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    ICESCO Director-General attends the General Assembly meeting of the Moroccan National Commission for Education, Science and Culture

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), affirmed that the Organization adopts a participatory approach with its Member States’ national commissions, recognizing the pivotal roles of these commissions and seeking to achieve integration and solidarity between them and ICESCO. This was clearly evident during the 44th session of the Organization’s Executive Council, hosted by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in mid-January in Jeddah. The session was preceded by a consultative meeting that included brainstorming sessions between ICESCO leaders and the delegations of national commissions regarding future action plans.

    Dr. AlMalik made these remarks during his participation in the ordinary session of the General Assembly of the Moroccan National Commission for Education, Science, and Culture, which was held on 16 February 2024, at the headquarters of the Regional Academy of Education and Training in Rabat. The meeting was chaired by Dr. Chakib Benmoussa, Minister of National Education, Vocational Training, and Sports, and President of the Moroccan National Commission for Education, Science, and Culture, and attended by members of the General Assembly of the Commission, its Secretary-General, and representatives of UNESCO and ALECSO in Morocco.

    Dr. AlMalik added that the General Assembly meeting of the National Commission is an opportunity for assessment, reviewing achievements, and envisioning ways to enhance cooperation and integration among ICESCO and the Moroccan National Commission, and its partners from international organizations. Moreover, he stressed the support received by the Organization from His Majesty King Mohammed VI, and the Moroccan Government.

    Dr. AlMalik also pointed out the celebration of Marrakesh as the capital of culture in the Islamic world 2024, which began last month under the high patronage of His Majesty. ICESCO, in collaboration with the Ministry of Youth, Culture, and Communication and all relevant ministries, is working to make its program a cultural event worthy of the standing of Marrakesh.

    It is worth noting that the ordinary meeting of the General Assembly of the Moroccan National Commission for Education, Science, and Culture featured the distribution of the Commission’s awards in the fields of education, scientific research, vocational training, and culture.

    ICESCO Director-General receives the First Deputy Speaker of the Iraqi House of Representatives

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), received Mr. Mohsen Al-Mandalawi, First Deputy Speaker of the Iraqi House of Representatives, and his accompanying parliamentary delegation, during their visit to ICESCO’s headquarters in Rabat.

    At the outset of the meeting, held on Friday 6 February 2024, in the presence of Dr. Botan Dizayee, Chargé d’affaires of the Iraqi Embassy in Rabat, and Dr. Abdelilah Benarafa, Deputy Director-General of ICESCO, Dr. Al-Malik reviewed the main axes of the Organization’s vision and strategic directions. His Excellency emphasized that they take root in the Organization’s openness and cooperation with all, for the benefit of its Member States and all Muslim communities worldwide.

    Moreover, the Director-General pointed out that ICESCO has become an innovative organization that promotes the culture of foresight, builds the capacities of women and youth in all fields. Dr. AlMalik furthermore noted that the Organization encourages its Member States to invest in space science and its various applications, supports their efforts to benefit from the potential offered by modern technology, and works to anchor the values of coexistence, peace and civilizational dialogue.

    On his part, Mr. Al-Mandalawi reaffirmed Iraq’s support for ICESCO’s efforts and the Country’s keenness to develop cooperation with the Organization in its areas of competence, praising the multi-faceted remarkable role in contributing to the development of education, science and culture in its Member States.

    ICESCO Director General receives the President of the Senate of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), received Mr. Faisal Akif Al-Fayez, President of the Senate of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, and his accompanying delegation, who visited the International Exhibition and Museum of the Prophet’s Seerah and Islamic Civilization, currently housed at the Organization’s headquarters.

    During the meeting, held on Thursday, February 15, 2024, in the presence of Ms. Jumana Ghunaimat, Ambassador of Jordan to Morocco, Dr. AlMalik reviewed the key aspects of ICESCO’s vision and strategic orientations, which are based on openness and partnerships for the benefit of the countries of the Islamic world and Muslim communities worldwide, highlighting the Organization’s major initiatives, programs and projects that focus on consolidating the values of coexistence and peace, confronting hatred and extremist ideas, building the capacities of youth and women, and promoting the culture of foresight.

    Afterward, the ICESCO Director General took the President of the Jordanian Senate and his accompanying delegation on a tour of the International Exhibition and Museum of the Prophet’s Seerah and Islamic Civilization, being organized in partnership between ICESCO, the Muslim World League, and the Mohammadia League of Scholars. The guests listened to detailed explanations about exhibited elements using modern display techniques to virtually showcase the biography of our Messenger, peace and blessing be upon him.

    At the close of his tour, Mr. Al-Fayez expressed his happiness at visiting this great museum, which thoroughly narrates the biography of the Prophet in a simplified way and addresses all groups, thanking the three organizing parties.

    Next week, ICESCO and Naif Arab University for Security Sciences Hold an International Symposium on Media Education

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and Naif Arab University for Security Sciences of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are holding a scientific symposium, themed “Media Education: Prospects and Aspirations,” on 21-22 February 2024, in cooperation with the Media and Communication Sector of the League of Arab States, the Technical Secretariat of the Council of Arab Information Ministers and the Moroccan Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication. The event aims to explore ways to consolidate the concepts and values of media and information education and encourage efforts geared towards integrating them into various educational curricula to develop critical thinking skills and enhance mechanisms of information collection from reliable sources.

    The symposium, which will be organized in person at ICESCO Headquarters, in Rabat, and shared via videoconference, will witness the participation of ministers, ambassadors, distinguished international figures and researchers specialized in the field of media, information and security education.

    The first-day agenda features the opening remarks by the guests of honor, followed by three working sessions, which will see the participation of prominent figures from the Islamic world and beyond. The first session addresses “Pioneering Arab and international national experiences in spreading media education;” and the second session focuses on the “Importance of media education in enhancing the security and ethical understanding of the expression of opinion: an analysis within the framework of Arab and international media legislations and conventions.” The third session focuses on “Educational media partnership: a strategic vision towards building a sustainable knowledge society.”

    The second day features three working sessions, during which experts and speakers will discuss several topics, including “Requirements for incorporating media education in the educational systems,” “Basics of dealing with media outlets, social media and information sources,” and “Artificial Intelligence and the future of media education.” The symposium will then conclude by issuing its final report and several recommendations.

    The symposium will be broadcast live on ICESCO’s official Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ICESCO.En/live

    On International Day of Women and Girls in Science,ICESCO calls for bolstering women’s participation in building a sustainable future

    On February 11th of each year, the world celebrates the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, and on this occasion, for this year themed: “Women in Scientific Leadership: A New Era for Sustainability,” the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) seizes the opportunity to reaffirm the importance of bolstering the participation of women and girls in the fields of science, to contribute to building a sustainable and prosperous future, based on knowledge, creativity, innovation, and the achievement of excellent scientific research that benefits humanity.

    In this context, ICESCO calls for concerted international efforts to address gender-based discrimination, support girls and women, and provide opportunities for their training in STEM fields, considered as essential levers to achieving peace and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Likewise, the Organization emphasizes that overcoming the major challenges to achieving the SDGs by 2030 requires mobilizing all human resources, including female capacities in scientific fields, especially since the percentage of female researchers worldwide does not exceed 30%.

    As part of supporting its Member States’ efforts to enhance the presence of girls and women in science and scientific research, the Organization has implemented several initiatives, programs, and projects aimed at qualifying women and girls in the fields of technological entrepreneurship, artificial intelligence, data science, smart and sustainable cities. Additionally, ICESCO has been providing direct financial support to women and girls in science through its scholarship programs, on top of organizing many seminars and conferences relevant to the abovementioned fields, chief among which was hosting an international conference on women and university leadership at ICESCO Headquarters, in partnership with Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, to support international efforts geared towards strengthening female leadership in higher education.

    In this regard, ICESCO emphasizes the importance of cooperation and coordination among countries, organizations, and relevant institutions to recognize and acknowledge women’s contributions to scientific research and innovation inside and outside the Islamic world countries throughout history. Moreover, the Organization stresses the necessity of breaking stereotypes and supporting women in overcoming the professional, social, economic, and financial challenges they face on their path toward building better societies.

    Nominations Open for 4th Edition of ICESCO-Hamdan Prize for Voluntary Development of Educational Facilities 2024

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum Foundation for Medical and Educational Sciences are pleased to announce the opening of nominations for the 4th edition of ICESCO-Hamdan Prize for Voluntary Development of Educational Facilities in the Islamic World for 2024.

    Three winners from among charitable bodies, voluntary institutions and donors, who have contributed to the development of educational facilities in the Islamic world countries, will jointly receive USD 300,000 in prize money; each winner will receive the Award Shield and USD 100,000 to be allocated for the winning project or the development of new educational projects to support educational facilities.

    Applications can be submitted either through self-nomination or nomination by third-party recommendation. Applicants must fill in and submit the form, in Arabic or English, no later than 31 October 2024, via the following website: https://tahkeem.ha.ae/login.xhtml .

    The screening committee will select the eligible applications to allow an international jury to evaluate the applications and select the winners. Afterwards, Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum Foundation for Medical and Educational Sciences and ICESCO will hold an official award ceremony.

    Those interested in applying for the prize can contact the organizing party via: hamdan.icesco.prize@ha.ae
    It is worth noting that the Award, which was first launched in 2017, with the support of His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum, may he rest in peace, is part of the partnership and cooperation between ICESCO and Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum Foundation for Medical and Educational Sciences. It aims to incentivize and honor those involved in voluntary initiatives and charitable work in the field of education, and encourage voluntary efforts for the development of new educational facilities, in addition to improving educational infrastructure and facilities in the Islamic world.

    ICESCO Director-General receives the Ambassador of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques in Rabat

    Dr. Salim M. Almalik, Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), received Dr. Sami bin Abdullah Al-Saleh, Ambassador of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques to the Kingdom of Morocco, to discuss ways to enhance the distinguished relations between ICESCO and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the fields of education, science, and culture.

    The meeting, which took place today, 7 February 2024, at the Organization’s headquarters in Rabat, was attended by Dr. Abdelilah Benarfa, ICESCO Deputy Director-General, along with several sector heads and directors of departments within the Organization. Dr. AlMalik expressed his contentment with the partnership between ICESCO and Saudi Arabia, underscored by the recent hosting of the 44th session of the Organization’s Executive Council in Jeddah by the Kingdom, alongside its gracious invitation to host the 15th session of the ICESCO General Conference in 2025.

    Furthermore, Dr. AlMalik reviewed the Organization’s vision and highlighted its most important programs and projects aimed at empowering youth and women and nurturing their skills to meet the professions of the future, enhancing their capabilities in strategic foresight, and promoting the values of coexistence, peace, and civilizational dialogue.

    Dr. AlMalik commended the mutual cooperation agreements between the Organization and the Saudi Kingdom, highlighting notable initiatives such as the Executive Program for Hajj Routes to Makkah Al-Mukarramah and Historical Mosques Project, as well as the Culture Index in the Islamic World Project. He further expressed appreciation for the Kingdom’s unwavering support for the Organization’s programs and projects.

    On his part, the Saudi Ambassador in Rabat commended ICESCO’s development and modernization observed over the past four years, positioning it as a symbol of international cultural prominence. Moreover, he expressed gratitude for ICESCO’s hosting of a group of youth from the Mohammed bin Salman Foundation “Misk” for training across its diverse sectors, who voiced their appreciation for the expertise provided by the Organization’s experts from different nationalities.

    Following the meeting, Dr. AlMalik took Dr. Al-Saleh on a tour of the International Exhibition and Museum of the Prophet’s Seerah and Islamic Civilization, currently housed at the ICESCO headquarters in partnership with the Muslim World League (MWL) and the Mohammedia League of Scholars. They were received by Sheikh Dr. Nasser bin Misfer Al-Qurashi Al-Zahrani, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the International Exhibitions and Museums of the Prophet’s Biography and Islamic Civilization.

    ICESCO and Mohammed VI University Sign a Memorandum of Understanding for Cooperation in Foresight, Scientific Research and Innovation

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and Mohammed VI Polytechnic University in the Kingdom of Morocco signed a memorandum of understanding for cooperation in the fields of innovation, scientific research, foresight, education and young people capacity-building to keep up with the professions of tomorrow and organize joint activities to enhance experience sharing.

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General, and Mr. Hicham El Habti, President of the Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, signed the memorandum, on Tuesday (February 6, 2024), at the Organization’s headquarters, in Rabat.

    In his statement during the signing ceremony, Dr. AlMalik commended the outstanding partnership between ICESCO and Mohammed VI University, hailing the position of this university in the academic scene locally and internationally, and its branches inaugurated outside the Kingdom of Morocco, namely in France, Canada and Côte d’Ivoire.

    Dr. AlMalik stressed that ICESCO, within its strategic vision, is committed to contributing to the advancement of educational fields in its Member States through a number of initiatives, most notably the establishment of academic chairs in cooperation with many universities in Member States and abroad.

    ICESCO Director-General considered that this new agreement with Mohammed VI Polytechnic University reflects a shared vision towards building an innovative and creative future through a number of programs in strategic foresight and artificial intelligence to serve research and education with the view of raising a new generation of leaders capable of building a better tomorrow.

    For his part, Mr. El Habti expressed his happiness with the cooperation between Mohammed VI University and ICESCO to support the Organization’s mission aiming at contributing to the development of science and education in its Member States and the Muslim communities worldwide, adding that the university’s new branches inaugurated outside the Kingdom of Morocco have enhanced the feeling of pride as the South is heading North, which affirms our ability to compete in line with the best international standards.

    The memorandum of understanding sets forth cooperation between ICESCO and the University in implementing a number of programs and initiatives, including “Skills and Jobs of Tomorrow Project,” which aims to identify the necessary skills for the future workforce, and the “Regional Foresight and Human and Local Development Project,” which aims to anticipate and address development needs at the local and regional levels, as well as the establishment of ICESCO Chair at the University, which will serve as a cooperation platform for intellectual exchange and research between the two institutions.

    The memorandum also includes cooperation in implementing the “Peace and Stability Project,” the “Agricultural Value Chain Project,” and organizing the training sessions of specialized master’s, executive master’s and educational programs in foresight and future studies.

    ICESCO announces winners of its award for transforming bio-waste into food bars

    The headquarters of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) hosted an award ceremony for the winners of the first edition of ICESCO’s competition to develop a process to transform bio-waste into food bars to ensure zero hunger. This initiative aligns with the second goal of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the Organization’s Member States. The Event featured the participation of the five teams qualified for the final round of the competition, who presented their projects to a jury of experts, in a bid to secure their position as one of the top three winning teams.

    The Ceremony, attended by a number of Member States’ ambassadors, officials, researchers, and students from international universities, was held today, Thursday, February 1st, 2024. It kicked off with the recitation of some verses from the Holy Quran, followed by a speech by Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General, in which he commended the awarded projects in a world beset by the two-fold challenge of ensuring food security and managing organic waste.

    Moreover, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik praised the qualified teams’ work, emphasizing their innovation and renewal in addressing one of the most pressing issues of our time, i.e., food insecurity. Dr. AlMalik also acknowledged the teams’ wise contributions to achieving the second SDG, which aims to achieve zero hunger, not merely through ending hunger itself, but also by confronting the environmental challenges posed by waste proliferation.

    The Director-General highlighted that the winning teams’ work embodies the focus of ICESCO’s vision and its belief in the power of education, science, and culture to bring about positive change and sustainability, considering the selected youth projects as a testament to the transformative power of modern science and technology when aligned with the human vision to combat food waste.

    In his speech, Dr. Raheel Qamar, Head of ICESCO’s Science and Environment Sector, highlighted the importance of ensuring food security in light of the current challenges that the world is witnessing, which perpetuate the suffering or a significant portion of the world’s population from hunger and malnutrition-related issues, stressing the need to provide solutions likely to help in eradicating this scourge, which is the goal of ICESCO’s organization of this competition.

    On his part, Dr. Ismaila Diallo, expert at ICESCO’s Science and Environment sector, gave a recap presentation of the award, highlighting its broad outlines and objectives. The presentation also included the various stages of submitting nominations, the participating countries, the number of nominations received by ICESCO, project eligibility criteria, ending it with details surrounding the selection of the five qualified teams.

    The jury deliberations resulted in the project “Organic and Secondary Food Waste as a Mechanism for Ensuring Food Security” from Egypt winning the first place, thus receiving $22,500 in prize money. The second place was secured by the project “Borneo” project for food bar production from Malaysia, earning its team $12,500 in prize money, while the third place went to the project bio-waste sourced food bar production from Brunei Darussalam, with the team receiving $5,000 in prize money.

    The jury then decided to award the Pakistani fourth-place team $2,500 in winnings, for their project on producing food bars from chickpeas. At the same 4th place, the team from Malaysia was equally awarded $2,500 for their project “Beco Food Bars’ Healthy Snacks.”

    Discussion of Arrangements for Celebrating Shusha as Culture Capital in the Islamic World and ICESCO’s Participation in COP 29

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), met with Amb. Nazim Samadov, Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the Kingdom of Morocco. The meeting focused on the ongoing preparations to celebrate the city of Shusha as the Culture Capital in the Islamic World for 2024, as well as arrangements for ICESCO’s participation in the 29th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP 29), hosted by the Republic of Azerbaijan later this year.

    During the meeting, held Tuesday 30 January 2024 at the ICESCO Headquarters in Rabat, Dr. AlMalik praised the distinguished partnership between Azerbaijan and the Organization in areas of mutual interest, evidenced by the close collaboration on various programs and activities, particularly concerning youth capacity-building and training, development of scientific research, in addition to the promotion of space sciences and their applications.

    On his part, Ambassador Samadov affirmed Azerbaijan’s full support for ICESCO’s efforts to contribute to the development of its work in the Member States, commending the Organization for implementing programs and projects in the fields of education, science, and culture in the Islamic world.

    The Meeting also addressed the ongoing preparations for launching the celebration of Shusha as Culture Capital in the Islamic World for 2024, expected to take place in May, under the patronage of His Excellency President Ilham Aliyev of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

    Likewise, the two parties discussed the arrangements for ICESCO’s participation in COP 29, to be hosted by Azerbaijan in November 2024 in Baku. The Organization has set up a committee to oversee the final preparations for its delegation’s participation in this major event.

    ICESCO is also set to take part in the upcoming edition of the World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue in Baku.

    Mr. Anar Karimov, Head of ICESCO’s Partnerships and International Cooperation Sector, attended the meeting.