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    ISESCO Director General participates in communication meeting on the establishment of a world way for combating Islamophobia

    At the invitation of Dr. Habib El-Malki, President of the House of Representatives of the Kingdom of Morocco, President of the current session of the Parliamentary Union of OIC Member States (PUIC), Director General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, participated in a communication meeting held today morning at the headquarters of the Moroccan House of Representatives headquarters in Rabat. The meeting was attended by the ambassadors of Islamic countries accredited to the Kingdom of Morocco to notify on the proposed initiative to establish a world day on combating Islamophobia.

    On this occasion, the Dr. El- Malki (PUIC) delivered an address, in which he highlighted that the initiative embodies the endeavours of Islamic parliaments to contribute to raising awareness of the dangers of Islamophobia and its contradiction with the values of peace, coexistence, and intercultural dialogue and that it comes in the context of defending Islamic peoples and communities and minorities in non-Islamic countries.

    Dr. El-Malki lauded the positive and proactive response of ISESCO Director General, thanking him for his positive interaction with the idea.

    Afterwards, ISESCO Director General delivered an address in which he stressed that the topic of the meeting is at the forefront of ISESCO’s interests to which it has paid great importance and attached special attention to in its educational, cultural, and communication programs and activities since 2007. It also pays special attention to addressing Islamophobia and stereotypes against Islam and Muslims in the Western media from a professional media and legal perspective.

    In this context, ISESCO has worked toward ensuring the professional treatment of stereotypes against Islam and Muslims in the media, drawing on the document entitled “Curriculum for Training Journalists to Address Stereotypes of Islam and Muslims in the Western Media”.

    Dr. AlMalik pointed out that ISESCO continues to implement an action program in European capitals, which aims at raising awareness of the need to strike a balance between freedom of expression and respect for religious sanctities, and coordinating with intergovernmental and civil society organizations, and urging them to activate charters, covenants and agreements, declarations and resolutions, and national and international laws,  that clearly draw the line between the freedom of opinion and expression, and the various forms of defamation of religions perpetrated by media outlets under the guise of freedom of opinion and expression.

     “Islamophobia is against the movement of history, against international law, and against the will of the world’s sages. It is a serious issue that threatens global peace and security, as it goes beyond the private sphere which includes Islam and Muslims in general, to the public sphere that covers the world and humanity as a whole. The defamation of Islam and the declaration of intellectual and religious war against it would have a negative impact on all religions and their followers”, he added.

    In conclusion, ISESCO Director General stressed that those who direct and instigate Islamophobia are anti-peace groups and human rights offenders, who go against the international consensus on universal values shared between nations and peoples, and stand in the face of the human march to promote dialogue between cultures and alliance of civilizations, and dissemination of the values of tolerance, understanding, and mutual respect among all human beings.

    Later, Dr. Salem Al-Malik presented Dr. El-Malki with some of ISESCO’s publications on Islamophobia and ways to address and eliminate it.

    Thailand Ambassador in Morocco visits ISESCO to explore ways to promote cooperation relations

    The Director General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), Dr. Salim Mohammed AlMalik, received, yesterday in his office, Mr. Darm Boontham, the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Thailand in the Kingdom of Morocco, and explored with him the cooperation relations between ISESCO and the competent parties in the Thai government in areas of common interest, including the development of teaching methods of Islamic sciences and Arabic language for non-Arabic speakers for Muslims in Thailand and neighboring countries such as Cambodia, Myanmar, and other countries.

    For his part, the Ambassador expressed his interest in ISESCO’s programmes and new vision, including the development Waqf (endowment) fund of the Organization, whose structure and management board are being formed, and which will be operational by early 2020.

    It is important to note that the Kingdom of Thailand is an Observer Member of ISESCO.

    In a meeting with ISESCO officials and staff members, ISESCO Director General announces an array of major projects to upgrade working methods and improve staff professional, financial and social situations

    The Director General of the Islamic, Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, announced an array of major projects that aim to upgrade working methods and improve the professional, financial and social situations of staff members, in a meeting he held today afternoon with the officials and staff members at the Organization’s headquarters in Rabat.

    In this regard, ISESCO Director General stated that these projects are part of his new vision to raise the standing of ISESCO and ensure a privileged position for the Organization at Islamic and international levels, in such a way as to fully discharge its civilizational mission and consolidate the outstanding achievements it made in favor of joint Islamic action. He also reaffirmed that these projects would be submitted to the 40th Executive Council, due to be held end of January 2020, in the State of the United Arab Emirates.

    Moreover, Dr. AlMalik highlighted the most important new working mechanisms, namely the amendments made to ISESCO’s Charter and internal regulations using an accurate legal language; the amendments to the Rules of Procedure of the General Conference and the Executive Council, respectively; the revision of Organizational Structure; and the amendments introduced to the Staff Regulations by closing its loopholes in order to improve staff’s financial, professional and social situations. The projects also seek to develop ISESCO’s Midium-Term Strategy in view of keeping pace with the successive mutations in education, science, culture, communication, and catering for Member States’ needs; open ISESCO’s office at UNESCO in Paris, and upgrade the Organization’s website to allow for the publicizing of ISESCO’s projects, programmes, achievements and publications at a larger scale.

    In the same vein, Mr. Najib Rhiati, Director of Culture, delivered a detailed presentation on the main amendments regarding the allowances granted to staff members and the leave and promotion systems, stating that these amendments are unprecedented in the Organization’s history and constitute a comprehensive reform that will allow all staff members, regardless of their ranks and responsibilities, to enjoy more rights within a transparency and justice framework which is conducive to productivity, innovation and excellent performance.

    Afterwards, many staff members put forward suggestions and opinions and inquired about the announced projects. It was also reaffirmed that these reform initiatives are of paramount importance and usher the Organization in a new stage of its history on the marked by justice, equity and promotion of diligence, productivity, development and creativity.

    On the occasion of the International Literacy Day, ISESCO calls for adopting: A new approach to fight literacy in the Islamic world to promote inclusive sustainable development and provide productive employment

    In its statement on the occasion of the International Literacy Day, celebrated on 8 September each year, the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) called on its 54 Member States to strengthen their capacities and join efforts towards achieving literacy, as part of the recommendations of the World Education Forum held in Dakar in 2000, so as to adopt a new approach to achieve the principle of education for all, alongside integrating literacy programs at the heart of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030 on (Promoting constant, inclusive and sustainable economic growth for all, full and productive employment, and providing decent work for all).

    The statement of ISESCO indicated that the recent studies and specialized reports made by its experts within the framework of the new vision of the Organization affirm the strong link between education and economic growth, given that education is among the production factors that contribute to the increase of economic growth rate through the correlation between the average level of education of the population and the annual growth of the gross domestic product per capita.

    Besides, ISESCO indicated that analyzing the relationship between literacy, labor sector, and economic growth reveals that a large segment of the active population, especially in the sectors of agriculture and marine fishing, does not benefit as intended from the services of education, particularly literacy and the informal education. Consequently, this prevents the said segment from fully developing their skills and improving their competitiveness so as to be appreciated in the labor sector.

    Moreover, the statement explained that the relationship between literacy and the sector of technical and professional training, which could rehabilitate human resources and promote employment and production opportunities among the ones who broke free from illiteracy, remains unclear in several Member States. It also called for the adoption of effective and appropriate measures at the level of literacy policies and practices, in close connection with the sectors of professional and economic training, and building links between the national literacy plans and their counterparts in the field of development in all the economic sectors.

    Based on its new vision, ISESCO recommended that the literacy and informal education programs for uneducated or dropout adults and teenagers should be based on references relevant to daily life skills, and focus on the labor market in many sectors including agriculture, ranching, marine fishing, traditional handicraft, and energy and mineral resources. Therefore, the training modules on income-generating activities for women strengthened by post-integration support would have a significant impact in promoting employment opportunities and economic growth among women.

    ISESCO called on the Member States to strengthen the literacy and informal education systems with high quality indicators in the field of follow-up and assessment, provide courses between the programs of literacy and professional and technical training and formal education systems, and establish an effective partnership between the sector of literacy and professional training and the employers so as to meet to the current and future employment requirements.

    In the light of the new vision of ISESCO, the Organization called for keeping pace with the modern labor mobility distinguished by global competitiveness and the globalization of markets. According to the statement, the establishment and use of the information and communication technology in the work field, it becomes mandatory to take into account the dimension of digital literacy in order to merge the acquirement of necessary knowledge in reading, writing, and arithmetic, and the use of modern technologies as productive work tools.

    Furthermore, ISESCO recommended integrating the dimension of the working environment in the literacy training programmes, so employees and learners receive the new requirements of professional rehabilitation, which include the quality and safety criteria and restructuring work and production methods related to the information tools.

    In addition, ISESCO affirmed that promoting inclusive and sustainable development, insuring the full and productive employment, and providing decent work for all fall within the framework of the human sustainable development philosophy, which goes beyond the economic growth with its likely economic and social disparities. Moreover, the Organization stressed on the necessity for the literacy programmes to achieve growth and productivity to confirm inclusiveness through considering the marginalized groups such as women, people with special needs, rural populations, remote areas, and conflict zones…etc.

    The statement of ISESCO stressed on the importance for the strategies of literacy in the national policies to move beyond the traditional concept of economy and to engage in the movement of (Green Growth) and seek (social cohesion), while promoting the economic sectors of development through integrating the dimensions of environmental education, health education, population welfare, and citizenship education, and strengthening the shared human values and other modern concepts during the post-literacy stage to achieve the viability of literacy policies in the Muslim world, as a gateway to a society of abundance, progress, and prosperity.

    New Hijra year 1441H Greetings from ISESCO’s DG


    Rabat :08/30/2019

    On the occasion of the new Hijra year 1441, Dr Salim M. AlMalik, Director General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), is pleased to extend his warmest greetings and sincerest wishes to the heads of Member States, to the members of the Executive Council and General Conference and to the broader Muslim community the world over, praying Almighty Allah for peace and well-being for all.

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