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    ICESCO and Mohammadia League sign agreement to immunize youth against extremism

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) headquarters in Rabat, hosted, Monday morning, the signing ceremony of an agreement between ICESCO and the Mohammadia League of Religious Scholars in the Kingdom of Morocco.

    On this occasion, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director General, held a meeting with Dr. Ahmed Abbadi, Secretary General of the League, in the presence of delegation of the League leaders, and ICESCO leaders and experts.

    Dr. AlMalik opened the meeting with a speech, in which he welcomed the Secretary General of the League and the accompanying delegation, and praised the great attention that King Mohammed VI accords to knowledge and scholars, in addition to the special attention he gives to ICESCO, adding that this attention presents us with the great challenge of achieving both His Majesty’s and the Islamic peoples’ objectives.

    The Director General added that the cooperation agreement, which is being signed today with the Mohammadia League, is founded on preparing guides for fortification against extremist discourse, organizing qualifying programs and national training sessions in that area, holding lectures and a guide for the monitoring and assessment of immunization progress, preparing an encyclopedia on the deconstruction of extremist discourse, and networking universities in terms of research in Islamic sciences.

    ICESCO Director General concluded his speech by emphasizing the urgent necessity to achieve the goals of this agreement in the shortest possible time, adding that the entire Organization is putting this agreement at the center of its attention, and will strive to implement the initiatives included therein.

    Then, Dr. Ahmed Abbadi, Secretary General of the Mohammadia League delivered a speech in which he thanked Dr. AlMalik and ICESCO for the fruitful and continuous cooperation with the League, and said that the agreement being signed today between the two sides aims to achieve two goals. The first is to seek further functionality for scientific research in the fields of humanities and social sciences, and the second is to develop the necessary activities and applications to “immunize” youth against extremism and terrorism.

    Afterwards, Najib Rhiati, Director of Culture at ICESCO, delivered a speech in which he praised the cooperation between the two sides, and said that the agreement includes 6 projects, three of them aim to rebuilding mechanisms to achieve the transition from fortifying youth in the Islamic societies to immunizing them against extremism and terrorism, namely preparing guides for persons active in combating extremist ideology and terrorism, and implement training sessions to facilitate the interaction of those individuals with the guides, and then evaluate training sessions and guides to assess their effectiveness.

    Then, Dr. Abdelilah Benarafa, Cultural Advisor to the Director General of ICESCO, took the floor and mentioned that the other three projects aim at bringing together scholars and youth in the Islamic world, affirming that scholars must reach out to youth and open dialogue channels with them, be aware of their hopes and aspirations, and deal with them closely. He added that these projects include networking universities and research centers, giving lectures in the field of humanities research, and working on preparing an encyclopedia on the deconstruction of the extremist discourse.

    At the end, Dr. AlMalik and Dr. Abbadi signed the cooperation agreement between the two sides.

    ICESCO supports Old Salé Prize for Handicraft and Traditional Creations

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) will take part at the first Edition of Old Salé Prize for Handicraft and Traditional Creations, in the Kingdom of Morocco, awarded by Bouregreg Association to excellent creators of traditional handicraft products.

    In this regard, ICESCO granted a financial support to the Prize’s current edition, being held in cooperation with the Chamber of Crafts of the Region of Rabat-Salé-Kenitra, Rabat Memory Association in Salé, and the National Association for the Conservation of Heritage and Handicrafts.

    The Prize will be awarded on 28 February 2020 at Riwaq Bab Fez, Salé, to a number of skillful artisans in recognition of their efforts to upgrade and promote the tangible heritage of the old city of Salé.

    ICESCO will be represented in this ceremony by Mr. Mustapha Eid, Expert at the Directorate of Culture and Communication.

    Exploring prospects of cooperation between ICESCO and UNAOC

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), and Mr. Miguel Moratinos, High Representative for the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC), explored ways to promote cooperation between the two Organizations to strengthen coexistence and dialogue between cultures, in light of the great changes and challenges facing the world today.

    At the outset of the meeting, which took place today, Friday, at ICESCO headquarters in Rabat, Dr. AlMalik welcomed Mr. Moratinos and his delegation, stressing that ICESCO’s new vision adopts openness, cooperation and effective partnerships with all entities in its areas of competence, namely education, science and culture, as it seeks to serve Muslims in its 54 Member States and Muslim communities in non-Member States as well.

    Moreover, ICESCO Director General explained that in order to widen the scope of cooperation with non-Member States, the Organization is establishing contact with many of them regarding becoming Observer States in the Organization. He added that one of the manifestations of ICESCO’s openness was the “Forum Future”, which it organized in cooperation with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation at its headquarters on 17-18 February. The Forum brought together more than 30 experts working at international organizations such as UNESCO and other eminent bodies, specializing in strategic foresight and artificial intelligence and coming from different countries, some of which are not ICESCO Member States.

    For his part, Mr. Moratinos thanked ICESCO Director General for his warm welcome, praising ICESCO’s important role in its areas of competence, and stressing that it is one of the organizations that the Alliance of Civilizations would cooperate and work with in many fields, especially those related to the dialogue between cultures, which is becoming ever more important and complex. He added that at a time when there is ongoing talks about the need to protect the environment and save the planet from global warming, there is also a need to preserve our humanity, learn about coexistence and mutual respect, and understand the existence of different religions, cultures and civilizations.

    Mr. Moratinos called on ICESCO to cooperate and participate in the Ninth Global Forum of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations, to be held on 29 November- 01 December 2020, in Fez, Kingdom of Morocco, stating that it is the first the Forum is held in Africa. He added that this session marks the 15th anniversary of the UNAOC, which started as an initiative by the UN Secretary General, maintaining that the session will assess the work of the UNAOC since its inception and devise a plan of action to save humanity.

    ICESCO Director General reaffirmed the Organization’s readiness to cooperate and support this major event, as it relates to its areas of competence, maintaining that the Organization has a Division of Dialogue and Cultural Diversity affiliated with the Cultural sector.

    A number of ICESCO officials talked about key ICESCO activities scheduled for the upcoming period, including the First Meeting of the First Ladies of ICESCO African Member States, to be held end of next March, in Niamey, capital of Niger, in cooperation between ICESCO, the Nigerien Government and the First Lady of Niger, Dr. Lalla Malika Issoufou. This meeting will be dedicated to discussing issues of community development in Africa, empowering women, combating illiteracy, and facing violence against girls.

    ICESCO delegation concludes its visit to Uzbekistan

    The delegation of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) concluded its visit to the Republic of Uzbekistan with a series of meetings with officials from the Uzbek Ministry of Culture, as part of the preparations for the celebration of Bukhara as the Asian region’s Islamic World Capital of Culture for 2020.

    At the headquarters of the Ministry of Culture in Tashkent, ICESCO delegation, composed of Mr. Najib Rhiati, Director of Culture, Dr. Abdelilah Benarafa, Cultural Advisor to the General Director, and Mr. Bilal Chebbi, Programme Specialist at the Directorate of Culture, met with Mr. Ozodbek Nazarbekov, Minister of Culture of Uzbekistan, and a number of the Ministry officials, and together they discussed the outcomes of the meetings of ICESCO delegation and its visits to the cities of Tashkent, Bukhara and Samarkand; and agreed upon the minutes of the coordination meetings.

    Afterwards, ICESCO delegation met with Mr. Rustam Kasimov, Advisor to the President and President of the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan. The delegation also met with the Director of ICESCO Chair for Islamic Civilization, Dr. Doran Maksudov, and the teaching staff (38 teachers), who are teaching 500 students within the framework of the Chair. The two parties reviewed the activities of the Chair and its contribution to the celebration of Bukhara; and the delegation took stock of the Chair’s needs in terms of providing grants and hiring a professor of Arabic language and a professor of Sharia sciences.

    Following its meetings at the headquarters of the Ministry of Culture and in the presence of officials in the Ministry, ICESCO delegation along with the Deputy Minister held a press conference wherein the delegation presented ICESCO’s conception of the celebration as part of the Organization’s new vision.

    Reviewing preparations for Hamdan– ICESCO Prize For Voluntary Development of Education Facilities

    The Director General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), Dr. Mohamed M. AlMalik, today, at ICESCO headquarters in Rabat, met with Dr. Khalifa Al Suwaidi, , member of the Board of Trustees of Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum Foundation for Distinguished Academic Performance, and together they explored ways to promote cooperation between ICESCO and the Foundation in the sector of education, in light of ICESCO’s new vision, which adopts openness and cooperation with the civil society institutions operating in the Organizations’ areas of competence.

    The two parties also reviewed the preparations for the awarding ceremony of “Hamdan– ICESCO Prize for Voluntary Development of Education Facilities in the Islamic World Countries”, to be held at ICESCO headquarters early April 2020, in the presence of His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Chair of the Prize, Deputy Ruler of Dubai and Minister of Finance of the United Arab Emirates. Likewise, the two parties discussed arrangements for holding the second edition of the Prize.

    The meeting was attended by Dr. Ahmed Said Bah, Director of External Relations and Cooperation at ICESCO.

    Today’s meeting is the second between Sheikh Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum and Dr. AlMalik, after the one held early February, in Zabeel Palace in Dubai, following the close of the 40th session of ICESCO Executive Council, held in Abu Dhabi, UAE, which adopted the Organization’s new vision and a number of key decisions contributing to ICESCO’s fresh start. During the first meeting, Dr. AlMalik invited His Highness to award the winners of the Prize’s first edition.

    Established in 2017 with support from His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum and in cooperation with ICESCO, the Prize aims to incentivize and pay tribute to authors of voluntary initiatives and charity works in education, namely in the development of educational institutions in Islamic world countries.

    The Prize is awarded biennially to three winners from among individuals or institutions having contributed to developing education institutions in Islamic world countries. The value of the Prize stands at US$ 300,000. Each winner receives a shield and a reward of US$100,000 which will go to charity work, especially developing education institutions.

    Video: active participation of future youth in ICESCO Future Forum

    As part of its new vision, the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) endeavors to support and empower the youth, build their capacities and ensure access of all to quality education that keeps with present developments and secures them a decent life. The Future Forum, held by ICESCO on 17-18 February 2020, in cooperation with the German Konrad Adenaur Stiftung Foundation, recorded a strong participation by the youth of the future.

    Alongside attendance at workshops throughout the two-day Forum, young inventors took part in the “Museum of the Future”, held on the sidelines of the Foum and where virtual pictures and models of inventions reflective of future sectoral challenges and child-invented robots were on display.

    The Museum received great attention from both participants and the large public. It was also toured by Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director General, Mr. Said Amzazi, Minister of Education, Vocational Training, Higher Education and Scientific Research of Morocco, and Dr. Hatem ben Salem, Minister of Education and Acting Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Tunisia, where they exchanged with participants and learnt about the ideas relevant to each exhibited model and picture.

    ICESCO delegation visits Imam Bukhari Center and manuscript paper mill in Samarkand

    As part of the arrangements for the celebration of Bukhara as the Asian region’s Islamic World Capital of Culture for 2020, the delegation of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) continued its visit to Uzbekistan. Today, they toured Imam Bukhari International Scientific Research Center (IBISRC) and the Madrasah (Sharia school) of Samarkand, Uzbekistan’s second largest city.

    The delegation of Mr. Najib Rhiati, Director of Culture, Dr. Abdelilah Benarafa, Cultural Advisor to the Director General, and Bilel Chebbi, Programme Specialist at the Culture Directorate, discussed with the IBISRC Director the establishment of “ICESCO Regional Center for Manuscripts” to operate under the umbrella of IBISRC. Through training sessions, the future Center will allow IBISRC to build capacities in the conservation of rare manuscripts in the region as it is home to a large number of such heritage documents.  

    The delegation also visited the mill of manuscript paper where the manual method is still in use today. Officials at the mill said that the handmade paper is eye-friendly and maintains a life-span of 2000 years against maximum 100 years for industrial paper.

    The officials of the Uzbek Ministry of Culture and the delegation agreed to inscribe the know-how and skills of the production of the Samarkand paper on the List of Intangible Heritage in the Islamic World.

    Future Forum closes with recommendations and project proposals

    Today, at ICESCO headquarters in Rabat, in the wake of two days of sessions and exchange about the future of the world in 2040, the Future Forum closed its proceedings with a review of the outcomes and recommendations of the six strategic workshops that culminated its second day.

    In her presentation of the closing session, Ms. Samia Djacta, Director of ICESCO Office at UNESCO, lauded the strong international participation witnessed on the first day and on the second day’s workshops, especially from among university and higher institutes in Rabat. She also reaffirmed that the ICESCO achieved the ambition of the Conference that was dedicated to the youth, while pointing out that the discussions were useful as they tackled the future of the world by 2030 and even how it would look like by 2060.

    The coordinators of the workshops gave summaries of the ideas, proposals, outcomes and recommendations of each workshop. The first workshop “Education: Major Trends” dealt with the future of education and education for the future. The coordinator thanked ICESCO for its efforts in the field of education, while commanding the projects implemented in this regard, namely “Digital School 2030”, “Learning for Peace and Sustainable Development”, and “Teach me to be free.. teach me to live in dignity”.

    Dr. Ismaila Diallo, Coordinator of the workshop “Sciences: the Challenges of the Future” said that the workshop handled the four main challenges to the Islamic world, namely the provision of energy resources, lack of food security, environment and climate change issues, and ecological technology. He also added that it touched on the issue of technology sharing between developed and developing countries, low connection  between education and the labor market, lack of gender equality, a prerequisite for a more productive and stable society.

    For her part, Mr. Mhand Amer Nassim, Coordinator of the Workshop “Culture: an imperative for intercultural dialogue” pointed out that the work carried out at the workshop was held based on the assumption that coexistence and intercultural interaction are key to the achievement of peace as culture is a leverage of peace. He added that the workshop focused on dedicating projects and programmes for the youth to engage in them in the sustainable development process, namely the projects “Cultural production”, “Youth’s cultural identity”, and “Fostering youth’s ties with the green environment”.

    With regards the workshop “Laboratory of Future Literacy”, Dr. Riel Miller, Coordinator of the Workshop raised many questions about how would look like our way of thinking about the future of the world and whether it will be compatible with the new ways of thinking about developments. He pointed out that there is a need for an accurate, advanced, and unusual way of thinking and the incorporation of futuristic thought in all the fields, while benefiting from available ones to efficiently face the future.

    As for “Human and Social Sciences: Evolution and Foresight” Workshop, the workshop’s coordinator, Dr. Jamal Eddine El Hani, underlined that social sciences are not given due attention with regards to their essential role in our societies and that the workshop dealt with the rehabilitation of social and human sciences. In this regard, he added that the workshop yielded many ideas and proposals, notably the necessary development of a modern Islamic civilization and the activation of the role of human sciences in the face of current challenges.

    At the workshop of “Artificial intelligence: toward ethical technology in service of societies” made a presentation on the proceedings of the workshop. They were split into three groups to allow all participants to have their say about AI and its future applications. The workshop issued three recommendations one for the humanization of data science and data sharing to achieve security; the second on personal data about humans and the important understanding of AI-dominated age; and the third on the complexity of AI.

    Having reviewed the workshops’ reports, Dr. Steffen Krüger, Representative of Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Morocco, thanked ICESCO and its Director General for organizing the Forum, while reaffirming the constant cooperation between ICESCO and the Foundation. He then expressed his hope that ideas generated at the Forum would materialize on the ground.

    At the close of the Forum, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director General, made an address wherein he announced the start of a comprehensive study for the future of the Islamic world by 2050 and the launch of “ICESCO Foresight Programme” under which foresight studies and training sessions will be organized and grants in foresight will be given to youth, in cooperation with international foresight centers.

    ICESCO conducts a comprehensive study of the future of Islamic world by 2050

    ** Scholarships and training sessions for youth from “Foresight ISESCO Program”

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director General, announced that ICESCO is starting a comprehensive study on the future of the Islamic world by 2050, to be delivered by the end of this year, inviting researchers from all over the world to contribute to implementing the new vision of the Organization.

    Dr. AlMalik also announced the launch of “ICESCO Foresight Program”, which will conduct foresight studies, organize training workshops, and provide scholarships for young people in the field of foresight, in cooperation with international foresight centers.

    This was part of the speech ICESCO Director General delivered today, Tuesday, during the closing session of the Future Forum, which was organized by ICESCO in cooperation with the German Konrad Adenauer Foundation over two days, with the participation of more than 30 of most prominent experts of strategic foresight and artificial intelligence in the world.

    In his speech, Dr. AlMalik said that the history of the Organization is changing, and its fresh start opens up multiple perspectives, and the success of the Forum cleans realistic paths for the future of ICESCO. He thanked the participants of the Forum for their proactive thought that accompanies the new vision of the Organization, which makes of it a beacon of global outreach in its fields of competence. Dr. AlMalik invited them to put forward new ideas and submit suggestions to the Organization, which would be taken into consideration, stressing that ICESCO would play a major role in generating ideas and devising foresight and proactive strategies in its fields of competence, and would be a hub of expertise for the Islamic world countries.

    At the end of his speech, ICESCO Director General thanked the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and its representative in Morocco, Mr. Steffen Krueger, for supporting the idea of the Forum from the start and cooperating in its implementation. He also thanked all those who contributed to the success of ICESCO team, reaffirming the Organization’s intention to organize the Future Forum annually, in addition to other forums that keep up with changes, including the “Careers of Tomorrow Forum”, which will be organized by ICESCO, in June 2020.

    Strategic workshops kick off on second day of ICESCO Future Forum

    Few moments ago at the headquarters of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), six strategic workshops kicked off at the start of the second day of the Future Forum, co-organized by ICESCO and the German Conrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS). The opening ceremony and the four working sessions, which took place yesterday, were attended by a large audience.  

    The workshops span diverse themes, namely: “Education: Major trends”; “Culture: Need for intercultural dialogue”; “Sciences: Future challenges”; “Artificial Intelligence: Towards ethical technology in the service of societies”; “Human and Social Sciences: Development and Foresight”; and “Future literacy laboratory”.

    These workshops brought together an elite of renowned experts in the fields relevant to the themes of the workshops, along with interested attendees and university students, Moroccans and foreign students. The Forum closing session will start after the workshops.

    Yesterday’s opening session featured the addresses of Dr. Salim M. Al-Malik, Director General of ICESCO, Mr. Said Amzazi,  Minister of National Education, Vocational Training, Higher Education and Scientific Research of the Kingdom of Morocco, Dr. Hatem Ben Salem, Minister of Education and Acting Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research of the Republic of Tunisia, and Mr. Steffen Krüger, Representative of KAS in Morocco. 

    The working sessions, which followed the opening ceremony, addressed four themes: “Foresight by 2040”; “Future Literacy”; “Positioning Artificial Intelligence in its Right Perspective”; and “the Future of Sciences”. These sessions were attended by a large audience which interacted with the speakers.