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    ICESCO Director-General Receives Muhammadu Sanusi II in Rabat

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), received Mr. Muhammadu Sanusi II, former Emir of Kano State, Nigeria, and UN Sustainable Development Goals Advocate, at the Organization’s Headquarters in Rabat, on Tuesday, March 15, 2022.

    During the meeting, attended by several ICESCO officials and Mr. Sanussi II’s accompanying delegation, Dr. AlMalik reaffirmed that the Organization’s new vision and action strategy are grounded upon the approach of openness to all to serve the Member States and Muslim communities around the world.

    “By adopting this approach, ICESCO seeks to promote civilizational dialogue; anchor the values of peace and coexistence, build youth and women capacities, and provide a true portrayal of the Islamic civilization,” added Dr. AlMalik.
    ICESCO DG reviewed the Organization’s key initiatives and programmes implemented in cooperation with competent authorities in the Member States and multiple partners to achieve the aforementioned objectives, noting that ICESCO attaches great importance to supporting the African continent.

    The meeting touched upon the importance of spiritual education, the preservation of cultural identity and the development of school curricula in line with the current developments.

    For his part, Mr. Muhammadu Sanusi II hailed ICESCO’s efforts and roles in the fields of education, science and culture. He noted that he is following closely the Organization’s commendable work and that he participated in the launching ceremony of ICESCO’s Leadership Training in Peace and Security (LTIPS) for the benefit of women and youth last year.

    ICESCO Takes Part in Meeting on Morocco’s National Action Plan on Democracy and Human Rights

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) took part in the meeting of the Steering Committee in charge of implementing Morocco’s National Action Plan on Democracy and Human Rights. The in-person meeting, which took place at the headquarters of the Inter-ministerial Delegation for Human Rights (DIDH) in the Kingdom of Morocco, aimed at reviewing the major thrusts of the action plan, the progress hitherto achieved in its implementation and its implementation scheme for 2022 and was attended by representatives from various ministries and international organizations.

    Mr. Mohamed Hadi Shili, Director of ICESCO’s Legal Affairs and International Standards Department, expressed the Organization’s readiness to support the thrusts of the action plan, which fall within ICESCO’s areas of competence and are in line with the outputs of the final report of the International Symposium on “Human Rights and the Digital Challenge” held in March 2021. He noted that the final report highlighted potential avenues of cooperation between ICESCO and DIDH, particularly in the protection of digital privacy and the elimination of digital violence and online hate speech, in addition to projects geared towards encouraging scientific research and innovation in Moroccan universities.

    In the same context, a meeting was held between ICESCO and DIDH, during which the two parties agreed on implementing several joint activities. These activities are based on the Moroccan government’s priorities that are outlined in the National Action Plan on Democracy and Human Rights and ICESCO’s Action Plan for 2022-2023 that was adopted by the 14th Session of the Organization’s General Conference, which was held in the Arab Republic of Egypt last December.

    Launch of ICESCO Interviews of Future Series with lecture by Thinker Souleymane Diagne

    The Headquarters of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) hosted the launch of the “Interviews of the Future” Series, organized by the ICESCO Center for Strategic Foresight on Tuesday 15 March 15, 2022, in cooperation with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation. The first interview featured the great Senegalese intellectual, Dr. Souleymane Bachir Diagne, and was marked by the participation of a host of researchers and experts in the field.

    At the outset, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General, stressed that the Series aims to bring together intellectuals, scholars and influencers to explore their views and discuss their innovative ideas on the future. He added that even though they specialize in different academic and philosophical fields, these intellectuals all share the ability to inspire, influence and reimagine the future in order to create a common ground and find shared ideas about what lies ahead.

    Moreover, the Director-General stated that through this series, ICESCO aims to host scholars specializing in different fields including anthropology, philosophy, sociology, and modern technology, noting that Dr. Diagne is a key figure whose views and perceptions had a great influence on the Islamic world and Africa.

    Afterward, Dr. Kais Hammami, Head of the Center for Strategic Foresight, gave an overview of Dr. Diagne’s intellectual and academic background, who currently works as a French and Philosophy Professor at Columbia University in the United States of America. He stated that the guest scholar is interested in various fields including logic, history of philosophy, literature, and Islamic and African philosophy.

    In his lecture, Dr. Diagne talked about the concept of the philosophy of time in the Arab Islamic culture, basing his analysis on the concept and elements of the word “ad-Dahr” (eternity), a significant notion in Islamic thought. He then gave several suggestions on ways to focus on the major issues to develop minds and unite people within the framework of the notion of time.

    In addition, Dr. Diagne addressed the meaning of anticipatory culture in the Islamic world and underlined the need to understand the current reality of the world as well as the future realities for the younger generations, stressing the importance of avoiding generational alienation to maintain relations and benefit from one another’s experiences.

    Likewise, the Senegalese scholar underscored that foresight as a concept compels us to avoid the mistakes of the past, stating that success lies in building the capacities of younger generations through education, training on the jobs of tomorrow, and awareness-raising on the importance of cultural pluralism as the world is plural in its races, languages and religions.

    Following the lecture, the guest answered the participants’ questions, discussed their views on the concepts relevant to the present and future, and shared viewpoints on ways to build a resilient future.

    ICESCO Director-General Meets Chairman of Moroccan House of Representatives

    Dr. Salim M. Al-Malik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), met with Mr. Rachid Talbi Alami, Chairman of the House of Representatives of the Kingdom of Morocco, and both discussed prospects for cooperation between the Organization and the House in areas of common interest.
    At the beginning of the meeting, which took place on Tuesday, March 15, 2022, at the House of Representatives in Rabat, Dr. Al-Malik congratulated Mr. Talbi Alami on his chairmanship of the House of Representatives for the legislative mandate 2021-2026, wishing him every success in his mission.

    ICESCO DG reviewed the Organization’s vision and strategic orientations, and the most prominent initiatives, programs and cultural activities to be implemented during the current year, as part of celebrating Rabat Culture Capital in the Islamic World for 2022, including the International Exhibition and Museum of the Prophet’s Seerah and Islamic Civilization due to be hosted at ICESCO headquarters under the high patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI of Morocco, may Allah assist him.

    For his part, Mr. Talbi Alami praised ICESCO’s efforts and the roles it plays to support its Member States in the fields of education, science and culture, stressing the House’s keenness to coordinate efforts to ensure the success of cultural programs scheduled for the celebration of Rabat Culture Capital in the Islamic World.

    Mr. Alami indicated the need to move forward in strengthening joint action and future cooperation between the two sides, in many areas, such as strengthening the human rights system, youth participation in issues of public affairs, artificial intelligence, energy and water resources, and modern technology in general.

    The two sides agreed to continue cooperation within a legal framework by signing a cooperation agreement between ICESCO and the House of Representatives.

    The meeting was attended by Dr. Abdelilah Benarfa, ICESCO Deputy DG, Ms. Amira Fadil, Director of Partnerships and International Cooperation Sector, and Mr. Mohamed Hedi Shili, Director of Legal Affairs and International Standards Department at the Organization.

    ICESCO Director-General Receives President of Islamic Cultural Coalition in Mauritania and West Africa

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), received Sheikh Mohamed El Hafed Enahoui, President of the Islamic Cultural Coalition in Mauritania and West Africa, to strengthen cooperation between the two Organizations.

    During the meeting, held on Monday, 14 March 2022, Dr. AlMalik reaffirmed that as part of ICESCO’s new vision and action strategy, the Organization adopts an open-door approach to cooperate with all parties for the benefit of its Member States and Muslim societies around the world to promote civilizational dialogue, consolidating the values of peace and coexistence and building the capacities of youth and women.

    For his part, Sheikh Enahoui commended ICESCO’s roles in introducing the correct image of Islamic civilization around the world, and the Organization’s important initiative to host the International Exhibition and Museum of the Prophet’s Seerah, based in Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah and Makkah Al-Mukarrama, at its headquarters in Rabat, under the high patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI of Morocco.

    He also expressed his desire for ICESCO to participate in an international conference that will be held soon by the Islamic Cultural Coalition in Mauritania and West Africa, noting the Coalition’s eagerness to cooperate with the Organization in its conferences and forums.

    Exploring arrangements for Official Celebration Launch of Rabat as 2022 Culture Capital in Islamic World

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and the Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication in Morocco held a meeting on Monday, 14 March 2022, to explore the arrangements for the official launch of the celebration of Rabat as the 2022 Culture Capital in the Islamic World.

    Mr. Al-Mahdi Bensaid, Minister of Youth, Culture and Communication, and Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General (DG), chaired the meeting which focused on reviewing the preparation for the official launch of the celebration, set for 24 March 2022. The meeting was attended by Dr. Abdelilah Benarafa, ICESCO Deputy DG, and Mr. Najib Rhiati, Cultural Advisor to the DG, General Coordinator of the celebration.

    Following the meeting, a technical meeting was held between the delegations of ICESCO and the Ministry to explore the items on the official launch program. The Ministry’s delegation consisted of Mr. Mohammed Benhsain, Director of Mohammed V Theater, Minister Advisor; Mr. Salah Eddine Abqari, Minister Advisor; and Mr. Youssef Britel, Minister Advisor, film director.

    The two parties also reaffirmed the importance of highlighting the cultural and artistic elements of the Kingdom’s capital, which reflect the wise royal policy to render Rabat a world capital and an international cultural destination.

    ICESCO Participates in Opening of Moroccan-European Youth Forum in Marrakesh

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) participated in the opening ceremony of the Moroccan-European Youth Forum held at the Mohammed VI Museum for Water Civilization in Marrakesh, Kingdom of Morocco.
    The Forum, which kicked off on Saturday, March 12, 2022, is held within the framework of the European Union’s (EU) Erasmus+ programme and is aimed at promoting the exchange of expertise and experiences among young people from Morocco and Europe on important contemporary issues such as intercultural dialogue, peace, security, climate change and sustainable development.

    Ms. Ramata Almamy Mbaye, Director of the Human and Social Sciences Sector, and Mr. Alioune Ndiaye, Program Manager at the Sector, represented ICESCO at the opening ceremony.
    In her address, Ms. Mbaye highlighted the importance that ICESCO attaches to the role of youth and women in promoting peace and civilizational dialogue and fostering a culture of positive change to build the societies we want.

    Ms. Mbaye reviewed ICESCO’s key initiatives and programs for the benefit of youth, namely the Leadership Training Program for Peace and Security, as well as ICESCO’s new vision and action strategy that seek to promote values of tolerance, dialogue and harmony among peoples and civilizations.

    The ceremony saw the participation of the Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication in Morocco, along with the ambassadors of Romania, Italy, Norway and the Czech Republic, the EU’s Deputy Representative and the General Delegate of Wallonia-Brussels in Rabat.

    Launching International Thinkers Guests of ICESCO

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) launched, on Thursday, March 10, 2022, the International Thinkers Guests of ICESCO Program, with a lecture by Moroccan thinker Dr. Fouad Laroui, during the intellectual meeting held by ICESCO’s International Think Tank for Thought, Letters, Heritage and Arts and ICESCO Chair at Ibn Tofail University in Kenitra in the Kingdom of Morocco, with the attendance of a group of academics, writers and thinkers.

    Prior to the meeting, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General (DG), received Dr. Fouad Laroui, and welcome him at ICESCO’s Headquarters emphasizing the Organization’s endeavor within the framework of its new vision to become a leader in the fields of education, science and culture, noting that the International Thinkers Guests of ICESCO Program is part of ICESCO strategic plan to make culture a foundation of knowledge and a methodological starting point for understanding and addressing challenges around the world.

    Dr. Mohamed Zinelabidine, Head of ICESCO Culture and Communication Sector, commenced the meeting by welcoming the audience and commending the intellectual publications of the Moroccan thinker Fouad Laroui, which deal with various topics inspired from the Arab and Islamic civilization. He pointed out that ICESCO’s new vision and strategy opened the door for all forms of culture, and how the Organization’s programs and initiatives contribute to the advancement of cultural activities inside and outside the Islamic world.

    For her part, Dr. Sanaa El Ghawati, Supervisor of ICESCO Chair at Ibn Tofail University in Kenitra, expressed her happiness with the Chair’s participation in the launch of the International Thinkers Guests of ICESCO Program, commending ICESCO’s role in welcoming international thinkers, writers and intellectuals to contribute to the revitalization of the cultural movement in the Islamic world.

    Thereafter, Dr. Fouad Laroui gave a lecture on his academic and professional career, noting that the years he spent living in various European countries formed a source of inspiration for a number of his books. He then reaffirmed his desire to present the correct image of the Arab and Islamic intellectual heritage and to introduce its rich knowledge and literature to the European audiences; a heritage that has contributed greatly to the global civilization.

    He also talked about his attempts, through his books, to change stereotypes about Arabs, through showcasing the Islamic world’s cultural heritage multiplicity and diversity and highlighting several predominant intellectual fallacies and historical errors about Arab civilization.

    At the end of the lecture, the floor was opened for the attendees to raise questions and share their points of view about the topic of the discussion.

    ICESCO Celebrates Visit of Delegation of Creative Children With Disabilities to its Headquarters

    A delegation of creative children with trisomy (Down Syndrome) visited the Headquarters of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) in Rabat to attend the “Future Imagined by Young Artists” workshop. The event, which took place at the Hall of Islamic Solidarity at ICESCO headquarters, was held by the Organization as part of the celebration of Rabat, Culture Capital in the Islamic World for 2022 to learn about artists’ perceptions of the future of culture and creativity.

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General (DG), greeted these children and received them in his office at the close of the event to welcome them, and together they engaged in a discussion on the children’s interests and artistic works, which they craft under the supervision of the personnel of the Moroccan Association for the Support and Assistance of People with Down’s Syndrome (AMSAT). AMSAT is a non-profit association established in 1981, which has been placed under the honorary chairmanship of HRH Prince Moulay Rachid since January 2003 and is working on the social inclusion of people with trisomy.

    The children were delighted to visit ICESCO’s Headquarters, tour its halls and facilities, and contemplate the paintings displayed in ICESCO’s Gallery for Contemporary Art.

    ICESCO and Mohammadia League of Scholars Explored Cooperation and Partnership Developments

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and the Mohammadia League of Scholars in Morocco held a meeting to explore cooperation developments and the main joint programs and activities within the framework of the strategic partnership between the Organization and the League, and to celebrate Rabat as 2022 Culture Capital in the Islamic world.

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General (DG), and Dr. Ahmed Abbadi, Secretary-General of the League, chaired the meeting, which was held on Wednesday, 9 March 2022, in the presence of officials from both parties. The participants examined the developments related to several joint programs and activities, mainly the arrangements for hosting the International Exhibition and Museum of the Prophet’s Seerah and Islamic Civilization.

    The meeting featured a presentation on the contents and components of Moroccans’ attachment to the Prophet, which will be displayed at the Museum and the International Exhibition of the Prophet’s Seerah and Islamic Civilization at ICESCO Headquarters. The two sides reaffirmed their eagerness to highlight these components with manifestations and examples of Moroccans’ affection for the Prophet.

    At the close of the meeting, the two parties agreed to continue coordination to achieve the desired results from the joint programs between ICESCO and the Mohammadia League of Scholars in Morocco.