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    On the occasion of celebratingof Bandar Seri Begawan as the Asian region’s Capital of Islamic Culture for 2019: Organization of Exhibition on Bandar Seri Begawan Architectural and Monuments Trail

    Bandar Seri Begawan: 23/01/2019

    On the occasion of celebratingof Bandar Seri Begawan as the Asian region’s  Capital of Islamic Culture for 2019: Organization of Exhibition on Bandar Seri Begawan Architectural and Monuments Trail Continue reading “On the occasion of celebratingof Bandar Seri Begawan as the Asian region’s Capital of Islamic Culture for 2019: Organization of Exhibition on Bandar Seri Begawan Architectural and Monuments Trail”

    ISESCO Director General entrusts international expert with supervising academic aspects of nomination files for KSA Award for Environmental Management in Islamic World

    Rabat: 19/01/2019

    ISESCO Director General entrusts international expert with supervising academic aspects of nomination files for KSA Award for Environmental Management in Islamic World Continue reading “ISESCO Director General entrusts international expert with supervising academic aspects of nomination files for KSA Award for Environmental Management in Islamic World”

    On the occasion of the 29th anniversary of the Black January in Azerbaijan ISESCO Director General joins the leadership and the people of Azerbaijan to pay tribute to the martyrs of the brutal Soviet invasion


    On the occasion of the 29th anniversary of the Black January in Azerbaijan ISESCO Director General joins the leadership and the people of Azerbaijan to pay tribute to the martyrs of the brutal Soviet invasion Continue reading “On the occasion of the 29th anniversary of the Black January in Azerbaijan ISESCO Director General joins the leadership and the people of Azerbaijan to pay tribute to the martyrs of the brutal Soviet invasion”

    On the occasion of the proclamation of 2019 as year of Islamic cultural heritage ISESCO Director General holds a press conference

    Rabat: 10/01/2019

    On the occasion of the proclamation of 2019 as year of Islamic cultural heritage ISESCO Director General holds a press conference Continue reading “On the occasion of the proclamation of 2019 as year of Islamic cultural heritage ISESCO Director General holds a press conference”

    In activation of the proclamation of 2019 as year of Islamic cultural heritage ISESCO schedules 37 activities inside and outside the seat country

    Rabat: 08/01/2019

    In activation of the proclamation of 2019 as year of Islamic cultural heritage ISESCO schedules 37 activities inside and outside the seat country  Continue reading “In activation of the proclamation of 2019 as year of Islamic cultural heritage ISESCO schedules 37 activities inside and outside the seat country”