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    ICESCO Director General receives Libyan Minister of Culture and Knowledge Development

    Dr. Salim AlMalik, Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), received Ms. Mabrouka Toghi Othman, Libyan Minister of Culture and Knowledge Development, to discuss ways of strengthening cooperation between ICESCO and Libya in the fields of culture, heritage preservation and valorization, as well as capacity building for professionals in this field.

    At the beginning of the meeting, which took place on Friday 26 May 2023 at ICESCO Headquarters in Rabat, in the presence of Dr. Said Mohammed Al-Dbayeb, Permanent Delegate of Libya to ICESCO, the delegation accompanying the Minister, and Mr. Najib Rhiati, Cultural Advisor to ICESCO Director General, Dr. AlMalik welcomed the Libyan Minister, stressing the Organization’s willingness to strengthen cooperation with Libya, which has seen great development over the last few years; a fact that has been reflected in the implementation by ICESCO of several programs and projects with the Libyan parties, in coordination with the Libyan National Commission and the Permanent Delegation of Libya to the Organization.

    For her part, the Libyan Minister of Culture praised ICESCO’s efforts to promote culture in the countries of the Islamic world, welcoming the Organization’s cooperation with Libya in inscribing numerous Libyan historical sites and cultural elements on ICESCO’s Islamic World Heritage Lists.

    The meeting touched on proposals for cooperation between ICESCO and Libya in several areas, in particular, capacity-building for heritage professionals, support for traditional industries and creative crafts, and programs dedicated to youth within the framework of ICESCO’s Year of Youth.

    At the end of the meeting, both parties agreed to continue coordination to define a set of programs and projects to be implemented by ICESCO in Libya, according to its priorities and needs in the cultural fields.

    Examining Cooperation Avenues between ICESCO and United Nations University for Peace in Youth Capacity Building

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), met with Dr. David Fernández Puyana, Ambassador and Permanent Observer of the UN University for Peace to the United Nations Office at Geneva and UNESCO, to discuss cooperation prospects between ICESCO and the University in youth capacity-building and leadership training in peace and security.

    During the meeting, which took place on Thursday, May 25, 2023, at ICESCO Headquarters in Rabat, Dr. AlMalik confirmed that the Organization accords great importance to youth through the programs and activities it implements for their benefit, mainly ICESCO’s Youth Leadership Training in Peace and Security Program, and the publication of the book “Peace 360°: Exploring the Dimensions of Peace,” which embodies ICESCO’s global, multidisciplinary approach to peacebuilding.

    The meeting also tackled cooperation proposals between the Organization and the University within the framework of ICESCO’s Year of Youth, aiming to strengthen the youth’s role in the development of their societies.

    At the close of the meeting, attended by Ms. Somia Djacta, Head of the ICESCO Office at UNESCO, Dr. Puyana met with several ICESCO Sector Heads and Experts to discuss possible programs and projects for cooperation between the Organization and the United Nations University for Peace.

    ICESCO takes part in the 24th International Lute Festival in the Kingdom of Morocco

    ICESCO takes part in the 24th International Lute Festival in the Kingdom of Morocco

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) took part in the 24th International Lute Festival in Tetouan (Kingdom of Morocco), held by the Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication in partnership with the Province of Tetouan, under the patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may Allah assist him. The aim is to raise awareness of Morocco’s musical heritage and bridge the gap with the world’s musical heritage.

    Dr. Abdelilah Benarafa, Deputy Director General of ICESCO, delivered an address at the official opening ceremony of the Festival, which kicked off on May 25 and lasts until May 28, 2023, with the participation of eight countries: Morocco, Spain, Iraq, Syria, Tunisia, Egypt, Mali and Lebanon. Iraq has been chosen as the guest of honor for this edition.

    During the Festival, which will be attended by an elite of distinguished Moroccan and international musicians, orchestras and famous artists, tribute will be paid to the artists Nabil Akbib and Abdel Ati Amanna from the Kingdom of Morocco. The “Ziryab Lilmaharat” prize was awarded to artist Mustafa Matar from the Republic of Lebanon.

    It should be noted that the International Lute Festival is celebrating two decades since it was founded and that its various editions have seen the participation of more than 500 of the most qualified lute players from all over the world, as well as 100 musical evenings and a workshop on the secrets of lute making and techniques for playing this instrument.

    ICESCO’s International Conference on State of Foresight Studies in the World kicks off

    ICESCO’s International Conference on State of Foresight Studies in the World kicks off

    On Friday, May 26, 2023, the two-day international conference on the “State of Foresight Studies in the World” kicked off, organized by the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), in cooperation with the Policy Center for the New South and Prince Mohammad bin Fahd University (PMU). The conference took place at the Mohammed VI Polytechnic University in Rabat, bringing together a host of researchers and international experts specializing in strategic foresight and sustainable development.

    In his opening remarks, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General, described the conference as a journey to explore the realms of knowledge and foresight and shape our collective future. He stressed the importance of integrating foresight into decision-making, enabling us to reflect on the long term and establish a shared vision that embraces the possibilities of the future. He added that ICESCO has dedicated a year to young people, acknowledging their pivotal role in shaping the future. This dedication stems from the importance of equipping youth with essential skills to adapt to future changes in the job market, which is expected to witness the emergence of new job opportunities.

    ICESCO DG concluded his address by noting that the Islamic world countries are facing a crucial juncture that they can only overcome by integrating the culture of foresight into knowledge through the adoption of foresight studies, which will help unlock their immense potential.

    In a video-recorded address, Dr. Leila Benali, Minister of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development of the Kingdom of Morocco, stressed the importance of anticipating and developing scenarios to effectively prepare for the future. She added that foresight is a scientific methodology and an essential requirement for fostering peace, reviewing the Ministry’s initiatives in advancing the development model in the areas of economy and energy transition in Morocco.

    Dr. Nouzha Chekrouni, Senior fellow at the Policy Center for the New South, emphasized the importance of understanding the state of strategic studies in order to effectively address global challenges and changes. She highlighted the need for a multidisciplinary approach to building a resilient future while stating that the center promotes dialogue, innovative solutions and geostrategic perspectives that keep pace with technological advances.

    In his address, Dr. Faisal Al Anezi, Vice President of PMU, noted that the significant challenges we face in today’s world, such as globalization and climate issues, contribute to the growing disparities among societies and highlight the importance of foresight studies. He also underscored the need to incorporate foresight studies into educational curricula and equip young individuals with the essential skills to confront future challenges.

    Dr. Kais Hammami, Head of the Center for Strategic Foresight of ICESCO, delivered a presentation on the historical background of foresight and the significant contributions made by prominent thinkers and philosophers in this field. He emphasized the crucial role of foresight studies in fostering development in Islamic societies and preparing strategies to address present and future challenges.

    After the opening session, the first day of the conference commenced with a panel discussion on best practices and strategic approaches in foresight studies, followed by another panel discussion on how foresight can enhance resilience in the face of challenges.

    ICESCO takes part in conference on ChatGPT and its impact on higher education and scientific research

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) took part in a conference on the impact of “ChatGPT” on higher education and scientific research, held by Sultan Moulay Slimane University in Beni Mellal, Kingdom of Morocco, on Wednesday, 22 March 2023.

    Chaired by Mr. Abdellatif Miraoui, Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation, the conference was attended by a number of presidents of universities and university institutions, faculty members and students. During the conference, Dr. Omar Halli, Advisor to ICESCO Director-General (DG) for the Federation of the Universities of the Islamic World (FUIW), highlighted the Organization’s role in promoting research in innovation and digitization and keeping pace with these rapidly evolving areas.

    He noted that ICESCO held a high-level scientific symposium on “ChatGPT” last February, which explored the opportunities and challenges of artificial intelligence platforms as well as the benefits and risks they entail.

    Dr. Halli emphasized that ICESCO seeks to promote awareness and usage of the “ChatBot” natural language processing tool among students in the Islamic world through workshops, conferences, and training sessions in universities across the region.

    ICESCO participates in the Mediterranean Forum for Sustainable Development

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) participated in the third session of the Mediterranean Forum for Sustainable Development, held in Tetouan, Kingdom of Morocco, under the theme “Youth, to determine our future,” organized by the Moroccan Association of Education, Training and Social Development, in cooperation with the United Nations Information Center in Morocco, in the presence of 2000 participants, including ambassadors, heads of international organizations, institutions, experts in the field of development, and students from various disciplines.

    During the three-day forum, which concluded its proceedings on Sunday (February 26, 2023), Dr. Muhammad Sharif, advisor to the Science and Technology Sector of ICESCO, reviewed the Organization’s efforts to support its Member States for achieving sustainable development goals through a number of initiatives, programs and projects in the fields of education, scientific research, innovation, culture and communication, and enhance the capacities of youth and women.

    The forum also brought together some of the participants in the 2022 edition of the ICESCO Young Professional Program, which provides the opportunity for young competencies from Muslim countries to benefit from professional qualification in the specialized sectors, departments and centers of ICESCO, within the Organization’s vision and strategic orientations to build youth capacities and provide them with new professional skills that keep pace with the global technological development.

    ICESCO takes part in first International Forum of Ibn Battuta for Tolerance and Rapprochement between Peoples in Tangier

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) took part in the first International Forum of Ibn Battuta for Tolerance and Rapprochement between Peoples, which was held in Tangier, Kingdom of Morocco, to highlight the role of the Moroccan traveler Ibn Battuta in spreading noble human values ​​and enriching travel literature.

    Mr. Najib Rhiati, Cultural Advisor to ICESCO Director-General (DG), represented the Organization, and was a guest of honor at the forum, on Friday, 24 February 2023. In his intervention on culture and rapprochement between peoples, he noted that Ibn Battuta’s travels across the world are an example of the art of living and living together, emphasizing that they are a model for human relations and rapprochement between peoples and nations, respect for difference and the combat against all forms of intolerance.

    The ICESCO official added that Ibn Battuta embodies the Islamic tolerant values ​​and good moral character which we need to build a peaceful world.

    It is worth noting that the forum marks one year since the exhibition space of Ibn Battuta’s memory was inaugurated at Borj En-Naam in Tangier’s old medina, which marks the 719th birth anniversary of the great traveler.

    ICESCO and UNESCO Discuss the Implementation Mechanisms of a Joint Project to Support Women in Science

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and UNESCO’s Regional Office in Rabat held a meeting, on Friday 24 February 2023, to discuss the implementation mechanisms of a joint project to support and strengthen the presence of women and girls in the field of science.

    ICESCO was represented at the meeting by Ms. Amira El-Fadil, Head of the Partnerships and International Cooperation Sector, Dr. Ahmed Said Bah, Advisor to the Director General for Partnerships and International Cooperation, Supervisor of the General Secretariat of National Commissions and Conferences, Dr. Koumbou Boly Barry, Head of the Education Sector, Dr. Raheel Qamar, Head of the Science and Technology Sector, Ms. Sally Mabrouk, Director of the Office of the Director-General, Ms. Fahmida Fayza, Programs Manager at the Social and Human Sciences Sector, and Ms. Doha Mghabbar, from the Center for Strategic Foresight. UNESCO Office for the Maghreb was represented by its Director, Mr. Eric Falt, and Mr. Mohamed Alaoui, Science Program Specialist.

    During the meeting, ICESCO representatives reviewed the main axes to be included in the said project as well as the implementation means and schedule.

    For his part, Dr. Falt stressed the willingness of the Office to make every effort, within the framework of the strategic partnership with ICESCO, to ensure the success of the project in order to fulfill the objectives and aspirations of both parties and strengthen the status of women in science.

    ICESCO and China’s ISRSS Sign Cooperation Agreement

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and the Institute of Silk Road Strategy Studies (ISRSS) of the Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) in the People’s Republic of China signed a memorandum of understanding and an action plan for cooperation, to promote the values of coexistence, peace and civilizational dialogue, as well as to enhance knowledge in higher education, scientific research and cultural exchange.

    In his speech delivered at the signing ceremony on Friday, 24 February 2023, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director General, welcomed this strategic cooperation and partnership between the two parties, as part of the Organization’s policy of opening up to universities and higher institutes, and its contribution to consolidating the values of peace and tolerance and promoting civilizational dialogue. He also stressed the importance of this partnership in enhancing the Silk Road’s historical dimension and achieving coexistence between civilizations.

    For his part, Mr. Jiang Feng, SISU Chairman of the Board, expressed his satisfaction with the signing and reviewed the missions of the University and the great importance it accords to youth capacity building and the development of research, through cooperation with its international partners and knowledge networking. He also stated that the Memorandum of Understanding and the Action Plan signed with ICESCO will open up broad perspectives on Chinese civilization for the countries of the Islamic world.

    The memorandum and the action plan were signed by Mrs. Amira El Fadil, Head of ICESCO Partnerships and International Cooperation Sector, and Dr. Ma Li Rong, ISRSS Dean, with the attendance of several Heads of Sectors and Departments and Experts of ICESCO, as well as officials of the Institute.

    In her speech, Mrs. Amira El Fadil stressed the importance of implementing the terms of the memorandum and the procedures contained in the action plan to achieve tangible results to consolidate the cooperation between ICESCO and the Institute. For his part, Dr. Ma Li Rong reviewed the terms of the memorandum and the areas of cooperation, stressing the Institute’s eagerness to sustain this fruitful cooperation with ICESCO.

    The memorandum and the plan include setting up a Chair for Silk Road Studies to enrich the civilizational discourse between China and the Islamic world, holding a joint exhibition on Silk Road heritage, international forums and workshops for youth in this field, as well as harnessing modern technology to enhance the educational capabilities of youth in China and ICESCO Member States, in addition to publishing joint articles on Silk Road studies.

    ICESCO participates in official opening of Marrakesh’s Intangible Heritage Museum

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) participated in the official opening ceremony of the Intangible Heritage Museum in Jemaa el-Fna Square in Marrakesh, Kingdom of Morocco. The museum was established at the former headquarters of Bank Al Maghrib in partnership between Morocco’s National Museum Foundation in and ICESCO, in implementation of the partnership agreement signed between the two parties in October 2020, and in cooperation with a number of partners.

    This new pioneering museum combines tourism, culture, heritage preservation and collection valorization with a view to achieving sustainable and comprehensive regional development. It will operate under the auspices of Morocco’s National Museum Foundation, chaired by the artist Mehdi Qotbi, and under the museological and scientific supervision of Dr. Abdelaziz El Idrissi, Director of the Mohammed VI Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Rabat.

    Dr. Mohamed Zinelabidine, Head of ICESCO’s Culture and Communication Sector, represented the Organization at the opening ceremony, which was held on Thursday, 23 February 2023, during which he perused the museum’s archeological and art collections and the displayed photographs and videos on the history of Jemaa el-Fna, its rich intangible heritage and its oral artistic, literary, performative practices.

    The museum will contribute to promoting Marrakesh as a global tourist destination through a cultural tourism space on Jemaa El-Fna Square as a meeting point between the city and the Kasbah Makhzenia that encapsulates a unique legacy that has been inscribed on UNESCO’s World Heritage List since 1997 as well as on ICESCO’s Islamic World Heritage List.