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    ICESCO pays tribute to Dr. Boubakar Doukouré, Chairman of ICESCO Executive Council

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) paid tribute to Dr. Boubakar Doukouré, Chairman of ICESCO Executive Council, in recognition of his services to the Organization throughout his years as member of the Executive Council, then its Chariman, a position he announced resigning from today, at the closing session of the 40th Executive Council in Abu Dhabi.  Dr. Doukouré stated that he sent his letter of resignation to the President of the National Commission of Burkina Faso and informed the said Commission to select another representative in the Council.

    During the session, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director General, decorated Dr. Doukouré with a commemorative medal, amid a standing ovation from the members of the Executive Council. Dr. Lalla Malika Issoufou, First Lady of Niger, guest of honor of the Executive Council, also handed the former Chairman a certificate of thanks and appreciation, in the presence of Dr. Ali Zaidan Abu Zuhri, President of ICESCO General Conference, and Dr. Salma Al Darmaki, Secretary General of the Emirati National Commission.

    For his part, Dr. Doukouré expressed his thanks to the Organization for this tribute, stating that he has fond memories of the Organization’s General Directorate and staff members; and promised to constantly support ICESCO’s new plans and visions.

    MoU between ICESCO and EWB

    On the sidelines of the 40th Executive Council of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), the Organization and Educators without Borders (EWB) signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) covering seven (7) different programmes to be implemented over the period 2020-2022.

    The MoU was signed for ICESCO by its Director General, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, and for EWB by its Chairwoman, Dr. Karima Matar Almazroui.

    The MoU includes seven projects in the field of education, namely integration of educational technologies into the Islamic world educational systems, integrated world toward literacy and adult education, development of the programme on teaching Arabic for non-Arabic speakers, health education for rural areas populations and young people in Member States, support for ICESCO Expert Network for Teaching Arabic for non-Arabic Speakers, and dialogue on women literacy toward development.

    Two letters of thanks to UAE from ICESCO Director General and Executive Council

    At the close of the 40th Executive Council of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), in Abu Dhabi, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director General, and Dr. Boubakar Doukouré, Chairman of ICESCO Executive Council, in their names and on behalf of the participants in this session, sent two letters of thanks respectively to His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the State of the United Arab Emirates, Ruler of Abu Dhabi; and to His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, Chairman of Abu Dhabi Executive Council, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces.

    Dr. AlMalik read out the two letters before the participants today at the closing session of the Council.

    The first letter shares the honor of the Executive Council members, at the close of its 40th session, held on 29-30 January 2020, in Abu Dhabi, to express to His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan their deep thanks and gratitude for supporting the joint Islamic action so as to serve the Islamic world’s issues and promote the Muslim Ummah in various fields. “The members avail themselves of this opportunity to express to His Highness their great appreciation of his successful efforts in serving education, science, technology, culture and communication by entrenching the foundations of quality in the relevant national systems, promoting cooperation and partnership with the relevant international parties, and adopting forward-looking visions that has allowed the United Arab Emirates to have a leading position at the Islamic world in the field of future industry”, the letter added.  

    The second letter sent to His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan expresses the deep thanks and gratitude of the Council member for his continuous support to leading development initiatives in his country and Muslim countries so as to promote the Muslim Ummah in various fields. “The members avail themselves of this opportunity to express to His Highness their great appreciation of his successful efforts in serving education, science, technology, culture and communication through the major scientific, educational and cultural initiatives he launched as well as the ambitious development projects he supports with a view to entrenching the foundations of knowledge society, creativity, innovation, pioneering and localization of technology,” the letter added. 

    Adoption of new ICESCO Organizational Structure

    The 40th session of the Executive Council of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), being held in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, adopted the new ICESCO Organizational Structure, submitted by the Organization’s General Directorate to the Council, in order to meet the requirements of ICESCO’s new vision and future action plan. The current session of the Executive Council enjoys the powers of the General Conference.

    The Structure was adopted, taking into consideration the observations of ICESCO Executive Council members during deliberations, following the presentation made by the General Directorate on the reasons behind changing the old structure, including the interplay between the functions of some directorates, the inadequate status of some directorates in comparison with the roles they play. The new structure also aims to meticulously identify the responsibilities in a way that guarantees optimal performance at the Organization in light of its vision that adopts openness and more communication with Member States, the world, and regional and international organizations in the fields of education, science and culture.

    In this regard, the General Directorate stated that the Organization sought the services of the Institute of Public Administration (IPA) in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to examine ICESCO’s Organizational Structure and submit a draft new structure based in the working requirements of the Organization in the next period. To this end, a consultative team was formed consisting of the IPA training faculty members specializing in relevant fields. The team reviewed the old Structure and separately met with all ICESCO directors and officials to identify the work nature of each directorate and center, then proposed the new structure which was fine-tuned based on the observations of ICESCO staff.

    Key elements in the new Structure  include the creation of the two new positions, namely, the Deputy Director General and the Assistant Director General. The Deputy Director General shall be in charge of ICESCO’s main action sectors (Education, Culture and Communication, Social and Human Sciences, Science and Technology), whereas the Assistant Director General shall be in charge of the common services including the Directorates of Support Services, Information Technology and Printing and Publishing, in addition to the Center of Translation. Other directorates report directly to the Director General, including the Office of the Director General, the Directorate of Legal Affairs, the General Secretariat  and Conferences, the Financial Controller, the Directorate of Institutional Information and Communication, the Directorate of Public Relations and Protocol, the Directorate of Prizes, Scholarships and Excellence Initiatives, and the Office of Goodwill Ambassadors.

    Unanimously, ICESCO Executive Council adopts Modification of Organization Name

    ** AlMalik: The new name opens wide prospects for the Organization’s presence at the international level

    The 40th Executive Council of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), which kicked off today in Abu Dhabi, State of the United Arab Emirates, adopted the modification of the name of the Organization into the “Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization” (ICESCO).

    In this regard, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director General, stated that the modification of the name of the Organization aims to clarify the nature of its missions, which are not D’awa-related, and open wide prospects for its presence at the international level.

    Dr. AlMalik also highlighted that the new name accurately reflects the nature of the civilizational mission of ICESCO in the fields of education, science, culture and communication, as well as its purposes and objectives.

    In the document on the draft modification, the General Directorate of ICESCO underlined that the proposed expression ‘Islamic World’ refers to the civilizational space which takes into account the global dimension in all the regions which include Muslim populations and minorities, or the regions which have contributed in a way or another to building and enriching the common civilizational heritage of these regions. “Thus, this concept is not constant or stagnant; it is rather flexible, integrated, open and expandable. Besides, the Muslim population in some non-Member States is larger than its counterpart in some Member States. The name ‘Islamic World Organization’ allows the Organization to cooperate with these countries and implement programmes and activities for Muslims in such countries within an institutional and official framework,” the General Directorate added.

    The General Directorate also stressed that the modification of this name will open wide prospects for expanding the bases of partnership and cooperation in Member States and with non-Member States and an important number of international and regional governmental institutions which were not fully aware of the nature of the Organization’s missions, fields of action, and beneficiaries, as well as their strategic commonalties and development priorities shared with ICESCO.

    It is worth mentioning that the 40th ICESCO Executive Council enjoys the powers of ICESCO General Conference, the highest power representing all the 54 Member States in supervising the Organization’s action and general policies, by virtue of the powers vested in it by the 3rd Extraordinary General Conference, held in the Area of Makkah Al-Mukarramah, on 9 May 2019, which commissioned the Executive Council to examine and adopt the amendments proposed by the Director General to ICESCO’s regulations, plans and working mechanisms.

    40th session of ISESCO Executive Council kicks off in Abu dahbi

    Today, in Abu Dhabi, the 40th session of the Executive Council of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), kicked off. This session will review, over the course of two days, the Organization’s new vision, Action Plan for 2020-2021, the new Medium-Term Strategic Plan for 2020-2030, and a number of organizational matters submitted by the General Directorate to the Council.

    The opening session of ISESCO Executive Council started with the address of Dr. Noura Mohammed Al Kaabi, Minister of Culture and Knowledge Development of the United Arab Emirates, wherein she welcomed the hosting of the Executive Council in Abu Dhabi, while conveying her wishes for the attainment of the desired outcomes in such a way that serves the peoples of the Islamic world. She also expressed her thanks to ISESCO Director General, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, for his efforts and vision aimed at developing the Organization’s organs and promoting effective coordination with Member States.

    Moreover, Dr. Al Kaabi stated that the historic changes witnessed throughout the Islamic world and affecting all walks of life compel us to keep up with the changes and adopt innovative and forward-looking solutions that respond to Muslim societies’ needs and build a better future for the next generations.

    At the close of her address, the Emirati Minister reiterated her country’s commitment to supporting the new vision and strategy of ISESCO to anchor its position as a civilizational beacon and an effective platform for joint Islamic action in the cultural, scientific and educational fields.

    In his address, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ISESCO Director General, thanked the members of the Executive Council for attending the 40th session of the Council. He also expressed his thanks and gratitude to His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the State of the United Arab Emirates, Ruler of Abu Dhabi, and to His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, Chairman of Abu Dhabi Executive Council, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces, for the good reception and generous hospitality they offered to the Council members and guests. Likewise, he thanked Ms. Noura bint Mohammed Al Kaabi, Minister of Culture and Knowledge Development, as well as the Ministry’s team. Moreover, Dr. AlMalik welcomed Her Excellency Lalla Malika Issoufou, First Lady of the Republic of Niger,  guest of honor of the Council at its current session.

    Afterwards, the Director General reviewed the Organization’s new vision, stating that ISESCO adopted an anticipatory vision that will allow it to move from idealistic aspirations to realistic achievements, position the Organization at a leading standing to become a beacon of global outreach in its areas of competence, and develop action mechanisms that meet the Islamic world’s expectations for a better future.

    Dr. AlMalik also reviewed a number of initiatives while expressing his confidence that the Executive Council will contribute to supporting and enriching the orientations of this new vision to build together an ISESCO of the future and the world of tomorrow.

    In his address, Dr. Boubacar Doukouré, Chairman of ISESCO Executive Council, commended the dynamics and spirit of renewal within ISESCO, which has achieved great results since the appointment of Dr. AlMalik as Director General. He also promised, on behalf of the Executive Council, that he will support Dr. AlMalik in the implementation of the new vision, which aims to turn ISESCO into an outreach beacon for Member States.

    On his part, Dr. Ali Zeidan Abu Zuhri, President of ISESCO General Conference, expressed his pleasure and honor to attend the 40th Session of ISESCO Executive Council, in the State of United Arab Emirates, which constitutes an annual educational, cultural and scientific gathering aiming to develop ISESCO’s action.

    Besides, Dr. Abu Zuhri requested the Council to seize this session to enrich the debate on the promotion of many issues relevant to the Organization so as to enable ISESCO to open up to the world while wishing every success to the Council.

    In her address, Ms. Lalla Malika Issoufou, First Lady of the Republic of Niger, praised the role that ISESCO plays in supporting education while pointing out “Education is the key to life. Girls are marginalized in many countries such as Niger, where only 5 out of 100 girls enrolled in primary schools  reach the secondary school level” .

    She also conveyed to the Council the special greetings of the President of Niger, H.H. Mahamadou Issoufou, who reiterated his support to ISESCO and the development of cooperation relations in its areas of competence.

    At the close of the session, ISESCO Director General and the Emirati Minister of Culture and Knowledge Development presented ISESCO’s Prizes in the fields of Literacy and Non-Formal Education, which was won by the “Aarafa Centre” in the Republic of Chad, which was received on the Centre’s behalf by Dr. Ali Mohammed Qamar, the representative of the Republic of the Chad at the Executive Council; and ISESCO Prize for Open Source Educational Resources for the year 2018, to the representatives of the Ministry of National Education in the Kingdom of Bahrain, and the Senegalese Ministry of  Education for their initiatives on “Digital Resources for All”.

    Moreover, Yanbu Digital Platform of the Centre of Learning Resources won ISESCO Prize for Digital Educational Resources for the year 2019.

    AlMalik addressing ISESCO Executive Council: “The Islamic world faces enormous challenges that require taking constructive initiatives and urgent reforms”

    ** ISESCO’s anticipatory vision will move the Organization from idealistic aspirations to realistic achievements

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), reaffirmed that the Organization has adopted an anticipatory vision which will allow it to move from idealistic aspirations to realistic achievements and position it at a leading standing to become a beacon of global outreach in its areas of competence, and develop action mechanisms that meet the Islamic world’s expectations for a better future.

    Dr. AlMalik, in his address at the opening session of 40th ISESCO Executive Council, which kicked off today in Abu Dhabi, added that ISESCO, since its inception, thanks to the support of its Member States, has achieved significant gains which affirms the important roles assigned to it to coordinate joint Islamic action within the realm of its competence. “The way ahead is still long, given the enormous challenges faced by the Islamic world. We are thus required to take constructive initiatives and urgent reforms that lives up to our expectations in order to attain the desired the goals,” he stressed.

    Dr. AlMalik also stated, “Under this new vision, we want ISESCO to become a modern organization that is strongly attached to its origins while being open to its time and outreaching regionally and exercising influence internationally. We want an organization capable of pinpointing shortfalls, meeting needs, and keeping pace with the realities of Member States and Muslim communities in non-Member States.”

    Besides, he underlined that the Organization adopted a new approach that attracts competencies and makes leaderships, and is committed to consolidate constants and fundamentals on which the Islamic world is built, in terms of thought, culture and civilization, while abstaining from engaging in all political or D’awa-related issues.

    Moreover, ISESCO Director General reviewed a number of initiatives emanating from the new anticipatory vision, as follows:

    1. Promotion of the roles of the National Commissions for Education, Science and Culture, and provision of greater support to their Secretaries General and staff so as help ISESCO accurately identify Member States’ needs in planning the programmes that are most responsive to their priorities.
    2. Project of the Draft modification of the name of the Organization into the “the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization” to remove confusion about the nature of its missions which are, in effect, not connected to D’awa, and open larger prospects for its presence on the international stage.
    3. Draft amendments to ISESCO’s Charter, regulations and organizational structure consistently with the new vision of ISESCO and the establishment of a legal department to be tasked with regulating the procedures of the Organization’s action as part of rights-based and institutional approach.
    4. Project of the establishment of ISESCO Waqf Fund which will ensure diversified financing resources and sustainability of the Organization’s action.
    5. Project of the International Consultative Council which is designed to enable the Organization to achieve a larger openness to its international environment and access to decision makers.
    6. Establishment of the Center of Strategic Foresight to anticipate potential developments, creatively generate ideas and conduct studies about the present and future of the Islamic world.
    7. Establishment of ISESCO Center of Arabic for Non-Arabic Speakers to localize educational expertise in the field of teaching Arabic to non-Arabic Speakers and promote the transcription of Muslim peoples’ languages in the Standardized Arabic Script.
    8. Establishment of ISESCO Center for Islamic Heritage which will be entrusted with the comprehensive documentation of heritage sites in the Islamic world, building relevant capacities, and inscription of heritage sites on the Islamic World Heritage List (IWHL).
    9. Organization of the monthly ISESCO Cultural Forum which has now become a knowledge platform for the advancement of joint Islamic action inside and outside the Islamic world.
    10. Digitization of the documents and procedures at all ISESCO’s conferences in order to develop the working method and turn ISESCO into an environmentally friendly Organization.
    11. Achievement of a larger openness to major international partners in ISESCO’s areas of competence through reopening ISESCO Office at UNESCO and entrusting it with strengthening partnership with the United Nations, the European Union and other systems.

    At the close of his address, Dr. AlMalik stressed, “We are fully confident that the Executive Council will contribute to supporting and enriching the orientations of this new vision to build together ISESCO we want: ISESCO of the future and the world of tomorrow.”

    Outlook on the future…constructive initiatives…new structure: ISESCO heading towards new phase

    **40th session of ISESCO Executive Council to kick off tomorrow in Abu Dhabi

    **AlMalik: The session is key to applying the Organization’s new vision and future strategies

    The 40th session of the Executive Council of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), will kick off on Wednesday 29 January 2020, in Abu Dhabi. This session is exponentially important given that it enjoys the powers of the General Conference, the highest power representing 54 Member States in overseeing the Organization’s action and general policies.

    In this connection, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ISESCO Director General, underlined that this is a key session in the history of the Organization during which ISESCO’s new vision will be presented to the Member States, in the form of decisions and action orientations for the upcoming period. This new vision adopts more openness to and cooperation with Member States, considering that ISESCO is the house of expertise of Muslim countries, thus making it the beacon of civilizational outreach that promotes joint Islamic action. It is for this reason that ISESCO inaugurated its Center of Strategic Foresight.

    In addition, Dr. AlMalik expressed his thanks to the State of the United Arab Emirates, represented in the Ministry of Culture and Knowledge Development, for hosting the 40th ISESCO Executive Council over the course of two days, while commending the great eagerness and facilitations to host this major event.

    The agenda of the Council features reviewing ISESCO’s strategic projects and future action plans, including the Organization’s new strategic vision, structural plans, Action Plan for 2020-2021, and the new Medium-Term Strategic Plan for 2020-2030.

    The Council will also review the report on ISESCO’s action in the previous years, the Financial Report, the Report on Member States’ Contributions to the Organization’s Budget, and Proposals on Member States’ Payment of their Arrears to ISESCO’s Budget.

    Moreover, the Council will examine a number of key organizational matters including the Draft New Organizational Structure of ISESCO, Project of the Establishment of a Development Waqf Fund for ISESCO, and the Project of the Establishment of ISESCO International Consultative Council.

    Likewise, this Council session will elect the members of the Financial Control Committee; adopt the new audit company; and set the date and venue of the 41st session of the Council.

    AlMalik reaffirms ISESCO’s commitment to support Member States to overcome the educational challenges

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), stressed ISESCO’s commitment to provide support and proposals to Member States with regard to the tools and curricula likely to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal 4 on “ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education for all”, particularly through its partnership with the Education Relief Foundation (ERF) as ISESCO considers ERF’s action as an opportunity to release the energies of millions of girls and boys so as to ensure a safe, prosperous, equitable and flexible future for all thanks to balanced and inclusive education.

    This was part of his address at the 3rd Forum on Balanced and Inclusive Education, held on 27-29 January 2020, by ERF in cooperation with the Republic of Djibouti, delivered on his behalf by Ms. Yasmina Saghrouni, Expert at the Directorate of External Relations and Cooperation of ISESCO.

    Dr. AlMalik stated that the Forum is an occasion to celebrate the outputs of the consultative and participatory process in which major intellects, practitioners, decision-makers, and technical staff in the field of education with a view to developing an influential and effective educational approach to guide the current and next generation in a changing continent and a mutant world.

    He also highlighted that “ISESCO is aware, as stressed in its new strategic vision, that education has a multidisciplinary future which pays attention to complexities and multiculturalism, and most importantly, it is vital for promoting the capacity of Member States to adaptation and contribution to the achievement of a sustainable future for all.”

    Besides, Dr. AlMalik stressed that ISESCO is aware of the extent of complexity that marks the educational challenges facing Member States in a borderless world amid the flow of knowledge, the virtual communication and multilingualism as well as the spread of conflicts that give rise to instability and worrying escalation of the flow of people and migrants.

    Dr. AlMalik warned that “only the Arab region houses 32% of refugees and 38% of internally displaced people in the world due to conflicts. Besides, 32 out 59 million of school dropouts live in the Sub-Saharan African, North African and West Asian countries. Girls at the age of school are deprived from their right to education.”

    He added that in some of ISESCO Member States, citizens, especially children suffer from multidimensional poverty, catastrophes, displacement due to climate change, and migration due to conflicts, although they have some of the most ancient schools, universities and renowned scholars in the world. “It is high time for these countries and regions to integrate in the societal transformations given the pressure exerted by the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), and the growing domination of social media which has become a virtual decision-maker that equally promotes cohesion and creates dialogue spaces, but foments divisiveness and fuels hatred,” he stressed.

    At the close of his address, Dr. AlMalik stated that from this dull reality, innovation, creativity and solutions are born to face these challenges and enable students, teachers and decision-makers to get a balanced and inclusive education.

    ISESCO Director General meets Minister of Higher Education and Minister of National Education of Djibouti

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), explored with Dr. Nabil Ahmed, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Djibouti, and Mr. Moustapha Mohamed Mahamoud, Minister of National Education and Professional Training, ways to develop cooperation between ISESCO and the Republic of Djibouti.

    This meeting, held today, is part of the visit Dr. AlMalik is paying to Djibouti to participate in the 3rd Forum on Balanced and Inclusive Education, to be held by the Education Relief Foundation (ERF), on 27-29 January 2020, as part of ISESCO new vision, which adopts openness and seeks more partnership with ISESCO Member States.

    The two parties explored the areas of cooperation between ISESCO and the two Ministries, who expressed their desire for more communication between the two parties in the coming period; and reviewed the major programmes and activities which Djibouti currently needs and would like ISESCO to contribute to their implementation.

    Talks also covered the importance of establishing a centre of Arabic language in Djibouti, and organizing some forums and conferences likely to boost education and training in Djibouti.

    Besides, the meeting raised the issue of Djibouti’s arrears of contributions to ISESCO’s budget, stressing that such contributions would be translated into programmes and activities likely to benefit Djibouti citizens.

    The meeting was attended by Mr. Mohamed Musa Yapa, Technical Advisor to the Minister of Education, Secretary General of the National Commission for Education, Science and Culture of Djibouti; and Ms. Yasmina Saghrouni, Expert at the Directorate of External Relations and Cooperation of ISESCO.