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    In an address he delivered at the opening of the Eight Islamic Conference of Environment Ministers: Dr. Salim AlMalik announces that ISESCO has taken upon itself to fully become an eco-friendly institution and calls on Muslim peoples to tirelessly and unwaveringly contribute to the protection and preservation of their environment and its treasures.

    The Director General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, in an address he delivered today morning at ISESCO headquarters, at the opening of the Eighth Islamic Conference of Environment Ministers, reaffirmed that the blue planet is not all right because it endures a massive destruction of its ecosystem. He added that natural resources have been polluted, the habitats of plant and animal species degraded and the people who have been displaced by drought and natural disasters outnumbered refugees of wars and racial conflicts. If this situation persists, ISESCO Director General warns, about 700 million people, mostly from the Islamic world, will be forced to flee their areas by 2030.

    Moreover, Dr. AlMalik stated that reliable reports issued by specialized institutions and bodies disclose horrible figures and awful facts about climate change raising real concerns about the warming of the planet and pointing to brewing disasters and tragic effects for natural resources, particularly as the number of disasters have soared from 599 disasters in 2002 to 1100 in 2017.

    In this context, ISESCO Director General wondered about the usefulness of international conventions on climate as long as superpowers are responsible for the largest share of gas emissions that cause global warming, do not honor their commitments to the international community with regards to a human issue such as this one, and absolve themselves of the legal responsibilities they have committed themselves to at Paris Summit, amid the prevalence of short-term interests driven by the commercial and industrial greed.

     “Despite the contemporary environmental crisis, our hope lies with Allah and our great Islamic world, our hope resides in joining our efforts, our hope resides in joint action inside and outside the Islamic world. We also hope that serious and quality initiatives be taken to protect and preserve the environment”, ISESCO Director General concluded.

    In the same vein, Dr. AlMalik reaffirmed ISESCO’s willingness to cooperate in developing action programmes with any initiative from the Member States of the Islamic world and that ISESCO has taken upon itself to fully become an eco-friendly institution following international regulations and standards in the operation of its daily work and activities carried out with Member and non-Member States.

     It is worthy to note that the Conference agenda features the examination of a number of reports and draft documents relevant to the issues of the environment and sustainable development in the Islamic world. They include the Report of the Fifth Meeting of the Islamic Executive Bureau for the Environment; the Report on ISESCO’s Efforts in the Fields of the Environment and Sustainable Development between the Seventh and Eighth Sessions of Islamic Conference of Environment Ministers; the Progress Report on the Creation of the Islamic Academy for the Environment and Sustainable Development; the Report on the KSA Award for Environmental Management in the Islamic World; the Report on the Celebration of the Environment-Friendly Islamic Capitals; and ISESCO’s Report on the Executive Action Plan for Natural Disaster and Risk Reduction and Management in Member States.

     As for the projects, the Conference will examine the establishment of a joint Islamic Network for Sustainable Development; the Draft Strategy for the Activation of the Role of Cultural and Religious Factors in Protecting the Environment and Achieving Sustainable Development in the Islamic World; and the Draft Guidance Document on Strengthening the Role of Youth and Civil Society in the Protection of the Environment and Achievement of Sustainable Development in the Islamic World.

    The Conference will also witness the delivery of the statements and reports of heads of delegations, the election of the members of the Islamic Executive Bureau for the Environment and the fixing of the date and venue for the Ninth session.

    The eighth session of the Conference is held seventeen years after the first session in 2002 in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia which laid the foundations for joint Islamic action in the field of the environment by adopting a founding document titled “Jeddah Commitments for Sustainable Development”.

    In a message addressed to the Eighth Islamic Conference of Environment Ministers: His Majesty King Mohammed VI of Morocco commends ISESCO’s efforts to promote joint Islamic action and announces the start of the establishment of Islamic Academy for Environment and Sustainable Development

    The King of the Kingdom of Morocco, Mohammed VI, commanded the efforts invested by the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) in the promotion of multi-faceted joint Islamic action, namely in the environmental field, thanks to its largely important academic, cultural and religious dimensions necessary to achieve sustainable development and protect the environment.

    This came in a message His Majesty addressed to the participants in the Eighth Islamic Conference of Environment Ministers, which kicked off today morning, at ISESCO headquarters in Rabat, under His Majesty’s high patronage.

    In his message, His Majesty King Mohammed VI reiterated his congratulations to Dr. Salim M. AlMalik on his appointment as ISESCO Director General and wished him every success in his new mission.

    His Majesty also stated that Morocco has taken the first steps toward setting up the Islamic Academy for the Environment and Sustainable Development as being a an ambitious academic project that aims to deepen academic thinking, raise awareness about the current and future environmental and development challenges and determine how to tackle challenges in the areas of governance, science, technology and capacity-building. In addition, His Majesty revealed that one of the Academy’s objectives is to be a leader in the field of sustainable development, while being keen on using working methods inspired by Islamic culture with regards to exploiting natural resources.

    “The fact that necessary measures must be taken to ensure that the Academy is affiliated with the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has been emphasized. This would enable the Academy to use international cooperation mechanisms in order to ensure optimal performance and play its role fully within the OIC by interacting with similar regional and international institutions”, his Majesty added.

    In addition, the royal message pointed out that the issues pertaining to the environment and sustainable development are among the major challenges faced by the world, citing the fact that many international studies point to an unprecedented depletion of natural resources, a dramatic rise in pollution levels and a major disruption of the global environmental balance. This situation, His Majesty added, has serious and alarming consequences for the planet today, including evident adverse impacts on the economic, social and health situation.

    In this vein, His Majesty underscored that pressing environmental problems and their negative effects, on which political and geographical borders have no bearing, can be tackled through close cooperation between states and that no single country can effectively address these problems on its own, whatever its capacities.

    The royal message also touched on the efforts Morocco delivers to develop the mechanisms specific to environmental action. In this regard, His Majesty stated that his country had embarked on a collective mobilization process, domestically and at the international level and had been pursuing a proactive policy for the preservation of the environment, through mustering energies and pooling efforts for the achievement of sustainable development, in which the preservation of the environment is mainstreamed in all development plans and sectoral development strategies. He also added that enshrining the right to a safe environment in the Constitution was one more step that established Morocco’s resolute commitment to environment preservation.

    The royal message also highlighted Morocco’s involvement in accelerating the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030 by the adoption of the National Strategy for Sustainable Development, for which a participatory approach was used to integrate socioeconomic and environmental dimensions based on a clear constitutional and legal frame of reference.

     As part of this strategy, His Majesty asserts, a framework for governance and a set of sectoral plans for sustainable development have been established with a view to promoting the transition to a green economy by 2030.

    His Majesty announced the creation of a competence center on climate change as a means to accompany and support national actors and promote South-South cooperation, particularly with Muslim and African countries.

    Moreover, His Majesty announced that his country had set for itself the goal of reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 42% and that this objective would be achieved mostly through the implementation of the National Energy Strategy under which Morocco seeks to increase the share of electricity generation from renewable energy sources through several major pilot projects that concern solar, wind and hydro power.

    His Majesty also stressed the importance of collective environmental action and its role in strengthening joint Islamic cooperation through complementarity, coordination and the exchange of know-how and experiences between Muslim countries.

    At the close of his message, His Majesty expressed confidence that the constructive academic debate and the appropriate proposals and recommendations that will be made at this important conference will have a positive impact on the promotion of environmental and sustainable development issues in the Islamic world.

    Under the high patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI of Morocco: Eighth ICEM kicks off at ISESCO headquarters in Rabat

    Today morning, at the headquarters of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) in Rabat, the Eighth Islamic Conference of Environment Ministers (ICEM), kicked off under the high patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI of Morocco. the Conference is held by ISESCO, in cooperation with the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the General Authority of Meteorology and Environmental Protection in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, under the theme “The Role of Cultural and Religious Factors in the Protection of the Environment and Sustainable Development”.

    During the opening session, Mr. Mohamed Laaraj, Minister of Culture and Communication of the Kingdom of Morocco, read out the royal message addressed by King Mohammed VI to the Conference. Afterwards, addresses were given by Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ISESCO Director General; Mr. Aziz Rabbah, Vice-President of the Eighth ICEM session, Minister of Energy, Mines and Sustainable Development of Morocco; Dr. Yousef  Al-Othaimeen, Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC); and Her Royal Highness Princess Soumaya bint Al-Hassan, President of the Royal Scientific Society (RSS) of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

    This session also featured the award ceremony of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Award for Environmental Management in the Islamic World (KSAAEM – 2018/2019), during which Dr. Abdulrahman Al-Tariki, President of KSAAEM Higher Committee, General President of the General Authority of Meteorology and Environmental Protection in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia gave his address. 17 winners from 13 Islamic countries received the Award, divided into the Award’s five categories: best research works in the field of environmental management, best practices in the field of  environmental management in the public sector in Member States, best practices in the field of environmental management in the private sector in Member States, best leading practices in the field of  environmental management  in NGOs that can be replicated in Member States, and best environmentally-friendly Muslim cities.

    The opening session brought together a number of ministers from of the Moroccan Government, Environment Ministers from  OIC Member States or their delegates, Chairman of ISESCO Executive Council, Director General of the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO), members of the diplomatic corps accredited to Rabat, representatives of many regional and international organizations, political and academic figures, and representatives of the local, Islamic and international media outlets.

    It is worth noting that the Conference will discuss a number of reports and draft documents pertaining to the issues of the environment and sustainable development in the Islamic world, namely the Report of the 5th Meeting of the Islamic Executive Bureau for the Environment; Report on ISESCO’s Efforts in the Fields of Environment and Sustainable Development between the 7th and 8th  Sessions of the Islamic Conference of Environment Ministers; and the Progress Report on the Creation of the Islamic Academy for the Environment and Sustainable Development. The Conference will also discuss the Report on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Award for Environmental Management in the Islamic World (KSAAEM); the Report on the Programme of the Celebration of the Islamic World Environmentally-Friendly Capitals; and the Report on the Executive Action Plan for Natural Disaster Risk Reduction and Management in Member States.

    Likewise, the Conference will also review the following projects and documents: the Project of the Establishment of the Islamic Network for Environmental Action and Sustainable Development; Draft Strategy for the Promotion of the Role of Cultural and Religious Factors in Protecting the Environment and Achieving Sustainable Development in the Islamic World; and the Draft Guidance Document on Strengthening the Role of Youth and Civil Society in the Protection of the Environment and Achievement of Sustainable Development.

    The statements and reports of the heads of delegation of Member States and international organizations will be also presented, the members of the Islamic Executive Bureau for the Environment elected; and the date and venue of the 9th  Conference session set.

    The Islamic Conference of Environment Ministers holds its 8th session 17 years after its first, held in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in June 2002, which laid the ground for joint Islamic action in the field of environment by adopting the founding document entitled “Jeddah Commitments for Sustainable Development”.

    ISESCO Director General receives Chairman of ISESCO Executive Council

    The Director General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ISESCO Director General, today in his office, received the Chairman of ISESCO Executive Council, Dr. Boubakar Doukouré. The two parties discussed the ongoing preparations for holding the Eighth Islamic Conference of Environment Ministers, which will kickoff this Wednesday at ISESCO headquarters, and the 40th session of the Executive Council, to be held in Abu Dhabi, State of the United Arab Emirates, in January 2020.

    ISESCO Director General receives SESRIC Director General

    The Director General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), Dr. Salim M. Almalik, today morning in his office, received the Director General of Ankara-based Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre (SESRIC), Dr. Nebil Dabur.

    During this meeting, the two parties explored ways to promote cooperation and expand its prospects in the areas of common interest.

    For the record, the Joint Committee of ISESCO and SESRIC holds a meeting today at ISESCO headquarters to explore ways to promote cooperation between the two institutions over the period 2020-2022 and discuss the progress report on the fields of cooperation.

    It is worth mentioning that the Centre, an OIC subsidiary organ, was established in 1977 and started operating in June 1978 in Ankara, Republic of Turkey. Among the key missions of SESRIC are collating, processing and disseminating socio-economic statistics and information; studying and evaluating the economic and social developments in the member countries to help generate proposals that will initiate and enhance co-operation among them; and organizing training programmes in selected fields geared to the needs of the member countries as well as to the general objectives of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.

    KSAAEM Higher Committee holds its third meeting at ISESCO headquarters in Rabat

    The headquarters of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) hosted, today morning, the third meeting of the Higher Committee of the Award of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for Environmental Management in the Islamic World (KSAAEM). The meeting was co-chaired by Dr. Abdulrahman bin Sulaiman Al-Tariki, President of the Award’s Higher Committee, and Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ISESCO Director General, Secretary General of the Award.

    The Committee was represented in this meeting by Mr. Bandar bin Dulaim Al-Asmari, Dr. Hussain Mohammad Al-Qahtani, and Dr. Ahmad Al-Ansari, and Mr. Mohammed Fouad AlBakri, while ISESCO was represented by Dr. Amina Al-Hajri, Mr. Mohamed Ghemari, Dr. Ahmed Said Ould Bah, Dr. Nabeel Anwar, Mr. Najib Rhiati, Dr. Abdelmajid Tribak, Dr. El Mahjoub Bensaid, Mr. Sami Al Qamhaoui, Mr. Ali Akdim, and Mr. Amine Errahmane Achargui. The Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) was represented by Dr. Abdelhakim Al Waer.

    At the meeting’s opening session, addresses were delivered by President of the Award’s Higher Committee, and ISESCO Director General wherein they both extended their thanks to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz, for his keen interest in the issues of the environment and sustainable development, his eagerness to promote joint Islamic action in different fields; and his continued support for the Award. They also highlighted the importance of this Award and its role in promoting scientific research in the fields of environment and sustainable development, and raising awareness of the importance of protecting and preserving the environment.

    Items of the meeting’s agenda included a presentation on the activities of the Award’s General Secretariat, Academic Report on the Award’s Second Edition, presentation on the work of the jury, adopting the list of winners, and looking into the Award’s future action programmes. The meeting also reached agreement on a number of proposals aiming at developing the Award’s organizational, academic and media-related dimensions.

    It is worth noting that the General Authority of Meteorology and Environmental Protection of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia supervises the Award while ISESCO is in charge of managing its General Secretariat. The Award covers five categories, namely best research works in the field of environmental management, best practices in the field of  environmental management in the public sector in Member States, best practices in the field of environmental management in the private sector in Member States, best leading practices in the field of  environmental management  in NGOs that can be replicated in Member States, and best environmentally-friendly Muslim cities.

    The Award is to be handed to its winners (17 winners from 13 Muslim countries) during the opening ceremony of the Eighth Islamic Conference of Environment Ministers, to be held on 2 October 2019, at ISESCO headquarters.

    At the close of the meeting of a joint commission between ISESCO and the Tunisian Ministry of Cultural Affairs: Agreement on organizational measures for the closing ceremony of the celebration of Tunis Capital of Islamic Culture, and holding the 11th Islamic Conference of Culture Ministers

    The third meeting of the Joint Preparatory Commission between the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) and the Tunisian Ministry of Cultural Affairs concluded yesterday in Tunis. The meeting was held at the Ministry’s headquarters on 23-24 September to discuss arrangements for organizing the closing ceremony of the 2019 celebration of Tunis as the Arab Region’s Capital of Islamic Culture and the Eleventh Islamic Conference of Culture Ministers.

    The minutes of the meeting were signed by Dr. Mohamed Zine El Abidine, Minister of Cultural Affairs of the Republic of Tunisia, and Mr. Mohamed Ghemari, ISESCO Director of the Secretariat of the Executive Council, the General Conference and Specialized Ministerial Conferences.

    The minutes include organizational arrangements, commitments and procedures for the closing ceremony of the 2019 celebration of the Arab region’s Capital of Islamic Culture and the eleventh Islamic Conference of Culture Ministers.

    It was agreed to organize the closing ceremony of the Tunis celebration on 18 December 2019, under the auspices of H.E. the President of the Republic of Tunisia, in the presence of ISESCO Director General, Ministers of Culture of the Member States, heads of international and regional organizations, and members of the Islamic Diplomatic Corps accredited to Tunisia. Attendees will also include a host of political and intellectual figures and heads of organizations and constitutional bodies in the Republic of Tunisia. The programme of the ceremony includes cultural events, artistic performances and exhibitions, and visits to cultural and religious sites, including the Zaytuna Mosque, Bardo Museum and City of Culture.

    Additionally, it was confirmed that the eleventh Islamic Conference of Culture Ministers will take place on 17-19 December 2019, in Tunis, under the auspices of H.E. the President of the Republic of Tunisia. The commission also confirmed the agreement on the obligations of the Ministry of Cultural Affairs and ISESCO, in accordance with the organizational arrangements and tasks set out in the agreement signed between the ISESCO Director General and the Minister of Cultural Affairs on 29 November 2018 in Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain. The Tunisian Ministry of Cultural Affairs proposed holding the fourth meeting of the preparatory commission for the conference in Tunis on 1-2 December, to agree on the latest organizational preparations and the opening ceremony of the conference, visit the participants’ accomodation and the venue of the conference sessions, discuss the organizational arrangements and prepare the program of the closing ceremony of the Tunis celebration on 18 December 2019.

    Held at the invitation of the Minister of Cultural Affairs of the Republic of Tunisia, the meeting was attended by ISESCO’s Director of the Secretariat of the Executive Council, the General Conference and Specialized Ministerial Conferences, Mr. Mohamed Ghemari; Cultural Advisor of ISESCO Director General, Dr. Abdelilah Benarfa; Ms. Ghizlane Bentaouit of the Secretariat of the Executive Council, the General Conference and Specialized Ministerial Conferences; along with officials and staff from the relevant directorates of the Ministry, representatives of the Ministries of Interior and Foreign Affairs, Education, Health, Tourism and Handicrafts in the Tunisian Government, the Governor and the Mayor of Tunis.

    ISESCO and OECD hold coordination meeting

    Today, at the headquarters of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), a coordination meeting was held between ISESCO and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). During the meeting, the two parties discussed proposals, prospects and programs of cooperation in education for the benefit of ISESCO Member States, particularly in the development of educational policies, the establishment of statistical indicators, the evaluation of educational performance, educational forecasting, and planning for future educational systems.

    The meeting was attended by ISESCO Director of External Relations and Cooperation and Supervisor of the Directorate of Education alongside a number of experts from the two directorates, as well as Elizabeth Fordham, Senior Advisor for Global Relations at the OECD Directorate for Education and Skills and Ms. Soumaya Maghnouj, Officer of capacity development progammes.

    Pakistan Ambassador to Rabat visits ISESCO

    The Director General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, today in his office, received Mr. Hamid Asghar Khan, Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan accredited to the Kingdom of Morocco.

    During the meeting, the parties discussed the outstanding cooperation relations between the Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and ISESCO and explored a number of issues of common interest as part of ISESCO’s areas of competence and Three-Year Action Plan for 2019-2021.

    Under high patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI of Morocco: Islamic Conference of Environment Ministers to hold eighth session at ISESCO headquarters, Rabat

    The Islamic Conference of Environment Ministers will hold its eighth session on 2-3 October 2019 at the headquarters of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) in Rabat, under the theme “the Role of Cultural and Religious Factors in the Protection of the Environment and Sustainable Development”, under the high patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI of Morocco, and the effective presidency of H.R.H Princess Lalla Hasnaa, President of the Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection.

    ISESCO supervises the organization of the Conference, in cooperation with the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture and the General Authority of Meteorology and Environmental Protection in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

    The Conference will bring together environment ministers from OIC Member States and representatives of relevant international and regional organizations.

    At the end of the closing session, the KSA Award for Environmental Management in the Islamic World (Edition 2018-2019) will be presented to 17 candidates from 13 Islamic countries, in these five categories: “Best research in the field of environmental management”, “Best applications of environmental management in government bodies in Islamic countries, “Best applications of environmental management in the Public sector in Islamic countries”, “Best leading practices in the field of environmental management for public utility and private associations that can be replicated in the Islamic world”, and “Best environment-friendly Islamic city”.

    The Conference agenda features the examination of a number of reports and draft documents relevant to the issues of the environment and sustainable development in the Islamic world. They include the Report of the Fifth Meeting of the Islamic Executive Bureau for the Environment; the Report on ISESCO’s Efforts in the Fields of the Environment and Sustainable Development between the Seventh and Eighth Sessions of Islamic Conference of Environment Ministers; the Progress Report on the Creation of the Islamic Academy for the Environment and Sustainable Development; the Report on the KSA Award for Environmental Management in the Islamic World; the Report on the Celebration of the Environment-Friendly Islamic Capitals; and ISESCO’s Report on the Executive Action Plan for Natural Disaster and Risk Reduction and Management in Member States.

     As for the projects, the Conference will examine the establishment of a joint OIC Committee for Sustainable Development; the Draft Strategy for the Activation of the Role of Cultural and Religious Factors in Protecting the Environment and Achieving Sustainable Development in the Islamic World; and the Draft Guidance Document on Strengthening the Role of Youth and Civil Society in the Protection of the Environment and Achievement of Sustainable Development in the Islamic World.

    The Conference will also witness the delivery of the statements and reports of heads of delegations, the election members of the Islamic Executive Bureau for the Environment and the fixing of the date and venue for the Ninth session.

    The eighth session of the Conference is held seventeen years after the first session in 2002 in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia which laid the foundations for joint Islamic action in the field of the environment by adopting a founding document titled “Jeddah Commitments for Sustainable Development”.