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    ICESCO Takes Part in Opening of 12th Edition of Maqamat Festival in Salé

    Dr. Abdelilah Benarafa, Deputy Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) together with ICESCO delegation, took part in the opening of the 12th edition of the Maqamat Festival, organized by the Bouregreg Association in Salé, in cooperation with the Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication in the Kingdom of Morocco. The Festival is Salé’s contribution to the celebration of Rabat as Culture Capital in the Islamic World for 2022.

    The opening ceremony witnessed the participation of several officials, representatives of local authorities and key political, cultural and art personalities. The event also paid tribute to many prominent individuals, notably Dr. Abbas Jirari, and the great artist and maestro of Gharnati music, Sheikh Ahmed Pirou, who was awarded ICESCO’s Shield by ICESCO Deputy DG.

    The 12th edition of the Maqamat festival is held between June 6 and June 17, 2022, under the theme, Salé’s Celebration of Rabat” as a tribute from the Association and the City of Salé to Rabat, on the occasion of the celebration of Rabat as the Culture Capital in the Islamic World for 2022 and Capital of African Culture for 2022.

    The festival features the organization of a number of cultural activities, poetry readings, musical shows and a musical entitled, “Capital of Culture and Lights in Prose and Verse,” which will see the participation of poets, literary figures, artists and musicians.

    ICESCO Hails Saudi Arabia’s Initiative to Organize the First-ever Islamic Arts Biennale

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) hails the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s initiative to hold the first-ever Islamic Arts Biennale in the world, under the theme “First House”, in Jeddah, from January 23 to April 23, 2023.

    The Diriyah Biennial Foundation announced the organization of the first session of the Islamic Arts Biennial at the Western Pilgrims Hall at King Abdulaziz International Airport in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, under the supervision of an international team of specialists in various artistic fields.

    According to the Saudi Foundation, the site will contain a section extending over an area of 70,000m², including facilities dedicated to the activities of the Biennale, exhibition halls, theatre, mosque, art workshops and seminar rooms, which will host the various activities of the Biennale, in addition to shops, cafes and restaurants.

    It is noteworthy that “Biennale” is an Italian word meaning a periodic exhibition held every one or two years for all arts, including sculpture, photography, graphic, video, composite works and models.

    Exploring Cooperation Prospects between ICESCO and APA

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and the Arab Publishers’ Association (APA) held a meeting to explore prospects for cooperation between the Organization and the Association to support the printing and publishing industry, as part of addressing challenges facing this industry’s pivotal role in preserving cultural identity.

    The meeting, which took place on June 6, 2022, at ICESCO’s pavilion at the International Book and Publishing Fair in the Moroccan capital Rabat, was attended by Mr. Mohamed Rashad, APA President, members of the Association’s Board of Directors as well as several publishers participating in the Fair. On behalf of Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General (DG), Dr. Mohamed Zinealabidine, Head of the Culture and Communication Sector, Mr. Najib Rhiati, Cultural Advisor to the DG, and Mr. Samy El Kamhawy, Head of the Department of Information and Institutional Communication attended the meeting.

    At the outset of the meeting, the two parties reaffirmed their eagerness to build fruitful cooperation in services of culture and support the printing and publishing industry to achieve its enlightening goals. They mutually expressed their readiness and openness to discuss all proposals for a strong partnership between ICESCO and APA.

    The meeting touched on discussing several cooperation proposals, whether in printing and publishing or in participating in book fairs in the ICESCO Member States, especially in the African continent. The Association looks forward to ICESCO’s participation in the 6th meeting of the APA Conference, to be hosted by the Emirate of Sharjah next November, under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Dr. Sultan bin Muhammad Al-Qasimi, Member of the Federal Supreme Council of the United Arab Emirates and Ruler of Sharjah, as well as cooperation between ICESCO and APA in organizing a conference in 2023, on the challenges facing the printing and publishing industry.

    At the close of the meeting, the Organization and the Association agreed to sustain meetings and to set executive plans and practical programs for cooperation between ICESCO and APA.

    ICESCO and Senegal Explore Avenues for Further Cooperation in Cultural Field

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), received Mr. Abdoulaye Diop, Minister of Culture and Communication of the Republic of Senegal, and together they explored avenues for enhancing cooperation between the Organization and Senegal in the cultural field.

    During the meeting, which was held on Friday, June 3, 2022, at ICESCO headquarters in Rabat, the two parties emphasized their keenness to maintain the distinguished relations between ICESCO and Senegal, in light of the Organization’s vision and action strategy, which rests upon greater communication with Member States to identify their needs and priorities and devise programmes and activities accordingly.

    The meeting touched upon the major programmes and activities that were implemented in cooperation between ICESCO and the competent authorities in Senegal. The two parties also discussed mechanisms for enhancing cooperation on heritage preservation, mainly through the inscription of Senegalese sites and cultural elements on ICESCO’s Islamic World Heritage List, as well as youth capacity-building and leadership training for peace and security.

    For his part, the Senegalese Minister hailed the development and modernization that ICESCO has witnessed, and commended the support it provides to Member States in its areas of competence, underscoring Senegal’s keenness to sustain its fruitful cooperation with the Organization.

    The Lebanese Ambassador in Rabat Expresses His Gratitude to ICESCO

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and the Government of the Lebanese Republic signed an agreement on humanitarian assistance to secure the return of Lebanese students who were pursuing their studies in Ukraine and were stranded in neighboring countries.

    The agreement was signed at ICESCO Headquarters on Friday, June 3, 2022, by Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General (DG), and Mr. Ziad Atallah, the Lebanese Ambassador to the Kingdom of Morocco.

    During the signing, Dr. Al-Malik reaffirmed ICESCO’s eagerness to enhance cooperation with the Lebanese Republic in the fields of education, science and culture, as part of its new vision based on an open-door approach to all stakeholders to establish partnerships to support youth capacity-building in the Islamic world.

    For his part, Ambassador Ziad Atallah expressed the gratitude and appreciation by government and people of Lebanon to ICESCO for its support, especially during the difficult circumstances the country is going through, noting that this humanitarian assistance from ICESCO will contribute to solving a major problem facing some Lebanese families of the currently stranded students.

    The Lebanese ambassador valued ICESCO efforts in promoting regional cooperation and exchanging expertise and experiences, noting the high-quality activities that the Organization held to address important issues for the youths in the Islamic world and contribute to strengthening their sense of belonging.

    Dr. Abdelilah Benarfa, Deputy DG, Ambassador Khaled Fath Al-Rahman, Head of the Center for Civilizational Dialogue, and Mr. Mohamed Hedi Shili, Head of the Department of Legal Affairs and International Standards, attended the signing of the agreement.

    ICESCO Director-General: International Book and Publishing Fair in Rabat is a unique festival of intellectual exchange

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), stated that the International Book and Publishing Fair in Rabat, which opened as part of the Celebration of Rabat as the Culture Capital in the Islamic World for 2022, under the high patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may Allah assist him, is a unique festival of cultural, intellectual and civilizational exchange, which embodies the spirit of renewal and reflects the significance of books in nurturing thought and knowledge.

    Dr. AlMalik made this statement in an address he gave during the ceremony that the Moroccan Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication organized on the occasion of the Fair opening, in the presence of the Moroccan Minister of Culture, Mr. Mohamed Mehdi Bensaid; Mr. Rachid El-Abdi, President of the Rabat-Salé-Kenitra Region, in addition to a large number of authors, officials and members of the diplomatic corps in Rabat.

    “We are an Ummah that celebrates reading and writing, an Ummah that has created the largest multidisciplinary library a thousand years ago”, the ICESCO DG stated, noting that this Fair promotes the outreach of Rabat as the Capital of Lights and highlights the strong links of our civilizational legacy to books”.

    He added that through its participation in this major international event, ICESCO reaffirms the importance it accords to promoting the values of reading in its activities and programs, in a bid to rekindle ties of the Islamic world to its glorious history which paved the way for such activities.

    At the close of his address, Dr. AlMalik expressed his thanks to the Moroccan Minister of Culture, the Fair organizers, publishers, intellects and authors.

    ICESCO Director-General Meets with Moroccan Minister of Economic Integration and Employment

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), met with Mr. Younes Skouri, Minister of Economic Integration, Small Enterprises, Employment and Competencies in the Kingdom of Morocco, and together they discussed cooperation prospects between the Organization and the Ministry in the fields of youth capacity-building, training and empowerment, as well as the promotion of an entrepreneurial culture in technology and innovation.

    During the meeting, which was held today, Thursday, June 2, 2022, at the Ministry’s headquarters in Rabat, Dr. AlMalik reviewed the major thrusts of ICESCO’s new vision and action strategy, which lays particular emphasis on building youth capacity and supporting youth entrepreneurship, mentioning the programme for training youth in creating and developing small-scale projects in the field of technology and innovation, which is implemented by ICESCO in a number of its Member States.

    The meeting touched upon cooperation proposals through the joint implementation of initiatives that are geared towards supporting small businesses, training youth as part of ICESCO’s “Leadership Training in Peace and Security (LTIPS)” Programme, forging partnerships with institutions concerned with these areas, and jointly organizing relevant conferences and activities.

    For his part, Mr. Skouri commended ICESCO’s support for its Member States’ efforts in distinct fields.

    At the close of the meeting, the two parties agreed on holding other meetings between their respective experts to establish a list of the practical programmes to be jointly implemented under a cooperation agreement.

    The meeting was attended by Mrs. Sally Mabrouk, Director of ICESCO DG’s Cabinet, and Dr. Muhammad Sharif, Advisor at ICESCO’s Science and Technology Sector.

    Seminars, Meetings and Cultural Competitions at ICESCO Pavilion at the International Book and Publishing Fair in Rabat

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) participate in the 27th International Book and Publishing Fair in the Kingdom of Morocco, which is held this year in Rabat, from June 2 to 12, within the framework of the celebration of Rabat, Culture Capital in the Islamic World 2022, under the patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may Allah assist him, as part of ICESCO’s Programme for Cultural Capitals.

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General (DG), and his delegation will attend the official opening of the fair, whose current session celebrates African literature, promising to bring renewal and offer exciting prospects.

    The pavilion of ICESCO features a large collection of the Organization’s books and studies in the fields of education, science, culture, media, communication and human sciences, in addition to the publications and brochures that introduce the key initiatives, programmes and projects of ICESCO. Visitors can download these publications for free.

    The pavilion will screen a series of videos produced by the Organization, introducing ICESCO’s fields of action, initiatives, programmes, achievements, and training sessions.

    ICESCO pavilion will host seminars and intellectual meetings for the heads of sector, department and center of the Organization and many experts to discuss ICESCO’s programmes, projects, vision and action strategy.

    The programme of the ICESCO pavilion features the distribution of prizes, including a prize that will be awarded every day to a winner from the pavilion’s visitors and a daily prize for a winner from among the participants in the ICESCO short video competition on the landmarks of Rabat. the best 3 videos will receive the shields of the competition.

    The pavilion includes a section of cultural and artistic activities for children, such as drawing and coloring, and an introduction to children’s fashion in various Islamic countries. Children can take pictures while wearing these costumes.

    ICESCO Participates in Conference to Launch the “Document on Education Development in the Arab World”

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) participated in the Conference to launch the Document on Education Development in the Arab World, which was held by the Arab Parliament in cooperation with the Ministry of Education in the Kingdom of Bahrain, under the patronage of HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Mubarak Al Khalifa, Deputy Prime Minister and President of the Supreme Council for the development of education and training in Bahrain, under the theme: “Bahrain the gateway to the development of education in the Arab world.” The Conference saw the participation of the speakers of Arab legislative councils and parliaments, as well as representatives of the organizations concerned.

    The Document on Education Development in the Arab World aims to contribute to the establishment of high-quality Arab educational systems that would instill the values of belongingness, good citizenship, loyalty, sense of responsibility and devotion to the homeland, in a way that contributes to achieving development and progress.

    Dr. Omar Halli, Advisor to the Director-General for the Federation of the Universities of the Islamic World (FUIW) represented ICESCO at the Conference, which kicked off on Wednesday, June 1, 2022. In his presentation, Dr. Halli highlighted the Organization’s involvement in educational development programs at all levels, from primary education to higher education, through launching and implementing practical programs. He also reaffirmed ICESCO’s eagerness to work on networking in various programs as part of the objectives of the Document, which provides an integrated vision for the development of the educational system in the Arab countries, in accordance with the requirements of the current stage and the present and future challenges facing education in the Arab world.

    ICESCO Takes Part in Preparatory Consultative Regional Meeting for “Transforming Education Summit 2022”

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) took part in the Virtual Informal Regional Consultation of Arab Region and Western Asia, held by the State of Qatar, the Education Above All Foundation in Qatar, and the United Nations, in preparation for the “Transforming Education Summit 2022,” to be held in New York next September. The meeting brought together ministers of education, representatives of ministries, international organizations, and civil society from 23 countries in the Arab region and West Asia.

    The meeting took place on Tuesday, May 31, 2022, and was chaired by Mrs. Buthaina Bint Ali Al Jabr Al Nuaimi, Qatari Minister of Education and Higher Education. In their interventions during the meeting, the participants emphasized the importance of ensuring education, pointing out that the Summit will take place at an opportune time when the world is adapting to the COVID-19 pandemic and recovering from its aftermaths, and where their countries are exerting tireless efforts to transform their education systems and taking various measures to cope with the crisis.

    For her part, Dr. Boly Barry Koumbou, Head of ICESCO’s Education Sector, underscored the need for international cooperation and solidarity with marginalized groups, noting the Organization’s efforts toward achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4) and transforming education. She also presented an action plan for organizing a high-level international forum on guaranteeing girls’ right to education, on the sidelines of the Transforming Education Summit in New York.

    The meeting saw the participation of Mrs. Amira Fadel, Head of the Partnerships and International Cooperation Sector, and a host of experts at ICESCO’s Education Sector.