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    Tunisian Head of Government opens Palace of Arts and Letters, and receives the shield of the celebration of Tunis Capital of Islamic Culture.


    Tunis: 21/03/2019

    Tunisian Head of Government opens Palace of Arts and Letters, and receives the shield of the celebration of Tunis Capital of Islamic Culture. Continue reading “Tunisian Head of Government opens Palace of Arts and Letters, and receives the shield of the celebration of Tunis Capital of Islamic Culture.”

    President of Tunisian Assembly of the Representatives of the People receives ISESCO Director General, Member States’ delegations and representatives of international organizations participating in Launch of Tunis Celebration as 2019 Islamic Culture Capital


    Tunis: 21/03/2019

    President of Tunisian Assembly of the Representatives of the People receives ISESCO Director General, Member States’ delegations and representatives of international organizations participating in Launch of Tunis Celebration as 2019 Islamic Culture Capital Continue reading “President of Tunisian Assembly of the Representatives of the People receives ISESCO Director General, Member States’ delegations and representatives of international organizations participating in Launch of Tunis Celebration as 2019 Islamic Culture Capital”

    ISESCO participates in Islamabad in First Meeting of the Steering Committee for the Implementation of OIC Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Agenda 2026

    Islamabad: 18/03/2019

    ISESCO participates in Islamabad in First Meeting of the Steering Committee for the Implementation of OIC Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Agenda 2026  Continue reading “ISESCO participates in Islamabad in First Meeting of the Steering Committee for the Implementation of OIC Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Agenda 2026”

    ISESCO Director General warns against growing extremism and hate speech against Muslims and calls international community to proclaim 15 March as international day for combating Islamophobia

    Rabat: 17/03/2019

    ISESCO Director General warns against growing extremism and hate speech against Muslims and calls international community to proclaim 15 March as international day for combating Islamophobia Continue reading “ISESCO Director General warns against growing extremism and hate speech against Muslims and calls international community to proclaim 15 March as international day for combating Islamophobia”