reflect the new trends in poetry, highlighting its revival and development.

    Omani Faculty of National Defense Delegation Visits the Exhibition and Museum of the Prophet’s Seerah at ICESCO

    An Omani Faculty of national defense delegation visited the Exhibition and Museum of the Prophet’s Seerah at the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) Headquarters in Rabat on Sunday 3 March 2024.

    The delegation, headed by Ambassador Ahmed bin Salim Ba Omar from the Omani Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was received by Dr. Abdelilah Benarfa, ICESCO Deputy Director-General, in the presence of Ambassador Khalid Fathalrahman, Head of the ICESCO Center for Civilizational Dialogue, and Dr. Salim Bin Hilal Al Habsi, Director of the General Secretariat of National Commissions and Conferences at ICESCO.

    During the meeting, Dr. Benarfa highlighted the unprecedented turnout of visitors to the exhibition and museum since its public opening in November 2022. He noted that people of all ages from across the kingdom, as well as residents and tourists of Morocco, visit it regularly.

    Dr. Benarfa added that ICESCO’s decision to host this great Museum, which is headquartered in Al Madinah Al Munawwarah, stems from a strategic tripartite partnership between the Organization, the Muslim World League, and the Mohammedia League of Scholars, and marks the first edition of its kind outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

    During the tour, the delegation received explanations about the various sections and pavilions of the exhibition, which included a detailed simulation depicting the life of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. They learned about the importance of the exhibition and the museum, which is to convey the message of Islam through values such as justice, peace, mercy, tolerance, and coexistence. The exhibition utilizes cutting-edge technologies to immerse visitors in the dimensions of the Prophet’s Seerah and historical scenes and artifacts, providing an experience akin to being in the heart of the Prophetic era.

    Ambassador Ahmed bin Salim Ba Omar and the accompanying delegation expressed their joy at visiting the exhibition and the museum. Amb. Ba Omar commended the organizers for their efforts in enabling visitors to learn about the Prophet’s Seerah and virtually experience life during His time.

    At the end of the visit, the Omani Ambassador presented commemorative shields to representatives of ICESCO, the Muslim World League, and the Mohammedia League of Scholars, as a token of appreciation for their valuable efforts.

    ICESCO Director-General Receives a Yemeni Delegation of Benevolence Coalition for Humanitarian Relief

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), received a Yemeni delegation from the Benevolence Coalition for Humanitarian Relief (BCHR), headed by Mr. Fahmy Salmeen, the Executive Director of the BCHR, at ICESCO headquarters in Rabat on Wednesday 28 February 2024. The meeting reviewed the results and developments in the “Girl Dropout Reintegration Project” in Yemen, being implemented by BCHR, funded by Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSRelief) and overseen and monitored in its executive phases by ICESCO.

    During the meeting, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik renewed ICESCO’s commitment to supporting Yemen in the fields of education, sciences and Culture through the implementation of a set of programs and practical and well-defined activities in cooperation with the competent authorities in Yemen and in coordination with the Yemeni National Commission for Education, Science and Culture.

    Moreover, Dr. AlMalik lauded KSRelief for funding the “Girl Dropout Reintegration Project” and expressed appreciation for BCHR’s efforts to implement it.

    The delegation of BCHR briefed ICESCO Director-General on the latest developments in the Project, which was implemented in 7 Yemeni governorates, and pointed to its success as it exceeded its goals on all levels. Initially, the Project targeted 19,000 girls, while 21,500 girls have benefited from it thus far. Additionally, the Project aimed to train 350 instructors and will now build the capacities of 500 instructors by the end of the Project in two months. Likewise, the project worked on equipping several classrooms and supporting girls’ families in establishing small income-generating economic activities.

    At the end of the meeting, the two parties agreed to continue coordination to explore prospects for implementing the Project in other Yemeni governorates or similar projects in cooperation with the Yemeni Ministry of Education.

    The delegation of BCHR handed a memorial shield to Dr. AlMalik in recognition of the efforts of ICESCO to ensure the success of the Project.