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    ICESCO Celebrates Cultural Heritage of Republic of Guinea-Bissau

    Within the framework of the celebration of Rabat, Culture Capital in the Islamic World for 2022, the Embassy of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau in Rabat, in cooperation with the Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication of the Kingdom of Morocco and in partnership with the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), organized a cultural evening to introduce the cultural heritage of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau and promote economic and tourism activities.At the opening of the evening, held on Friday (September 30, 2022), Ms. Philomena Mendes Mascarenhas Tibouti, Ambassador of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau in Morocco, commended ICESCO’s continuous support to youth in Guinea-Bissau through training and scholarship programmes, noting that this is an opportunity to highlight the cultural diversity of her country.

    For his part, the Secretary General of the Communication Sector at the Moroccan Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, congratulated the Ambassador of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau for this initiative.

    He also thanked ICESCO, which helped revitalize the diplomatic relations between the Kingdom of Morocco and the Republic of Guinea-Bissau through the celebration of Rabat, Culture Capital in the Islamic World for 2022.For her part, Ms. Ramata Almami Mbaye, Head of ICESCO Social and Human Sciences Sector, delivered an address, wherein she commended the efforts made by the Ambassador of Guinea-Bissau in Rabat to introduce and develop the rich cultural heritage of her country, stressing that the Organization seeks, through its programmes targeting youth, women and vulnerable groups, to contribute to the promotion and development of cultural heritage in the Islamic world, which helps build bridges between peoples and promote the values of peace, harmony and coexistence.

    The evening witnessed artistic performances by traditional Guinean bands, traditional dances, an exhibition of artworks, and the presentation of the culinary arts of Guinea-Bissau.

    ICESCO Takes Part in Scientific Chairs Forum in Rabat

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) took part in the Scientific Chairs Forum, which was held by the Moroccan National Commission for Education, Science and Culture under the slogan: “Artificial Intelligence as a Lever for Digital Revolution and an Instrument in the Service of Humanity.” The event is aimed at reviewing the experiences of Moroccan scientific chairs, exploring their importance in universities and higher education institutions, and discussing issues related to artificial intelligence and its legal, technological, social and ethical aspects.

    Dr. Omar Halli, Advisor to ICESCO Director-General for the Federation of the Universities of the Islamic World (FUIW), represented the Organization at the Forum on Thursday, October 6, 2022, at the headquarters of the Commission’s General Secretariat in Rabat. During the event, the representative emphasized the importance of linking artificial intelligence with scientific chairs to contribute to achieving progress and development in various areas and create a distinct space for scientific research.

    The participants stressed that it is important to be mindful of legal and ethical considerations in artificial intelligence, control its social, economic and cultural impacts, and improve its ethics, underscoring the importance of national and international networking in promoting scientific chairs, and enhancing their performance and their presence in the scientific arena.

    ICESCO Participates in Symposium on Reimagining Education after Pandemic in Sub-Saharan Africa

    The Education Sector of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) took part in the Continental Symposium on Research and Innovation in Education under the theme: Reimagining Education for a Better Impact on Learning Commutes in Sub-Saharan Africa, which was held by the Center for Knowledge and Innovation Exchange (KIX) Africa, in cooperation with the Organization of the Global Partnership for Education’s (GPE) and the International Organisation of la Francophonie, at the African Union headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, with the participation of several ministers of education, researchers and specialists in the field in Africa, to discuss innovative way to address the challenges related to education in the post-Covid 19 world.

    Dr. Barry Koumbou, Head of the Education Sector, represented ICESCO in the Symposium, on October 6, 2022, via videoconference, where she reviewed in her address ICESCO’s guide prepared during the Covid-19 pandemic on the reopening of educational institutions in Member States, which was introduced during the Extraordinary Virtual Conference of Education Ministers of ICESCO Member States, held in May 2020, to serve as a road map for the Member States in developing educational systems.

    She also highlighted the importance of a holistic approach to reopening schools after the pandemic, in addition to the need to create a space for dialogue with all partner researchers, teachers’ network and civil society, mainly the five pillars of reopening schools, which are: acceptability, accessibility, adaptation, availability and appropriateness, and mental health and well-being.

    The Symposium highlighted recent research, innovations and good practices to improve student learning outcomes in sub-Saharan Africa and encourage the use of research in developing educational systems, along with investing in opportunities to improve educational outcomes, improve teacher training, curricula and assessment, as well as development strategies.

    Three Technological Projects Win Competition of ICESCO Youth Training Programme in Uzbekistan

    The Science and Technology Sector of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) participated in the jury meeting to select three winners out of ten (10) participating teams in the competition of the ICESCO Youth Training Programme on how to develop small businesses in the field of technology and innovation in the Republic of Uzbekistan, implemented in cooperation with ‘New Innovation Space Foundation’ and the business incubator ‘Savana.’

    During the hybrid meeting, held on Wednesday (October 5, 2022), in Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan, and via videoconference, the participating teams made presentations on their businesses before the jury composed of Dr. Muhammad Sharrif, Advisor at the Science and Technology Sector, and his work team, as well as several experts and specialists in the field of entrepreneurship and start-up financing.

    At the end of the meeting, the jury announced the winning teams in the Republic of Uzbekistan. These winners are “Beautify” team, which presented a digital platform that connects service providers to their clients in the field of aesthetics; “Coozin,” which presented a digital platform for the delivery of home-cooked meals; and “Mento,” which won the third place for its platform on enhancing the educational experience and preparing for university entrance exams in developing countries.

    It is noteworthy that this programme targets Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Pakistan and Nigeria. It will be launched in 10 Member States of ICESCO by the end of 2022. It is part of ICESCO’s strategy and action plan, which aims to support more than 150 start-ups in the field of innovation and technology by 2025.

    The jury will select the best three teams from each country to compete in the final stage, which will be held at ICESCO Headquarters, in Rabat, to present their businesses before a number of donor institutions and investors to obtain the necessary funding for their implementation.

    ICESCO takes part in Religious Moussem of Assa-Zag in Kingdom of Morocco

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) took part in the opening ceremony of the Annual Religious Moussem of the Assa-Zag Zaouia, in Assa, Kingdom of Morocco, organized by the Assa-Zag Foundation for Development, Thought and Culture, in cooperation with several institutions. The Moussem is held concurrently with the announcement of the inscription of the Moussem on ICESCO’s Islamic World Heritage List.

    Mr. Najib Rhiati, Cultural Advisor of the Director-General, represented ICESCO in the six-day Moussem, which kicked off today, Tuesday, October 4, 2022. Mr. Rhiati gave an address reaffirming the significance of the inscription of this religious event and its role in safeguarding its spiritual, cultural, artistic, and socio-economic elements. He added that this inscription will enable the competent parties to benefit from the Organization’s extensive expertise and technical support in order to prepare the relevant sector-specific plans and consolidate the components of this cultural heritage, with the ultimate goal of achieving socio-economic and touristic development of the region.

    For his part, Dr. Taleb Bouya Maelainin Laatik, Regional Director of Culture for the Gulemim Ouad Noun Region, hailed the inscription of the Moussem on ICESCO’s Islamic World Heritage List, stressing the importance of such a step to safeguard its elements and preserve the region’s cultural heritage.

    At the close of the ceremony, which was attended by the Governor of Assa-Zag, Mr. Youssef Khayer, two documentaries highlighting the Moussem were screened, followed by a cultural symposium on “Literary Works in the Sahraoui Community”, which brought together a host of intellectuals and literary figures.

    ICESCO and the IsDB Explore Cooperation in Implementing Several Programmes in the Islamic world

    A delegation from the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) held a meeting with several officials in the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), to discuss strengthening cooperation between the two parties and a joint action plan to implement a package of projects in the fields of education, science and culture to support the efforts of the Islamic world in developing these fields.

    The meeting took place on Wednesday, October 5, 2022, at IsDB’s headquarters in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, and saw the participation of ICESCO officials: Ms. Amira El-Fadil, Head of Partnerships and International Cooperation Sector, Dr. Raheel Qamar, Head of Science and Technology Sector, and Dr. Kais Hammami, Director of the Center of Strategic Foresight, and Dr. Mr. Salem Al Habsi, Programme Director at the General Secretariat of National Commissions and conference, and representatives from IsDB: Mr. Amer Bokovic, Acting Director General of the Global Practices and Partnerships Directorate, Mr. Mohamad Shakir Mohamad, Director of the Strategy Department at the Department of Science, Technology and Innovation, and several heads of departments in the bank.

    The meeting touched upon the renewal of the memorandum of understanding signed between ICESCO and the Bank, to include the implementation of a number of programmes and projects in the fields of education, science, technology, innovation, strategic foresight and the promotion of regional cooperation through the transfer of expertise and knowledge exchange by proposing practical projects that meet the needs of the countries of the Islamic world.

    The two parties reaffirmed their eagerness for the distinguished relationship between ICESCO and IsDB, and the importance of their cooperation in implementing programmes and projects that serve the Member States. ICESCO delegation reviewed the Organization’s key programmes in the fields of science, which encourage youth creativity and innovation, in addition to highlighting the importance of ICESCO scientific chairs in various prestigious universities in the world to support scientific research, as well as the Strategic Foresight Center’s main projects, studies, conferences, training programmes and workshops to promote a culture of strategic foresight.

    At the close of the meeting, the two parties agreed to hold meetings at the level of experts, to develop executive plans for some programmes and projects, to be implemented in cooperation between ICESCO and IsDB.

    ICESCO Holds Session on Use of information technology in environmental and health education

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) is holding in Conakry, Republic of Guinea, a training and awareness session on ways to capitalize on information and communication technology (ICT) to promote environmental and health education. The session is held in cooperation with the Guinean National Commission for ICESCO and benefits several school counselors and educational inspectors.

    The four-day session, which kicked off on October 4, 2022, aims at developing national policies that integrate ICT in environmental and health education, building the capacities of technical and educational professionals in this field, producing the necessary digital resources, exchanging expertise and developing a united vision on the mechanism to capitalize on ICT to promote environmental and health education.

    The event’s opening session featured the respective remarks of Mr. Mohamed Ali Sow, ICESCO National Correspondent; Mr. Malik Bah, Director-General of the National Institute for Pedagogical Research and Action in the Republic of Guinea; and Mr. Zouley Yamounou, Secretary-General of Ministry for Pre-University Education and Literacy. The three officials all commended ICESCO’s efforts to promote the educational process and its support for the Republic of Guinea.

    For his part, Dr. Youssef Abou Daka, Program Director at ICESCO’s Sector of Education, stressed the importance of the session, hoping that it would achieve its goals of activating the roles of educational institutions in protecting the environment, promoting health safety and anchoring sound environmental and health practices among students.

    The session addressed a number of themes, notably the reality and prospects of capitalizing on ICT to promote environmental and health education in Guinea and promoting its role in improving the quality of education; and the best educational practices to integrate ICT in education and training.

    On Occasion of World Teachers’ Day ICESCO calls for investment in teachers to transform education as desired

    Believing that teachers are the key pillar in the educational system, and the driving force for achieving quality education, the world celebrates the World Teachers’ Day annually on the 5th of October, which is celebrated this year under the theme “Transforming education begins with teachers.” On this occasion, the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) calls for placing teachers at the forefront of the efforts aimed at transforming education, and restoring the due esteem for the teaching profession in order to develop creative and innovative minds and build balanced and capable personalities.

    In September 2022, the international community announced its commitment to transform education to meet the learning needs of all in the present and future. In this vein, ICESCO recalls the need to realize that teachers are the cornerstone for achieving these hopes. The path towards a true transformation of education is based in the first place on intensifying investment in teachers to provide the required numbers of teachers, prepare and rehabilitate them in order to upgrade their skills and capacities through their appreciation and support to ensure their financial, material and moral stability, and provide incentives that develop their motivation and ensure an adequate working environment.

    In this context, ICESCO stresses the need to bring about a radical and tangible transformation in the conditions of teachers, their training and professional development in a way as to contribute to transforming education as desired. Actually, the teacher we want for tomorrow is totally different from the one we have today. The future teacher needs proactive future thinking skills, critical and creative thinking skills, teamwork skills, skills of action during crises, teaching, assessment, follow-up, and remote communication skills using modern technology as well as emotional stability, psychological and emotional balance, the ability to communicate with others, the ability to work under pressure, and work in all circumstances and conditions.

    ICESCO also calls for expanding investment in modern technologies, employing artificial intelligence applications in the educational process, and attaching great importance to enabling teachers to employ them.

    Fresh Start for Partnership between ICESCO and OIC Signing of MoU for cooperation between the Two Organizations to Serve Muslim Countries

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) signed a memorandum of understanding to set a practical framework for partnership, cooperation, coordination and complementarity between the two parties to better serve Muslim countries in various fields.

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General, and Mr. Hussein Ibrahim Taha, OIC Secretary-General, signed the memorandum of understanding, on Tuesday (4 October 2022), at the OIC headquarters, in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in the presence of several officials, heads of sectors and directors of departments from the two Organizations.

    In his statement, OIC Secretary-General reaffirmed that this memorandum of understanding emphasizes the willingness of the two Organizations to promote their partnership for the benefit of Muslim countries, considering that this is a historic day.

    He also expressed his sincere thanks and deep gratitude to ICESCO Director-General and his delegation as well as all ICESCO’s staff for their outstanding achievements to serve the Member States in the fields of education, science and culture.

    For his part, Dr. AlMalik expressed his happiness at the signing of this memorandum of understanding to develop a partnership between ICESCO and OIC, the umbrella Organization, in such a way as to achieve the common objectives of the two Organizations and support the efforts of their Member States in modernizing education, science and culture.

    Dr. AlMalik thanked the OIC Secretary-General and all the Organization’s staff for the warm welcome and affirmation of the desire to build constructive cooperation with ICESCO.

    The memorandum of understanding aims at promoting cooperation and coordination between the General Secretariat of OIC and ICESCO in the implementation of several projects and programmes in the fields of education, science and culture, disseminating, strengthening and preserving the Islamic values based on moderation, tolerance, civilizational dialogue and peace-building, promoting international awareness of Islamic culture, and encouraging scientific research, innovation, technological development and artificial intelligence to lay solid foundations for knowledge societies.

    The memorandum of understanding provides for setting up a committee for cooperation and coordination, which will include experts, officials and the heads of the sectors of partnership, cooperation, education, science and culture, to supervise the approved programmes and activities, coordinate, follow up on their implementation and assess their outcomes.

    ICESCO Director-General meets with OIC Secretary-General in Jeddah

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), met with Mr. Hissein Ibrahim Taha, Secretary-General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, and together they agreed to widen the scope of partnership and cooperation between the two organizations to support Member States’ sustainable development programs and promote joint Islamic action.

    Following the bilateral meeting, held today Tuesday, October 4, 2022, at the OIC headquarters in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the two officials joined the technical meeting between OIC and ICESCO officials and heads of sectors and departments. The technical meeting focused on highlighting the two organizations’ key programs and projects and explored prospects of cooperation in the implementation of several ones, in addition to discussing proposals for new joint programs and activities.

    Dr. AlMalik and Mr. Taha then listened to a presentation by Amb. Tarek Ali Bekhit, OIC Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian, Cultural and Social Affairs, and Ms. Amira Fadel, Head of ICESCO’s Sector of Partnerships and International Cooperation, which discussed the meeting’s outcomes regarding cooperation in the implementation of several programs and projects to support the Member States, especially in the fields of social development, education, science, culture and communication. The presentation also reflected the two parties’ eagerness to promote coordination and complementarity between the two organizations.

    At the close of the meeting, Dr. AlMalik and Mr. Taha signed an MoU between ICESCO and OIC which provides the general framework for cooperation between the two parties.