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    At Baku Global Forum: ISESCO Director General calls for spreading the culture of civil and peaceful alliance, entrench the fundamentals of understanding among nations and peoples on building world peace

    Baku: 16/03/2019

    At Baku Global Forum:  ISESCO Director General calls for spreading the culture of civil and peaceful alliance, entrench the fundamentals of understanding among nations and peoples on building world peace Continue reading “At Baku Global Forum: ISESCO Director General calls for spreading the culture of civil and peaceful alliance, entrench the fundamentals of understanding among nations and peoples on building world peace”

    ISESCO supports organization of workshops on “interfaith dialogue and integration of Muslim students in European universities”

    Rabat: 12/03/2019

    ISESCO supports organization of workshops on “interfaith dialogue and integration of Muslim students in European universities” Continue reading “ISESCO supports organization of workshops on “interfaith dialogue and integration of Muslim students in European universities””