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    On occasion of Pope Francis’ visit, ISESCO Director General reaffirms interfaith cooperation key to firmly establish global peace and security and eliminate hate speech and religious extremism

    Rabat: 06/03/2019

    On occasion of Pope Francis’ visit, ISESCO Director General reaffirms interfaith cooperation key to firmly establish global peace and security and eliminate hate speech and religious extremism Continue reading “On occasion of Pope Francis’ visit, ISESCO Director General reaffirms interfaith cooperation key to firmly establish global peace and security and eliminate hate speech and religious extremism”

    Meeting of Joint Committee in charge of the Celebration of Tunis as 2019 Islamic Culture Capital for the Arab region kicks off

    Tunis: 05/03/2019

    Meeting of Joint Committee in charge of the Celebration of Tunis as 2019 Islamic Culture Capital for the Arab region kicks off   Continue reading “Meeting of Joint Committee in charge of the Celebration of Tunis as 2019 Islamic Culture Capital for the Arab region kicks off”

    On the International Women’s Day: ISESCO calls for improvingwomen’s situation, empowering them, protecting their rights and ensuring their active participation in societal development

    Rabat: 05/03/2019

    On the International Women’s Day: ISESCO calls for improvingwomen’s situation, empowering them, protecting their rights and ensuring their active participation in societal development  Continue reading “On the International Women’s Day: ISESCO calls for improvingwomen’s situation, empowering them, protecting their rights and ensuring their active participation in societal development”

    ISESCO and Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Initiatives hold coordination meeting in Dubai on ways of cooperation to implement ‘Madrasa’ Project and ‘Arab Reading Challenge’ Programme

    Dubai: 03/03/2019

    ISESCO and Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Initiatives hold coordination meeting in Dubai on ways of cooperation to implement ‘Madrasa’ Project and ‘Arab Reading Challenge’ Programme    Continue reading “ISESCO and Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Initiatives hold coordination meeting in Dubai on ways of cooperation to implement ‘Madrasa’ Project and ‘Arab Reading Challenge’ Programme”