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    ICESCO’s Open Education Chair launches first edition of specialized training sessions for Moroccan university students and professors

    Monday, January 29, 2024, marked the launch of the first edition of specialized training sessions organized by the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) at the Ecole Normale Supérieure (Higher School of Teachers) in Martil, Kingdom of Morocco. The training sessions, titled, “Promoting Scientific Research through Strengthening Scientific and Pedagogical Competencies of Ph.D. Students, Youth Researchers, and Professors,” are organized in collaboration with Mohammed V University in Rabat and Abdelmalek Essaâdi University in Tétouan, with the participation of several Moroccan and international experts.

    The three-day, masterclass-style specialized training sessions, conducted both in-person and through videoconference, are part of the activities of ICESCO’s Open Education Chair “For Equitable Access to Comprehensive and Quality Education,” hosted by Mohammed V University in Rabat. This initiative aligns with ICESCO’s efforts to develop scientific research in its Member States in the fields of open education, open educational resources, open educational practices, open science, copyright, authorship, licenses, open data, and personal data protection.

    During the opening of this first edition, which is expected to benefit all Moroccan universities throughout the years 2024-2025, Dr. Khalid Berrada, Director of Higher Education and Pedagogical Development at the Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research, and Innovation of Morocco, Director of ICESCO’s Open Education Chair, commended the effective role of the Organization’s Chair in supporting the national plan to accelerate the transformation of higher education, scientific research and innovation in the Kingdom of Morocco. On his part, Professor Zouhaire Lamrani, Director of the École Normale Supérieure in Martil, highlighted the importance of these training sessions and their contribution to enhancing the scientific and educational skills of Ph.D. students and newly appointed professors.

    Mr. Aziz El Hajir, Program Director at ICESCO’s Education Sector, highlighted the significance of ICESCO’s specialized scientific chairs in the various fields of education, and their role in enhancing the function of universities in the Islamic world and beyond and further developing applied educational research. Mr. El Hajir also lauded the Chairs’ positive impacts on bringing together higher education and modern technology, including supporting excellence and innovation through the integration of modern technology, open educational resources, and the use of artificial intelligence and its relevant services, in accordance with international standards, and in line with current scientific developments.

    3rd Edition of ICESCO International Open Days Concludes its Proceedings

    The third edition of ICESCO’s International Open Days, held over four days by its affiliated International Chairs Network for Thought, Literature, and Arts, in cooperation with Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University and the Arts, Sciences, and Civilizations Chair at the Euro Mediterranean University of Fez, concluded its proceedings on Sunday, 28 January 2024.

    During the opening-day scientific symposium, Dr. Mohamed Zinelabidine, Head of ICESCO Culture and Communication Sector, delivered a presentation themed “Linkages and Connections between Environment and Technologies,” held at Euro Mediterranean University of Fez, in which he reviewed the roles and objectives of ICESCO’s International Chairs Network for Thought, Literature, and Arts, noting that the eight-chair Network operates in several Arab, African, and Latin American countries, and explores different African humanitarian, philosophical, literary, and civilizational issues. On the same day, ICESCO participated in a symposium on cultural policies for sustainable development, held by UNESCO in Paris.

    The second day saw the launch of the cultural projects incubator “Ibdaa,” developed by ICESCO in partnership with the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie for North African countries to supervise the “creative intelligence” projects of more than eighty young people from Tunisia, Morocco, Libya, and Mauritania. The incubator will support 45 pioneering projects by providing a year-round training and capacity-building workshops to establish startups in the field of creative industries and digital cultural economy.

    On the third day, ICESCO’s International Chairs Network for Thought, Literature and Arts held a working session, in Rabat, in partnership with the Center for Technical Study, Knowledge and Practices (CETCOPRA), affiliated to Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University, in the presence of Dr. Caroline Moricot, Vice-President of the University, whereby the two parties agreed to form a joint team of study and research in areas of common interest.

    Major Ceremony Marks Launch of Celebration of Marrakech, Culture Capital in Islamic World for 2024

    The Celebration of Marrakech, Capital of Culture in the Islamic World for 2024, officially kicked off, under the High Patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may Allah assist him, in a major ceremony organized by the Moroccan Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication in cooperation with the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO).

    The ceremony saw the presence of Mr. Enaam Mayara, President of the House of Councillors, Dr. Sami bin Abdullah Al-Saleh, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the Kingdom of Morocco, on behalf of the Saudi Minister of Culture, Mr. Mohamed Mehdi Bensaid, Minister of Youth, Culture and Communication of Morocco, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General, Mr. Farid Chourak, Wali of Marrakech-Safi region, Mr. Mohamed Idrissi, First Deputy Mayor of Marrakech and a host of senior Moroccan officials, accredited ambassadors to Morocco, public figures, writers, intellectuals, artists as well as a broad audience in Meydene theatre.

    The ceremony began with performing the national anthem of the Kingdom of Morocco, followed by a video presentation highlighting the characteristics and features of the historic and ancient city of Marrakech.

    In his address, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik stated that Marrakech is genuinely worthy of bearing the Capital of Culture of the Islamic World for 2024 in view of its abundant natural and historical richness and geographical uniqueness, describing it as a city of life, spirit and harmony. Dr. AlMalik added that the Almoravids laid the building blocks of Marrakech only for the Almohads to elevate its purity and beauty, for the Saadians to overflow its streets with art and welfare and for the Alaouites to transcend it to the pinnacle of glory and prosperity.

    Furthermore, Dr. AlMalik stated that “the Seven Patrons” of Marrakech bestowed upon it the traits of piety, humility, generosity, dedication, and signs of good and that it is in honor of one of them that Cadi Ayyad University was named. The latter jointly coined with ICESCO the groundbreaking concept of “Civilisational Diplomacy” to initiate the world to the paths of wisdom, innovation and excellence. Dr. AlMalik added that the uniqueness of Marrakech lies in the calls of roadside sellers, the wit of the water sellers, the captivating narratives of storytellers in Halqa, the lively vibes of folk music, Dakka Marrakchia, and the unparalleled charm of Jemaa el Fna Square.

    Following, Dr. Salim AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General, and Mr. Mohamed Mehdi Bensaid, Moroccan Minister of Youth, Culture and Communication, handed over the flag of Marrakech, Capital of Culture in Islamic World for 2024, to Mr. Mohamed Idrissi, First Deputy Mayor of Marrakech.

    The celebration of Marrakech, Capital of Culture in the Islamic World for 2024, featured the official song of the ceremony, which will be played at related events during 2024, performed by the Moroccan group “Fnaïre”. The ceremony also showcased many artistic and lyrical performances that entertained the audience and transcended them to the realms of art that abound in the red city.

    Toward the end of the ceremony, Dr. AlMalik recited a poem entitled “The Glorious Marrakech,” which he crafted and tributed to the city.

    ICESCO and the Moroccan Ministry of Culture Announce Details of the Program CelebratingMarrakech as the Capital of Culture in the Islamic World for 2024

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), and Mr. Mohamed Mehdi Bensaïd, the Minister of Youth, Culture, and Communication of the Kingdom of Morocco, announced details of the program celebrating the city of Marrakech as the Capital of Culture in the Islamic world for 2024. The program includes the implementation of activities throughout the entire year, as part of ICESCO’s Capitals of Culture program.

    This announcement was made during a press conference that they held at the Bahia Palace in Marrakech Friday 26 January 2024, in the presence of several Moroccan officials, including Mr. Farid Chouraj, Wali of the Marrakech-Safi Region. Mr. Bensaïd expressed his gratitude to ICESCO for choosing Marrakech as the Capital of Culture in the Islamic world for this year, emphasizing the involvement of all competent authorities in cultural and heritage activities during the celebrations that consolidate the cultural role of the “Red City” on the international level.

    Moreover, the Minister acknowledged the success of the partnership between ICESCO and the Ministry during the celebration of Rabat as the Capital of Culture in the Islamic world, expressing confidence in the repetition of this successful partnership.

    On his part, Dr. AlMalik, in his speech, reaffirmed the place that Marrakech rightfully occupies as the Capital of Culture in the Islamic world, considering its ancient history, rich cultural heritage, as well as its renown for skilled craftsmen and proficient authors. ICESCO Director-General furthermore expressed his belief that Marrakech will fully embody the essence of a Capital of Culture.

    The Director-General elucidated that the Capitals of Culture in the Islamic world program aims to bolster the role of culture in sustainable development, thus cementing the importance of respecting cultural rights and diverse cultures.

    Additionally, he highlighted the development of the program over the past four years, transforming these Capitals into prime cultural destinations and valorizing their cultural wealth. Dr. AlMalik also noted that the selection criteria for these capitals include their historical significance and contributions to culture, heritage, and literature.

    During the Conference, Dr. AlMalik delivered certificates of inscription of a number of tangible and intangible heritage elements in Marrakech on ICESCO’s Islamic world Heritage Lists, to Mr. Mohamed El Idrissi, First Deputy Mayor of Marrakech.

    The Conference also featured a presentation by Mr. Hicham Abkari, Director of Arts at the Moroccan Ministry of Culture, showcasing an outline of the celebratory program and its various activities and initiatives to be implemented throughout the year. Additionally, Mr. Mohamed El Idrissi, First Deputy Mayor of Marrakech, announced the collaboration between the municipal council and civil society to implement various cultural programs and initiatives during the celebration.

    Subsequently, a heritage presentation titled “Nostalgia… Emotion of Yesterday” was delivered, aiming to introduce the history of the Bahia Palace in Marrakech through artistic and theatrical performances that highlight the civilizations that have successively enriched the palace throughout past centuries.

    ICESCO delegation visits Children’s Library and e-Learning Center in Salé, Morocco

    As part of the celebration of the International Day of Education, observed annually on January 24, a delegation from the Education Sector at the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) visited the Children’s Library and e-Learning Center in Salé, Kingdom of Morocco, on Wednesday, January 2024. The Library and Center were established as part of a joint project among ICESCO, the Regional Office for North Africa of the Korean Global Care International (GCI), and the Moroccan National Commission for Education, Science and Culture to promote children’s education and develop the digital field.

    This project aims to raise awareness of the importance of such learning spaces for children and works on developing innovative educational programs and supporting education. The Center provides its services to 30 children and is considered a pilot model to be generated at a large scale in ICESCO’s Member States.

    The delegation was received by the representatives of the GCI Regional Office for North Africa, who introduced the delegation to the various facilities and activities of both the Library and the Center in the field of education.

    During the visit, the ICESCO delegation distributed several electronic tablets offered by Woongin ThinkBig, a Korean company specializing in the field of education and digital technology.

    ICESCO Workshop on Preparing Inventory Lists and Nomination Files for Inscription on Heritage Lists Concludes Proceedings in Cairo

    The workshop on preparing inventory lists and nomination files for inscription on heritage lists concluded proceedings in Cairo, on Tuesday, 23 January 2024. The workshop, held by the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), in cooperation with the Egyptian Ministry of Culture and National Commission for Education, Science and Culture, aimed at developing the capacities of a number of heritage professionals from Egypt and Yemen.

    The workshop closing day witnessed the presence of Dr. Nevin Al-Kilany, Egyptian Minister of Culture, Muammar Mutahar Al-Eryani, Yemeni Minister of Information, Culture and Tourism, Dr. Hisham Azmi, Egyptian Secretary General of the Supreme Council for Culture, and Dr. Sherif Saleh, Supervisor of the Egyptian National Commission for Education, Science and Culture.

    In her address, Dr. Nevin Al-Kilany expressed her hope that this workshop would serve as a model to train as many specialists as possible in heritage conservation amid the regional and global challenges facing this field.

    Likewise, Mr. Al-Eryani highlighted the severe damage to Yemeni heritage sites, stressing Yemen’s interest in preserving tangible and intangible heritage elements.

    For his part, Dr. Osama El Nahas, heritage expert at ICESCO Culture and Communication Sector, stressed the Organization’s keenness to building and developing the capacities of various heritage professionals across all Member States, deeming that the inscription of cultural heritage sites and elements is a first step towards preserving, restoring and benefiting from heritage.

    Additionally, Dr. Sherif Saleh lauded ICESCO’s role in preserving heritage and enhancing the capacities of professionals in the field, commending the role of the Egyptian Minister of Culture and National Commission in ensuring the successful organization of this workshop.

    At the end of the training, the trainees and the facilitators received certificates of participation and appreciation respectively.

    ICESCO Mourns Passing of Royal Advisor and Dean of Moroccan Literature Abbes Jirari

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) mourns the passing of the Royal Advisor, Dr. Abbes Jirari, the eminent scholar, noble thinker and dean of Moroccan literature, who passed away on Saturday, 20 January 2024, after an accomplished career full of achievements in the fields of academia, thought, culture, literature and humanitarian heritage.

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General of ICESCO, for himself and on behalf of all the Organization’s staff, expresses sincere condolences to the family, the king, the government, and the people of the Kingdom of Morocco, beseeching Allah Almighty to bestow his mercy on the late intellectual and grant him the highest paradise.

    At this sorrowful moment, ICESCO Director-General commended the great role the deceased fulfilled in enriching the Arab library with almost a hundred valuable works and solid studies in thought, culture and literature, mainly “Althqafa fi maʿrkat t-tghyir”, “thqafat l-sahrā’”, “Al’adab l-mghrbi mn khlal zwahirih wa qdaiah”, “Mʿjam mstlhat l-mlhun l-fniy” and “Alnagham l-motrib bin l-andalus wa lmgharib”, lauding the significance of the cultural club hosted in the house of the late, which was founded by his father, the scholar and writer Abdallah Jirari, and continued for over 90 years.

    Dr. AlMalik appreciated Dr. Jirari’s admiration for ICESCO’s efforts and his interest in following up with the Organization’s progress over the past four years, including its initiatives and programs, which he expressed during his visit to the International Exhibition and Museum of the Prophet’s Seerah and Islamic Civilization, currently housed at ICESCO Headquarters.

    Moreover, Dr. AlMalik underlined the keenness of the Organization’s General Directorate to celebrate Dr. Jirari and impart his thought and wealth of knowledge to future generations as Dr. Jirari was the guest at the first edition of ICESCO Cultural Forum, on October 22, 2019, and lectured on the “Future Cultural Challenges in the Islamic World,” which was issued later by ICESCO in a book bearing the same title, making it the first edition in the series of Cultural Forum Encounters.

    It is noteworthy that on December 10, 2019, Dr. AlMalik presented a certificate of appreciation and the Organization’s honorary shield to Dr. El Jirari for his remarkable contributions to enriching Arabic literature.

    ICESCO and Egyptian Ministry of Culture hold training session for heritage professionals in Egypt and Yemen

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) is currently organizing a regional training session on preparing inventory lists of heritage elements, and nomination files for inscription in heritage lists. The session being held in collaboration with the Egyptian Ministry of Culture and the Egyptian National Commission for Education, Science, and Culture, aims to provide professionals in the field of heritage from Egypt and Yemen with the necessary skills to prepare inventory lists of heritage elements and nomination files for inscription in heritage lists. The five-day training session, opened on Thursday 18 January 2024, at the Supreme Council of Culture in Cairo, Egypt.

    Key participants included Dr. Nahla Imam, Advisor to the Egyptian Minister of Culture for Intangible Heritage Affairs and Chair of the Board of Trustees of “Beit Al-Turath” (Heritage House), Mr. Ameer Al-Darouss, Permanent Undersecretary at the Ministry of Culture, and Dr. Sherif Salah, representing Dr. Sherif Saleh, Supervisor of the Egyptian National Commission for Education, Science and Culture.

    Representing ICESCO, Dr. Osama Al Nahas, expert at ICESCO’s Culture and Communication Sector, emphasized the Organization’s keenness to preserve heritage, not only as a means of safeguarding identity, but also as a driving force for sustainable development. Additionally, Dr. Al Nahas highlighted ICESCO’s initiative to integrate culture as the 18th of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

    Furthermore, the Expert noted the session’s alignment with ICESCO’s efforts to build the capacities of professionals in heritage-related fields within the Organization’s Member States. Moreover, Dr. Al Nahas stated that ICESCO has thus far successfully registered 631 elements and sites on its Islamic world heritage lists, contributing to their protection and ensuring their optimal use to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

    Two Letters of Thanks from ICESCO’s Executive Council to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and the Saudi Crown Prince

    The participants in the 44th Session of the Executive Council, organized by the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and hosted by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, represented by its National Commission for Education, Culture and Science, sent two letters of thanks and gratitude to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz, and his Crown Prince, HRH Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz, Prime Minister, in recognition of their support for ICESCO and efforts to promote Islamic joint action in education, science and culture.

    The letter sent to King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, co-signed by Dr. Salim AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General and Dr. Dawas Tayseer Dawas, Chairman of ICESCO Executive Council, conveyed the utmost gratitude and appreciation of the Member States’ delegations and representatives of prominent regional and international organizations to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques. The letter also commended Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s remarkable and steady progress in global performance indicators relevant to education, scientific research, innovation, university rankings, inscription of sites on heritage lists, achieving green transformation and consolidating the foundations of sustainable development.

    Likewise, the participants sent a letter to HRH Prince Mohammed bin Salman, expressing their deepest appreciation and highly commending His Royal Highness’s wise leadership of the pioneering developmental achievements underway in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The participants hailed the Kingdom’s significant feats and strides towards a bright future, as inked in its 2030 Vision, the latest of which is winning the hosting of World Expo 2030 and FIFA World Cup 2034.

    Moreover, the participants sent a letter of gratitude to His Highness Prince Badr bin Abdullah bin Farhan Al Saud, Saudi Minister of Culture, President of the Saudi National Commission for Education, Culture and Science, for the warm reception and hospitality extended to the delegations of the Member States taking part in the 44th session of ICESCO’s Executive Council in the prosperous city of Jeddah.

    ICESCO and AGFUND sign MoU to promote cooperation in blended education and community development

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and the Arab Gulf Programme for Development (AGFUND) signed a Memorandum of Understanding to promote cooperation in the areas of blended education, community development, women empowerment, early childhood care, financial inclusion, and the Prince Talal International Award for Human Development.

    The MoU was signed on Wednesday 17 January 2024, by Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General, and HRH Prince Abdulaziz bin Talal bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, AGFUND Chairman, President of the Board of Trustees of the Arab Open University in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The signing took place during the opening session of the 44th ICESCO Executive Council hosted in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

    Over the course of four years, the MoU outlines collaboration between ICESCO and AGFUND in implementing projects and activities related to knowledge exchange and enrichment through human development, empowering women and children in ICESCO Member States, promoting innovation and professional and personal skills for youth through higher education, and sharing best practices for the development of local communities.

    It also provides for organizing joint activities such as workshops, seminars, conferences, and training courses.