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    ISESCO Director General meets with UAE Minister of Culture

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), in Paris, discussed with Ms. Noura Al Kaabi, Minister of Culture and Knowledge Development of the United Arab Emirates, ways to promote cooperation between ISESCO and the United Arab Emirates in the field of culture.

    During this Meeting, Dr. AlMalik expressed his thanks to the UAE Government for their initiative to host ISESCO Executive Council, to be held in Abu Dhabi on 29-30 January 2020, which is expected to take milestone decisions related to ISESCO and adopt its new strategy and vision.

    The two parties agreed to work jointly to implement a number of programmes and provide support to a host of cultural initiatives within the framework of ISESCO’s new strategy and vision, and as part of its efforts to protect and conserve heritage in the Islamic world and preserve the civilizational Islamic identity against incitement to hatred, fanaticism and violence.

    This meeting was held on the sidelines of participation of Dr. AlMalik and Ms. Al Kaabi in the 40th General Conference of UNESCO, which kicked off last Tuesday in Paris with the participation of the representatives of UNESCO’s 193 Member States and 10 Associate Members, and the presence of international leaders, most notably the UN Secretary General, Mr. António Guterres.

    AlMalik and Belabed agree on promoting cooperation between ISESCO and Algeria

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), in Paris, met with Mr. Abdelhakim Belabed, Algerian Minister of Education, on the sidelines of their participation in the 40th UNESCO General Conference. During this meeting, the two parties explored ways to promote cooperation between ISESCO and People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria in the fields of education, science, culture and communication

    Dr. AlMalik reaffirmed that ISESCO takes pride in Algeria’s membership and appreciates the efforts it exerts to support joint Islamic action, underscoring that the next period will see joint action programmes between the Organization and the Algerian Ministry of Education, in light of ISESCO’s new vision through which the Organization strives to become a beacon, not only for Muslim countries but for the world at large.

    Algerian Minister stated that his country will substantially support ISESCO in the upcoming period, lauding the Organization’s role in supporting Muslim countries’ efforts to reform their educational systems, as well as its action to safeguard and preserve heritage in the Islamic world.

    ISESCO Director General meets with CEO of “Dubai Cares”

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), discussed with Dr. Tariq Al Gurg, Chief Executive Officer of Dubai Cares, ways to promote cooperation and joint action between ISESCO and Dubai Cares with a view to providing education opportunities to children in Islamic countries, which need aid in this field.

    During this meeting, held on the sidelines of the 40th UNESCO General Conference, Dr. AlMalik reviewed ISESCO’s new vision and action plan for the forthcoming phase, and its approach towards empowering youth, women, and children to benefit from their educational, scientific, cultural, technological, and environmental rights. This goes in line with Dubai Cares’ fields of action in providing basic education. The two parties also agreed on promoting cooperation in the field of scholarships, and supporting, supervising, and expanding the scope of academic chairs to serve education and scientific research.

    It is worth mentioning that Dubai Cares, founded in 2007, is a philanthropic organization, which endeavors to provide children in developing countries with quality basic education through integral programmes aimed at eliminating obstacles hindering children from enrolling in schools and learning.

    AlMalik and Amzazi explore ISESCO-Morocco cooperation

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), reviewed ways to strengthen cooperation between the Organization and Morocco, with Mr. Said Amzazi, Minister of National Education, Vocational Training, Higher Education and Scientific Research of the Kingdom of Morocco, in the fields of education, science, culture and communication.

    Dr. AlMalik lauded the permanent support of His Majesty Mohammed VI of Morocco to ISESCO and the care the Organization receives from the late King Hassan II since its inception.

    Moreover, the two parties examined ISESCO’s future programmes of cooperation between ISESCO and Morocco under the Organization’s new vision which is based on two orientations: building an innovative and smart civilizational system and empowering youth, women and children to enjoy their educational, scientific, cultural, technological and environmental rights. All these issues receive special attention from the Moroccan Government.

    Mr. Amzazi reaffirmed his country’s appreciation of the role played by ISESCO to support Islamic world countries in the fields of education, science and culture, wishing more success to the Organization in light of its new vision.

    The meeting which was attended by Mr. Samir Addahre, Ambassador, Permanent Delegate of Morocco to UNESCO, was held on the sidelines of the 40th UNESCO General Conference.

    ISESCO launches a Caravan on the use of technology for educational purposes in Nigeria

    Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), launched an awareness raising caravan on rationalizing the use of technological means for educational purposes, on 13-15 November 2019 in Abuja, in coordination with Nigerian National Commission for ISESCO and Federal Ministry of Education of Nigeria,

    This caravan, which benefits 60 primary and secondary school teachers and education professionals, aims at enhancing their competences to integrate information and communication technologies into the educational process.

    Nigerian National Commission for ISESCO organized the caravan’s launch ceremony, which was attended by Deputy Minister of Education of Nigeria as well as a number of central directors and heads of departments and services at the Ministry.

    This initiative is part of ISESCO’s efforts and new vision aiming at providing the necessary technical and educational expertise for the staff of education and training sector to make the best use of these technologies and take advantage of their various applications supporting communication, cooperation, critical and innovative thinking, organization, research and problem-solving.

    ISESCO Director General meets with UAE Minister of Education

    The Director General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, today in Paris, met with the Minister of Education of the State of the United Arab Emirates, Mr. Hussain bin Ibrahim Al Hammadi, on the sidelines of their participation the 40th UNESCO General Conference, which kicked off last Tuesday.

    During this meeting, Dr. AlMalik presented ISESCO’s new vision through which the Organization strives to enter a new phase as a beacon in the fields of education, science, culture and communication, not only for the Islamic world but for the world at large. The Director General also talked about future ISESCO action plans and the measures taken to set up a waqf to help fund ISESCO’s projects and ensure that the Organization is adequately assuming its role.

    Moreover, the two parties agreed to promote cooperation between ISESCO and the UAE in the fields of education, science, culture and communication.

    For his part, the Minister reaffirmed his country’s interest in projects pertaining to promoting Arabic, and the future of education in both the Arab and Islamic world, conveying his country’s readiness to work with ISESCO in implementing programmes and activities aiming at developing curricula and upgrading Member States’ educational systems.

    Mr. Al-Hammadi also hailed the idea of waqf as a way to fund ISESCO’s activities and action programmes, reaffirming the UAE’s support for this idea.

    ISESCO Director General explores cooperation between ISESCO and Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia and Afghanistan

    The Director General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, explored ways to promote cooperation between the Organization and the Sultanate of Brunei Darussalam, Republic of Indonesia, and Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, during three meetings he held with officials from these three countries, on Wednesday, in Paris, on the sidelines of the 40th UNESCO General Conference.

    During his meeting with Mr. Dato Hamzah Sulaiman, Minister of Education of Sultanate of  Brunei Darussalam, Dr. AlMalik reaffirmed ISESCO’s keenness to develop cooperation with the Sultanate, lauding the Celebration of Bandar Seri Begawan as Capital of Islamic  Culture for 2019 as well as the programmes and activities implemented and scheduled as part of the celebration.

    The two parties also agreed to continue working towards promoting cooperation in the fields of education, science, technology and culture, and rendering Brunei Darussalam a regular destination for holding international symposia and hosting some ministerial conferences that fall within the realm of ISESCO’s competence, particularly in light of the positive outcomes scored during Dr. AlMalik’s visit to Brunei Darrussalam last October, his meeting with His Majesty Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah, and his participation in the Majlis Ilmu Conference, which was opened by His Majesty.

    Likewise, Dr. AlMalik met with Dr. Arief Rachman, Executive Chairman of the Indonesian National Commission to UNESCO, and together they reviewed the outcomes of the major activities ISESCO implemented in several Indonesian cities over the previous period. The two parties also explored ways to promote cooperation in ISESCO’s areas of competence, within the framework of ISESCO’s strategy and new vision, which strives to render the Organization a beacon for Islamic world as well as for other countries in the fields of science, culture and communication.

    The Director General also met with Mr. Abdel-Ellah Sediqi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Afghanistan to France, Cyprus, Portugal and Monaco, Permanent Delegate of Afghanistan to UNESCO and ISESCO. During this meeting, the Director General explored the future of cooperation between the Organization and the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, which both parties agreed to promote.

    It is worth noting that the 40th UNESCO General Conference kicked off yesterday and saw the participation of UNESCO Member States (193 Member States), in addition to ten Associate Members; and the attendance of world leaders, chief among them the UN Secretary General, Mr. António Guterres.

    Joint workshops between ISESCO and OECD to be lunched

    Today in Paris, the Director General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, met Mr. Ludger Schuknecht, Deputy Secretary General of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and together they agreed to launch Joint workshops and Seminars between ISESCO and OECD over the period 2020-2021.

    During the meeting, which is part of ISESCO Director General’s current visit to France to attend the 40th General Conference of UNESCO, the two parties agreed on signing a cooperation agreement next year, and they stressed the need to sustain joint action between ISESCO and the OECD, encourage investment in the various fields of education, ensure gender equality in educational opportunities, and facilitate the integration of migrants through specialized educational programmes.

    The first workshop to be held at ISESCO headquarters in Rabat during the first quarter of 2020 to develop ISESCO’s future work programmes so as to promote its support to Member States in reforming the educational curricula. ISESCO aims through this workshop to develop high-quality work programmes based on good international research works and expertise while the OECD seeks to involve a larger number of countries in the OECD Education 2030 Project.

    Another workshop to be held in one of ISESCO Member States during the third quarter of 2020, aims to improve the quality and use of national data in the field of education as the OECD has a considerable experience in this field through the development of indicators, data collection methodologies, policies and strategies likely to help transfer such expertise to ISESCO Member States.

    The third activity focuses on reviewing the national educational policies of ISESCO Member States over the period 2020-2021. Many of ISESCO Member States participate in the data collection with the OECD, but their use of such data in developing their own national educational policies is very limited. Thus, this workshop is very important to benefit from the OECD 20-year long experience in drawing education policies.

    Through the fourth activity, to be implemented over the period 2020-2021, the work programme aims to exchange knowledge. ISESCO will provide its Member States with a greater interaction and an ample knowledge of the research works, data and analyses of the OECD so as to boost the efforts of education reform through various practical means.

    It is worth mentioning that the OECD is an international organization established in 1961 to replace the Organization for European Economic Cooperation (OEEC), established in 1948 to help managing Marshall Plan to rebuild Europe after World War II. It aims to achieve economic development and refresh trade exchange.

    ISESCO Director General meets with Gabonese Minister of Education in Paris

    Today in Paris, the Director General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, met Mr. Michel Menga M’Essone, Minister of State and Minister of National Education of Gabon, and together they explored ways of strengthening cooperation between the Organization and Gabon in ISESCO’s areas of action.

    This Meeting, which was attended by Mrs. Rachel Annick Ogoula Akiko, Permanent Delegate of Gabon to UNESCO, was part of a series of meetings that ISESCO Director General is holding with heads of States’ delegations and regional and international organizations concerned with education, culture, science and communication, during his current visit to France at the head of a high-level delegation of ISESCO to participate in the 40th UNESCO General Conference.

    It is worth noting that the 40th UNESCO General Conference kicked off on Tuesday 12 November 2019 with the participation of the representatives of UNESCO’s 193 Member States, along with 10 Associate Members, and high-level international leaders, most notably the UN Secretary General, Mr. Antóno Guterres.

    ISESCO to participate in technical meeting to prepare reference framework for teaching Arabic

    The Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), through the League of the Institutions of Teaching Arabic to non-Arabic Speakers (LITAAS), will participate in the technical meeting on the “Preparation of Joint Reference Framework for Teaching Arabic Language”, to be hosted by the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO) in Tunis on 14-15 November 2019.

    Organized at the invitation of the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), the meeting will explore ways to develop and finance references and executive mechanisms likely to give rise to a general unified framework for teaching Arabic to serve as a reference for the various institutions of teaching and learning Arabic language at the Arab and international levels.

    In addition to ISESCO, LITAAS, IsDB, and ALECSO, the meeting will be attended by the Arab Bureau of Education for the Gulf States (ABEGS); the Arab Maghreb Union (AMU); the Association of Arab Universities (AAU); the Federation of Arab Scientific Research Councils (FARC) based in Khartoum, the Sudan; the Arabic Language Academy of Damascus (ALAD), Syria; the National Center for Assessment in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; and Attanal Alarabi Institution for Training and Testing, Amman, Jordan.

    ISESCO and LITAAS will be represented in the event by Mr. Adel Bouraoui, Supervisor of the Directorate of Education at ISESCO.