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    Meeting between ISESCO Director General and Ambassadors, Permanent Delegates of African Group at UNESCO to promote cooperation relations between ISESCO and African Member States

    Paris: 09/07/2019

    Meeting between ISESCO Director General and Ambassadors, Permanent Delegates of African Group at UNESCO to promote  cooperation relations between ISESCO and African Member States  Continue reading “Meeting between ISESCO Director General and Ambassadors, Permanent Delegates of African Group at UNESCO to promote cooperation relations between ISESCO and African Member States”

    ISESCO condemns opening of a tunnel in Al-Quds by the Israeli occupation authorities and stresses its continued educational, cultural and scientific support to Palestine and Al-Quds Al-Sharif

    Rabat: 09/07/2019

    ISESCO condemns opening of a tunnel in Al-Quds by the Israeli occupation authorities and stresses its continued educational, cultural and scientific support to Palestine and Al-Quds Al-Sharif Continue reading “ISESCO condemns opening of a tunnel in Al-Quds by the Israeli occupation authorities and stresses its continued educational, cultural and scientific support to Palestine and Al-Quds Al-Sharif”

    As part of his working visit to Paris, ISESCO Director General explores with UNESCO Director General ways to promote cooperation relations in areas of common interest

    Paris: 08/07/2019

    As part of his working visit to Paris, ISESCO Director General explores with UNESCO Director General ways to promote cooperation relations in areas of common interest Continue reading “As part of his working visit to Paris, ISESCO Director General explores with UNESCO Director General ways to promote cooperation relations in areas of common interest”

    In a bid to promote the status of Arabic in non-Arabic speaking countries: ISESCO to host national workshop on university-level Arabic language teaching in Kano, Nigeria

    Rabat: 02/07/2019

    In a bid to promote the status of Arabic in non-Arabic speaking countries: ISESCO to host national workshop on university-level Arabic language teaching in Kano, Nigeria Continue reading “In a bid to promote the status of Arabic in non-Arabic speaking countries: ISESCO to host national workshop on university-level Arabic language teaching in Kano, Nigeria”

    At close of 8th Meeting of the Islamic World Heritage Committee: Approval to inscribe 18 new heritage sites on Islamic World Heritage Committee and Lauding ISESCO Project on inscription of 100 heritage sites in 2019

    Rabat: 20/06/2019

    At close of 8th Meeting of the Islamic World Heritage Committee: Approval to inscribe 18 new heritage sites on Islamic World Heritage Committee and Lauding ISESCO Project on inscription of 100 heritage sites in 2019 Continue reading “At close of 8th Meeting of the Islamic World Heritage Committee: Approval to inscribe 18 new heritage sites on Islamic World Heritage Committee and Lauding ISESCO Project on inscription of 100 heritage sites in 2019”

    8th IWHC Meeting kicks off: Review of technical reports on Israeli aggressions against Al-Aqsa Mosque and its vicinity and examination of inscription files of heritage sites

    Rabat: 18/06/2019

    8th IWHC Meeting kicks off: Review of technical reports on Israeli aggressions against Al-Aqsa Mosque and its vicinity and examination of inscription files of heritage sites Continue reading “8th IWHC Meeting kicks off: Review of technical reports on Israeli aggressions against Al-Aqsa Mosque and its vicinity and examination of inscription files of heritage sites”