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    Under the patronage of President El-Sisi… ICESCO to hold international virtual conference on the fight against illicit trafficking of cultural property

    Under the patronage of H.E. Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, President of the Arab Republic of Egypt, the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), in cooperation with the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities in the Arab Republic of Egypt, will hold, on 28 July 2020, an international virtual conference on the fight against illegal trafficking of cultural property. The Conference will bring together ministers in charge of heritage from all over the world, along with international experts in the fight against the theft and illegal trafficking of artifacts.

    The Egyptian Minister of Tourism and Antiquities, Khaled al-Anany, will represent President El-Sisi in the Conference and read out an address on his behalf at the opening session.

    On this occasion, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General, stated that the Organization is pleased with the Egyptian President’s patronage of the Conference, while noting that Egypt is one of the most affected countries on artifact theft throughout ages and that it has deployed considerable efforts to restitute its stolen artifacts. He also stated that many countries in the Islamic world suffer from attempts of the destruction or theft of their antiquities.

    In addition, Dr. AlMalik underlined that the Conference comes at a juncture marked by the upsurge in illegal trafficking of cultural property as this crime has soared in the past several years. In this vein, he explained that this criminal act does not only constitute an assault on the cultural aspect alone but also destroys peoples heritage, strips them of their treasures, weakens their capacities and sets back their sustainable development efforts and that relevant international instruments are inadequate to stop or eliminate this crime.

    The Conference will explore the following topics:

    1. Current situation in Illegal Trafficking of Cultural Property in the Islamic World providing statistics on the theft, trafficking and transport of artifacts, the experiences of some of ICESCO Member States in the fight against this crime and the new trafficking modus.
    2. Challenges to anti-trafficking in cultural property, namely the emergence of new markets and techniques such as e-commerce on social media and the complexity and insufficiency of international agreements and local legislations to address this phenomenon.
    3. Role of ICESCO in building the capacities of Member States in anti-trafficking of cultural property.

    The Conference will issue ICESCO Declaration on the Protection and the Fight against the Theft and Illegal Trafficking of Cultural Property.

    ICESCO Director General Receives Chargé d’affaires and Cultural Advisor at Chinese Embassy in Rabat

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), received today, July 16 Mr. Jun Mao, Chargé d’affaires, at the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Kingdom of Morocco, and Dr. Chen Dongyun, Cultural Advisor at the Embassy, at the headquarters of the Organization in Rabat. The officials explored ways to promote cooperation between ICESCO and China in the Organization’s areas of competence.

    During this meeting, Dr. AlMalik reaffirmed that ICESCO’s new vision adopts openness and cooperation to serve the Member States and Muslim communities around the globe. He also highlighted that, within this framework, ICESCO developed a new charter specific to Observer States which will allow such countries to take part in conferences, activities and programmes and establish partnership with ICESCO, while calling on China to join the Organization as Observer.

    Besides, ICESCO’s Director-General reviewed the major initiatives newly launched by the Organization during the COVID-19 pandemic to support the international community’s efforts to counter the pandemic’s negative repercussions.

    The initiatives include the “Comprehensive Humanitarian Coalition,” whose executive projects and field programmes are geared towards countries affected by the pandemic and the neediest categories. He also called on the People’s Republic of China to join this Coalition and encourage private institutions to join as well.

    The meeting also touched on the ICESCO Prize for Fighting against Coronavirus with a USD 200,000 reward to anyone who discovers an efficient treatment or preventive vaccine from the virus. Dr. AlMalik requested the Chinese delegation to help publicize this prize in China.

    On his part, Mr. Jun Mao welcomed the development of cooperation between ICESCO and his country’s interest while calling for effective communication to achieve the results of this important meeting and follow-up on the issues agreed upon.

    The two parties agreed to implement joint programmes in the fields of culture, science, and education to develop their mutual relationship.

    Dr. Ahmed Said Bah, Director of the Sector of Partnerships and International Cooperation; Amb. Khalid Fathalrahman, Director of Dialogue and Cultural Diversity Department; and Ms. Rime Jirari, President of Organizations and Bodies Division from ICESCO attended the meeting. Joining the meeting from the Chinese Embassy was Ms. Dong Xue Meng, Officer at the Cultural Division.

    Partnership agreement between ICESCO and Nabd

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) signed a partnership agreement with Nabd, the largest news app in the Arab world. The agreement provides for the establishment of a platform for ICESCO to broadcast news about the Organization and its activities to ensure direct outreach to the broadest possible audience.

    The platform (accessible at this link https://nabd.com/icesco will keep Arabic-speaking readers updated on the initiatives, programmes, and projects implemented by the Organization, topics of discussion and the outcomes of the conferences organized or co-organized by ICESCO. They will also have access to the news and information about ICESCO’s prizes in the various fields.

    On the occasion of signing the agreement, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General, stressed that the agreement with Nabd forms part of ICESCO’s strategic vision which advocates inclusiveness and constructive communication to serve the Member States and Muslim communities all over the world. It can be achieved through workable initiatives, programmes, and projects to develop the skills of children and build the capacities of women, the youth and children to improve their living conditions to contribute to sustainable development and achieve peaceful coexistence. He also stated that the platform would enable ICESCO to keep the broad audience informed of the latest developments and updates on its action.

    The agreement was signed for ICESCO by Dr. Ahmed Said Bah, Director of the Sector of Partnerships and Cooperation, and for Nabd by Mr. Mazen Singer, Chief Strategy Officer.

    Upon signing the agreement, Mr. Singer expressed his satisfaction with the conclusion of the agreement with ICESCO, while noting that it comes as part of carrying out “Nabd” Strategy which seeks to lay the groundwork for cooperation with outstanding international organizations, provide diversified content to users, and contribute to achieving the Organization’s noble objectives in its areas of competence: education, science, and culture.

    Partnership between ICESCO and International University of Rabat to support innovation in Islamic world

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and the International University of Rabat (UIR) signed a framework agreement for partnership in higher education and scientific research. The agreement seeks to advance higher education in the Islamic world countries, support innovation in cutting-edgetechnology, the transfer of technology to needy countries, and the promotion of cooperation between universities and research centers in various countries.

    The agreement was signed for ICESCO by its Director General, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, and for the UIR, its President, Dr. Noureddine Mouaddib. The signing ceremony was held at the headquarters of the University in the presence Mr. Mohamed Khalfaoui, Secretary General of the Sector of Higher Education and Scientific Research at the Ministry of National Education, Vocational Training, Higher Education and Scientific Research of the Kingdom of Morocco; Mr. Jamal Eddine El Aloua, Acting Secretary General of the Moroccan National Commission for Education, Science and Culture, and a number of officials from both sides.

    In his address at the signing ceremony, Dr. AlMalik reaffirmed that the COVID-19 pandemic has proved that it is imperative to advocate and support innovation, creativity and AI applications and bolster scientific researchefforts. In this regard, he highlighted that ICESCO views innovation as a realistic solution to Islamic world countries to get back on the road toa science and innovation-based civilization which hadcontributed its rich innovations to humanity for a long time.

    He also reiterated ICESCO’s commitment to be the first to cooperate and coordinate with other parties and hoped that the partnership agreement between ICESCO and the UIR will be a starting point for similar partnerships and agreements with other universities, in support of innovation and scientific research in the Islamic world.

    For his part, Mr. Khalfaoui lauded the cooperation between ICESCO and the University in anti-COVID-19 efforts and thanked ICESCO for its support in favor of advancing education, culture and scientific research. Similarly, Mr. El Aloua pointed out that this partnership will contribute to the transfer of technology between the Islamic world countries. The President of the UIR, Dr. Noureddine Mouaddib, underscored that the world is in face of great challenges and that cooperation is the only way to overcome them. He then expressed his satisfaction with the signing of this partnership with ICESCO which has supported the efforts of the University since the outbreak of the pandemic.

    Following the signing of the agreement, ICESCO Director General and UIR President inaugurated the project on the production of protective masks against the novel Coronavirus and ventilation devices, which is being implemented as part of ICESCO’s Scholarships for Technology Development. The project aims to ensure large-scale production of materials and equipment necessary for the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic in the Islamic world, namely in Africa, and the transfer of relevant technology.

    For the record, this project is the latest of similar projects funded by ICESCO in many countries, including Uganda, Mali, Senegal, Kazakhstan, the Gambia, and Guinea. ICESCO will support similar projects in other countries in the future.

    ICESCO Director-General calls for Arabic language empowerment

    AlMalik: the world loses 25 human languages each year and 90% of languages are endangered

    The Director-General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, called on specialized institutions in the issues of Arabic language to make every effort to empower Arabic language on the world linguistic map.

    “Empowering Arabic at the Islamic and international levels is a collective responsibility. Everyone, from their respective position, should advance this language amid a situation which will witness decisive changes in the post-COVID-19 era”, he added.
    In his address at the opening of ICESCO’s virtual international forum which kicked off today under the theme “Arabic Language for Non-Arabic Speakers beyond COVID-19: Renewing Strategies and Developing Tools and Methods”, Dr. AlMalik warned that each year, the world loses 25 human languages and that 90% of the world’s languages are endangered. In this respect, he mentioned many contributing factors such as children’s inclination to use the widely spoken languages, most advantageous and most expressive of innovations; failure of many languages to keep up with developments in digital and computing technology; language isolationism; and lack of attractiveness to new learners.
    “ICESCO, which has long called for a speedy digital qualification of education systems as part of its slogan against the COVID-19 pandemic (Let’s turn trial into blessing), has moved from the pure handling of the adverse repercussions of the pandemic into an investment of huge potentials to achieve transition to the school of the future”, Dr. AlMalik added. In this regard, he referred to the wide range of innovative projects and alternatives of “ICESCO Digital Home” and the Organization’s most abundant use of the widely spoken world languages to raise health awareness and ensure an instant exchange of information.

    Then, ICESCO Director-General listed some of ICESCO’s orientations in the field of Arabic language empowerment as follows:

    1. Ensuring openness of Arabic to everyone, Muslims and non-Muslims alike, with diverse contents to promote dialogue and understanding between peoples and meet the needs of learners;
    2. Continuously developing the curricula of teaching Arabic to non-Arabic speakers and diversifying resources, tools, and services;
    3. Expediting the involvement of specialists in the digital production and publishing of learning materials;
    4. Supporting and computerizing languages written in the Arabic script in Africa and Asia;
    5. Adopting a forward-looking approach that takes into account the future roles of AI in language learning and the cultural and socioeconomic transformations with an impact on the world linguistic map.

    Moreover, Dr. AlMalik cited the major initiatives and programmes of ICESCO Center for Arabic to non-Arabic Speakers, a specialized ICESCO center designed to be a leader in building relevant national capacities. These include “Learn and Master Arabic at Home,” “Bayan’ Award for Creative Expression in Arabic,” “Languages of Africa: Bridges of Culture and History,” “Zidni ‘Ilman” initiative for teachers and counselors, “Programme of ICESCO Regional and National Centers in the Field of Teaching Arabic to non-Arabic Speakers,” and “Computerization of African Languages written in the Arabic Script.” Moreover, ICESCO will collaborate with the Islamic Development Bank Group (IsDB) and ALECSO to develop the “Joint Reference Framework for Arabic Teaching and Learning”.

    At the close of the Forum, ICESCO Director-General thanked the participating senior officials of regional and international specialized bodies and centers, experts, and researchers, while calling on them to fully discharge their respective responsibilities toward the empowerment of Arabic language.

    ICESCO Forum: development of the tools of teaching Arabic to non-Arabic speakers in post-COVID-19 is necessary

    The Virtual International Forum “Arabic Language for Non-Arabic Speakers beyond COVID-19: Renewing Strategies and Developing Tools and Methods”, held today by the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) with the attendance of senior regional and international specialized bodies and centers and a host of international experts and researchers, reaffirmed the need for joint action to empower Arabic language in the global language scene, amid a global situation which will likely witness decisive transformations in post-COVID-19 era.

    At the opening session, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General, reaffirmed in his address that empowering the Arabic language at Islamic and international levels is a collective historical responsibility while warning that the world loses 25 languages each year and that 90% of languages are endangered due to several factors.

    Then, Dr. Abdullah Al Obeid, Director of ICESCO Center of Arabic for non-Arabic Speakers, underscored the importance of the Forum which will enrich the topics and issues of Arabic teaching and learning and how the pandemic has impacted this sector in education institutions around the world while stressing the need for the assessment of the achievements and initiatives of remote education teachers and calling for concerted efforts by institutions.

    At the opening session’s first schorlarly presentation, Dr. Mohamed El Hannach, President of the International Agency for Natural Language Processing (NLP), reviewed the positive aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic, namely the increasing demand for the digitalization of educational contents, and the move toward thinking of digital solutions to promote the Arabic teaching and learning process. In the second scholarly presentation, Dr. Khaled AbuAmsha, Executive Director of the Center for Arabic Study Abroad (CASA), stressed the need to change organic laws and upgrade technical infrastructure to achieve equal access to the programmes of the teaching of Arabic language in rural and urban areas.

    Afterward, the academic sessions opened. At the first session on “Regional and international action in the field of Arabic language for non-Arabic learners (challenges and opportunities),” Dr. Mahmoud Ismail Saleh, Secretary-General of King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz International Center for Arabic Language (KAICAL), explored means of disseminating Arabic language and culture in the world. Also, Dr. Ali Abdullah Moussa, Secretary-General of the Arabic Language International Council, spoke about the issues of Arabic language for non-Arabic speakers during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Furthermore, Dr. Issa Saleh Al Hammadi, Director of the Arabic Language Education Center for the Gulf States, noted that the Center seeks to embody the interest of the heads of Member States of the Arab Education Center for the Gulf States (ABEGS) in the development of curricula. For his part, Dr. Faisal Al-Juhani, Arabic Language Programmes Coordinator at the Islamic Development Bank Group (IsDB), reviewed IsDB’s steadfast support to Arabic language programmes. At the same time, Dr.Majdi Bin Haji Ibrahim, Expert at ICESCO Center of Arabic for non-Arabic Speakers, provided a brief overview of the Center, its initiatives, and innovative programmes since its establishment.

    The second session was dedicated to the theme “Toward leadership roles for university institutions in national capacity-building.” Dr. Tulus Musthofa, General President of the Arabic Teachers Association of Indonesia, reviewed the efforts made by the Association in the teaching of Arabic. Dr. Seydou Madibaba Sylla, Rector of the Sahel University in Mali, pointed to the leading roles of university institutions in developing Arabic language curricula. For his part, Dr. Badr Ali Al Abdulqadir, Dean of the Center of Teaching Arabic at Muhammad ibn Saud Islamic University, stated that the Center had held 300 training sessions in the field of the Arabic language, mostly outside Saudi Arabia.

    Moreover, Dr. Ibrahim Osmanov, Deputy Rector of the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan, reviewed the situation of Arabic language in Central Asia. Similarly, Dr. Ding Shiren (Ayoub Nurulhaq), Director of Islamic Culture Institute of Lanzhou University in China, explored the history of teaching Arabic in China.

    During the third session which addressed the theme “Harnessing ICT to serve and disseminate Arabic language,” Dr. Siti Sara binti Haji Ahmad, Dean of the Faculty of Arabic Language and Islamic Civilization of the Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University in the Sultanate of Brunei Darussalam, noted the efforts of the University in using ICT to advance Arabic language. Dr, Ouidad Naebi, Director of the African Ibn Battuta Center in the Republic of Benin, handled the efforts of the Center in the provision of teaching services during the COVID-19 pandemic.
    On his part, Dr. Babakar Kadramari, Director of Youssif Alkhalifa Center for Writing Languages in Arabic Script of the International University of Africa in the Sudan, stressed the need for supporting the project of computerizing African languages written in the Arabic script.

    Moreover, Dr. Chokri Hamrouni, Director in charge of Education Development at Granada Editions, reviewed the institution’s efforts in teaching and learning of Arabic and the digitization of teaching materials. Last, Dr. Enver Gicić, Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Studies in Novi Pazar, Serbia, highlighted the Faculty’s efforts in the teaching and learning Arabic in the Balkans.

    The fourth session was dedicated to the theme “Prospects of teaching of Arabic and its Dissemination in the World.” Dr. Mohammad Ayub Nadwi, Director of the India-Arab Cultural Centre (IACC), explored the role of the Center in the dissemination of Arabic culture. Dr. Christine Welsh, Director of the Arabic Programme at Middlebury College in the United States, gave an overview of the teaching of Arabic language and culture for non-Arabic speakers.
    Ms. Ván Thanh Huìn, Head of the Department of Arabic Studies at the Vietnam National University, addressed the major problems facing Arabic learners in Vietnam. On the other hand, Mr. Mohamed Hussein Ghazzawi, Ex-Director of Foz do Iguaçu Islamic Cultural Center in Brazil, pointed out that teaching Arabic must keep apace with the rapid global changes in the world during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    At his closing address, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General, expressed his hope for a new era where Arabic language will be a global language, restore its position and roles in the global civilizational edification, and become once again the language of innovation, creativity, and sciences.

    The live streaming of the Forum was widely followed by the public. The full video of the proceedings is available at this link:

    ICESCO participates in the inaugural meeting of the digital platform of Hassan II International Center for Environmental Training

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) took part in the inaugural meeting of the digital platform of Hassan II International Center for Environmental Training affiliated to Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection, chaired by HRH Princess Lalla Hasna.

    The meeting, represented by Dr. Abdelmajid Tribak of ICESCO, Expert at the Sector of Science and Technology at ICESCO, was held yesterday at the headquarters of the Center, in Sidi Bouknadel, near Rabat.  He was joined with the team from the recently established Center, as well as experts from the Kingdom of Morocco and beyond. It also brought together several representatives of the international organizations, universities, Moroccan Ministry of Education, Hassan II Academy for Science and Technologies, as well as researchers and teachers in the fields of energy, air pollution, and water management.

    The meeting tackled the academic presentations of the project of the Center’s digital platform on various environmental and sustainable development themes in terms of content, perception, and sources. It also explored ways of future cooperation on this platform and elsewhere as well as other programmes of joint environmental action between ICESCO and Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection.

    Nominations open for Hamdan-ICESCO Prize for Distinguished Academic Performance until 17 December

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum Foundation for Distinguished Academic Performance announced the call for nomination for the 2nd Edition of Hamdan– ICESCO Prize for Voluntary Development of Education Facilities in the Islamic World Countries (2020-2021), dedicated to countering the COVID-19 pandemic.

    On this occasion, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General, reaffirmed ICESCO’s support to the projects and programmes which contribute to countering the repercussions of this crisis and its significant impact on the educational system by gearing efforts towards the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic and promotion of innovation to serve education.

    On his part, Dr. Jamal al-Mehairi, Vice-Chair of the Prize’s Board of Trustees, Secretary-General of Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum Foundation, stated: “Hamdan Foundation is proud of its partnership with ICESCO in this Prize. The Foundation is committed to achieving the Prize’s objectives and encouraging voluntary work in the establishment and development of educational facilities. It is also keen on cooperating in creating opportunities to serve the education and promote its value in societies across the Islamic world”.

    The Prize is awarded biennially to three winners from among individuals or institutions having contributed to developing education institutions in Islamic world countries. The value of the Prize stands at US$300,000. Each winner receives a shield and a reward of US$100,000, which will go to charity work, especially the development of educational facilities.

    Individuals, charities, voluntary institutions, and donors can apply for the Prize through the website of Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum Foundation for Distinguished Academic Performance via the link below: http://ha.ae/en/icesco

    To be eligible for the Prize, the programmes or projects should have made a significant contribution to the development of educational facilities in Muslim countries in line with ICESCO’s principles and objectives in this field. To this end, applicants should explain the nature of the educational facilities such as building, developing or equipping schools or institutes, offering noticeable and concrete charity services to support and develop educational facilities, and efficiently contributing to the establishment and development of projects in the field of distance learning amid the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as contributing to the continuity of the educational process during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Furthermore, the programmes or projects should have at least a three-year experience to assess their outcomes and verify their effectiveness. However, this condition does not apply to the programmes or projects which support the global trend in the field of distance learning, and education in compelling circumstances.
    Applicants can either choose self-nomination by filling in and submitting the nomination form after approval or through the recommendation of a third party by filling in and submitting the nomination form after approval. The Foundation announced that the nomination deadline is 17 December 2020. Applications should be sent to the following email: Hamdan.icesco.prize@ha.ae

    You can follow and interact with the updates of the Prize on ICESCO’s official page on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ICESCO.En/
    Or through the official page of Hamdan Foundation on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FoundationHBR/

    ICESCO to explore the future of Arabic language for non-Arabic speakers beyond COVID-19

    During the Virtual International Forum “Arabic Language for Non-Arabic Speakers beyond COVID-19: Renewing Strategies and Developing Tools and Methods”, due to be held by the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), next Thursday 09 July 2020, participants will explore the major lessons learned from the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Arabic language for non-Arabic speakers, and outline the future action priorities and strategic choices likely to improve the quality and outcomes of this type of education and promote the position of Arabic language in Muslim countries and worldwide in the next phase.

    The Forum’s agenda features the opening remarks by Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, ICESCO Director-General, and the address by Dr. Abdullah Al Obeid, Director of ICESCO Center of Arabic Language for Non-Arabic Speakers. Afterward, the floor will be given to Dr. Mohamed El Hannach, President of the International Agency for Natural Language Processing, and Dr. Khaled Hussein AbuAmsha, Executive Director of the “Center for Arabic Study Abroad.” The Forum’s four sessions will then respectively examine “Regional and international action in the field of teaching Arabic to non-Arabic speakers: challenges and opportunities”; “Leadership roles of university institutions in national capacity-building”; “Capitalizing on the telecom and digital revolution to serve Arabic language dissemination”; and “Prospects of teaching and spreading Arabic around the globe.”

    In addition to ICESCO’s representatives, the Forum will bring together a host of senior officials in charge of the regional and international specialized institutions and centers, including Dr. Mahmoud Ismail Saleh, Secretary-General of King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz International Center for the Arabic Language; Dr. Ali Moussa, Secretary-General of the International Arabic Language Council; and Dr. Issa Saleh Al Hammadi, Director of Arabic Language Education Center for the Gulf Countries. The participants also include Mr. Faisal Al-Juhani, Arabic Language Programs Coordinator at the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB); in addition to a host of officials in charge of faculties, university departments, educational and cultural centers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Sudan, Uzbekistan, Mali, Benin, China, Indonesia, Brunei Darussalam, France, Britain, Serbia, USA, India, Vietnam, and Brazil.

    The Forum seeks mainly to develop a shared vision for regional and international institutions and specialized university, educational and cultural institutions regarding future action priorities in this field. The aim is to enable these institutions and education specialists to develop strategic options to keep pace with the runaway changes, draw on the fourth industrial revolution and harness its digital innovations to promote the teaching and learning of the Arabic language and ensure its international empowerment.

    People desiring to get a participation certificate are invited to sign up on ZOOM application via the following link:


    You can also follow the live streaming of the Forum on ICESCO’s Arabic page on Facebook via the following link:


    In four new languages, ICESCO and FIFA pay tribute to humanity’s heroes

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) launched the unique video where former and current football stars express their thanks and appreciation to healthcare workers for their outstanding work. The video is in Chinese, Spanish and Portuguese while the Russian version is being prepared.

    In this video appearance, which has achieved great success in its first release in Arabic, English and French, male and female football stars, including Pelé, Diego Maradona, Ronaldo, David Beckham, Kaká, Marta, Marco van Basten, Zinédine Zidane, Park Ji-sung, Yaya Touré, Lucy Bronze, Samuel Eto’o, Fabio Cannavaro and many others are warmly applauding healthcare workers in recognition of their work to help citizens and sacrifices to halt the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.

    In parallel with the applause, a brief caption expresses gratitude and appreciation to all healthcare workers and professionals around the globe who have become #HumanitysHeroes.

    With the three new languages, the video will be available in six languages, namely Arabic, English, French, Chinese, Spanish and Portuguese. It could be watched on:
    while the Russian version is being prepared to reach seven languages. ICESCO and FIFA will also cooperate in the field of culture and sports.

    It is worth noting that, since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, ICESCO has launched several practical initiatives, programmes, and projects to support the global anti-COVID-19 efforts and help Member States overcome its adverse repercussions. The Organization’s effort culminated with the launch of the “Comprehensive Humanitarian Coalition” initiative to help poor and most affected countries by implementing practical projects and field programmes. The Coalition was widely welcomed by many countries, international organizations, and institutions and authorities operating in various fields, including FIFA.