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    ICESCO Announces YPP Final Candidates List for 2022

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) continues the procedural and executive measures to select the first batch of participants in the ICESCO Young Professionals Program (YPP) for 2022, after closing the nomination period for the program. The Organization’s General Directorate received applications from 1,143 male and female candidates from 40 of its Member States.

    ICESCO commends the great cooperation of the National Commissions for Education, Science and Culture in the Member States, and the Member States embassies in Rabat during the stages of the announcement and application for the Program. ICESCO hails youth’s eagerness to participate in this ambitious Program, which aims at youth capacity-building in the fields of ICESCO action.

    The Organization confirms that after closing the nomination period for the Program, the committees formed by the General Directorate began to sort and screen candidates’ files, based on their academic qualifications and the specializations of ICESCO’s various Sectors, Centers and Departments. The list of initially accepted candidates is currently in progress to contact candidates in June 2022, to conduct tests and personal interviews, via videoconference, as previously announced in the Program enrollment rules.

    After the interviews and tests, the list of the admitted candidates to participate in the first batch of the ICESCO YPP will be announced in July 2022, and the National Commissions in the countries of the admitted candidates will be notified, in preparation for taking the necessary measures for their participation in the Programme at ICESCO headquarters.

    Announced in March 2022, ICESCO YPP aims to provide the opportunity for young talents in the Islamic world to spend 24 months of professional qualification in one of ICESCO’s Sectors, Departments, or Centers at the Organization’s headquarters in Rabat, the capital of the Kingdom of Morocco as part of ICESCO’s new vision and action strategy geared towards adopting the visions of youth, building their capacities and developing their leadership and professional skills.

    ICESCO Takes Part in “Russia – Islamic World: Kazan Summit 2022″

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) took part in the International Economic Summit “Russia-Islamic World: Kazan Summit 2022,” held in Kazan, capital of the Republic of Tatarstan in the Russian Federation, on May 19-21, 2022. The event brought together representatives of 63 countries and 52 Russian regions.

    The opening session of the summit was chaired by Mr. Rustam Minnikhanov, President of the Republic of Tatarstan, Chairman of the “Russia-Islamic World” Strategic Vision Group, and saw the attendance of Mr. Maxim Reshetnikov, Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, and Sheikh Abdul Rahman bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Khalifa, President of the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs (SCIA), along with several high-level personalities and officials.

    Dr. Kais Hammami, Head of ICESCO Center for Strategic Foresight, represented the Organization at the summit. In his interventions during the sessions, he reviewed the Organization’s vision and strategic orientations, as well as its major initiatives and programmes highlighting the importance of foresight for effective strategic planning through an anticipatory approach predicated on investment in the future for the benefit of youth and coming generations, and the consolidation of peace, harmonious coexistence and civilizational dialogue.

    The ICESCO official also reviewed ICESCO’s efforts towards countering extremist speech through the publication of the Encyclopedia on Deconstructing the Discourse of Extremism, in cooperation with the Mohammadia League of Scholars, in the Kingdom of Morocco, which is aimed at monitoring the various discourses of radicalism and extremism, and contributing to immunizing young people against these ruinous ideologies.

    Dr. Hammami held various meetings on the sidelines of the summit, notably with Mr. Farid Mukhametshin, Deputy Chairman of the “Russia-Islamic World” Strategic Vision Group, and Mr. Ayrat Akhmedov, Head of the Group’s International Relations Department. During the meeting, which touched upon ways to enhance cooperation between ICESCO and the Group in fields related to youth, Dr. Hammami reviewed the programmes and activities that ICESCO has implemented in this respect, including the “Future Imagined by Young Artists” Programme.

    The ICESCO official participated in the inauguration of the Russia Halal Expo 2022, which is held as part of the summit’s activities and aimed at promoting development and cooperation in the fields of trade, economy, science and technology, and fostering partnerships between Russia and the countries of the Islamic world. He also took part in the groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of a mosque at “Kirlay” amusement park as part of the 1100th anniversary of the adoption of Islam by Volga Bulgaria.

    ICESCO: Developing Religious Education is Necessary for Building Prosperous Future for the Islamic World

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), stated that major challenges still face educators of Sharia and Islamic studies and modern universities specializing in Islamic jurisprudence in the Islamic world, preventing these institutions from assuming their roles in linking this Ummah’s glorious past with its present, anticipating a brighter future and overcoming the discord between a rich scientific and civilizational heritage and the ever-changing modern sciences to ensure humanity’s advancement and prosperity.

    Dr. AlMalik made this statement in a recorded address to the opening session of the International Summit on “Islamic Education in a Modern World: Challenges, Trends and Prospects,” which is organized as part of the Fourth Session of the Bolgar International Forum on the Theological Heritage of the Muslims of Russia, which kicked off today, Saturday, May 21, 2022.

    The ICESCO DG noted that reformists in various parts of the Islamic world have realized, at least two centuries ago, that achieving the cultural and scientific autonomy of the Muslim Ummah requires a religious reform that highlights and capitalizes on the Islamic scientific heritage through reforming educational curricula in the universities of the Islamic world and building Islamic universities that are on par with world-renowned institutions, following a comprehensive Islamic approach. He added that Russian Muslim reformists were the first to discuss the reality of education in their country, as documented in authentic pieces of evidence dating back to the early years of the 20th century.

    Dr. AlMalik stated that before exploring ways to promote modern Islamic education, it is necessary to consider the desired outcomes of this type of education and reflect on its missions at this point in history, which include religious education and awareness, intellectual production and scientific research. He added that to allow Islamic education to carry out these missions, it is necessary to work on developing Arab Islamic culture and promote a modern culture based on dialogue and communication likely to contribute to the advancement of human thought through the valuable contributions of Muslim scientists. “The attainment of these goals hinges upon the reform of school curricula and teaching methods, giving utmost attention to teaching living foreign languages and integrating the various legal, human and social sciences,” Dr. AlMalik stressed.

    At the close of his address, Dr. AlMalik expressed his wishes for the success of the Summit, hoping that it would be an opportunity to develop innovative visions and feasible proposals to promote the performance of religious education institutions, given their key significance.

    On the International Day for Biological Diversity… ICESCO calls for the need to protect biodiversity

    The world has been celebrating the International Day for Biological Diversity, on 22nd May annually since the Convention on Biological Diversity entered into force in 1993.

    This day is an opportunity to draw attention to the need to protect biological diversity, ensure the sustainable use of natural resources, protect genetic differences and intensify international efforts to achieve fair and equitable use of environmental wealth in such a way as to contribute to its preservation for future generations.

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) seizes this occasion to stress the importance of adopting a comprehensive and ambitious approach likely to contribute to building a more sustainable future at the environmental, social and economic levels. ICESCO urges Islamic world countries and the international community to:
    • Incorporate biodiversity and ecosystem conservation into countries’ strategic planning processes;
    • Promote environmental culture through the engagement of youth and women;
    • Exchange knowledge, techniques and good practices related to biodiversity conservation;
    • Foster the use of modern technologies and their various applications to develop biodiversity knowledge;
    • Mobilize the necessary financial resources to carry out research and studies in this field.

    In the same vein, ICESCO recalls that the preservation of biological diversity is a necessity to preserve human life and health as the degradation of ecosystems may result in the extinction of more than one million plant and animal species, and threatens to undermine 80% of the Sustainable Development Goals.

    ICESCO DG and Azerbaijani Minister of Education Explore Strengthening Cooperation between the Organization and the Ministry

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), and Mr. Emin Amrullayev, Minister of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, discussed strengthening cooperation between ICESCO and the Ministry in several areas of common interest.

    The meeting, which took place on Friday, May 20, 2022, in the presence of Mr. Tural Akhmetov, Director of International Cooperation of the Azerbaijani Ministry of Education, as part of the ICESCO DG visit to the Republic of Azerbaijan, to attend the International Conference on “Advancing the Post-Conflict Humanitarian Agenda: Sustainable Development through Revitalizing the Cultural Environment,” which was held in Shusha on Thursday, May 19, 2022.

    Mr. Emin Amrullayev expressed his happiness for the constructive cooperation between ICESCO and Azerbaijan in the field of education, lauding the signing of the agreement between ICESCO and Baku State University to establish the ICESCO Chair for Biomedical Materials at the university to promote scientific research. He also commended ICESCO’s program to train youth on how to establish and develop small projects in the field of technology and innovation, which was implemented in partnership with the government of Azerbaijan.

    The meeting discussed the launch of a program on “Youth to Youth” in cooperation between the two parties, holding an international conference on youth and peace, and providing scholarships for students of the Islamic world in Azerbaijan’s universities, to promote the exchange of experiences and develop the skills of researchers in vital fields.

    At the close of the meeting, the two parties agreed to meet regularly to consolidate cooperation between ICESCO and the Azerbaijani Ministry of Education, especially after signing the agreement of the ICESCO Regional Office in Baku.

    Highlighting ICESCO’s efforts to support development of smart, resilient and sustainable cities

    The Sector of Science and Technology at the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) took part on Friday, May 20, 2022, in the proceedings of the second day of the International Conference that the Ministry of Culture in the Republic of Azerbaijan organized on “Advancing the Post-Conflict Humanitarian Agenda: Sustainable Development through Revitalizing the Cultural Environment,” which kicked off Thursday in Shusha.

    Dr. Foued ElAiny, Expert at the Sector of Science and Technology, represented the Sector and gave a presentation during the 4th working session on “protecting ecosystems through supporting sustainable lifestyles in local and regional societies. In his presentation, the ICESCO official stressed the need to protect the environment, develop smart, sustainable and resilient cities that are in harmony with the sustainable development goals, and rebuild better societies after disasters and crises.

    Dr. ElAiny also highlighted ICESCO’s efforts and various initiatives to support its Member States’ adoption of the new concept of smart cities to ensure a better future for the next generations, noting that the conference is an opportunity to shed light and disseminate good practices and raise citizens’ awareness and involve them in environmental issues.

    ICESCO signs an Agreement to Establish a Regional Office in Azerbaijan

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), and Mr. Anar Karimov, Minister of Culture, Chairman of the National Commission for Education, Science and Culture of Azerbaijan, signed today Friday, May 20, 2022, an agreement to establish and inaugurate ICESCO Regional Office in the Azerbaijani capital, Baku.

    After signing the agreement, at the headquarters of the Azerbaijani Ministry of Culture, Dr. AlMalik expressed his happiness with the establishment and inauguration of the ICESCO Regional Office in Baku, stressing the importance of the Office in implementing the Organization’s activities and programs in Azerbaijan and its neighboring countries, as part of ICESCO’s vision geared towards consolidating relations and strengthening cooperation among the Member States in educational, scientific and cultural fields.

    ICESCO DG stated that the opening of the Office represents the strong relations of cooperation and partnership that unite the Organization and the Republic of Azerbaijan in ICESCO’s fields of competence and the Organization’s strategic orientations, which accords special importance to safeguarding and valorizing heritage, investing in modern technology in all fields, consolidating the values of peace and civilizational dialogue and youth and women capacity-building.

    For his part, Mr. Karimov stressed that the opening of the ICESCO Office in Baku will constitute a new start for the partnership between the Organization and Azerbaijan, highlighting the eagerness of the Azerbaijani officials, led by President Ilham Aliyev, to support ICESCO’s initiatives and programs, participate in the Organization’s activities in the fields of education, science and culture and support the Organization in implementing its vision and strategy.

    Azerbaijani President Receives ICESCO Director-General, Lauds Organization’s Roles and New Vision

    Mr. Ilham Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, received Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), today, Friday, May 20, 2022, at the Presidential Palace in Baku. The meeting brought together Mr. Anar Karimov, Minister of Culture, Chairman of the Azerbaijani National Commission for Education, Science and Culture, and Mr. Hikmet Hajiyev, Assistant to the Azerbaijani President, Head of Foreign Policy Affairs Department of the Presidential Administration.

    At the outset of the meeting, Mr. Aliyev praised the roles that ICESCO plays in light of its new vision and strategic orientations, noting that the Organization’s efforts and action place it among internationally renowned organizations, and reaffirmed his country’s unwavering support for ICESCO.

    The Azerbaijani President conveyed his gratitude to ICESCO and its DG for signing the agreement on the establishment and inauguration of the Organization’s regional office in Baku and forming a technical team comprising of internal and external experts who will visit Azerbaijan this month to assess the damage incurred by archaeological and historical sites in Nagorno-Karabakh. He also emphasized that Azerbaijan attaches particular importance to culture and heritage protection and safeguarding.

    President Aliyev hailed ICESCO’s keenness to cooperate with the Republic of Azerbaijan in the implementation of various programmes and activities and commended Dr. AlMalik’s participation in the International Conference on “Advancing Post-Conflict Humanitarian Agenda: Sustainable Development through Revitalization of Cultural Environment,” held on Thursday, May 19, 2022, in Shusha.

    For his part, ICESCO DG expressed his thanks to the Azerbaijani President and competent authorities for supporting the Organization’s programmes and activities, stressing that the distinguished relations between ICESCO and Azerbaijan serve as a model for effective cooperation with the Member States to bring ICESCO’s lofty objectives to fruition.

    Dr. AlMalik also praised the Azerbaijani National Commission’s keenness to cooperate with ICESCO, particularly in the areas of building youth capacity, anchoring peace and civilizational dialogue, and preserving cultural heritage.

    ICESCO and Imam Maturidi Center in Uzbekistan hold a Symposium on Scholars of Islamic East

    The Imam Maturidi International Scientific Research Center of the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan in the Republic of Uzbekistan, in cooperation with the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), held an International Symposium under the theme: “Contributions of Scholars of the Islamic East to the Development of Islamic Civilization” to introduce the achievements of scholars in the Central Asian region and their cultural contributions.

    The Symposium, which was held on Thursday, May 19, 2022, via videoconference, saw the participation of the Adviser to the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the President of the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan in Scientific and Innovative Affairs, the Head of the Department of Muslims of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Grand Mufti, and the Director of the Research Center for Islamic History, Arts and Culture (IRCICA), the Head of the Department of Muslims of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Grand Mufti, the Director of the Institute of Islamic Civilization at the National University of Malaysia and several representatives of Member States.

    In a recorded speech broadcast during the opening session of the Symposium, Dr. Abdelilah Benarfa, ICESCO Deputy Director-General (DG), reaffirmed, that the Organization aims to introduce the great civilizational role of scholars of the East, through its action plans, its new vision, and its civilizational program “ICESCO Roads towards the Future”, highlighting the importance of cooperation in establishing relations, raising awareness and increasing the visibility of the role of distinguished scholars and their contributions to humanity throughout history.

    After the opening session, Mr. Bilel Chebbi, Expert at ICESCO Culture and Communication Sector, moderated the third scientific session, which touched upon the theme: The Impact of Muslim Scholars on the Development of Science, where he focused on introducing ICESCO’s civilizational vision in the cultural field, the activities of the Islamic Heritage Center and the Organization’s role in safeguarding the heritage of the Islamic world and inscribing historical sites and cultural elements on the Islamic World Heritage List, as well as the role of scholars of the Islamic East in building cities and human civilizations, based on the correct sciences that they have developed throughout history.

    ICESCO and KOICA Explore Prospects for Joint Cooperation

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and the Regional Office of the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) in the Kingdom of Morocco held a meeting on May 19, 2022, at ICESCO headquarters in Rabat, to explore prospects for cooperation between ICESCO and the Agency in areas of mutual interest.

    During the meeting, Mrs. Amira Fadel, Head of ICESCO Partnerships and International Cooperation Sector, and representatives of the Education Sector, the Culture and Communication Sector, the Sciences and Technologies Sector, the General Secretariat of National Commissions and Conferences, and the Center of Strategic Foresight delivered presentations on several ICESCO initiatives, programs and activities, related to youth and women capacity-building, and supporting innovation in the countries of the Islamic world.

    For his part, Mr. Yongwoo Jeong, Director of KOICA Regional Office in the Kingdom of Morocco, reviewed the key activities and areas of the Agency’s action and its initiatives aimed at providing grants and assistance to achieve sustainable development in the world, referring to several projects implemented by the Agency’s office in Rabat, mainly development programs, volunteering programs in the fields of education, vocational training, agriculture, health, rural development, training programs for capacity-building and partnerships with the private and public sectors and international institutions.

    At the close of the meeting, the two parties discussed mechanisms for developing cooperation and agreed to hold other meetings to implement joint programs that contribute to creating an active environment that encourages young people to lead, create and innovate.