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    ICESCO Unveils Ambitious Plan to Develop Water Resources Management Strategies in the Islamic World

    Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), reaffirmed the importance of investments in innovative technologies and solutions for water supply, the development of water supply systems, the treatment of wastewater, and hygiene services. He highlighted that the COVID-19 pandemic revealed the importance of and the need for clean water.

    The statement was part of the DG’s address at the “Virtual Innovation Summit 2020” that the World Association of Industrial and Technological Research Organizations (WAITRO) held today on its 50th anniversary. The event was in partnership with ICESCO and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), with the participation of HRH Princess Sumaya bint Hassan, President of WAITRO; Mr. Li Yong, UNIDO’s DG. A host of experts and specialists in water management and technology also participated in the event.

    Dr. AlMalik also stated that the lack of water in many households is a threat to public health, particularly that washing hands with water and soap is the best and simplest means of protection from the COVID-19.

    ICESCO’s DG highlighted that the Organization pays utmost attention to water-related issues by supporting the Member States to develop water resources integrated management strategies.

    He elaborated that ICESCO will implement an ambitious plan in the two coming years, which mainly focuses on:

    1. Improving and ensuring clean water supply for one thousand schools in Member States’ villages;
    2. Supporting scientific research and innovation with 300 scholarships for researchers in the Member States to develop and find innovative solutions in various fields;
    3. Launching “ICESCO Innovation Award” for the best innovation in the field of science and technology likely to have a positive impact on the Member States;
    4. Developing a new transfer program of water sustainable management mechanisms to face the challenges of water scarcity and meet Member States’ water needs;
    5. Supporting the 9th Global Water Forum, due to be held in Dakar next year to explore and adopt ideas likely to preserve water resources.

    At the close of his address, Dr. AlMalik called upon the international organizations, bodies, and research centers specialized in water resources management to cooperate with ICESCO to ensure water security for the neediest countries.

    ICESCO and NAUSS Explore Partnership Agreement

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and Naif Arab University for Security Sciences (NAUSS) held on October 26, in Rabat, Morocco, a consultative meeting to finalize their future partnership agreement. The two entities will collaborate on the implementation of ICESCO’s new program for 2021-2023 on natural disaster risk reduction in Muslim countries.

    The partnership is part of ICESCO’s sustained efforts to support Member States to counter crises following the great success of the 2018-2020 pilot program and the sustained cooperation between ICESCO and NAUSS, in Saudi Arabia.
    Dr. Raheel Qamar, Director of the Science and Technology Sector at ICESCO, and Dr. Khalid Abdulaziz Al Harfash, Director of Public Relations at NAUSS, chaired the meeting. The event brought together several directors and officials of ICESCO’s sectors as well as NAUSS delegation.
    After his welcome address, Dr. Qamar reviewed the major programs and achievements of the Science and Technology Sector. Dr. Al Harfash then made a presentation on NAUSS’s new strategy and its scientific programs and activities as well as its aspiration for the partnership with ICESCO.

    The meeting also touched upon the programs, activities, and studies of common interest to be conducted as part of the cooperation agreement, including four action areas: academic programs (MA and diploma), training sessions, scientific research, and forums, conferences, and related activities.
    The two parties agreed to come up with a draft project proposal to establish “ICESCO Center for Natural Disaster and Crises Risk Reduction in the Islamic World” at NAUSS, to be submitted to ICESCO’s Executive Council and NAUSS’s Supreme Council.

    ICESCO Takes Part in Extraordinary Meeting of OIC Permanent Delegates

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) took part in the “Extraordinary Meeting of the Permanent Delegates of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).” The Meeting, held on Monday, October 26, brought together several OIC-affiliated organizations and institutions to review the efforts exerted to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Ms. Zainab Iraqi, Supervisor of the General Secretariat of National Commissions and Conferences, represented ICESCO in the meeting. The ICESCO official highlighted the importance of cooperation between the Islamic world countries and OIC-affiliated institutions. Ms. Iraqi further explained that the cooperation aims to transition from an emergency approach to a more empowering and sustainable one. The action seeks to lay the foundations of inclusive cohesion, prosperity, and sustainability for Muslim societies.

    The Supervisor highlighted ICESCO’s strategic roles in assisting its Member States to devise their national policies in the fields of education, science, and culture. The Organization also provides technical and financial support to the most vulnerable countries and builds the capacities of young people and women to form knowledge-based societies, she added.
    Ms. Iraqi also talked about key webinars that ICESCO held in the fields of education, science, and culture and the Organization’s initiatives to support efforts to mitigate the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on societies. She stated that the work ICESCO carried out to combat the repercussions of the pandemic repositioned the Organization at both the regional and international levels.

    ICESCO Calls for Bridging Gap Between Youth and Technology

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) attended the National Forum on “Artificial Intelligence and Education: Foresight and Pioneering Applications.” The Omani National Commission for Education, Culture, and Science held the videoconference yesterday, October 26. The Forum featured representatives of specialized regional and international organizations and several researchers and experts in education and Artificial Intelligence (AI).

    Dr. Kais Hammami, Director of the Center of Strategic Foresight, represented ICESCO and delivered a presentation on “Opening opportunities for the youth toward integration in AI fields.” Dr. Hammami stressed the need for training the youth to be at the cutting-edge of technology and conduct foresight studies. The goal is to build scenarios for AI’s future to generate enormous opportunities for sustainable development in the Islamic world.

    ICESCO’s representative also underscored the role of education in the creation of promising opportunities for youth in the Islamic world to open up to knowledge and develop their creative skills. He noted the importance of rethinking the current teaching methods and take advantage of the revolutionary AI technology and its incumbency on governments and international organizations. The purpose is to focus on developing strategic action and entrenching a proactive and foresight culture.

    Dr. Hammami reviewed ICESCO’s achievements in the field of AI, one of its priority actions under its new vision. He referred to the Organization’s publications namely the research study on the “AI Applications Use to Contain COVID-19 Pandemic” and “the Challenges to the Establishment of Legal Frameworks for the Protection of Personal Data in AI Use.” Dr. Hammami pointed out that ICESCO is preparing a unified dictionary of AI terms that will serve as a reference for Member States.

    ICESCO Condemns Terrorist Bombing Attack against Education Center in Kabul

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) strongly condemns the terrorist bombing attack that targeted an educational center west of Kabul, Afghanistan, causing dozens of casualties.

    ICESCO reiterates its emphatic rejection of such terrorist acts, perpetrated in violation of all international laws and conventions, which target educational institutions, thus jeopardizing the learning opportunities of many citizens. ICESCO stands by the right to educati on as a cardinal right guaranteed by the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights, adopted by virtue of the United Nations General Assembly Resolution on 16 December 1966.

    While conveying its sincere condolences and expressing its sympathy for the victims’ families and the Afghan people, ICESCO reaffirms its support to Afghanistan, as an ICESCO Member State, in its endeavor to erase traces of this cowardly terrorist act. The Organization will also contribute to rebuilding the educational center and support schools to ensure the continuity of schooling.

    ICESCO Calls for Respecting Religions and Refraining from the Use of Islam to Advance Political Agendas and Create Media Sensationalism

    At the time when Muslims across the world celebrate the month of Rabi II of the Hijri year 1442, the month of birth of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, who was sent as a mercy to the world, the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) follows with concern the growing rates of systemic offense targeting the character of the Prophet in the media and political discourse of some French officials. The unfolding situation in France is creating sentiments of anger, sadness, and shock among more than 1.5 billion Muslims and is inciting hatred among cultures and nations. The French officials are hiding behind flimsy explanations that conform to neither reason nor law to justify this vile attack against Muslim sanctities, following the isolated murder committed by an extremist against a French citizen, who occupied the position of a history and geography teacher in a French school.

    While ICESCO denounces the heinous crime, rejects any religious justification for it, and considers it a blatant violation of the lofty principles of Islam, which equates the murder of an individual to a crime against humanity, the Organization finds it odd how some French officials attempt to incite conflict and exacerbate the campaign against Islam. The officials’ attempts aim to persecute French Muslims and violate their religious freedoms by enforcing discriminatory policies targeting their rites and forms of worship. The French officials insist on reprinting blasphemous caricatures of Prophet Muhammad and displaying them on the facades of French government buildings, concurrently with the annual celebration of the Prophet’s birth, thus undermining the foundations of dialogue, coexistence, and peace among nations, countries, and peoples.

    While the Organization reaffirms its unwavering stance on condemning all terrorist acts and stands by the victims of acts of terror and their families, it also calls for having a sense of responsibility and rising above using Islam or any other religion to advance political agendas and election campaigns and create media sensationalism.
    The Organization recalls the resolution of the European Court, issued on 25 October 2018, stipulating that “Defaming Prophet Muhammad is not covered by freedom of expression.” It, therefore, reaffirms its astute rejection of the association of terrorism with Islam or any other religion. The Organization also underlines that ridicule of Muslim sanctities is not freedom of expression but rather a premeditated insult that jeopardizes efforts of countries and international organizations to promote dialogue and world peace. ICESCO strongly calls for cutting with this atrocious behavior.

    The real crisis the world faces today is that of the pandemic that has infected millions of peoples across the globe and shaken countries’ health infrastructures. This crisis calls for pooling efforts in the spirit of cooperation, solidarity, and human fraternity to fight the virus and help those in need. The major monotheistic religions were, and still are, at the frontlines of the battle against the scourges threatening human dignity and mental health, in a quest to promote the spiritual equilibrium of millions of people across the globe.

    ICESCO Conducts Screening Test for Staff and Promotes Preventive Measures

    TTo ensure the safety of ICESCO’s staff, Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), has given his instructions to conduct COVID-19 screening tests for the staff members and disinfect the entirety of the headquarters after an expert tested positive for the virus.

    Dr. AlMalik also canceled all the scheduled internal and external activities and meetings as an extra preventive measure. He also called for holding virtual meetings to ensure the smooth and efficient progress of the Organization’s operations. The DG requested that employees who entered in contact with the infected person quarantine themselves until the necessary tests are conducted.

    Dr. AlMalik stressed ICESCO’s further precautions. The Organization implemented strict measures since the outbreak of the pandemic following the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Moroccan health authorities.

    ICESCO Digital Home Reviewed at the Hamdan Global Forum for Excellence

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) took part in the Hamdan Global Forum for Excellence that the Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum Foundation for Distinguished Academic Performance held in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

    The Foundation held the videoconference from 18 October to 22 October 2020, to bring together the representatives of several international organizations and hosts of educational experts and specialists.

    Dr. Ahmed Said Bah, Advisor to the Director-General (DG) for Partnerships and International Cooperation, represented ICESCO at the meeting. He presented the role of the partnership between ICESCO and the Hamdan Foundation in promoting the education sector.

    The presentation touched on ICESCO’s major initiatives during the COVID-19 pandemic in the fields of education, science, and culture. “ICESCO Digital Home” is among its notable initiative, which provides a variety of prompt measures for field support. The platform also combines comprehensive digital resources, including educational guides for all levels, software on educational, scientific, and technological contents for children and adults.

    “ICESCO Digital Home is a field tool with a direct impact on the poor in the Member States. The platform also provides flexible communication tools, modern technologies, and comprehensive digital contents on ICESCO’s fields of action,” added Dr. Said.

    The Organization’s participation at this forum is part of its cooperation with the Hamdan Foundation. The goal is to establish the “Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum Fund for supporting ICESCO” and the “Hamdan-ICESCO Prize for Voluntary Development of Education Facilities in the Islamic World Countries.” The initiatives are part of the entities’ strategic partnership agreement.

    UNESCO GEM 2020: ICESCO Calls for Rethinking Education Systems

    The Director-General (DG) of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), Dr. Salim M. AlMalik, called for rethinking the existing education systems. He also called for developing an emergency plan to face the impact of COVID-19 on education and future crises as the world experienced an unprecedented situation that revealed the weakness of its education systems.

    The statement came at the DG’s address at the high-level segment of the Global Education Meeting 2020 (GEM 2020) on Education post-COVID-19. UNESCO held on Thursday the videoconference to bring together several renowned world figures, heads of government, educational experts, and interested individuals in humanitarian work.

    In his address, Dr. AlMalik reaffirmed that ICESCO’s priorities include meeting the basic needs of countries. The DG listed financing education and using Information and communications technology and Artificial Intelligence to connect citizens with knowledge. He also highlighted improved health services, namely those of psychological health issues, food, hygiene, sanitation services, and the reintegration of and non-discrimination against the neediest persons.

    The DG underlined that the Organization boosted its humanitarian and social aid through the establishment of the “Comprehensive Humanitarian Coalition.” ICESCO will soon launch a guidebook on psychological health and psycho-social guidelines for families, communities, and active educational stakeholders continued Dr. AlMalik. He then pointed out that ICESCO will proclaim 2021 a “Year of Women” and invited all international organizations to join this initiative.
    “A bird can’t fly on one wing. If girls, women, boys, men, the disadvantaged, and minorities receive the same right to education, our global societies will achieve peaceful economic progress…let us fly together for one world and one humanity!” concluded Dr. AlMalik.

    ICESCO Takes Part in Academic Webinar on Recruiting Children in Conflict Zones

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) took part in an academic webinar on “Recruiting Children in Conflict Zones.” The two-day webinar was organized by Naif Arab University for Security Sciences (NAUSS) in Saudi Arabia, in cooperation with the Red Cross International Committee. The videoconference started on Wednesday and gathered representatives of specialized Arab and international organizations as well as several researchers in the protection of children’s rights during armed conflicts.

    The Department of Legal Affairs represented ICESCO in the Webinar, which addressed the issue of child recruitment. The Webinar also investigated the importance of promoting legal procedures to protect and rehabilitate children. It also highlighted the role of international organizations and their respective achievements in countering child recruitment.

    Mr. Mohamed Hedi Sehili, Director of the Department of Legal Affairs presented an academic paper on “Frameworks and Mechanisms for Ensuring International Protection to Recruited Children in Conflict Zones.” He underlined the need to develop international legislations on protecting children during armed conflicts. Mr. Sehili also suggested fine-tuning national legislations to become compatible with international law by considering the digital aspect.

    The ICESCO official also stressed the need to activate monitoring and deterrence mechanisms to ensure the effectiveness of the international legal frameworks. He noted that ICESCO renders great interest in protecting children in war zones as part of its vision to promote the culture of peace, security, and dialogue.