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    In an address at World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue in Baku: ISESCO Director General describes serious and constructive dialogue is a sound method for countering discrimination, inequality and violent conflicts

    Baku: 02/05/2019

    In an address at World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue in Baku: ISESCO Director General describes serious and constructive dialogue is a sound method for countering discrimination, inequality and violent conflicts Continue reading “In an address at World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue in Baku: ISESCO Director General describes serious and constructive dialogue is a sound method for countering discrimination, inequality and violent conflicts”

    As part of 5th World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue in Baku, ISESCO to hold a roundtable on the role of religious leaderships and academic institutions in the promotion of dialogue and respect of cultural diversity

    Rabat: 29/04/2019

    As part of 5th World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue in Baku, ISESCO to hold a roundtable on the role of religious leaderships and academic institutions in the promotion of dialogue and respect of cultural diversity Continue reading “As part of 5th World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue in Baku, ISESCO to hold a roundtable on the role of religious leaderships and academic institutions in the promotion of dialogue and respect of cultural diversity”

    On World Press Freedom Day: ISESCO calls for promotion of international cooperation between journalists to curb hate speech and racial discrimination in media

    Rabat: 29/04/2019

    On World Press Freedom Day: ISESCO calls for promotion of international cooperation between journalists to curb hate speech and racial discrimination in media Continue reading “On World Press Freedom Day: ISESCO calls for promotion of international cooperation between journalists to curb hate speech and racial discrimination in media”

    As part of the Celebration of Bandar Seri Begawan as 2019 Capital of Islamic Culture for the Asian region: ISESCO and FUIW to hold academic symposium on issues of Sacred City glorification, Brunei Darussalam

    Rabat: 25/04/2019

    As part of the Celebration of Bandar Seri Begawan as 2019 Capital of Islamic Culture for the Asian region: ISESCO and FUIW to hold academic symposium on issues of Sacred City glorification, Brunei Darussalam Continue reading “As part of the Celebration of Bandar Seri Begawan as 2019 Capital of Islamic Culture for the Asian region: ISESCO and FUIW to hold academic symposium on issues of Sacred City glorification, Brunei Darussalam”

    Under the high patronage of President of Republic of Guinea Bissau: Launch of the Celebration of Bissau as African region’s Capital of Islamic Culture for 2019

    Bissau: 23/04/2019

    Under the high patronage of President of Republic of Guinea Bissau: Launch of the Celebration of Bissau as African region’s Capital of Islamic Culture for 2019 Continue reading “Under the high patronage of President of Republic of Guinea Bissau: Launch of the Celebration of Bissau as African region’s Capital of Islamic Culture for 2019”