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    ICESCO and Morocco’s National Museums Foundation Sign Partnership Agreement

    Jemaa El-fna Museum, a ceramics exhibition, Morocco’s virtual exhibitions and cooperation programs

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and the Moroccan National Museums Foundation (FNM) signed on Friday, October 2, a partnership agreement to implement several major projects and programs.

    The programs include the establishment of the Museum of Moroccan Intangible Heritage at Jemaa El-fna Square in Marrakesh and the exhibition of ceramics and traditional costumes inspired by the works of Eugène Delacroix at ICESCO headquarters. The partnership also opened the door to the organization of an international forum of museums’ curators in the Islamic world. Another program is to host the collections of the Mohammed VI Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art.

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General (DG), and Artist Mehdi Qotbi, FNM President, signed the agreement at the Organization’s headquarters. The two parties reaffirmed their commitment to productive cooperation to publicize the heritage and arts of the Islamic world. The goal is to promote the true image of Islamic civilization and culture through art.

    ICESCO decided that Morocco be the start-off point as it is the Seat country where it receives great patronage from H.M. King Mohammed VI. The support follows the patronage of H.M. late Hassan II to the Organization since its inception.

    The agreement comes as part of ICESCO’s celebration of Museums’ Week in the Islamic World, which is observed annually from 26 September to 02 October. ICESCO’s celebration program features an international webinar on “Harnessing Modern Technology for the Management of Risks and Crises Facing Museums in the Islamic World,” which will bring together multiple managers of museum institutions in the Islamic world.

    The program also included the DG’s visit, last week, leading the delegation of heads of sectors to the Mohammed VI Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art. Mr. Qotbi, Mr. Lakhlifa Dahmani, FNM Secretary-General, and Mr. Abdelaziz El Idrissi, Director of the Museum received the delegation.

    The discussions during that meeting centered on ICESCO-proposed cooperation programs and projects, which were incorporated in the partnership agreement. Displaying Morocco’s virtual museums at “ICESCO Digital Home” enacted the agreement, on October 2. The museums include Moroccan collections and world paintings which are accessible at: https://www.icesco.org/?p=22850

    ICESCO and Mohammedan League of Scholars Follow up on Implementation of Cooperation Agreement

    A delegation of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) held a working meeting with the officials of Mohammedan League of Scholars in Morocco, to follow up on the implementation of the cooperation agreement for 2020-2022. ICESCO and the League signed the agreement in March 2020.

    ICESCO’s Dr. Abdelilah Benarafa, Cultural Advisor to the Director-General, and Ambassador Khaled Fathalrahman, Head of the Department of Dialogue and Cultural Diversity, attended the meeting.

    Dr. Abdessamad Ghazi and Dr. Mohammed Al-Mountar, Deputy Secretaries-General were the attendees representing the League.

    After reviewing and assessing achievements, the two parties agreed to move forward with the Executive Plan related to the Capacity Building Kit. The kit included the development of a guide for immunization and influencers’ capacity-building to counter the discourse of extremism, apostasy, and terrorism through educational, cultural, and value-based approaches. Training sessions were also part of the approaches.

     The first volume of the Encyclopedia of the Deconstruction of the Discourse of Extremism is expected to be published in early 2021.

    Egyptian Virtual Museum Joins ICESCO Digital Home

    To promote cooperation between the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities of Egypt, coinciding with the celebration of the Islamic World Heritage Day, on 25 September, ICESCO Digital Home hosts the treasures of the “Egyptian Virtual Museum.” The platform provides 3-D access (through virtual reality technology) to the major Egyptian museums and heritage sites from various historical periods.

    Visitors of ICESCO Digital Home can have access to the Egyptian Museum, Museum of Islamic Art, and Gayer-Anderson Museum in Historic Cairo. They can also visit the Red Monastery in Souhag, which is inscribed on ICESCO’s Islamic World Heritage List, Pyramid of Djoser in Saqqara, Ramesses VI Tomb in the Valley of the Kings, Mosque of Muhammad Ali, and Ben Ezra Synagogue in Cairo. These sites are available via the link below:


    The Organization launched the ICESCO Digital Home initiative at the beginning of the lockdown period. The platform is an outstanding knowledge resource contributing to the efforts to counter the negative repercussions of the pandemic on education, science, and culture.

     The section, devoted to distance culture, includes many international arts exhibitions and millions of books and knowledge sources from Alexandria Library, Sharjah Library, and King Fahd National Library. The Digital Platform of Mohammadia League of Scholars in Morocco is also part of the online content.

    ICESCO Celebrates International Translation Day

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) celebrates today, September 30, the International Translation Day.
    The United Nations (UN) decided to observe this day by virtue of its Resolution No. 28871, dated 24 May 2017, in response to the call of the International Federation of Translators (FIT), which has been observing this day since September 30, 1991. This day is associated with the annual celebration of St. Jerome, who is considered the patron saint of translators and the first one to translate the Bible from Hebrew into Latin.

    In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, which took by storm many vital sectors in the world, ICESCO joins the FIT to show its support for translators across the globe. The Organization appreciates their work throughout the pandemic and promotes their ability to bring nations and cultures together amid these difficult times, which imposed on people an unprecedented isolation. The federation chose “Finding the words for a world in crisis” as a theme for this year’s celebration.

    Thanks to the new vision of H.E. Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General (DG), the Organization set an example in mitigating the impact of the pandemic on the sector of translation at the internal level.

    ICESCO made the prompt shift from face-to-face interpretation during conferences to videoconferencing technology to provide distance interpretation. It also put forward proposals for developing the translation option on Zoom. By adopting the new measures, ICESCO ensured the success of all its conferences and forums since the start of outbreak.

    The International Translation Day is an opportunity to promote the pivotal role of this profession and highlight its growing importance in the context of globalization. It is also an opportunity to remind employers of the outstanding and diligent work translators perform, often away from the spotlight to facilitate communication between different nations and cultures.

    Since the dawn of time, translation has played a civilizational, cultural, and scientific role and has always been the phenomenon preceding and following every civilizational achievement. With more than 6,000 languages across the world and the growing communication and rapprochement thanks to modern means of communication and transportation, there is a compelling need for translation in order to consolidate communication and cooperation and promote peace and security among the countries of the world.

    Like many other international organizations, ICESCO, has adopted since its establishment translation as a key tool to convey its educational, scientific, and cultural message in Arabic, English, and French. The Organization has translated thousands of documents, studies, and research works in all its fields of competence.

    ICESCO’s recent vision aims to develop the Organization’s programs and projects to address the changing needs of its Member States and to upgrade its working mechanisms and tools to keep up with the technological and digital advances. ICESCO’s new General Directorate therefore launched a comprehensive development operation with the aim of digitizing all its activities and benefiting from artificial intelligence to improve the performance of its service departments.

    ICESCO Translation Center largely benefited from this operation as it obtained access to the latest version of Trados. The software will enable the center’s employees to benefit from AI applications and CAT tools.

    In celebration of this day, Dr. AlMalik expressed his appreciation for the role of translation and the work of translators across the globe to promote civilizational dialogue and preserve cultural and linguistic diversity in the world.

    The DG also expressed his appreciation for the efforts of ICESCO’s translators to spread the Organization’s civilizational mission, reaffirming his sustained commitment to develop the technological, human, and financial resources of the Translation Center to ensure its good performance.

    ICESCO Director-General Mourns Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), and on behalf of ICESCO’s staff members, expressed his sincere condolences to the Kuwaiti people and the Arab and Muslim Ummah on the passing of His Highness Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad, may Allah have mercy on him, stating that he learned this loss with great sadness.

    Dr. AlMalik described the Late Sheikh Sabah as the great leader who made significant contributions to support joint action at the regional and international levels while underscoring His Highness’s wisdom, statesmanship, and humility. May Allah have mercy on him and grant him the highest paradise.

    ICESCO Calls for Respecting Cultural and Historical Rights in Nagorno-Karabakh

    As a specialized organization concerned with heritage, culture, and education, the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) expresses its concern over the latest developments of the conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia on Nagorno-Karabakh and the acts of destruction targeting archaeological and heritage sites and historical landmarks with significant civilizational value, including several mosques and historical sacred places. Accordingly, ICESCO calls the conflicting parties to exercise the utmost restraint and opt for serene dialogue and the resolutions of international legitimacy endorsed by many countries and international organizations including the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).

    Recalling the Security Council resolutions 822, 853, 874, and 884 issued in 1993 relevant to the Armenian violations, ICESCO calls on the parties to abide by the principles of international law; respect the historical and cultural rights of their legitimate owners; allow access of international humanitarian relief to the region without any impediments, and endeavor to consolidate peace, good neighborliness, and constructive cooperation between the countries of the region.

    ICESCO to hold International Webinar to Explore Technology Use in Crises Management in Islamic World’s Museums

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) will hold tomorrow, September 30, an international webinar titled “Using Modern Technology in Managing Risks and Crises facing Museums in the Muslim world.”
    The Organization will hold the webinar concurrently with the celebration of the Museum Week and Islamic World Heritage Day, in cooperation with the International Council of Museums (ICOM). The event will bring together officials of Islamic world’s museums.
    The webinar will start at 11:00 GMT (12:00 Rabat Time). It aims to share successful experiences and anticipate plans and strategies to ensure the right to access museums and valorize the exhibited works. The issue is particularly pertinent amid the pandemic-related circumstances.
    The webinar targets the staff of the museum institutions and sectors, experts, and specialists of heritage protection as well as civil society institutions and bodies operating in the field of heritage protection and valorization.
    The opening session will feature the addresses of Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General (DG); Her Highness Princess Dana Firas, President of ICOMOS Jordan; Dr. Mohamed Ouled Amer, DG of the Arab League Educational, Cultural, and Scientific Organization (ALECSO); and Mr. Ech Cherki Dahmali, DG of Maroc Telecom Museum.
    Dr. Mohamed Zin El-Abidine, Director of Culture and Communication Sector at ICESCO, will co-chair the first session with Dr. Abdelilah Ben Arafa, Advisor to the DG. The session will focus on the use of modern technology in crisis management at museums.
    The list of the speakers will include Maj. Gen. Atef Moftah, General Supervisor of the Grand Egyptian Museum (GEM); Dr. Badr al-Darwish, Assistant Secretary General of Kuwait’s National Council for the Arts and Culture (Kuwait); and Dr. Fatma Nait Aghil, Director of Bardo National Museum (Tunisia).
    Other speakers will be Dr. Hamady Bocoum, Director of the Museum of Black Civlizations, Dakar (Senegal); Dr. Saad Abdelhadi, Secretary of the Board of Trustees of Mahmoud Dawish Museum (Palestine); and Dr. Ahlam bint Yaaqub Al-Aghbariya, Director of Information Technology Department at the National Museum of Oman, Muscat (Oman).
    Ambassador Khalid Fathalrahman, Director of Dialogue and Cultural Diversity at ICESCO, will chair the second session. The goal is to explore the alternative solutions to managing museums and exhibitions in light of the COVID-19 health protocol.
    The list of speakers will include Dr. Faisal bin Mohamed Al-Sharif, Former Supervisor of Mecca Museum (Saudi Arabia); and Dr. Sabah Abdel Razak, DG of the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir, Egypt.
    Other speakers will be Dr. Rasmata Sawadogo, Director of the National Museum in Ouagadougou, Coordinator of ICESCO Regional Center for Training Museum Professionals (Burkina Faso); Dr. Huges Tchana Heumen, Director of the National Museum (Cameroon); and Dr. Abbes Mendil, Director of Governorates Museums (Iraq).
    Dr. AlMalik will give the closing address of the Webinar.

    The live is available on ICESCO’s Facebook page via the link: https://www.facebook.com/icesco.en

    Speaker of Morocco’s House of Councilors Receives ICESCO Director-General

    Mr. Hakim Benchamach, Speaker of the House of Councilors of Morocco, received on September 28, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO). The two officials explored cooperation and partnership between the two institutions in mutual interests.

    At the House of Councilors in Rabat, the DG highlighted the key features of ICESCO’s new vision. He added that the Organization launched several new programs and projects and amended its regulations and Charter. The Organization also introduced structural changes to its personnel and adopted new strategies. He also stated that ICESCO launched initiatives during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Dr. AlMalik underlined that the Organization started to pay tremendous attention to building constructive communication with governmental and civil institutions in the Seat Country. ICESCO is keen to cooperate with them in implementing joint programs and activities, he continued. The DG expressed ICESCO’s interest in developing deeper cooperation with the House of Councilors.

    Mr. Benchamach reaffirmed that he has been following up the work of ICESCO, the key roles it plays, and the challenges it addresses at the regional and international levels. He also expressed his appreciation for ICESCO’s noble mission and his good wishes for the Organization to make best use of the opportunities at hand.

    The Speaker of the House of Councilors noted that he reviewed the broad lines of ICESCO’s new vision and expressed his admiration of the changes it introduces, the prospects it opens, and its response to global transformations.

    Mr. Benchamach expressed the House’s willingness to promote cooperation and partnership with the Organization. He stated that legislative institutions are playing new roles in an extremely changing and transient world, especially in light of the emerging “fifth power” consisting of millions of citizens using social networks to express their opinions.

    The Speaker added that the new reality puts legislative institutions in face with new challenges be it in relation to drafting bills, overseeing governmental work, contributing to public policy evaluation or assuming diplomatic parliamentary roles.

    Mr. Benchamach expressed his admiration of ICESCO’s interest in artificial intelligence and his genuine willingness to conclude “thematic partnerships” between the two parties.

    He further explained that the partnerships could touch on issues such as healthcare, education, culture, nutrition, environment, rights, and communication. He also listed national reconciliation experiences in Member States and conflict issues.

    He recommended that ICESCO work on setting up a competence bank in the Islamic world to help Member States solve their problems, crises and challenges in health, education, and other fields.

    The DG welcomed concluding such partnership with Morocco’s House of Councilors as well as Member States’ parallel institutions.

    ICESCO Director-General Receives Ambassador of Tunisia to Rabat

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), received Mr. Mohamed Ben Ayed, Ambassador of Tunisia to Morocco. The September 25 meeting explored cooperation prospects between ICESCO and Tunisia in the fields of education, science, and culture.

    Dr. AlMalik highlighted ICESCO’s main developments under its new vision and action strategy which promote an open-door policy with Member and non-Member States, international organizations, and civil society institutions. The goal is to build partnerships to benefit Muslim communities worldwide.

    Dr. AlMalik reviewed ICESCO’s major initiatives, programs, and activities that counter the negative repercussions of the pandemic in education, science, and culture. ICESCO provided technological equipment and materials to 25 countries to sustain schooling and offered in-kind aid and preventive materials to 10 other countries.

    The Organization also provided financial and technical assistance to produce best-cost sanitizer units and launched the “Comprehensive Humanitarian Coalition” Initiative. Many countries, international institutions, and donors joined the coalition, explained Dr. AlMalik as he called upon Tunisia to become a member.

    The DG also highlighted that ICESCO established several specialized centers including, the Center for Strategic Foresight. The center is preparing four important studies on the future of the Islamic world, African countries, and cultural action, respectively, and AI challenges in the Muslim world, with the participation of renowned international experts. Another specialized center is the Arabic center for non-native Speakers.

    ICESCO also established the Heritage Center, which has inscribed 200 historic sites in the Member States on the Islamic World Heritage List, including 17 sites in Tunisia such as Medina of Tunis, Djerba Island, Jewish Synagogue in Sousse, and Medina of Sfax.

    Dr. AlMalik commended the instructive cooperation between ICESCO and Tunisia. One specific success is the “Celebration of Tunis as the Arab region’s Capital of Islamic Culture for 2019.” Culture Ministers from the Member States took part in the 11th Islamic Conference of Culture Ministers, held in Tunis last December. Dr. AlMalik also hailed the cooperation in the restoration of the house of Ibn Khaldoun in downtown Tunis.

    Mr. Mohamed Ben Ayed commended ICESCO’s outstanding work and quality initiatives to support the Member States to counter the negative repercussions of the pandemic. He also stressed Tunisia’s keenness to promote constructive cooperation with the Organization.

    Participants in ICESCO Webinar Call on International Community to Guarantee the Right to Education for All

    During their participation at ICESCO’s International Webinar on “Education and the ‘Societies We Want’ Initiative,” a number of high-level international figures, ministers, and prominent experts in the field of education called on the international community to guarantee the right to inclusive and equitable education for all.

    The participants also called for providing vulnerable countries with the technological devices necessary for the continuity of distance schooling, amid the COVID-19 pandemic. They stressed that education is the only way to build strong nations and attain a better future for humanity.

    Mr. Luis Inácio Lula da Silva, former President of Brazil, was the guest of honor at ICESCO’s Webinar. The event was in cooperation with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHR), the Brazilian Campaign for the Right to Education, and Instituto Lula. The Webinar discussed the “necessary roles of education for achieving the features of the Societies We Want.”

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO’s Director-General (DG), chaired the opening session, during which Mr. Da Silva talked about the Brazilian experience in developing education. He underlined that the poor are not the problem but rather an integral part of the solution if countries equip them with good education and utilize their competences.

    “Education is the foundation for building nations,” the former Brazilian president stated.

    The DG stressed the need to rethink the education systems and adopt new creative teaching methods. He added that the aim is to build the education of the future, which will follow diverse patterns. ICESCO adopts the subject as an organization interested in foresight to help its Member States build their respective education systems, he noted.

    The Webinar also witness the participation of Mr. Kailash Satyarthi, Winner of the Nobel Prize in Peace in 2014. Mr. Satyarthi stated that vulnerable groups should benefit from the global budgets to mitigate the impact of the pandemic. He also called for increasing this budget, estimated at 8 trillion dollars; and increasing the sum allocated for poor countries by 20%.

    Ms. Alice Albright, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Global Partnership for Education, noted that the “societies we want” cannot be built without guaranteeing quality education for every child. The CEO added that building healthy societies also entails ensuring gender equality in education. She argued that an educated girl is more likely to save her families from poverty, protect her children, and send them to school.

    Dr. Koumbou Boly Barry, Director of ICESCO’s Education Sector, chaired the Webinar’s first session to address “Policies and Mechanisms for Ensuring Equitable and Inclusive Quality Education for All.”

    Several Member States’ Education Ministers gave statements during this session. Mr. Shafqat Mahmood, Minister of Federal Education and Professional Training in Pakistan, stressed the need to reconsider programs and reform school syllabi and curricula to keep up with graduates’ competences and job market requirements.

    Mr. Fernando Haddad, Former Brazilian Minister of Education, stated that ensuring quality education requires three conditions:

    • Motivating teachers, appreciating their work, and providing them with continuous training;
    • Ensuring sustainable funding for a sustainable implementation of educational policies;
    • Ensuring quality education through permanent evaluation.

    Dr. Hatem Ben Salem, former education Minister of Tunisia, noted that the international community should be committed to education in a way that allows for developing a roadmap and a clear vision for future education and innovative approaches.

    Ms. Aïcha Bah Diallo, former education Minister of Guinea, stated that education is the backbone of sustainable education. It is of paramount importance to ensure its quality to achieve development, she added noting that women’s education promotes countries’ economies, encourages further tolerance, and preserves social cohesion.

    Ms. Claudiana Ayo Cole, Minister of Primary and Secondary Education in Gambia, said that quality education is a tool for changing the lives of individuals. Education ensures stability and guarantees the full enjoyment of human rights as a basis for achieving sustainable development.

    Ms. Ramata Almamy Mbaye, Director of Human and Social Sciences Sector at ICESCO, moderated the second session. Experts and practitioners in the field shared thoughts on the topic.

    Dr. Daniel Cara, professor at São Paulo University and Board Member of the Brazilian Campaign for the Right to Education, touched upon the relationship between education and the economy. He stressed that the economy should serve people through investing correctly in education.

    Ms. Delia Mamon, chairwoman of “Graines de Paix“, (Seeds of Peace) an association based in Switzerland, affirmed that to build a better world, we should think on a larger scale. She suggested to focus on creative solutions and motivate children to think by themselves.

    Professor Ki-Seok “Korbil” Kim, Chairman of Educators Without Borders (EWB), South Korea, maintained the necessity to change human behavior to prevent diseases. Education is incredibly important to stop discrimination and illegal practices, he added.

    “We want to make our societies developed, healthy, resilient and sustainable because societies cannot move forward without the participation of all,” commented Ms. Mbaye underlining that “Covid-19 vaccines should be made available for all without discrimination.”

    Dr. AlMalik stressed, in his closing remarks, the need for combating gender discrimination and called for mobilizing financial resources to develop educational systems through innovative methodologies that suit future requirements.