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    G20 Meeting on Cultural Economy: ICESCO DG proposes New approach for Cultural Policy Reform

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), called for accelerating the reform of the cultural sector and the promotion of the world cultural economy. He proposed an action plan centered on four axes. He also noted that cultural industries, a sector representing 3% of GDP and employing 30 million people worldwide, is one of the hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic.

    The statement came in the DG’s address at the G20 Culture Ministers’ Meeting, held yesterday, in a videoconference, under the theme: “The rise of the cultural economy: a new paradigm.” Heads of international cultural organizations participated in the event. The meeting is the first of its kind to have been held at the initiative of Saudi Arabia, the president of the G20 for the year, prior to G20 Leaders’ Summit on 21-22 November 2020.

    ICESCO’s DG congratulated the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz, his Crown Prince H.R.H. Muhammad bin Salman, and Saudi Arabia for the successful presidency of the G20 Summit 2020. Dr. AlMalik noted that the Group has always provided solutions at the service of humanity through implementing necessary policies in times of crisis.

    Dr. AlMalik further stated that ICESCO supported its Member States in addressing the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic and endeavored to sustain remote cultural action. He cited ICESCO’s numerous initiatives, namely “ICESCO Digital Home” which offers access to several open knowledge sources. The list also included “ICESCO Creativity Prizes” for short stories, poetry, drawing and music, and “ICESCO Heritage Center.”

    The Extraordinary Conference of Member States’ Culture Ministers also adopted the “ICESCO Project on Digital Culture” to discuss “the management of cultural affairs during the pandemic,” held in June 2020.

    Dr. AlMalik revealed that ICESCO is considering building an international center for arts and is currently launching the “ICESCO Roads for Cultural Communication” project, as part of the “Islamic World’s Culture Capitals Program.” He also stated that the Organization proposes a new action plan for reforming, through the adoption of the digital culture economy, the cultural sector in the post-COVID world, based on four main axes:

    1. Developing cultural sectors for innovative conversion to the economy of digital culture and creative industries;
    2. Reforming the audiovisual and interactive media and promoting the sector of design and creative services;
    3. Encouraging cultural tourism to reap benefit from tangible and intangible heritage as part of culture-making;
    4. Making new laws and legislations through the establishment of funds to support youth in the launch of start-ups and skill-sharing worldwide.

    The DG thanked H.H. Prince Badr bin Abdullah bin Farhan, Saudi Minister of Culture, President of the Conference, for inviting ICESCO to the important event. The goal was to discuss the promotion of culture and ways to support the global cultural economy and lay bridges for cultural communication.

    ICESCO to Hold a Lecture Tomorrow on “Continued Reflections on the Fiqh of Reality”

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) will hold a lecture on “Continued Reflections on the Fiqh of Reality.” Dr. Ahmed Abbadi, Secretary-General of the League of Mohammedan Scholars in Morocco, will deliver the lecture.

    The lecture comes as part of the implementation of the agreement signed between ICESCO and the League on March 2, 2020. The agreement provides for cooperation in areas of interfaith and inter-civilizational dialogue through a set of executive programs and academic projects to fight against extremism, zealotry and hate, and the publicizing of the true image of Islam.

    L’ICESCO organise demain une conférence sur le thème « Poursuivre la réflexion sur le fiqh de la réalité »
    Rabat : 4/11/2020

    L’Organisation du Monde Islamique pour l’Education, les Sciences et la Culture (ICESCO) organise demain une conférence sous le thème « Poursuivre la réflexion sur le fiqh de la réalité ». Ladite conférence sera présentée par Dr. Ahmed Abbadi, le Secrétaire général de la Rabita Mohammadia des oulémas au Royaume du Maroc le 5 novembre 2020 au siège de l’ICESCO à Rabat.

    Cette conférence s’inscrit dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre de l’accord signé entre l’ICESCO et la Rabita en date du 2 mars 2020. Ledit accord prévoit une coopération, à travers un ensemble de programmes exécutives et projets académiques, dans les domaines du dialogue entre religions et civilisations, la lutte contre l’extrémisme, le fanatisme et la haine, et la promotion de la véritable image de l’islam.

    ICBA and ICESCO: Future Cooperation Programs

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and the UAE-based International Center for Biosaline and Agriculture (ICBA) held a videoconference yesterday, November 3. Officials and experts from ICBA and ICESCO attended the meeting to explore cooperation prospects in areas of agriculture, food, and water security.

    Dr. Ahmed Said Bah, Advisor to the Director-General (DG) for Partnerships and International Cooperation; Ms. Ramata Almamy Mbaye, Head of the Sector of Social and Human Sciences; and Dr. Muhammad Sharif, Advisor at the Sciences and Technology Sector took part in the meeting on behalf of ICESCO.

    Dr. Tarifa Al Zaabi, ICBA Deputy Director-General; Dr. Jawad Ghazi, Training Specialist; and Ms. Nadya Alamodi, Programme Coordinator, represented ICBA in the meeting.
    The attendees reviewed the missions, priorities, and action areas of each party. They also explored prospects of cooperation on the issues specific to food, water security, and the research and institutional networking in the agriculture program.

    The participants also considered offering training opportunities to the youth with initiatives and farming companies. The opportunity also included developing projects that aim to promote the role of agricultural and food productivity in the consolidation of peace, security, and social development.

    At the close of the meeting, the parties agreed to develop integrated cooperation programs for implementation in the upcoming years

    ICESCO Mourns Iba Der Thiam Former Executive Council Member

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), expressed his and the Organization’s condolences to the Senegalese people and to the family of the late Iba Der Thiam, a former member of ICESCO Executive Council, who passed away at the age of eighty-three, on 31 October 2020, in Dakar.

    Dr. AlMalik stated that he learned with great sorrow the passing of the great writer, university teacher, and historian, Iba Der Thiam, who served as Minister of Education of Senegal from 1983 through 1988 while commending his contributions to education reform, as well as his outstanding intellectual and cultural publications.

    Dean of Arab Ambassadors in Morocco Commends ICESCO’s Roles

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), received on Monday, November 2, at ICESCO headquarters, Ambassador Khalid bin Salman bin Jabr Al-Muslim, Ambassador of Bahrain to Morocco, in his capacity as the representative of the Group of Arab Countries’ Ambassadors to Morocco.

    During the meeting, Ambassador Al-Muslim expressed his and the Group’s appreciation of the quantum leap ICESCO’s activities and programs are witnessing. He commended the Organization’s active presence, which yielded concrete outcomes for, and beyond the boundaries of, the Islamic world. The Ambassador also conveyed the Arab Ambassadors’ admiration of the re-engineering efforts as well as the development policies that ICESCO adopted as part of the Organization’s new trajectory.

    The Dean of the Arab Ambassadors in Morocco highlighted the significance of the Organization’s civilizational role in meeting the Islamic world’s expectations vis-à-vis the promotion of Muslims’ civilizational image. Ambassador Al-Muslim also commended the remarkable programs that the Organization implemented in the field and reaffirmed Arab Group’s full support.

    Dr. AlMalik thanked the Ambassador for the support he conveyed on behalf of the Ambassadors of the Arab Group. He reaffirmed that ICESCO is determined to sustain its renewal and development efforts in its quest to fulfill the aspirations of the Islamic world.

    Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Rabat Briefs ICESCO DG on Latest Developments in “Nagorno-Karabakh”

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), received Mr. Oktay Sudef Ogly Gurbanov, Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Morocco. The meeting explored ways to promote the outstanding relations of cooperation and partnership between ICESCO and Azerbaijan in the fields of education, science, and culture.

    During the November 2 meeting, Mr. Oktay briefed Dr. AlMalik on the latest developments of “Nagorno-Karabakh” conflict with Armenia while thanking him for ICESCO’s support to Azerbaijan in various fields.

    The Ambassador of Azerbaijan commended ICESCO’s statement last September on the conflict, which called for compliance with the principles of international law, respect for the cultural and historical rights of their legitimate holders, and preservation of the heritage sites considered as a human civilizational heritage.

    ICESCO also expressed its concern over the damage made to many historical heritage sites, including mosques and other sacred places.

    Dr. AlMalik stressed ICESCO’s keenness and sustained action to preserve heritage in Muslim countries through the inscription of historic sites and intangible heritage on the Islamic World Heritage List, the restoration of many endangered sites, and training sessions for the specialists of heritage conservation and restoration.

    ICESCO and International Curricula to Cooperate in the Field of Arabic for non-Arabic Speakers

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) held yesterday, November 2, a videoconference with International Curricula, an institution of the Sulaiman bin Abdulaziz Al Rajhi Charitable Foundation operating in the field of teaching Arabic to non-Arabic speakers.

    Amb. Khalid Fathalrahman, Supervisor of the Sector of Partnerships and International Cooperation; Dr. Ahmed Said Bah, Advisor to the Director-General (DG) for Partnerships and International Cooperation; Mr. Adel Bouraoui, Advisor to the DG for ICESCO’s External Centers and Chairs in the field of Arabic Language; and Dr. Youssef Ismaïli, Expert at the Center of Arabic for non-Arabic Speakers represented the Organization.
    International Curricula’s DG, Dr. Munir Al-Hamid, and Mr. Muhammed Youssef, Director of the London Office, represented the institution.

    Dr. Ould Bah and Amb. Fathalrahman expressed ICESCO’s willingness to establish a successful and sustainable partnership with the institution to teach Arabic to non-Arabic speakers. The Organization intends to pave the way for a successful and wider partnership with the institution, added the officials.

    Dr. Ismaïli then presented ICESCO’s Center of Arabic for non-Arabic Speakers wherein he reviewed the Center’s vision, missions, and main achievements in the field.
    Mr. Bouraoui stated that as part of its new vision, ICESCO moved to adopt sustainable major projects including the “Program of National ICESCO Educational Chairs,” and the “Program of ICESCO Academic Chairs” in the field of Arabic for non-Arabic Speakers. He highlighted the importance of the two programs, their prospects, and the enormous opportunities they offer to non-Arabic speaking countries to help them build their national capacities in the field.

    Dr. Al-Hamid gave a brief presentation on the institution, its objectives, and its actions. He also mentioned that the institution’s textbooks have become widespread worldwide and that the institution has witnessed noticeable development thanks to Information and communications technology (ICT) use and the availability of online versions of its textbooks.
    The two parties agreed to launch their cooperation process in 2021 on two axes. The first axis includes “the training of the teachers of Arabic to non-Arabic speakers” through the training programs of ICESCO’s external centers. ICESCO’s Center of Arabic for non-Arabic Speakers also carries out the training activities.

    The second axis involves “the provision of education ministries in the ICESCO Member States with the International Curricula’s textbooks,” with the institution extending financial and technical support to cooperation activities with ICESCO in the field.

    At the close of the meeting, the two parties commended the relevant practical recommendations for fruitful cooperation and the meeting’s outcomes. They also agreed to expand the scope of cooperation in the future to include other programs such as the “ICESCO Specialized University Chairs,” speed up the procedures on the signing of cooperation and support agreement between ICESCO and the Institution.

    ICESCO and Qatari Ministry of Culture Coordinate Celebration of Doha as Capital of Islamic Culture for 2021

    Dr. Mohammed Zine El Abidine, Director of Culture and Communication Sector at the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), and Belal Chabi, Expert at Culture and Communication Sector, held on November 1, a coordination meeting with the officials of the Qatari Ministry of Culture and Youth and the Secretary-General of the Qatari National Commission for Education, Culture, and Science. The meeting explored the preparations for the celebration of Doha as Capital of Islamic Culture for 2021.

    During the videoconference, the two parties discussed the arrangements for the official launch of the celebration, the draft program, and the key proposed activities and main cooperating parties. The meeting also stressed the importance of coordination between the ministries and the concerned sector to ensure the success of the celebration.

    The Qatari officials proposed January 16, 2021, as the launch date of the celebration, concurrently with the close of Doha International Book Fair. The officials also undertook to provide ICESCO with the major programs to be implemented. The activities will include regional and international exhibitions, festivals, international symposia, and cultural weeks mainly targeting women and youth.

    ICESCO’s representatives undertook to provide the Qatari officials with the major activities to be implemented as part of the Doha celebration. The measures fall under ICESCO’s new vision that focuses on establishing centers and developing programs and initiatives to promote the position of culture in Muslim countries, mainly “ICESCO Digital Home,” “ICESCO International Arts Center,” “Islamic World Heritage Center” and “ICESCO Chairs.”

    At the close of the meeting, the two parties considered the possibility of shifting towards virtual activities if the pandemic persists. The officials agreed to hold a videoconference or face-to-face coordination meeting by the end of November 2020, to review the preparations for the celebration.

    ICESCO and Alwaleed Philanthropies Examine Cooperation Prospects

    The Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, met H.R.H Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal Al Saud, Founder and President of Alwaleed Philanthropies, Director of Kingdom Holding Company. Together they explored cooperation and partnership prospects between ICESCO and Alwaleed Philanthropies for the upcoming years.

    H.R.H Princess Lamia Bint Majed Saud Al-Saud, Secretary-General of Alwaleed Philanthropies, and the working team of the foundation attended the meeting.
    During a meeting in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Dr. AlMalik expressed his thanks on behalf of ICESCO to H.R.H Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal for the foundation’s support and USD 2,090,000 worth donation to implement the joint initiative of helping 10 African countries to face the adverse repercussions of the COVID-19.

    The aid program spans over one year as of the signing on July 1, 2020, of ICESCO-Alwaleed Agreement. The program includes the provision of humanitarian assistance to the needy populations in Niger, Senegal, Morocco, Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Nigeria, Sudan, Mauritania, and Côte d’Ivoire. It also consists of boosting the capacities of those countries to produce sanitizers and protective equipment against COVID-19 transmission and supporting the private sector and youth and women entrepreneurs.

    Assistance has also been provided in a number of the program’s countries in recent months, and will also be distributed over the next two weeks in Morocco, Niger, and Senegal. The assistance will benefit residents of retirement homes, centers of people with special needs, centers of women victims of violence, orphanages, refugee centers, and patients in health centers and hospitals.

    The two parties reviewed ways to develop the partnership and constructive cooperation between ICESCO and Alwaleed Philanthropies in the coming years, through a set of humanitarian initiatives aimed at addressing the needs of the most vulnerable and neediest categories.

    H.R.H Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal commended the ICESCO’s programs and initiatives during the COVID-19 pandemic, which supported the efforts of Member States to address the negative repercussions of the pandemic. The prince stressed his willingness to develop a partnership between his foundation and the Organization.

    ICESCO Ponders on the Future of Education by 2040

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) took part in the Forum on “Future of Education between Coexistence and Recovery.” The Ministry of Education in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) held the videoconference on October 28. The forum brought together the representatives of specialized international organizations and a host of educational experts and consultants.

    Dr. Kais Hammami, Director of ICESCO’s Strategic Foresight Center, represented the Organization in the forum. His presentation focused on the future of global education in the next 20 years.

    “Governmental institutions and international organizations should gear their efforts towards developing a comprehensive and anticipatory vision for the future of education in the Islamic world, and a strategic plan to ensure equal access to education for all,” he added.

    Dr. Hammami presented four scenarios for the future of education by 2040. The first scenario on “the prolongation of school” expects the continuity of traditional education while capitalizing on AI to develop more private educational structures. The second, “drawing on external educational sources,” aims to develop more private educational methods through technological advancement. The third scenario on “schools as educational centers” seeks to sustain school as a structure and reveal new features of teaching. The fourth scenario on “life-long learning” focuses on the flexibility of education with an expectation of AI revolution in educational systems.

    Dr. Hammami also reviewed ICESCO’s achievements in the fields of education and AI. “ICESCO, through its inclusive strategic vision, promotes AI educational applications and held many forums and meetings in various fields, most notably the forum on ‘AI and education: successful practices and best orientations,’ which brought together many experts and specialists who explored the incorporation of AI in education to facilitate teaching and boost the efficiency of information sharing through modern and smooth methods,” he explained.

    Dr. Hammami added that the Center of Strategic Foresight will establish “ICESCO Future Laboratory,” which will be supplied with state-of-the-art AI equipment. This facility will draw on international experts and engineers to conduct foresight studies to find concrete solutions for current issues. The Center is preparing a glossary of AI terminology in partnership with various universities within the Islamic world and beyond.