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    ICESCO Deputy Director-General pays condolences for Libya flood victims

    On Wednesday 20 September 2023, Dr. Abdelilah Benarafa, Deputy Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), expressed his sincere condolences to the Libyan Embassy in Rabat on the losses in lives and the devastation caused by the flood disaster in many regions of Libya.

    Dr. Benarafa offered condolences to the leadership and people of Libya on behalf of ICESCO Director-General as well as all the Organization’s staff. He also extended their heartfelt sympathies to the families of the victims and wished those injured a prompt recovery.
    ICESCO Deputy Director-General was welcomed by Mr. Abu Bakr Ibrahim Al Taouil, Chargé d’Affaires at the Libyan Embassy in Morocco, who extended his gratitude to the Organization and its Director-General for standing by Libya during this catastrophe, highlighting the extent of the significant losses the country suffered.

    Dr. Abdelilah Benarafa underscored the deep-rooted cooperative relations between the Organization and the State of Libya, reaffirming ICESCO’s full solidarity with Libya in the face of this calamity. He also added that the Organization is fully prepared to cooperate with the competent authorities in Libya to provide all the support and assistance within its areas of expertise, particularly concerning the damage assessment and restoration of Libyan archaeological sites.

    ICESCO and Australia Explore Prospects for Cooperation in Areas of Mutual Interest

    Dr. Abdelillah Benarafa, ICESCO Deputy Director-General, received Mr. Ridwaan Jadwat, First Assistant Secretary in the Middle East and Africa Division at the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and Australia’s Former Special Envoy to the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), in the presence of Mr. Michael Cutts, Ambassador of Australia to Morocco, to identify prospects of cooperation between ICESCO and Australia in areas of mutual interest.

    During the meeting, which took place at ICESCO Headquarters, in Rabat, on Tuesday 19 September 2023, Dr. Abdelillah Benarafa reaffirmed ICESCO’s openness, in light of its new vision and strategic orientations, to prospects aimed at publicizing the Islamic culture and civilization as well as the human values, promoting peace and security worldwide and denouncing hatred and extremism.

    Moreover, Dr. Benarafa pointed out that ICESCO welcomes non-member States to join as observers to support Islamic communities worldwide and strengthen cooperation with Muslim countries.

    For his part, Mr. Ridwaan Jadwat praised ICESCO’s roles and efforts, stressing his keenness to establish a fruitful partnership with ICESCO and the Islamic world.

    The meeting also saw the presence of Dr. Ahmed Said Bah, Advisor to the Organization’s Director-General for Partnerships and International Cooperation and supervisor of the General Secretariat for National Commissions and Conferences.

    On the occasion of the International Day of Peace, ICESCO calls for harnessing youth capacities to strengthen peace and build a thriving future

    On September 21st of every year, the world celebrates the International Day of Peace. This year’s theme is “Actions for Peace: Our Ambition to the Global Goals.” The Islamic Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) seizes this occasion to call for joining efforts and leveraging the unique capacities of youth and women to contribute to countering extremist ideas, reducing violence and conflicts, and promoting peace as a primary tool for achieving Sustainable Development Goals.

    In light of the successive global crises, causing significant damage at the health, social, and humanitarian levels and contributing to a decline in global peace indicators, ICESCO calls on everyone to assume individual and collective responsibility in promoting values of coexistence, civilizational dialogue, and harnessing cultural diversity to strengthen peace. It also encourages optimism and calls for promoting a culture of peace among all segments of society, improving the quality of psychological support as an important tool for achieving social cohesion and enhancing resilience in the face of challenges.

    In this context, the Organization highlights the relentless efforts and innovative initiatives implemented by ICESCO Youth Ambassadors for Peace, who have graduated from ICESCO’s Leadership Training Program for Peace and Security, coming from 50 countries in the Islamic world and beyond, where they actively contribute to building more peaceful communities.

    Moreover, ICESCO reaffirms its commitment to continue the efforts geared towards promoting peace and civilizational dialogue and provide all the necessary means to contribute to building a prosperous future for humanity, in close coordination with the relevant authorities in the Member States, the international bodies and organizations, and partner institutions.

    ICESCO employees participate in blood donation campaign for benefit of injured victims of Morocco earthquake

    ​The Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) has joined the blood donation campaign initiated by the Kingdom of Morocco to assist the injured victims of the earthquake that struck several Moroccan regions. ICESCO officials and employees, as well as supervisors of the International Exhibition and Museum of the Prophet’s Seerah and Islamic Civilization, rushed to donate their blood on Tuesday, September 19, 2023, under the supervision of a medical team from the “Regional Blood Transfusion Center in Rabat” at the Organization’s headquarters.

    ICESCO donors expressed their happiness to participate in this campaign of solidarity with the earthquake victims of the El Haouz region, praying for the prompt recovery of the injured.

    ICESCO General Directorate has taken several measures to demonstrate the Organization’s solidarity with Morocco and the earthquake victims. The Organization launched its first humanitarian caravan on Sunday, September 10, 2023, heading towards the affected areas in the El Haouz region. Additionally, the ICESCO humanitarian caravan provided assistance in the form of relief materials to Mohammed VI Foundation for Solidarity for the earthquake victims in the Taroudant region. This initiative was organized by ICESCO in partnership with the Islamic Center for Trade Development.

    ICESCO also announced the donation of 10% of the monthly salary of the Director-General, all executives, and employees, which will be transferred to the special account at the Bank of Morocco, as directed by His Majesty King Mohammed VI for receiving urgent humanitarian aid.

    ICESCO Participates in Lifelong Learning for the Future of Education Conference 2023 in Korea

    The Education Sector of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) participated in the “Lifelong Learning for the Future of Education 2023 “Conference, held by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea, in partnership with the National Institute for Lifelong Learning (NILE), Jeju Province, along with a number of Korean educational institutions and bodies.

    The Conference, held on 18-19 September 2023, in Jeju Province, Korea, aimed to create a knowledge space during which attendees exchange ideas and share best and innovative practices, to assess the current situation, discuss lifelong learning policies, build a better future in this context, and promote Open Online Group Courses.
    During the main session, Dr. Koumbou Boly Barry, Head of the Education Sector at ICESCO, presented an overview of the Organization’s activities and programs to promote educational systems in the countries of the Islamic world, as well as the Education Sector projects related to lifelong learning, emphasizing the valuable insights gained from these projects. Dr. Boly also underscored the role of States in enhancing appropriate mechanisms to uphold and guarantee the right to education for all, with active involvement from the public and private sectors.

    Dr. Ahmed Al-Banyan and Dr. Sungbong Kim, both experts in the Education Sector at ICESCO, also attended the Conference.

    ICESCO’s participation in the Conference comes within the framework of its strategic partnership with the National Institute for Lifelong Learning (NILE), which aims to contribute to the development of the strategies of ICESCO Member States in the field of lifelong and adult education.

    Doha to Host 12th Conference of Ministers of Culture in Islamic World Next Week

    Doha is set to host the 12th Conference of Ministers of Culture in the Islamic world on 25-26 September 2023. Organized by the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) in partnership with the Ministry of Culture in Qatar, this event will bring together culture ministers from many ICESCO Member States, along with representatives of regional and international organizations working in the areas of culture and heritage. The primary agenda is to engage in discussions about renewing collaborative cultural actions and ways to develop cooperation among Islamic countries in this sphere.

    The conference, centered around the theme “Toward renewing cultural action in the Islamic world” will host working sessions covering a range of topics, including special reports on the success story of Doha Capital of Culture in the Islamic World, the 18th session of the Consultative Council for Cultural Development in the Islamic World, ICESCO’s achievements in the cultural field, cultural policy guidelines and sustainable development indicators in a changing world document: ICESCO’s Initiative for the 18th Cultural Development Goal for Sustainable Development as a model. Additionally, the Conference will endorse the report of the Islamic World Heritage Committee and compose the committee for the forthcoming session.

    The Conference will also include working sessions dedicated to the review and adoption of several draft programmes and documents, such as the document on the broad framework of the valorization of Living Human Treasures and traditional knowledge in the Islamic world, development of ICESCO’s programme for cultural capitals in the Islamic world document, and strategy to combat illicit trafficking in cultural property document. Furthermore, a seminar to discuss the latest developments in cultural matters within the Islamic world and their impact on humanity will be organized. The Conference will conclude its proceedings by adopting the Doha Declaration on Renewing Cultural Action in the Islamic World and determining the date and venue for its upcoming sessions.

    Before the start of the Ministerial Conference, the Consultative Council for Cultural Development in the Islamic World, whose General Secretariat is held by ICESCO, will hold its 18th meeting on Saturday, September 23, 2023, to discuss several documents related to the Ministerial Conference, mainly the adoption of draft agenda of the Ministerial Conference and the formation of its specialized bodies.

    Qatar’s hosting of the 12th Conference of Ministers of Culture in the Islamic World is the culmination of the success of the activities celebrating Doha Capital of Culture in the Islamic World 2021, under the slogan ” Our Culture is Enlightenment Culture” from 8 March 2021 to 17 January 2022, which witnessed the organization of approximately 250 cultural events and activities, as part of ICESCO’s Culture Capitals Programme.

    ICESCO Launches First Phase of Drafting the Islamic World Charter for Artificial Intelligence

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) held a first-phase workshop in preparation for drafting the Islamic World Charter for Artificial Intelligence. The outcomes of the said workshop will aid in making provisions and sharing insights on the future of AI applications and contributing to enhancing the use of modern technology in full respect of universally shared humanitarian ethics.

    The workshop was held at ICESCO’s headquarters in Rabat under the supervision of ICESCO Centre of Strategic Foresight and Legal Affairs and International Standards Department on Friday 15 September 2023, under the banner “Drafting the Future of Artificial Intelligence” and with the participation of several university students, tech experts and CSOs representatives.

    At the workshop’s opening, Mr. Mohamed Hedi Shili, Head of the Legal Affairs and International Standards Department, stressed the importance of the ethical framework that ICESCO strives to place while developing AI tools and highlighted the need to abide by these ethical principles.

    Following this, Dr. Marc-Antoine Dilhac, Director of Algora Lab and Professor of ethics and political philosophy at Université de Montréal, presented a definition of artificial intelligence, touched on the ethical and social challenges it poses and highlighted the most critical and binding ethical principles that will aid in preparing our societies to face the digital transformations, while preserving the human ability to create.

    The workshop concluded with a practical part, supervised by Dr. Kais Hammami, Director of the Centre of Strategic Foresight and Dr. Marc-Antoine Dilhac, in which the participants were divided into four groups to formulate different visions aimed at enhancing the role of artificial intelligence in the fields of education, science, culture and human sciences and discussing ethical issues. These insights were the topic of the final session of the workshop.

    ICESCO Launches second humanitarian caravan to assist earthquake victims in Morocco

    The second humanitarian caravan, launched by the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) from its headquarters in Rabat, Morocco, towards the earthquake-affected regions in Taroudant province, Morocco, reached its destination today, Friday 15 September 2023, to provide relief materials to the earthquake victims there.

    ICESCO’s second humanitarian caravan carries essential food items, lighting equipment, tents, children’s clothing, blankets, mattresses, as well as medical supplies. This effort is organized in partnership between the Organization and the Islamic Center for Trade Development.

    The relief materials shipped through four trucks, were handed over to the Mohammed VI Foundation for Solidarity. The leading humanitarian and relief organization, in cooperation and coordination with local authorities, will distribute these aids to the remote villages severely hit by the earthquake, which are difficult to reach.

    ICESCO General Directorate emphasizes that organizing humanitarian caravans is part of the Organization’s humanitarian solidarity efforts aimed at supporting the efforts of the Kingdom of Morocco and intervention teams present in the earthquake-affected areas. It also underscores the values of solidarity and cooperation advocated by the Organization to alleviate the impact of the earthquake on the neediest of the affected groups.

    The Islamic Center for Trade Development points out that this initiative carried out in partnership with ICESCO, reflects the Center’s solidarity dimension in its efforts to achieve social and economic development for the Organization of Islamic Cooperation’s Member States.

    ICESCO General Directorate had previously taken several urgent decisions to affirm the Organization’s and all of its employees’ solidarity with the Kingdom of Morocco and those affected by the disaster. It launched its first relief caravan on Sunday 10 September 2023 towards the affected areas in Haouz province, providing humanitarian assistance to the affected population in 12 remote villages along a 70 km stretch in the Amghras commune.

    This caravan was organized and supervised by a number of the Organization’s employees who volunteered in response to the call by Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General, to volunteer, provide assistance, and head to the disaster-stricken areas to lend a helping hand to earthquake victims.

    Three tech projects won at ICESCO Youth Training Program in Tunisia

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) has concluded its program to train young people on how to create and develop small technology and innovation projects in the Republic of Tunisia. Tunisia is one of the 10 countries benefiting from this ambitious program in its second year, which is being implemented by the Science and Technology Sector of the Organization in Tunisia in collaboration with the business incubator “Start-Up GateX.” The three winning teams were announced from among 134 participations at the national level.

    The participating teams presented their projects during the forum, which began on Thursday, September 7, 2023, and lasted for two days in the city of Nabeul, Tunisia. They presented their projects before a jury consisting of Dr. Ismaila Diallo, expert in the sector of science and technology at ICESCO, the group of experts of the business incubator “Start-Up GateX”, as well as specialists in the field of entrepreneurship and Startup financing.

    After the evaluation, the jury announced the names of the winning teams. The first-place went to the “Cardify” team, which presented a smartwatch project that allows remote, real-time monitoring of vital signs in heart patients. The second-place was awarded to the “Intell’Eau” team, with a project for an intelligent system that tracks water consumption, detects leaks, and monitors water quality. The third-place was secured by the “Golden Medina” team for their project consisting of a platform aimed at promoting cultural heritage.

    The ICESCO Youth Training Program on how to create and develop small technology and innovation projects was implemented in 10 Member States of the Organization in its first edition in 2022. In its second annual, it has been launched in six countries so far and will be fully rolled out in ten countries by the end of 2023. This program aligns with ICESCO’s strategy, which aims to support startups in the field of innovation and technology in its Member States.

    A special jury will shortlist the top three teams from each Member State to compete in the final phase, to be held at ICESCO headquarters in Rabat, in order to present their project ideas to donor institutions and investors, to provide funding for their implementation.

    ICESCO offers condolences to flood victims in Libya and postpones celebrating Benghazi as capital of culture

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) extended its most heartfelt condolences to the state and people of Libya, and to the victims who lost their lives as a result of Storm “Daniel” which wreaked havoc and resulted in floods that struck the country most recently. ICESCO extends its sincere condolences to the families of the victims and beseeches the Almighty Allah for a speedy recovery of the injured and the safety of the missing.

    ICESCO reaffirms its full solidarity with the State of Libya in the face of this devastating natural disaster, and its full readiness to cooperate with the competent Libyan authorities to provide necessary support and assistance in its areas of competence; evaluating the damage endured by some Libyan heritage sites, and their restoration and reservation.

    Having coordinated with the National Commission for Education, Science and Culture and the High Committee for the Celebration of Benghazi as the Capital of Culture in the Islamic World, ICESCO decided, in solidarity with the families of the victims, the injured and the missing, to postpone until further notice the opening ceremony of celebrating Benghazi as the Capital of Culture in the Islamic World 2023, which was scheduled for the 16th of this September.